LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version)

LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version)

.BSDI Twelfth Series, Vol. I, No. I LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) First Session (Twelfth Lok Sabha) I Gazettes & Debetes Unit ...... Parliament Library BulldlnO @Q~m ~o. FBr.026 .. ~-- -- (Vol. I contains Nos. I to 8) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI I'ri ce .· Rs. 50. ()() 'VU"".&J:Ia.a.a IL.V .................. ~_ (Engl illl1 v«sian) 'lUeaJay, IIKcb 24, 1998/Chaitra 3, 1920 (Salta) Col.l1ine F« Raad CaltE!1ts/2 (fran &lltcn Salahuddin OWaisi Shri S. S. OWaiai below) 42/28 9/6 (fran below); SHRI ARIF HOfP.MW.D KHAN liIRI ARIF ~D KHAN 10/6 (fran below) j 11. /7,19: 13/3 12/5 (fran below) Delete "an" 13,19 (fran below) CalSSlsnal CalSE!1sual 22/25 hills hails CONTENTS {Twelfth Series. Vol. I. First Session. 199811920 (Seke)J No.2, Tuesday, March 24,1l1li Chain 3,1120 (lab) SUBJECT CoLUMNS MEMBERS SWORN 1-8 f)1:" SPEAKER 8-8 FI::L "'I-fE SPEAKER Shri Atal Biharl Vajpayee •.. 8-14 Shri Sharad Pawar ..• 14-15 Shrl Somnath Chatterjee .. 1~18 Shri Pumo A. Sangma .. 18-17 Kumari Mamata Banerjee .17-18 Shri Ram Vilas Paswan .•. 18 Shri R. Muthiah 19 Shri Mulayam Singh Yadav 19-20 Shri Lalu Prasad ... 21-22 Shri K. Yerrannaidu 22-23 Shri Naveen Patnaik 23 Shri Digvijay Singh .. 23-24 Shri Indrajit Gupta .. 24-25 Sardar Surjit Singh Bamala 2~2e Shri Murasoli Maran 28-28 Shri Shivraj ~. Palll .. ,. 28-29 Shri Madhukar Sirpotdar ... -_ ... 29-31 Shri Sanat Kumar Mandai 31 Shri P.C. Thomas 31-32 Kumari. Mayawati 32-34 Shrlmati Kailasho Devi 34-35 Shrl R.S. Gaval 3~38 Shri G.M. Banatwalla <II 31'-38 Shri Valko 38-39 Shrl Amar Roy Pradhan .•• 38 ShriP.. ~ 39-40 Prof. Salfuddin Sol •... 40-41 ShrI K. BapIraju 41-42 Sultan SaIahuddIn Ow-.. .... 42 Stwt 8.M. Mer1IinUI 42-48 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOKSABHA Shrl Ram ShakaI (Robert8gMj) Shri Vlr.ncb Singh (Mirupur) Tu ••dlJy, March 24, 191B1C"./h I, 1ao {SIIa} Shri Jang Bahadur SIngh Patal (~ Shrl Sha/Iendra Kumar (ChaII) The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the CIocIc Dr. Ashok Kumar Patel (Fatehpur) [MR. SPEAKER PROTEM (StiRI INORAJIT GUPTA) in the Chai" Shri Ganga Charan RaJput (Hamlrpur) MEMBERS SWORN-·Contd. Shri Rajendra Agnihotri (JhanaI) [English} Shri Bhanu Pratap Singh (Jalaun) MR. SPEAKER PROTEM: The Secretary-General will Shrirnati Kamal Rani (Ghatampur) call out the names of those Members who have not yet taken the oath or made the affirmation. I think, there were Shri Shyam Blhari Mishra (Bllhaur) some Members whose names were called, but who might Shri Jagat Vir Singh Orona (Kanpur) not have been present or they certainly did not corne. Shrimati Sukhda Mishra (Etawah) SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE (Bolpur) : They Shri Pradeep Kumar VadaY (Kannauj) should come last. I think, that is the rule. Dr. Swami Sachchlda Nr.nd Hart SakIhI (Farukhad) SHRI P.M. SAYEED (Lakshadweep) : That has been the convention. Shri Balram Singh Vaday (Malnpurl) Prof. S.P. Singh Baghel (Ja/esar) MR. SPEAKER PROTEM: The Secretary-General will now call out the names. Dr. Mahadeepak Singh Shakya (Etah) Shri Ram Pal Singh (Domariaganj) Shri Prabhu Dayal Katheria (Flrozabad) Shri Indrajeet Mishra (Khalilabad) Shri Bhagwan Shankar Rawa. (Agra) Shri Raj Narain Passi (Bansgaon) Shri Tejyeer Singh (Malhura) Shri Adityanath (Gorakhpur) Shri Kiahan Lal