INC EHHgHAUkriidMaidau.ilBrBg. 1 B «-If Si^m c n zip 9^ the CHppei S C ^ D« 1 1ti AimiKiUiKNji *y(Mf 'Nh^pikMi! But all the n » K ; ; : T I * 23 points. loci losing streak. The Rockets scored ■ n. 11^ ibkJa the King! " andtrytaigtosll|C ;c * ^ :u iA Sum ttt^ 1f0 the first II priirtsof the final period on Leonard, wh; ltdhMi|n»rlirMi«!> An|t^- - - and never trailed again, building were led*»'«»* Walter Davia seemnamven of his three yean ol ii; UrtnUi^ flMm W « ' f i a U ^ ' fUiW' idoAkWid f^tfitiito'deili'H alll^ the lead to MS-99 on Reid’s is-footer 188-paund crawl, 37 points in overthr uinrhile Mike with 3; 99 to play. » i d Ai^irky (liMieirsI Mit'^Mieii 'A'e iliid tfieW* III. W oi»A (h K W the center of the; Sanden came off tin Hapch to score Akeem Olajowon also scored 28 Ite i^Iai'r-iiihllra' ^Ippcni hiive to leaipiB 'irlio eM ran M 4a im lm ibM ended and had * six prints in the ef ovi period as prints and grabbed 18 rebounds far Trent -round •tori tliree rieoilnryOotmtlieinPMftHiw < ;!iHW|i «wilLafc*r*.^/ k | corner. » Phoenix kept its slin nsayoff hopes the Rockets, who dominated the and Bill lerein awl Pre hi i;vi i I I :i^/i/iiiiiea WOi'd^y: aW rro'i* b c P ^ i Leonard. nor{ alive. The Suns' fe’sth straight hoards against the smaller Blamrs. half comfie title ftrrtlM* meiClipfieri heMltlwIr i land' H.tC' Cttfeeh' added W V» from a Dtran five, cut the poet* ■v Jim Tiamoy ra cino«8toi«m livalla IM a'Clhlfl lUrtten' eli'n^Bd the llmjnV! victory moved the ce within 3»A KiM Vandeweghe topped Portland games of Denver in ferrrece for the JuIluB I ence abort, at Harold SpofiB v m off until imidMay tiiraiigli idle i ladTOiithge MtWiMliWt IM with 38 printa and Meve Johnson eighth and final W| a Prn Confer­ Madison d after exhauated. ! quanief iMondayi ittf^t.’l jltoireem iAhdBl^'Jilib^' aM f added 22. but only four in the second ence playoff berth. mm Tucker flgMa ’’He collapoeti If the raia ever le j:«k«ro aeonM in OMMeeu- iJiMimioii IlMd.lil iielnMeMfi, half. The Miefwett Divfa, f» champion in the s e c it i^ nothing left.’’ Pi chancea geem iliitii And the root waa m i. i f iiih'ihmhMi him w w Mavericks had Miorii Bve-gamc KInia 110, J m a 1 0 4 24 and Cl “ He itotfit the; Maachetter High p B U ' Ills' U,i givtnv the Laheifa a i ifonnerilMtcIn atai^ itolm Marl 1 winning streak snapiayl despite S3 Joe KMne. who averages seven Walker al confi- waa anppwcd to* be able to be i^ecteil ever' tile ClippeTe Mince Knicka w» flght flurriea of aboii! thig geagon. « v is d ^ | L ^ prints from Rolamiore rckmanand points a game, scored 22 to help 38 from Mark Aguir^ei Sacramento prevent Utah from 27 printirveral other guy keeps; With five lettermen