Deai^ ppBaldric's cure refuses to forget, ask thc Long As^KWatureMe studeW'at i^jw ^[s headache, Tan vets if they still see _ _ reading, llv^falj to value people they killed twenty only glancfe>at youR^aga-^i ^% in^alljs formsVrom years ago. Their answerwill zineovercolfeein Ihe/iejfec. dbh cept ioh to grave then we sober you. "Like he is However,-as a cprrtmltted - -cease to be tr(iiy human. standing thereas real as you" Calholid/I'musl.take issue'/ Certainly someispectes of said a sergeant I know well. with tlie.article;'by T.H.; animal destrpy'their young Abortion is killing a human McPhersdivaboultherecerit" when Ihey arc ill or \vhen being just as surely as an march to decriminalise food is exceptionally scarce, SLR round killed Vielcong, abortion. Haying damned but only humans do It for and, your conscience will myself already by my ad­ the sake,of continuing a remember that even though mission of Christlati belief, comfortable lifestyle. the abortionists chant with I'll go airtheway andtell Women who give in to the megaphones "1 2 3 4 we you that, Yes I am white,' : arguments of "pro-choice'' don't want your fascist law" male, straight and (shock (murderers) are being ripped and "Women's right to horror) a soldier. Tliis isgiven off twfce, once when.they choose" in your ear. merely so that when the are told to sk^ip around as Dear Editors, h 0 rdes of "prorchoice" peo: much as possible and that You printed McPherson's pie wish to hang. i]t>e they . no one man can satisfy all emotive and unsupported will at least be able to njake ihcir needs, and twice when, claims, please also print charges of bias stick.'. Ihey ^are, helped;to kill,an m ine, or is freedom to dissent Anyway, while fespecting'; innocent bystander who from leftist humanist femi­ McPherson's rigHt to aiiyv mustbe the ulllnfiale caseof opinion they like> twish to - nism not permitted in a de­ Clfi the wr6rgsplace%;the mocracy. point out a rather gla'rim wrbr^ time, the womb; • ?:)i Meehan. en-or in Ihe logic usedfto ^J^ls has^bepbme lengthy,, support the argurfient. ^and I craye'the i^ulgencef:: McPherson says "y^'Kuman . W the rwder for ()|fva fewi^ being has the righf\toiM5e •^frfereJ]nesi;fif|itf-|3ers^^ their mind to controltlieirJ; ^ thats%)stics prove that mwl bodies in whatever way they) ' abusgd/childxCT'are jjn;-' choose... Provided theydd!,y wat^reci ajjcf^planried not interfere with another Rregnanci&Tl say wh'al sta- human being's right to^tlie^ tisUCs, from-;>where>'who bear Eds, same freedoms lo control" ;compil^^them? Dbnftdare"- v.ln i^epiyto Mr Meehan's theirbodies and the heavens tb: suppott/fTiurder^A^th an , 'letter. Vj themselves are the limit." 'Vtifouiidjed load of crap llkej' > Mr^teehan, I notice you do Pro-choice (read anti-fetus) that,<y6u are ^at University not take offence al my advocates make this into the,^ not Writing for^Glep. V'\ statement that women are key point of their argument; In conclusion, McPhfersoii' not human beings. Please That poor womankind is so swipes Goss ias failirigjto • be'patient with me, Mr horriijly exploited by those honour an election promise, Meehan. It's hard to follow bastards with penises that again wake up kiddies, we your logic; I'monlyawoman abortion is a necessary tool have all seen enough of after all, and of course you're for the modern woman to politicians of all.types by the break out of such male-in- time v« get to,Uni, th'ata right, I can'tpossibly under­ venled notions as her body renegbd protnise should stand what I'ni doing with doing what it is designed to surprise none of us. Person­ my body. I get angry and do, conceive and bear chil­ ally I applaud Coss for re­ petulant -1 can't help It - dren. Wake up and smell sisting the rantings of the I'm pte-menstrual, you see the coffee ladies. If you want pro-abprtionists (that is the -but I'm sure glad that there to control your bodies then "choice? they .want). are men Hkeyou'lo tell me tell your partner to use McPherson also has a thinly what's the right thing to do contraceptions, or, only veiled dig at the march with my pregnancy. But, havesexwilhthemanwhose commemorating the battle excuse me Mr Meehan, i children you intend to have. of Long Tan. Here I become happen to think I'm pro life. The fetus (note only seals angry. No doubl pro-abor­ Pro a woman's life, that is. and cute furry things have tionists would be in the You see, when you were BABIES) has an independ­ forefront of any anti-war chanting slogans and writ­ ent heartbeat by the fourth demonstration, while taking ing letters for the unborn, I monlh of pregnancy, it also bookings fordecriminalised was crying for Anita Cobby has ten