Oller (Hath,..) Shri Pankaj Chowdhary (Maharajganj) Shrlrnati Sheela Gautam (Aligarh) Shri Ram Nagina Mishra (Padrauna) Shrl Ashok Pradhan (Khurja) Shri Mohan Singh (Deoria) Shrl Chhatlar Pal Singh (BuIandIhahr) Shri Hari Kewal Prasad (Salempur) Shri Ramesh Chand Tomar (Hapur) Shri Chandra Shekhar (Ballia) Shrl Arnar Pal Singh (Meerut) Shri Kalpnath Rai (Ghosi) Shri Sohanyeer SIngh (Muzaffamagar) Shri Akbar Ahmad Dumpy (Azamgarh) Shri Vlrendra Verma (Kalrana) Shri Daroga Prasad Saroj (Lalganj) Shri NakII Singh (Saharanpur) Shri Chlnmayanand Swami (Machhllshahr) Shrl Harpel Singh SaIhi (Hardwar) Shri Paras Nath Yaday (Jaunpur) Shrl Amar Roy PracIIan (Coach Behar) Dr. Bizay Sonkar Shastri (~r) Shri Joachim BaxIa (Allpurduar) Shri Om Prakash (Ghazlpur) ShrImeti MinaII Sen (JIIIpaIgurI) Shri Anand Ratna Maurya (Chandauli) ShrI Manda Pathak (DaJjNIIng) Shri Shanker Prasad JaiswaJ (VaranaaI) 8hrt ..... MuIdIetIee (~ 3 Members Swom MARCH 24, 1998 Members Swom 4 Shri A.B.A. Ghani Khan Choudhury (Maida) Shri K. Yerrannaidu (Srikakulam) Shri Abul Hasnat Khan (Jangipur) Shri Vijaya Rama Raju (Parvathipuram) Shri Moinul Hassan (Murshidabad) Shri U.V. Krishnamraju (Kakinada) Shri Promothes Mukhe~ee (Berhampore) Shri G.M.C. Balayogl (Amalapuram) Shri Ajoy Mukhopadhyay (Krishnagar) Shri K. Bapiraju (Narasapur) Dr. Asim Bala (Nabadwip) Shri R. Sambaslva Rao (Guntur) Dr. Ranjit Kumar Panja (Barasat) Shri Venkatarami Anantha Reddy (Anantapur) Shri Ajay Chakraborty (Basirhat) Shri G. Ganga Reddy (Nlzamabad) Shri Sanal Kumar Mandai (Joynagar) Dr. Jayanta Rongpi (Autonomous District) Prof. R.R. Pramanik (Mathurapur) Shri Paban Singh Ghatowar (Dibrugarh) 12.00 hr•. Shri Prabhunath Singh (Maharajganj) Shri Samik Lahiri (Diamond Harbour) Shri Taslimuddin (Klshanganj) Shrimali Krishna Bose (Jadavpur) Shri SushI! Kumar Singh (Aurangabad) Shri Taril Baran Topdar (Barrackpore) Shri Tariq Anwar (Katihar) Shri Tapan Sikdar (Dum Dum) Shri Dhirendra Agarwal (Chatra) Shri Sudip Bandhyopadhyay (Calcutta North West) Shri Vijay Goel (Chandni Chowk) Shri Ajit Kumar Panja (Calcutta North East) Shri Chandresh Patel (Jamnagar) Kumari Mamata Bane~ee (Calcutta South) Shri Mufti Mohmad Sayeed (Anantnag) Dr. Bikram Sarkar (Howrah) Shri Ramachandra Veerappa "(Bidar) Shri Hannan Mollah (Uluberia) Shri K.C. Kondaiah (Bellary) Shri Akbor Ali Khandoker (Serampore) Shri V. Dhananjaya Kumar (Mangalore) Shri Rupchand Pal (Hooghly) Shri Jayarama I.M. Shelly (Udupi) Shri Anil Basu (Arambagh) Shri Vijay Sankeshwar (Dharwad North) Shrimati Geela Mukherjee (Panskura) Shri Ramesh C. Jigajinagi (Chikkodi) Shri Lakshman Chandra Seth (Tamluk) Shri Ajaykumar S. Sarnaik (Bagalkot) Shri Sudhir Giri (Contal) Prof. P.J. Kurien (Mavelikara) Shri Rupchand Murmu (Jhargram) Dr. Ram Lakhan Singh (Bhind) Shri Basudeb Acharia (Bankura) Shri Madhavrao Scindia (Gwalior) Shrimali Sandhya £lauri (Vishnupur) Shri Paras Ram Bharadwaj (Sarangarh) Shri Sunil Khan (Durgapur) Shri Laxman Singh (Rajgarh) Shri Bikash Chowdhury (Asansol) Shri Shivraj Singh (Vidisha) Shri Nikhilananda Sar (Burdwan) Shri Mohan Rawale (Mumbai South) Shri Mahboob Zahedl (Katwa) Shri Ramkrushna Suryabhan (Amravati) SM Somnath Chatterjee (Bolpur) Shri Vilas Muttemwar (Nagpur) Dr. Ram Chandra Dome (Blrbhum) Shri Warpudkar Sureshrao Ambadasrao (Parbhani) MR. SPEAKER PROTEM: The Secretary-General will Shri Sandipan BhagWan Thorat (Pandharpur) now call the names of those Members who could, not take the qath or