lfreenormous sucess as independentas the BMW Boxer. ofthe Kl00 has nruYed The BMW compact drive system - that meansa highly compact,length- tfrc br nrny riihrs, through pure innovation. wise-mountedo water-cooled, four- cylinderin-line engine which is sofehigh_-perf,olmon@ The K 100gave the highestmotor- extremelyeasyto service.An engine ole morc cycle categorywhat demanding which not only providesthe most /cles riders have always looked for: dynamicof riderswith the perform- nilthan engine reasonableand, more particularly, anceand torque they demand,but controllable h igh performance. which can also work in completehar- ourpur As fascinating as high performances mony with this style of riding thanks wereon the one hand,they also gave to its light weight and low centre :"t rise to concern,since this category of gravity.The logicaldireet drive to of machinecan normallyonly fully the universalshaft eliminatesthe loss exploit its primaryfeature - maximum of power which otheruviseoccurs powerwith top enginespeed and due to the double reversalof the drive. hecticgear changing - on closed Anyonewho knows how to evaluate motorcycle racetracks. A dubious motorcycle "pleasure", engineswill immediately and normallyonly possi- recognizethat the BMW K engine ble by increasingthe risk of problems unit is speciallydesigned to meetthe in handlingand controllability. demandsof a powerful motorcycle. The disadvantagesof this develop- From now on, this unique,advanced ment are particularlynoticeable in technologyis also availablein the those areaswhere motorcycling is at 750class. After extensive studies and its most fascinating- on winding tests, we have now transferred this roads,uphill and down.The advan- trend-settingconcept to the 3-cylinder tages now offered by BMWare based in-lineengines of the new K75. on the trend-settingBMW compact - drive system.An engineunit which New:BMW K75 high-pe.rlormange producesits optimumoutput evenat low enginespeeds, which allows sporty motorcycling to be enjoyed By transferringthe frame,suspension without problems. and enginetechnology of the K 100to the new K75, BMWis now promoting progressin the motorcycleTS0class. And is now offering an excellent alternativeto allthose riders who previouslyshunned machines from this class due to their one-sidedout- put extremes.Their all-roundquali- ties - noticeableimmediately both in accelerationand cornering,on fast straightroads and comfortable touring - are developedby the K 75 withoutlosing anything in handling, controllability,load allowanceor reliability.Maximum performance and enormouspulling power are their strengths. Versatility is their greatest feature. mum solution. Forthose riderswho demandthe optimum,progressive technology but still placegreat importanceon sporting but easily controlled dynamics,the K 100series of motor- cyclesfrom BMWoffers them their ideal.The motorcyclesin this series demonstratea perfect balanceof high performanceand safety not always availablein this class.Their output curve with high powereven at low enginespeeds, high elasticityright up to the top speedand exceptionally safe handlingeven at high speeds are first class in every respect. In some cases,this brochuremay who wants to nence show equipmentdetails or metallic com n paintworkavailable only as options at extra charge. 2 K 100 RS with special equapment: special paintwork r J -rl ; ili ,,... .'i t K100 RS with special equipment: luggage rack K'100RTwith special equipment: luggage rack In the super class of large motor- Whateverthe type of rider or his Whmisrlrcuolueof cycles, BMW has proved with its personal expectationsnhe will find in oneofftcgrctrsf K 100models how far motorcycle the first few kilometres that the trend- developmentcan progress with a setting design hdrmony of these sucessesin molor- trend-setting technical concept. machines demonstratesa balanceso The list of successes is impressive far unavailablein this class. lf you proof of this progress: through ever wish, the K75 can be a sporting greater sales successesand number machinewith exceptional accelera- one spots in tests and readerpolls in tion and curve handlingqualities. But the motorcyclingmagazines in many without any compromise in comfort countries. and safety so often criticised in other motorcycles. This progress can now be vours one On the other hand, it offers optimum l[75S. step earlier. touring qualitiesfor riders placing BMWK75 C. K75 S - particularemphasis on this type of with K-Seriesteghnolsgy and travel: whether for long journeysor ive short trips - aloneor with pillion alternativeto increaslng passenger.The design of the K75 and class. its drive characteristics are first class in every respect. What is nowadaysnormally offered The ride characteristics have been as progress in motorcycles is