I0H10UTH CO. HlSlWtfCAU ASSS., This Week COVERING or IIAOISON One Section HAKLBOtO. MATAWAN AND 16 PAGES KATAWAN BOKOUOH Mimbar 91.1 YEAR — 4Ut YEAR MlUoml Editorial MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 7,1960 Maw Jenay Prtu AaaooUtlos) Single Copy Ten Cents Abandon Appeal Of Discuss Revaluation Of Matawan Township State Order On Borough; Lack Separation Ruling Time To Build Trunk Sewer Tie Mayor Ralph R. Duals, MaU- Keaa Uteratt la aad Morgan tnatmeal plants The Committee for Better Borough Schools, which led wan Borough, disclosed Tuesday "Shortly after the formation of Derated by Sayrevllle, and thence : an unsviccestful fight to separate the consolidated Matawan the borough could not use a tie-in h I s committee, Interested Indi- oaslbly picking up Ihcsewagt of Township School District,'yeeterday abandoned plans to ap- the Middlesex County Trunk duals and officials of Spotswood, South Amboy, il thai municipality peal • State Board of Review decision refusing to permit an Sewer as a way out of ita dif- indicated a keen interest In the pus- would be interested In the advia- •lection on the issue. ficulties because of the time ele- ilbttlty of our extending our trunk ibillly of such a proposal. In addition, the committee went ment. The mayor noted that tho •yatem to some point that would Bwough Asked Te Be Included Awarded Contract borough now is under an order of permit connections for Spolswoud, "Shortly utter this scheme, which an record supporting corrective the State Department of Health to part of East Brunswick Township Matawan Motors, Matawan, was JU can sea was Juat preliminary legislation under preparation by do something directly about cor- id possibly a portion of Monrqo linking, was evolved, Interested fcionmouth County Assemblyman awarded a contract bv the. State recting alleged malfunctioning of ownshlp. Also, It was su|tne.»'uil Highway Authority for 11 new ve- ndlvldusla In Matawan Borough In- CUfton T. Barkalow which would the existing disposal plant. Beat it Helmetta eventually might I)- lulred at to the possibility of some hicles at a total cost of $11,337. Six iterested snd that Janietbuig permit consolidated • achool dis- estimates of engineers for the Mid- net hod being devised to Indud' other vehicle) will be purchased light desire to consider tying In dlesex County Sewerage Authority hat Durouyh Into our syulrin. tricts to regionalize and ihare op- from three vendors for $11,000. place the time at four years for i such an extension. It was lui- I'IICO this was discussed a SIII) erational costs on a per pupil bash, Cars to be replaced by these will an extension to be run from the ler staled, by Interested inn, jstlon wai offered thai Keypoil Donald T. Day, committee be advertised for sale to the high- South River interceptor line across lduals. thai Forsijale Farms had est bidders. Sayrevllle and Madison Township n Industrial park* development un iced with expenditure required to spokesman, laid "we itOl fed the tho rec|ulreiiii'iits of Ihe Si.tlo borough would be better off oper- o Matawan and the bayshore. der consideration and al»o nii|;ht be Interested. oard of Health aUn might be in ating it> own school system but the The mayor also noted the Mid- >r«sled. "Since the plans ol the Authortl/ three-mu board of review hat Township Awards dlesex County Sewtrage Authority "Our inglncwr tlu'idore has lirrn fere Indofinlte as to pusslblllllrs made it Impossible to separate with- would have lo set I "oslllng" on I lulled In exploiv Ihe many fa ' ind methods of extundinu tho «)* out a lengthy legal battle." the obligation for Us service Ihul i> <if ruich a |>M>uriiiii and lh<> Garbage Contract the Matawan Township Committee the price to the Individual user II was loll that a flnl »t>-|> Delay In Bulldlag Program Tuesday discussed a revaluation program for the (left to.right;: Mayor asllulity nf building, a line frmi Introduce Bill For community with a representative of the J. M. Clemln- I. Waters, Canute could not rise to "150 per year " ihould be Ihr employment ol t lutawun lltuoujill Ihluuuh Mali He added that litigation, If car- thaw Co., Cleveland appraisers. The same firm last director tar the Cleminsha Mayor Dennis acknowledged thai :ompeient engineer 10 timke a un township, iklrlinu Koypwi ried to tta conclusion.'might cause Street Opening Fees moat* was awarded John Mara |r. he and members of the borough horouuh study of all po»iiWliin-« irtiuyh llii< aluirn areas ol Mmli "too much delay In our needed council had Inspects the chlon ind of recant and polunllal growth on Township and Iho Uuiuuuli ul Disposal Associates, Inc., South if the areas and of ways ami 1 school building program. We, nation and discharge plant of tho ayrovllle, and ayuiu skirling, Soul ' Orange, Monday night was award- Egg Hunt Camelled trunk sewer at Sayrevllle water leans of extending the syitum therefore, will aupport the Bark* Advance Date Of unhoY anil thence lo our Omul ed a year's municipal garbage col- New Moratorium from and were impressed by Ihe "Ono of the areas considered In roalim-nl I'Unl low compromise and work for Ita The Matawan Democratic Club lection contract by the Matawan regretfully announces the can- belter sanitary results In the hindl jur Initial thinking was tin earllej) adoption." Ing of sewage that the Authority lblllly of a line thai would pick "To lilako possible llm rounder Township Committee on a bid -of On Construction cellation of the Easter Egg Huat Rabies Clinic lite amount of pituliireiinu utility Mr. Day noted "our committee planned for the children of Mat- Jbtalna over that which II la pos- p a portlun uf Madison Tounfthl worked hard for aeparatlon and we $1171.99 a month, the lowest of Planning Board Hit Dog Inoculations sible to obtain with a small mu now considering Iho buildlnn ol tal will bo rtit|tiued for lin"u< fun awaa Borough Saturday, Apr. If. lNsllilt* projects, we aro nintidn are aure the Introduction of thli three bids which were received. niclpal disposal unit. Bui ths mayor separate treatment plant In the This action was takes al a Moved Up Month ng application lo Iho 1'inlciiil regional plan waa the direct re- The present collection contract, For Executive Session icinity of tha bayshore, thence special meeting held last night. reiterated that Matswsn could not jovrrnmenl through Ihe Hume R sult of this aeparatlon move which held by Earl W. Emmons, Mata- Ickiny up an area In Sayrevllle. At the recommendation of t b e II was believed that criticism di- MaUwan Board of Health decided wait. He acknowledged that some lance Agency fur grants fur |ii ,'- clearly shows the inequities that wan, at a rate of $1280 a month ow served by the Klsllni Mol Planning Board, the MaUwan rected at the club In sponsoring Monday to advance the date of variance of opinion existed with Iminary planning Urstde this ly|,<< exist under our Joint achool ayt- is scheduled to expire Apr. 30. Township Committee Monday night the egg hunt was not Justified. the local board of health on thLa leiu. Other bidders Monday night In- he J annual dog inoculation clinic planning, we must review and voted to extend the present mora- The Matawan Democratic Club matter. ludy tho financial and l«|t>l meniii "We are aura that Mayor Ralph cluded Mr. Emmons at $1130 a ly one month. The State Depart torlum-Oirtanstructlon of all new always has been Interested la a Cast Fsar Unwarranted accomplishing Jho result do»lrcd R Dennis and » majority of the month and Joseph Roman Jr., Key- buildings wiuNttaexceptlon of neni of Health, supplying the anti- Marlboro Returns votera of Matawan Borough feel port, who offered s bid of $1400. juvenile program for the borough, In New Brunswick yesterday, there are mnny) anttlos lo sin it tingle family units by* private In- la the light of these happenings, rab|M clinic, Is agreeable to this. Chester A. Ly decker, chairman ol program thai naVd to be Irciipit the aame way that we do about The South Orange firm, recently dividuals another 30 days. the plan. By removing the major It was decided to leave Iheplan- A tentative date of May II waa set,tha Middlesex County Sewerage To Outside Rooms iut and s comprehensive plan awarded a contract in Keansbufg, nlng of future Juvenile activities Authority, said the mayor's fears nado . ' Inequities that now eidat, we will will use a sanitary landfill oil A W-day moratorium was order- depending on whether the Midway be able to work In closer harmony ed by tha committee early last la the hands ol the Municipal thai costs lo the Individual con- School Board Again Route 15 In Madison Township to Recreation Commission appoint- Host Co. Fir* House on Washing- sumer mlghl soar were unwarrant "You can s«o from the alnvo In providing a better achool eys- dispose of refuse. The contract also month after the planning board asked the committee to stay build- ed for thai specific purpose with ton Ave., used In the past years ed In thai tha greater the load lu Seeking Fire Houte that this work Is, In a viry lor tern that will benefit both our chil- calls for two cleanup days during mallvo and prn)tictive slags, su thai dren and our communities," Mr. Ing In the township until a new the sincere hope that thess bor- for the Inoculations, could be avail- come on the trunk sewur, tha less- the contract term, one hi May and ough officials will follow through er will be tha costs to each house- Marlboro Township Board ol It will be soma lime btfors any Day declared.
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