affirmation earlier. .. Shri Ranjlb Biswal (Jagatalnghpur) 5 MembersSwom CHAITRA 3, 1920 (Saka) e Shri S. Arumugham (Pondicherry) hit affirmation ? Shri Satnam Singh Kainth (Phillaur) I think, there Is no such Member. All Members ~ Shrimati Satwinder Kaur Dhaliwal (Ropar) here have been covered. Shri Amrik Singh Aliwal (Ludhiana) Now we ha.,. to .. up the next buIInesI which II Election of the Speaker of the LoIc Babha. I, theNfore, 13.00 hr•. decide and I announce that that Item win be taken up at Shri Balram Jakhar (Bikaner) 4.00 p.m. ' Shri Narendra Budania (Churu) The House may now be adjoumed till 4.00 p.m. Shri Rajesh Pilot (Dausa) 13.25 hrs. Shrimati Prabha Thakur (Ajmerj The Lole SI!IbhII "." -'/OUmtId till Shri Dowarka Prashad Bairwa (Tonk) Sixteen of tM Clock. Shri Mahendrajeet Singh (Banswara) Shri Udai Lal Anjana (Chittorgam) 16.00 hrs. Col. Sonaram Chowdhary (Barrner) (English) Shri Ashok Gahlot (Jodhpur) Shri Bhim Pd. Oahal (Sikkim) The Lok Sabha ~ at Sixteen 01 1M Clock. Shn C. Kuppusami (Madras North) [MR. SPEMER PROTEM In the ChaIl1 Shri Murasoli Maran (Madras Central) Shri T.R. Baalu (Madras South) MR. SPEAKER PROTEM: Now, the Secretary-Gener81 to cali the names of Members who are to take oath. Shri O. Venugopal (Tiruppattur) Shri S. Gangadhar (Hlndupur) Shri Subramanian Swamy (Madurai) Shn S.S. Palanimankkam (Thanjaour) Maj. Gen. Bhuwan Chandra Khanduri (Gemwal) 16.03 hrs. Shri Mulayam Singh 'yadav (Sambhal) ELECTION OF SPEAKER Shri Saleem Iqbal Shervani (Badaun) (English) Shri Raghvendra Singh (Shahabad) MR. SPEAKER PROTEM: Now we proceed to the next Shri Mitrasen Yadav (Faizabad) item of the business which Is Election of the Spuker of Shri Rizwan Zaheer Khan (Balrarnpur) the Lok Sabha. Shri Ramesh Chandra DwIvedi (Banda) We have received a number of motions. W. have received notices of 18 moIiona. Are ....... motIona being Shri Ranen Barman (Balurghat) moved ? We take It thet the movers 01 ..... moIIoM ... MR. SPEAKER PROTEM: Shri Bir Singh Mahato has willing to move these moIanI. If ~ does not want Informed us that he Is not able to move physic:aIIy becau.. to move his motion, he can ..y so. his leg Is fractured. He Is sitting over there In a wheel chaI!. SHRI CH. VIDYASAGAR RAO (Kmtmnagar) : Sir, , He has requested that in view of his physical incapacity, withdraw my notice of motion which Is IIaIed lit ........ he may kindly be allowed to take his oath hom his ..at. no. 15 of todaY' list of ...... I am not moving my I am permitting that. motion. Shri Bir Singh Mahalo (Purulia) MR. SPEAKER PROTEM : All right. Shit ChennanwIInI Shn Kamal Nath (Chhindwara) Vldyasegar Rao, In whoM name motion no. 15 ....., hal indicated that he Ii fto1 ~ that inoIon. MR. SPEAKER PROTEM : I. there .., Member present here who has not taken the oath or ... not made SHRNATI KAILASHO DEVI (KunIkaheIra) : SIr, I am 7 Election of Speaker MARCH 24, 1998 Felicitations to the Speaker 8 [Shrimati Kailasho Devi) of this House be chosen as the Speaker of this House." also not moving my Motion which is shown at Item no. 14 of today's List of Business. The motion was adopted. MR. SPEAKER PROTEM: That is all right. There are MR. SPEAKER PROTEM : The Motion is carried ar,';! so many identical Motions. Shri Ganti Mohana Chandra 8alayogi is declared elected as the Speaker of this House. I invite him to occupy the So, I am now calling upon Shri Sharad Pawar to move Chair.

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