charac- optimised by the special layout rif the terised by excessiveemphasis being frame: both for heavy and light loads, placed on extremesporting features whether fitted with panniers or with- such as are requiredonly on closed out, for low or high speeds.All this is motorcycle racetracks.The result is the basis for our versatiledesign that these motorcyclesthen have concept. shortcomings yhere qu ite different qualitiesare required-on normal Thanks to its roads,and particularlywhere motor- cycl i ng holds its greatestfasci nation - on winding roadsand tight bends. With the new K75, BMWis taking the Our engineknow-how has now been alternativeroute to logical progress. increasedto BMW standards. Motorcyclingholds so much Throughthe BMWmotor technology, faSqination:The new K 75 allows you the 3-cylinderengine offers a t smoothness of running bettered not even by 4-cylinderengines. The K 75 enginecombines revolutionary K 100 technologywith ultramodern 3-cylindermechanical engineering. Countenueightsand opposed shafts preventbuild-up of inertiamoments and ensuresmooth, low-vibration running.Thesmooth engine running is also ensuredby computer controlled,exact 120degree ignition and electronicfuel iniectionwith decelerationfuel control.This in turn ensureslow fuel consumption,less pollutionfrom exhaustgases and reduced noise levels. 6 K75 C with touring equipment and special paintwork at exlra cosl Where pace-settingmotorcycle Both K-Serieshave the worldwide llre fulure of molor- safety is concerned,power is a means patented,outstanding BMW compact to an end and not an end in itself. For drive system.The compact drive cy_rlingtechnologyis this reason,BMW is now also offering system-the innovativedrive unit uihercBttU olrcorlyis: the next generationof motorcycle technology from one of the most enginesin the K series:high-torque capableengine manufacturers in the ln high-torquecngines. engines. world - BMW.This system not only They are characterisedby a sensible, makes a major contribution to the usefuloutput combinedwith a torque compactnessof the engine units and superiorityin the enginespeed to weight savings in this class, it also rangesyielding maximum motor- allows a comparatively low centre of cycling enjoyment.On country roads, gravitywhich lies on the theoretical for examplenwhere sporty riding line decisivefor handlingand ride coversthe middlegears and engine comfort which combinesthe steering speed rangesovertaking is thus made axis and the rear wheel forks (1). easier and safer. Acceleratingout of curves becomes Compactdrive - sheer pleasure. a power flow determined bv logic. You will immediatelyrecognize these important advantagesof the K-Series The power is transmitted directly to engineif you compareits torque the universalshaft without the usual curve with that of enginesdesigned loss of power (2).The power is trans- for peak output at extremeengine mitted directly from the crankshaft to speeds. the drive shaftvia a low-noiseprimary Even at very low engine speeds,the gearing.The reversedirection of K modelsachieve torques which rotationntogether with the rotation of others often only achieveat engine generator,clutch and universal shaft speeds a few thousand revs higher. fully compensatesforthe reverse That is the basibfor BMW'sriding torque of the engine(3).The power is supremacy,for superiority insteadot transmitted practically,comfortably hectic gear changing and excessive and directly to the rear wheel. noise. who wants to ride aheadof crowd must haveone ma A superiordrive concept- BMW compact drive system. 10 -t H I J -s e :-I I with it the future safety of the K oduaned models. At the sametime, BMWhas avoided forthe complicatingthe technologyin any way. Electronics are only used where of the they help to satisfy the requirements futrrrc: For many years, BMW has been a outlined above, where they increase pioneerin electroniccar engine riding safety or assist the rider: for BtWelecfronics- bontrolsystems and has now deve' example,thetaillight control in the l(model. loped ultramodernvehicle technology cockpit or electronictime and travel- ineueryBilIU elbctronics which are suitable for dependentind icator cancelling. lonition and iniectionwere never more effectivelv combined in a w K-Series. impressive:the smooth running, power developmentntorque curve and The control unit for electronic fuel hot leastthe consumPtion.And the injection with the decelerationfuel long test period and extensive controlsystem (LE Jetronic) is expbriencein field work with BMW located under the seat where it is not automobilesare your guaranteefor high reliabilityand durabilitY' BMWelectronics: An important function of intake air temperature, coolant temperature,the quantity of intake air (2l,current
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