The Nosferatu leered at Kincaid across the table. she had been one of the Kindred for well over a century, “Three of a kind,” he said in a thick Austrian accent, Moyo still treated her like a neonate, even telling her carefully placing his cards on the table. what dress to wear for the evening. “Pardon my boldness, elder Moyo…” she watched the back of his head for the Kincaid snorted in disgust and casually tossed her nod before she continued. “… but does it seem wise to cards face-up next to his; her two pairs weren’t worthy walk openly like this? While I do not doubt your power, of mention. As her opponent cackled and raked in the pot, it was only a few years ago that the President of this she looked at her diminishing pile of chips and stood up, country freed the… uh…” unconsciously straightening the lapels of her charcoal suitcoat. “Time for an intermission, Tobias,” she said Moyo spun, a broad smile on his ebony face as he in carefully controlled American tones. “My childe gets walked backwards in the filthy street. “The words you are restless if I don’t walk him every few hours.” looking for are ‘African slaves,’ Kincaid. And as I am not and have never been a slave, there should be little issue “I don’t think so, Crone,” her opponent said, reaching with me taking in the evening air to meet an old friend across the table to grab her hand. “I’m just getting for a quiet game of cards.” He spun around again, facing warmed up.” Tobias’ bodyguard carefully moved a hand forward. “Why do I play cards, Kincaid?” to the butt of the gun sitting on her hip. “I can only assume it’s a shell, something to hide a “And I’m calling for a break,” Kincaid said calmly, deeper meaning. Despite the rumors that swirl around jerking her hand from his grip and snatching her matching you, sire, such frivolous pastimes must be beneath you charcoal cane from where it was leaning against the and the work you do for the Circle.” polished mahogany table. “You’ll be able to claim the rest of my money for the Invictus of Vienna when I return.” His laugh was rich and full. “Some would say that She walked away without waiting for a response. frivolity is all I have these nights. Perhaps all I seek is a thrill in order to feel something again.” He pointed to Her newest childe, Nicholas — she refused to call him one of the run-down buildings. “Here we are. Now be “Nick” — followed immediately behind. Although he quiet and watch what happens.” had fire-engine red hair and a matching tie, his bursts of color looked muted next to the perfectly monochrome Inside looked nothing like the outside; luxurious elder Daeva. His social habits were much like his attire: wallpaper and plush seats surrounded them, and several unremarkable, except when punctuated by bursts of of the paintings hanging within were probably worth garishness. “Elder Kincaid, aren’t you worried about more than the building itself. She was introduced to losing to that… creature?” Simon Kelly, an Invictus Ventrue of some apparent clout in the New York domain. He offered only a bare She stopped suddenly, forcing Nicholas to stop as well minimum of conversation, as Moyo asked Simon his before he plowed into her back. “His name is Tobias. And thoughts on the growing Tammany Hall situation. After have you ever stopped to wonder why elders play games, a few minutes of polite evasions, the Ventrue motioned childe?” she asked over her shoulder. to one of his servants, who started setting the table for The shrug was obvious in his voice. “I dunno. I always a game of cards. assumed elders got bored or something.” “I admit I was surprised to hear that you wanted to Kincaid spun on her heel, and poked the cane into his play poker instead of our regular game of chess, Moyo. chest. “Then you are a bigger fool than I anticipated. Has your time amongst us Yankees dulled the refinement Think carefully. You know I have plenty of money, as of your palette?” does my opponent. Gaining or losing even thousands Moyo laughed again. “Hardly, Simon. I just get so of Euros means little to either of us, although we both bored these nights, and anything to add some variety is pretend that it does. Why else would we play this game?” welcome. I only purchased a copy of Hoyle’s last night, He tried to push the cane away, but gave up when he so go easy on me. I’m still learning.” discovered it wouldn’t budge. “No idea, elder Kincaid. The Ventrue nodded