OPEN ACCESS The Journal of Threatened Taxa fs dedfcated to bufldfng evfdence for conservafon globally by publfshfng peer-revfewed arfcles onlfne every month at a reasonably rapfd rate at www.threatenedtaxa.org . All arfcles publfshed fn JoTT are regfstered under Creafve Commons Atrfbufon 4.0 Internafonal Lfcense unless otherwfse menfoned. JoTT allows unrestrfcted use of arfcles fn any medfum, reproducfon, and dfstrfbufon by provfdfng adequate credft to the authors and the source of publfcafon. Journal of Threatened Taxa Bufldfng evfdence for conservafon globally www.threatenedtaxa.org ISSN 0974-7907 (Onlfne) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Prfnt) Short Communfcatfon Ffrst records of Zfnaspa todara dfstorta de Nfcévflle, 1887 and Arhopala rama ramosa Evans, 1925 (Lycaenfdae: Theclfnae) butterflfes fn Bangladesh Tanfa Khan, Mohammad Quamruzzaman Babu, Mohammad Ashraf Ul Hasan, Tahsfnur Rahman Shfhan & Prosenjft Debbarma 26 August 2017 | Vol. 9| No. 8 | Pp. 10581–10584 10.11609/jot. 3132 .9. 8. 10581–10584 For Focus, Scope, Afms, Polfcfes and Gufdelfnes vfsft htp://threatenedtaxa.org/About_JoTT For Arfcle Submfssfon Gufdelfnes vfsft htp://threatenedtaxa.org/Submfssfon_Gufdelfnes For Polfcfes agafnst Scfenffc Mfsconduct vfsft htp://threatenedtaxa.org/JoTT_Polfcy_agafnst_Scfenffc_Mfsconduct For reprfnts contact <[email protected]> Publfsher/Host Partner Threatened Taxa Journal of Threatened Taxa | www.threatenedtaxa.org | 26 August 2017 | 9(8): 10581–10584 First records of Zinaspa todara distorta de Nicéville, 1887 and Arhopala rama ramosa Evans, 1925 (Lycaenidae: Theclinae) butterflies in Bangladesh ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) Short Communication Short Tania Khan 1, Mohammad Quamruzzaman Babu 2, Mohammad Ashraf Ul Hasan 3, ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) Tahsinur Rahman Shihan 4 & Prosenjit Debbarma 5 OPEN ACCESS 1 Founder, SOUL (Save Our Unprotected Life) Organization, Moulvi Bazar 3200, Bangladesh 2,5 Wildlife Conservation Team of Bangladesh (WCTBD), House - 25, Road- 18, Sector- 11, Uttara- 1230, Dhaka, Bangladesh 3 Department of Zoology, Jagannath University, 9–10, Chitaranjan Avenue, Dhaka, Bangladesh 4 Department of Zoology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh 4 Present address: Belgachi Railgate Para, Chuadanga 7200, Bangladesh 1 [email protected], 2 [email protected], 3 [email protected], 4 [email protected] (corresponding author), 5 [email protected] Abstract: Zinaspa todara distorta de Nicéville, 1887 and Arhopala Smetacek 2015; IFB 2016; Sondhi & Kunte 2016) and (iii) rama ramosa Evans, 1925 were recorded during the field survey from Z. todara karennia March 2016 to August 2016. A total of four individuals were recorded (Karen Hills to Dawnas in Myanmar, in the Adampur Forest and Satchari National Park of Sylhet Division Malaysia, Laos, Vietnam and Thailand) (Pinratana 1981; in northeastern Bangladesh. These are the first records of these Inayoshi 2016). subspecies from Bangladesh. The butterfly Arhopala rama is distributed in India Keywords: Adampur Forest, Arhopala rama ramosa, Satchari National (Jammu & Kashmir to Sikkim), Nepal, Pakistan and Park, Zinaspa todara distorta. Bhutan (Kehimkar 2008). It has also been reported from Myanmar, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam (Inoyashi 2016). The butterfly is represented by two subspecies; Zinaspa todara and Arhopala rama are two lycaenid (i) A. rama rama (Pakistan, India [Jammu & Kashmir butterflies found in the Indian subcontinent. Z. todara to Sikkim], Nepal, Bhutan) (Evans 1927; Evans 1957; is known from India (Western Ghats [Goa southwards], Varshney & Smetacek 2015) and (ii) A. rama ramosa Sikkim eastwards, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, (India [Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur], Myanmar, Nagaland), Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos Thailand, Laos and Vietnam) (Evans 1927; Singh 2015; and Vietnam (Kehimkar 2008; Gogoi 2012; Inayoshi Varshney & Smetacek 2015; Inoyashi 2016). 2016). The butterfly is represented by three subspecies; In the present paper, we report the presence of (i) Z. todara todara (Goa, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Zinaspa todara distorta (Silver Streaked Acacia Blue) and Karnataka and Kerala of India) (Mathew 1994; Varshney Arhopala rama ramosa (Dark Himalayan Oakblue) in & Smetacek 2015; IFB 2016), (ii) Z. todara distorta Bangladesh from Adampur Forest and Satchari National (Sikkim, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura of India) (Varshney & Park. DOI: http://doi.org/10.11609/jott.3132.9.8.10581-10584 | ZooBank: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:12818A23-810D-4C7A-AAEF-7923D9C6A6E6 Editor: Anonymity requetsed. Date of publication: 26 August 2017 (online & print) Manuscript details: Ms # 3132 | Received 11 November 2016 | Final received 29 July 2017 | Finally accepted 04 August 2017 Citation: Khan, T., M.Q. Babu, M.A. Hasan, T.R. Shihan & P. Debbarma (2017). First records of Zinaspa todara distorta de Nicéville, 1887 and Arhopala rama ramosa Evans, 1925 (Lycaenidae: Theclinae) butterflies in Bangladesh. Journal of Threatened Taxa 9(8): 10581–10584; http://doi.org/10.11609/jott.3279.9.8.10581-10584 Copyright: © Khan et al. 2017. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. JoTT allows unrestricted use of this article in any medium, reproduction and distribution by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publication. Funding: SOUL (Save Our Unprotected Life) Organizaton and Wildlife Conservaton Team of Bangladesh (WCTBD). Competing interests: The authors declare no competing interests. Acknowledgements: Authors are grateful to Mr. Peter Smetacek and Dr. George Michael van der Poorten for improvement of the manuscript 10581 Ffrst record of two new buterly taxa fn Bangladesh Khan e t al. Image 1. Yellow cfrcle showfng the spot of recorded specfes fn Satcharf Nafonal Park and Adampur forest, Sylhet Dfvfsfon, Bangladesh. Materfals and Methods Methods Study area: Adampur Forest: Thfs forest belongfng to Buterlfes were sampled by vfsual esfmafon and Rajkandf Reserve Forest (Image 1) fs sftuated fn Kamalganj surveys undertaken opportunfsfcally, employfng no Upazfla of Moulvfbazar Dfstrfct under the admfnfstrafve parfcular methods (Chowdhury 2014; Sfngh & Kftchfng dfvfsfon of Sylhet. It fs approxfmately 80km from 2014). The study was started fn May 2014 and confnued Srfmangal Town. The forest covers an area of 100km 2 unfl August 2016. Durfng the study perfod, we surveyed (approxfmately) and fs dfvfded fnto Adampur beat, the buterlfes of fve protected areas (Rajkandf Reserve Khurma beat and Kamarchara beat. The promfnent plant Forest, Lawachara Nafonal Park, Madhabkunda Eco specfes of the forest are Dfpterocarpus sp., Alangfum Park, Satcharf Nafonal Park and Rema-kalenga Wfldlffe agallocha , Artocarpus chaplasha , Anthocephalus Sanctuary) of Sylhet Dfvfsfon. As part of thfs survey chfnensfs , Tectona grandfs , Lagerstroemfa parvflora , Zfnaspa todara dfstorta and Arhopala rama ramosa were Ardfsfa solanacea , Hfbfscus macrophylus , Anfdes recorded fn the Adampur Forest of Rajkandf Reserve maghasembflla , Syzygfum grandfs , Ffcus relfgfosa , Forest and Satcharf Nafonal Park respecfvely. Specfes Ffcus benghalensfs , Ffcus glaberrfma , varfous specfes fdenffcafons were done followfng avaflable lfterature of Bambusa , Coccfnea cordffolfa , Eupatorfum odoratum (Evans 1927; Evans 1932; Wynter-Blyth 1957; Kehfmkar and Helfotropfum fndfcum, etc., (Muzafar et al. 2010). 2008). Specfmens were only photographed. Due to lack Satcharf Nafonal Park: It fs sftuated fn the of permfssfon specfmens were not preserved. northeastern part of Bangladesh fn Sylhet Dfvfsfon (Image 1). The park comprfses 2.43km 2 of forest carved out of Result and Dfscussfon the Raghunandan Hflls Reserve Forest fn the Satcharf Sflver Streaked Acacfa Blue Zfnaspa todara dfstorta Range, sftuated nearly 130km northeast of Dhaka. (Images 2–3): One fndfvfdual of Zfnaspa todara dfstorta Admfnfstrafvely, the park fs located fn Chunarughat was recorded fn Adampur Forest (24.26280278 N & Upazfla, an admfnfstrafve subdfstrfct of Habfganj 91.91277778 E) on 06 March 2016 at an elevafon of Dfstrfct. Indfa borders the park to the south and other 93m and another fndfvfdual was recorded on 27 August adjacent lands are under tea estates, rubber and agar 2016 at 12:00hr at Satcharf Nafonal Park (24.14528333 (Aquflarfa sp.) plantafons and paddy felds. The area N & 91.43944444 E) at an elevafon of 36.6m. Both was prevfously classffed as mfxed evergreen forest, but fndfvfduals were resfng on leaves at a hefght of 1.5m the large-scale conversfon of fndfgenous forest cover to from the ground. plantafons has resulted fn the reducfon fn area under Accordfng to Evans (1927) and Kehfmkar (2008) the natural forest and secondary forest (Choudhury et al. morphologfcal characterfsfcs of Zfnaspa todara are: 2004). Under sfde of fore wfng: Pale brown, glossed wfth wfne color. Wavy sflvery dfscal lfne present. Costal and 10582 Journal of Threatened Taxa | www.threatenedtaxa.org | 26 August 2017 | 9(8): 10581–10584 Ffrst record of two new buterly taxa fn Bangladesh Khan et al. © M.Q. Babu & P. Debbarma Image 2. Zfnaspa todara dfstorta recorded at Satcharf Nafonal Park. © M.Q. Babu & P. Debbarma Image 4. Arhopala rama ramosa was recorded at Adampur forest. Evans (1932). Kehfmkar (2008), however, reported the specfes to be common. Tytler (1915) also reported the specfes was common at low elevafons fn Manfpur. Dark Hfmalayan Oakblue Arhopala rama ramosa (Image 4): Two fndfvfduals of Arhopala rama ramosa were observed fn the Adampur Forest (24.26816389 N & 91.90555556 E) on 14 Aprfl 2016 at 14:30hr at an elevafon
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