fingers, ten toes, two tax-payer funded murder. A and Sian Kingi and many eyes, ears, arms and legs. It trifle inconsistent maybe? others. But I bet that wher­ shies away from loud noises Tiiose men are not glorifying ever they are, the/re sure or violent blows and IT war, they are marching to glad lo know that you BLEEDS RED AND DIES say "Hey Australia, we gave would've saved them iflhey JUST LIKE YOU WHEN up two years of our youth, were slill in the womb. SOMEONE CUTS IT TO some gave up limbs, some T.M. McPherson. PIECES WITH A SCALPEL. gave up life, because YOU asked us to. May we come Yes, there goes anolher home and be welcome". I Christian man being over am proud of those men and emotive about abortion. women who served my LETTERS Considerthis, what if twenty- country before I was bom odd years ago your mother and I say welcome back. had "exercised her right to Fina I ly, most readers of this Dear Editors, choose" and "terminated" will not have children but it I refer to T.H. McPherson's is my gtieat hope that none your pregnancy? contribution (Semper Issue will be so deludedasto think Christianity, folks is the 7, Sept) regarding the thai they can kill another religion that leaches do unto decriminalisation of abor­ human being and not be others as you would have tion. T.H. McPherson pro­ bothered by their con­ them do unto you, the reli­ vides us with the United science later. A growing gion that teaches that all Nations definition of a hu­ (alarmingly I might add) field people are uniquely gifted man being. "Ahuman being of counselling for psychia­ by the loving creator, not has freedom of speech, try is the unreported (by pro- mere random chance off­ freedom of movement, abortionists anyway) shoots of monkeys. As for freedom of religion etc. A the tired old claim by number of women in their human being has the right to McPherson that, "Howdare forties who had abortions in use their minds lo control we concern ourselves with theirtwenties. Murderisone theirbodies inwhaleverway the unbom when we can't of those awkward things tha t they choose ... provided even guarantee the right to your conscience simply they do not interfere with live of those already here*.. another humanbeing'sright lo the same freedoms lo support Fred Nile nor all practice. its endeavours by Austral­ tempt to elicit humour control their bodies." They Queenslanders love joh. Readers of Semper would ian warships, spy bases etc. (which quitefrankly was less areyour words, McPherson. This I believe is the heart of do well to read the article in Ihal are responsible for than puerile) the absolute Would you then make it theproblem, stereo typeswill the Guardian Weekly, Au­ "holding back" the move­ sexist and derogatory 'Per­ legal to deny a fellow human inevitably lead you to make gust 11, lo see how easily ments for progress in the sonal Column' left me dis­ being Ihe opportunity to broad sweeping conclu­ Western "concern" about, Middle East, Latin America gusted. These people (I be­ even draw breath? The sions, ranging from tbe na­ in this case, clitoridectomy, and South Africa and else­ lieve some are women) are abortion issue boils down to ture of Arab sexuality to canfeed racist ideasdireded where. so basically sexist that they one, and oneone, question. whether "real love and af­ at minority groups. AMalian The barbarity of particular can't even see the blatant When does human life be­ fection" can exist in Islamic woman has been jailed in marriage customs and reli­ characterisation of men and gin? marriages. The conclusion France for five years for ex­ gious practices pales into women emanating from Ihal If life begins at conception was the most disturbing cising young girls. The re­ insignificance beside the column. All the men are then abortion is clearly Ihe sentence in the lext, to sum sponse of the "Group for carpel bombingof Baghdad characterised ashavifig non- Address letters to Serr^t taking of another human life up by defining Arab (or do Action Against Sexual Muti­ and the inhuman existence negative traits such as 'good and can not be condoned. If you mean Islamic) society lation", a largely African Paleslinean women in the looking' or 'seek discreet life does.not begin at con­ as culturally and scientifi­ womens' group protesting territories occupied by Israel. affair' while the women are ception, thenw^en?Atwhal cally backwards, can only against the jailing, is re­ II is the Christian West that portrayed as 'sex crazed' or stage of the nine month lead to misunderstanding ported in (he article as, "we is responsible for that just as 'ugly'.
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