graciously, but Kincaid Besides, no offense, but when you told me we were going immediately spotted the lie. Moyo had been playing to be playing against some high muckety-muck Invictus poker with a wide variety of mortals over the past in Vienna, I figured you’d be playing chess or Go or several months, and had lost a considerable amount of something classy like that. Not poker.” money in the process. Between her and her sire, they She removed the cane from his chest. Nicholas quickly had a considerable amount of carefully-secured wealth, straightened his jacket — an unconscious mockery of his but she had to admit that Moyo was clearly not a good sire’s habits — as she turned and started walking again. card player. If there was some goal beyond frivolity, she “Let me tell you of a particular poker game, then, and couldn’t see it. see if you can’t glean something from that.” She carefully opened her bag, setting several stacks New York City, 1870. of bills onto the table. When she finished putting up her Samplesire’s stake she closed the bagfile again, repressing a desire Kincaid walked two steps behind her sire, trying to to caress the wooden stake hidden at the bottom. keep her long black dress from dragging through the mud and manure clumped on the cobblestones. Although • • • Table Stakes 3 “What?” Nicholas’ surprised outburst interrupted The Ventrue’s hands shook as he dealt the cards. When Kincaid’s story. “You came to stake a Ventrue?” it was over, Moyo held a flush, while Simon merely had three of a kind. He looked shocked as the Daeva leaned “I did no such thing, childe. It was my sire’s wish that over to push the pile of chips into his bag. I bring the stake, and I obeyed. I hope the subtext of that statement isn’t lost on you.” “It seems my bad run has ended, old friend.” “No, of course not, elder Kincaid,” he said, momentarily Simon grabbed Moyo’s wrist, hard. “You cheated. You abashed. “But I think I know the rest of the story. Your must have.” sire sharked him, right?” Moyo looked directly into Simon’s eyes. “Do you know “Essentially, yes, although neither I nor my sire’s what the best part of losing is?” He slapped Simon’s grip opponent could have known that at the time. You see, I from his wrist. “No, I don’t suppose a Ventrue would. If I was under the naïve understanding that in order to beat come to the table expecting to lose, I can focus on what’s your opponent, you had to win the game.” really going on. Like the fact that you’ve been cheating most of the night.” “But you do. That’s how games work. You have to win in order to… well, win.” Simon stood up. “How dare you—“ “If the individual hands of poker were the objective, “And oh, how your eyes glittered when I put that perhaps. But that was never the goal.” stake down,” Moyo continued, cutting off the Ventrue’s protestations. “You thought you had your chance. Here was Nicholas snapped his fingers. “Ah, right. Your sire….” another elder, ready for your diabolical thirst, practically Kincaid gave a slight cough. “Grandsire Moyo, you offering this throat to you. How could you refuse? All you mean.” needed to do was win a single hand of cards.” “Grandsire Moyo was losing because he wanted to get The Ventrue sat back down. His hands were shaking as each player’s tells. He wasn’t playing the cards — he was Moyo spoke relentlessly. “I spent months being fleeced playing the other players.” by mortal criminals. How better to learn how to cheat She rapped her cane on the floor. “Again, your yourself than to be cheated? That’s on top of all the time I perspective is too limited. But let me continue my story. spent spreading rumors of my own debauchery and ennui, If you are able to remain silent for that long, of course.” seeking the latest thrill. All to get me here.” Her childe lowered his head, and she continued. Simon moved his hands off the table and stared down at them. “Why? Why do all this?” • • • The Daeva smirked. “I owe your Prince a favor. I don’t Hand after hand was lost as the evening grew darker. like the woman, but she’s a member of the covenant, and Simon was not a stupid Kindred, but he was avaricious, she’s done some services for me in the past. And it turns and swiftly fell for Moyo’s ploy. Then, as the first rays of out, she’s not happy with your mortal political ambitions, dawn threatened, Simon raked in the last of Moyo’s chips.
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