Philadelpas the Still. Petronel; frama l7-5-2ehibwMe i,,v:;” Ofeiii:; iop'lr^ ''ltij» |rt R o e k d i 1 1 4, i l hutsf* 1 0 8 sweeping the six-game season 0 series. Sacramento’s Eddie John­ the Knic praise the new ct the CCC Eaet DfvigiM :dior^ :taleM|a^ tjheL.A. \ Robert Reid scotl^ ^ Is of his 28 son scored 18 of his 21 printa in the points amvin?" “Sugar Ray H spriag, the Imliaiw : lalw ni jreB have tiixn «wi«iillh(|iO' points in the toorL*_;iiiarter as second half to spark the Kings, who games toy the great fighter,’’ fe eoaeidered the favor! e e n t^ the Kanw.r OJppera Coach i ,iV<^»rvl^lMiy|aiw,Ma<MMatoM Houston snapped four-game trailed moat of the first half. Otis 18-year pi he had heart, het peat as conference el I I I .1- , I Three aeniors head relurneea atartiag Wyaa, Jaaoa Matt Paggirii A Welle thinka the No. I < for grahe between tl players. Senior Rkk Savidj ’Tunfor Dave Grias roui I ^ W m i IttI |(«i 1 Smi11I.IRiMrlcln110 QuehecotHOfttoii top five for Manchet''^ BriaoliiaN''" I I I I ' I I Boeton at Mentra' won our conference « ' I I I i I I ! 1 I I •Mnnia Baslfetbaet Bow and we’ll be pretty tou; ek^hat P A LLA S (n n TorontoPtSt. Lou.' Aguirre 3 B 7-11 A Ferkins 313 1-1 12, k2 04 A Chtoogpet Detroit this year,” Wells sa P M ote Memcrnbi i4 p Oenoldben 3*3* A Stockman 13-2739A 34 14, see* Rockvile and Smi a New3m4n,Tarptoy34344,B. DcrvlePS Lot Anoetoe at< Ani^ ^ I . 4 | ^ i^ 'nM > '^ ' l i RMtltiiMift I If 34ASdireniof3744n,w»edl-3042. Totals Csirttffs sor as the Indians’ mal AR photo I I I I- ' 1 I I I I 1 I H ’ i S f f l s k i 4t-ii«a3»m nlt3ll-2 VvlfWwPWflf UVI0(| . a ) 10' treckni i RNOSMIX nw) Joe Telh jlI I I Oeltew BAtramvcoM bh c s * thfoks *W8**>^® d u rin g thir<>-inning Ohitiina Noncp n-23 3* A FIneknav *4 3* 15, Steve Wllli Phltadetohto at P ^ 3 U S S S K ’ MMaHc Oh R Vanos 14 1-3 3, W. Dovls 1M2* 33 37, 153406, Freilne34 players should be T u p s d a y n ight at th e A s tro d o m e , SSIw’SkSii ' i . lSirfliv«n>; KOI 0 SaiVeMrc < L Pet. QB 1A1S6-445,13M A, aooe Oailrtrr»>l wBoiton J 5 .7M Humphries 34 3-3 3 Adonw 313 t-1 12 armnd par. stros won, 4-3. •MweArl! ,1 ■ 1 i I « il.„ , . i Gomson 33 1-3 1, Hernocek 34 M 9. O'Cannor WnS91-l HorttordatOueM, Tor«‘n^ I I I I I I |0 ! 1.0M I I I I x-PMiodttoMo M 5B » yttomogpn 37330, Sondws 3«33aTetata 4(9,8111 Havitoltors Apr. 19 ' ^ 16 .5)4 16 A 103 21-37 tW. Montreal at Baste’ /Northwest Cathriic I i! I i9» I I I TOM Ilf rOitiMiti I I M* vVXIMnVflVnmYork j»io 0 .316 31 160495, B54133M Oevem___ jjh/ ■ I I ' I S 'i l)SS5' rI NSW D r i C . ABAW 3 -tW Vignone 15 lin/Northwest Catbc® D m e : I I . I I 1 0 I It i ion I r Ttow Jersey 7» n .311 31 St. LeufsatTeron:, 's W mi CeriTri