. DIRECTORY. J NORFOLK. ' CA"WSTON. 87 vicar of this parish, 1836-75, d. 1881; C. H. Chamber· House, Lower Hellesdon, and Col. Manse! are the prin. lin, d. 1873; Emma Rosetta Chamberlin; Gilbert J. cipal landowners. William (Rich8l'dson), 4th and last Hart. d. 1854, and Charles C. Hart, d. 1851, and a Baron Cramond, of Honingham, died here 28 July, 1735. memorial window and mural tablet to various members and was buried at East Walton. Eli~abeth, his only .Qf the Bignold family: in the transept is a large marble sister and heiress, married, in Ang. 1735. William Jermy monument to Bussy, d. 1719, and Mary his wife, d. esq. and died in London I Aug. 1751. The soil is light 1739; and there is also a fine monument in the Gothic and sandy; subsoil, gravel, clay and limestone. The -style, e:xbibited at the Crystal Palace in Hyde Park in chief crops are of the usual kind, and large quantities 1851, to T. G. Adams esq. his wife and son: the church of cucumbers and tomatoes are also cultivated under was enlarged and restored in r85o-2 at a cost of nearly glass. The area is 931 acres; rateable value, £s,u8; £1,ooo, and has 300 &ttings: at the entrance to the the population in 1901 was 1,238. churchyard is a handsome lych gate. The register dates Parish Clerk, Herbert Plowman. from the year 1688. The living is a vicarage, net in­ Post, Parcel, M. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., E. D., S. B. & come £u2, with 17 acres of glebe, in the gift of the A.. & I. O.ffice.-Henry Harrowven, S'llb-postmaster. Dean and Chapter of Norwich, and held since 1896 by Letters arrive by mail cart from Norwich at 3·55 & II the Rev. Charles Edward Geneste Walsh. The lrvn a.m. & 2.30 p.m. & are dispatched at 10 a.m., 1.40, Church Mission hall in Rackham's fields was opened in 6.5 & g.rs p.m.; sundays, 6 & g.rs p.m 1894- There are several bequests for the poor. The charities amount to £ro 13s. 8d. yearly. Catton Hall, Wall Letter Boxes.-Ne81' Catton Grove villas, cleared at the seat of Samuel Gurney Bu:xton esq. D.L., J.P. is a 9 a.m. & 12, 1.30, 3, 6, 7 & 8 p.m.; sundays, 7 p.m. modern mansion, standing in a picturesque and well­ Near "Maid's Head," cleared at 7.30 a.m. &i 12, 5·30 wooded park, containing a ·small herd of deer. Catton & 8.ro p.m.; sundays, 5-30 p.m. Church street, House, the seat of Col. Edward Berkeley Mansel J.P. cleared at 6.15 & II.30 a.m. & 5.25 & 8 p.m.; sundays, is a mansion of brick, plastered, in the Italian style, 5.25 p.m pleasantly seated on a hill surrounded by a park of 36 Public Elementary School, with reading-room, erected in acres, containing good flower gardens and some fine trees. r874, at the sole expense of S. Gurney Buxton esq. The Dean and Ohapter of Norwich are lords of the manor. for 130 children ; average attendance, ros ; Miss M. L. Samuel Gurney Buxton esq. George Gowing esq. of Hill Collin, mistress PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Lubbock Misses Cullum William, Maid's Head P.H Baldry Mrs. Montrose Manse! Col. Edward Berkeley J.P.Cat- Dack Waiter, wheelwright Beck Capt. Hugh ton house Dennington William, market gardener, Bennett Austin, 5 Catton Grove villas Marsh William, White house forced fruit grower, nurseryman & Buckingham George Herbert, 4 Catton Martin Harry Edward, Rose lodge florist G-rove villas MiJ.:ard Miss Earl Claude, shopkpr.Rackbam's fields Butlard Fred Overbury Mr;;. The Firs Ellen Edward, fruiterer Bunting A.rthur, The Grange Paterson A.ndrew, 20 Catton Grove viis Fox Charles Henry, head gardener to Butcher Waiter, 15 Catton grove viis Postle Harry, Catton Grove road Col. E. B. Mansel, J.P Buxton Samuel Gurney D.L., J.P. Powley Wm. 8 Catton Grove villas Gowing Frank, farmer Catton hall Pratt Edward, Beech cottage Hannent Ernest Alfred, forced fruit Carter Henry, The Elms Rackbam Ranwort·h Edmund Burr, grower Claxton Joseph, 6 Catton Grove villas Merlewood Hannent William Joseph, forced fruit Cochrane Wm. Robert, St. Leonard's, Read William, The Oaks grower &c Catton Grove road Ringer Mrs Harrowven Henry, wheelwright, car- Cooks Mrs. The Beeches Savage FredPrick W. Grasmere penter ,& blacksmith, bot water en- Crowe Arthur, 7 Catton Grove villas Shields Archiba:d, 9 Catton Grove vils gineer; all kinds of palisading & Crowe Benjamin, Elm Grove lane Stevens Mrs. IO Catton Grove villas strain wire fencing, Post office Cunnell Cb81'les Steward Mrs Howeld Henry, boot & shoe maker Dawson Col. A.lgernon Cecil .J.P.Manor Tallowin Mrs. Portsdown Howes Edward,brickmaker, moulders' house Tillett Louis John, M.P brickmakers' & builders' sand, Dennington William, Sunnyside Walsh Rev. Charles Edward Geneste also gravel, loam, shingle & stone, Dennis John, r6 Catton Grove villas (vicar), Ivy bank Sprowston, Old Catton & Acle Edwards Waiter, Belle vue Watling Henry, Oaklarrds Bridge, Norwich. See advert Field Capt. Cecil Lee James, baker, R'ackbam's fielda Fox Herbert James, Ramleb CO:MliERCIA.L. McEwen Samuel, travelling draper. u Gascoigne Capt. Charles C.O. (adjt. Arthurton Robert, grocer & baker Catton Grove villas 4th Vol. Batt. Norfolk Regt) A.ttoe Hy. cowkpr.·& assistant overseer Mason Frederick, carter Gaze Wm. Hy. 12 Catton Grove villas A.ttQe William, lime burner & carter Orris Alfred, farmer Gee William Coke, Branksome Badcock William Edward, blacksmith Orsborn Geo.WoodmanP.H.·& bricklyr Guymer Miss, The Ivys Betts Chas. Osborn, forced fruit grwr Orsborn Mark, bricklayer Hacon Edgar Gooch, 3 Catton Gro.vils Bidwell Wm.farm bailiff to Col. Mansel Osburne & McLintock, private asylum, Hannent Wm. Jsph. Catton Grove rd Bilham Alfred, farm bailiff to S. G. The Grove Banning Lee Col. William, Gardnhrst Buxton esq Palmer John, butcher Hartcup William Thomas, Eastwood Bullard H8l'ry, horse dealer Patterson H. surveyor of highways to Hewett Fred, Catton Grove road Bullard Henry William, tomato,cucum- St. Faith's R. D. C Hines Chas. Jn. Edwd. Catton Gro.rd her & mushroom grower, Hill farm Pendle Henry, wheelwright Hook Samuel John, r Catton Grove viis Cullen Frederick Spencer, M.C.S.Eng. Plowman Herbt. saddler & hallless ma Hoysted Lieut.-Col. John A.M.S chemist Pye Austin, beer retailer Jackson Rev. Michael Satterthwaite, CunneiiCharles,manufacturer of bricks Welsh Eleanor (Miss), laundry St. Paul's vicarage & tiles (Hoffman's patentj; postal Wrench George Emery, brick maker, Juniper Robert Kerrison, Windermnre address, Old Catton, Norwich; Lodge lane Lestrange Edward, 14 Catton Gro.vils works, Old Catton & UpperHellesdon CAWSTON is a parish and large village, with a station in the gift of Pembroke College, Cambridge, and held .Qn the East Norfolk branch of the Great Eastern rail- since 1855 by the Rev. Theodore Henry Marsh M.A. of way, and Bluestone station, on the Midland and Great that college. There are Wesleyan and Primitive Northern joint railway, is at the northern boundary of Methodist chapels. A cemetery of r! acres was formed the parish, 2 miles north-by-east from the village; it is in 1904 at the cost of £340. The poor have u6 acres 12 miles north-by-west from Norwich, 4 south-west from of land for fuel, and on this land is a rifle range used by Aylsham and 127 from London, in the Northern division the Aylsham volunteers. On the bowling green, at the of the county, South Erpingbam hundred and petty ses- Woodrow inn, are two trees regarded as curiosities, since t1ional division, Aylsham union and county court district, not only every branch but every twig of these bears rural deanery of Ingworth (south division) and arch- leaves of three different kinds of trees-namely, oak, deaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. beech, and bornbeam. Near the same inn, on the Nor­ A.gnes is a. noble building of stone in the Perpendicular wich road, stands a small stone pillar, erected on the style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north and south spot where Sir Henry Hobart hart. and M.P. for Norfolk, porches, a chapel for daily service and a massive western fell in a. duel with swords, 21 Aug. 1698, with Mr. Oliver tower, containing 6 bells: a. handsome rood screen divides Le' Neve, who fought with his left band; Sir Henry, who .the nave and chancel, and in the latter is some stained was buried at Blickling, the family seat, was the father glass: the nave has a hammer beam roof, but is in need of Sir John Hobart hart. first E81'l of Buckinghamshire. of repair: there are 400 sittings. The register dates Cawston Manor was a member of the Duchy of Lancaster, from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, net yearly bnt exempted from the jurisdiction of this Duchy by value about £523, with 12 acres of glebe and residence, John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancast-er, in token whereof a .
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