Ota Fkeiabi A » W f lW -9 W DelreNatCMcaK' Glastonbury A, A Bi ! ■ ' ' ' '•S'ii -- • 3print gaols Rerfcins, Harper, Her- Smyik' CM«V||' '^ “T"o 't'«rJ «— a- I I „ I ihiiti* • x-Aflonta i M . m nocek. Fouled out— None. Rebounds— B r in y tral/Platt A, » Wi ning dose Coaa naei am* MiN^ mi — ymho (tv.. x-OetroR 1 B .653 3 Edmonton at Li’ ..............f , 5 " x-MSwoukee 4J*eq .593 6'A OoRasri (DenoMMntB.FheenlxACNance Mary Be****?' Celgorv at Winnie, /Southington H MlniiSm » . AssMto-4Mtas B Ptoreer. S. DOVIS9), RoWn TesJjr ■ i 9 bM! ni u m ^ K uBmi :r, bmimiuIiwi «. x-indlane J 2 .500 13>/i Fhoenlx AJftomphrlec 14). TeM fouls— May 5 Hartford Puli Sronf .1 Owlleimi,nict.Y«urit,iklvtM<relM’. M ' x-CMeoge 19 .4(7 Donas 30, Fhoenlx 3*. A-9,7». 1431A36055®2ZI 1‘M i—. aa ■ aaa , i CMvetand tie*fl » .355 *(•/> Flo Boult 2l"5g? Phiiadstohto at k’ Windsor H, 7 Rockvi' Ko m Ii HiaLLwberry kMps his against lA , Chrlst?iP *'~ WoshinotonatN.'; T« a> W ' I I I I I V \ : m WESTEimOOM) ■NCR ham A, 12 East Haiti$ar quickly r t r f ' MMemtOO Tu Ilackili114,llizire108 1A, JanetYjSSf Permi/Enfield A, 18 MMUiirii ttaiiMa Monler t.hl Ihe baseball after Tuesday r,* wOoDoi *#rk 5 .471 _ 1A, GIselM"™"’- HorttordatAuetM' TW, Mttii 7., Cll^lw e 3 4 Ml 3 ton A, 19 South Wind v<ift: £ M relt I, W imiirieii Ciotrfordl I three-run homer w o n , 3-2. x-Utoh 9s 9,8 .5)9 W Montreal at Besta' 'MWtMlNe'. I^ H |3| R— X-Heuften :6,B| .*90 13 NOIfSTOWnW) NetTli; ford Public A, 21 of whom walked. i 'll, I iMinWo w,Mi McCray 7-13 36 W, Fetarsen 35 04 4, Eiki St. Louis otTeronl, 17! I « oi le 111*. Otryw h 6, 9 .447 17 Otaluwon3W All A Leavril3735l2, Retd /Windham H, » East Franklin Stubbs homered off MB etUlter ' ' ' ' ^ iClMf, I] If I s Socfofnsnto 9ntK9 .347 3FA BIlIRresI DetreNetChlcaae> mnar ^ ' 'i ' T ? 19'S ' ■ Son Antonie Tmew .347 13B1-1A Soiiwiwn3704«, Harris3633S, Smvfk' A, n Wethersfield A, 1 Charlie Kerfeld in the ninth, Otfir kwmHitcradUM i i : i I , i I' Maxwell34336!reffl311-31, S.Johnsen37 nelll 14341 EdmenSen at U| (1), 044. Totots449l»39114. A. ^ _______ making it 8-5. before Dave Smith ( 1). V-L.A. Lriccrs «rt s .m — R3J76 T^«-»« CalgarvatYflnriJo, June 3 Glastonbury got his second save in two nights, x-Rerttand »nM30 M 15'/k som e PORTLAND (WI) PritM' Meet. making a winner of Larry ^ (Midemi (Yfeune I3i«)' ot wimwsotai SO x-GoMm Stoto .514 23 Jones 33 04 4, vandeweghe 11-A 36 21, 143-158-431 Snftto 34), 0 .474 3* Salvatore 5 , 's S N.Y. Rangers otp; leld sin- 0 aeds .4(0 30>/> Johnson 09 34 23, Drexler 7-21 35 16, iriCMOory the first -rsen^^ pgdfffB 3 Fertor 34 74 11, Duckworth 37 04 *, Joe Twor” **^^ N.Y.
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