Preliminary Summit Survey Results Announced Preliminary Summit Survey Battle On The Big Screen Responses To • • • newsResults Announced Page 3 irv’s Page 4 rudyReaders Mailcole Page 7 ALSO ON THE WEB Beverly Hills www.bhweekly.com WeeklySERVING BEVERLY HILLS • BEVERLYWOOD • LOS ANGELES Issue 333 • February 16 - February 22, 2006 COCCOC SubmitsSubmits OutageOutage SparksSparks WestWest HollywoodHollywood FourthFourth ReportReport CouncilCouncil WWantsants InIn OnOn MeasureMeasure KK QuestionsQuestions FundsFunds Citizens’ Oversight EdisonEdison shedssheds dimdim lightlight NeighboringNeighboring Committee cites need onon extendedextended powerpower councilmembercouncilmember wantswants for improved timeliness outages;outages; councilcouncil notnot toto studystudy thethe feasibilityfeasibility and up-to-date financial satisfiedsatisfied withwith ofof combiningcombining locallocal outlines. answers.answers. schoolschool districts,districts, butbut isis itit realistic?realistic? cover stories • pages 14-15 Friends of the Library Will Not Local Doctor Claims Headache Stop The Feuding Bob Perlberg • • • newsParticipate In Library Donation Page 3 irv’sSufferers Will Suffer No Longer Page 4 rudyand Fussing cole Page 8 ALSO ON THE WEB Westlake Village Beverly Hills www.bhweekly.com letters email via bhweekly.com WeeklySERVING BEVERLY HILLS • BEVERLYWOOD • LOS ANGELES “Stop The Feuding and Fussing” Issue 332 • February 9 - February 15, 2006 “Love Is In The Air” & every 1,600 students, teaching a mere 10 I agree with much of Rudy Cole’s Feb. 9 After 94 years ‘Love Is In The Air”-- days per month at any one school. Our stu- column about the City Council’s historical still. We met in the early 1920s at dancing dents deserve better. and recent record on turning down most over- school where my future wife swore she’d Karen Boyarsky building proposals. In my experience, the teach me how to dance or kill me in the Beverly High librarian council has virtually always listened closely effort. We married in 1936. Love Is to residents and has carefully scrutinized and My wife died 11 years ago after 60 years In The “Where Are They Now?” spent meeting after meeting considering the of a wonderful marriage that produced four Air I read with interest your “Where Are They smallest of details to protect our community grandchildren and (so far) four great grand- Now?” feature on Ken Gelms [issue #332]. I from over-development. But Rudy was incor- children. I’m still in the same house we had the pleasure of being one of KJG’s stu- rect in two of his observations. “In recent bought in 1948 because everything in it dents in 1962 and 1963. What a wonderful years, some of the more vocal anti-growth reminds me so much of her. Four Beverly Hills couples share their real-life love stories. teacher, mentor and confidant. He was an leaders tried to prevent Barneys New York.” cover story • pages 12-13 My girlfriend says I’m still a lousy outstanding journalist who imparted the five The Southwest Homeowners’ Association dancer. W’s and the H (who, what, when, where, why worked long and closely with the city and Ernest Ach and sometimes how) in a way that made with Barneys and came up with a mutual Beverly Hills WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND? every headline and each story really live. development plan and numerous conditions Looking back more than 40 years, his that would permit a well-designed, important You can write us at: “Update from Manhattan Beach” influence on my career has been profound, department store on Wilshire, while at the 140 South Beverly Drive #201 I was pleased to discover that the school for the better. The discipline he demanded, same time protecting the nearby residential Beverly Hills, CA 90212 librarians of Manhattan Beach have not met the attention to detail and factual content, and neighborhood. We compromised, we negoti- the same fate as those of the Beverly Hills the emotional way that he got his points ated in good faith, and ultimately came up You can fax us at: USD [cover story, “Update from Manhattan across surely shaped my career. with a win-win that does not impinge, for the 310.887.0789 fax Beach”, issue #328]. Dr. [Gwen] Gross My gosh, I can close my eyes and see him most part, on the homes to the south. states, “The [Manhattan USD] has been able chasing Robbie Rubin Long out of the class, Rudy also mentioned the proposed Four email us at: to maintain choral, orchestra, band, chamber screaming at Pepper Salter to tighten up her Seasons at Wilshire and Rodeo and misstated [email protected] orchestra, all our librarians, and maintain a column, cajoling Mr. Jackson in print shop, that, “A retail development on the same prop- lot of additional programs that many school and befriending a young cub reporter who erty [was built] generating far more traffic.” districts do not have.” If only the BHUSD needed a friendly word of encouragement. The Southwest Homeowners took the lead was so lucky during her tenure. Our K-8 There are just a handful of teachers who role in opposing the Four Seasons project. It librarians were reduced by 50 percent, result- left a large imprint and made me a better per- would have been a 12-story hotel, with ing in the current ratio of one librarian for son. Ken Gelms stands at the top of the list. restaurants and ballrooms and (which Rudy SNAPSHOT letters cont. on page 8 WeBeverlye Hillskly Issue 333 • February 16 - February 22, 2006 Beverly Hills Weekly Inc. Founded: October 7, 1999 Published Thursdays Delivered in Beverly HilIs, Beverlywood, Los Angeles ISSN#1528-851X 1 year www.bhweekly.com subscriptions Publisher & CEO are available. Josh E. Gross Sent via US Mail Managing Editor Andrea Simpson $75 payable in Editorial Assistant advance Anna Scott Sports Editor Steven Herbert Consumer Affairs Editor Adjudicated as a Irv Rudman newspaper of general g n f o Photographer circulation for the County o m s Judy Okun of Los Angeles. Case # t A . n ) . k e BS065841 of the Los y Contributors e d v I e u t Rudy Cole Angeles Superior Court, h w s a Scott Huver s r e on November 30, 2000. l a h o t Gerald Lunn S o r r h o c e f General Manager d S a m Simon Esfandi c r r i l g o o f t r h Assistant General Manager s t e r i a p f Babak Naderi C d s f i n o Advertising Representatives t a r b n e Soshi Azadian o c s i i t n Natasha Saadat h a o r c Melody Shadsirat d b n e e l Melody Shakib a e e r r f c e e n g Legal Advertising i h g t l a Michael Saghian o g D o n Bobby Refoua h i o c y o m S j E 140 South Beverly Drive #201 n d t r e Beverly Hills, CA 90212 s e i s t h t r 310.887.0788 phone p n a e e l 310.887.0789 fax h d a S u c CNPA Member t i s d s o u ROCK ‘N' ROLL FOR THE SOUL e [email protected] o h M ( G t All staff can be reached at: first name @bhweekly.com SOUTH LINDEN DRIVE Unsolicited materials will not be returned. ©2006 Beverly Hills Weekly Inc. Page 2 • Beverly Hills Weekly staff, 9 percent strongly agree, about 58 per- is clarity on the new report card in grades K-5, cent agree, about 17 percent answered moder- with 20 percent marking moderate. ate, with about 5 percent marking disagree. Almost 100 percent of parents agree instru- city schools With regards to the statement: “I receive mental music is important, as well as more enough information from the PTA”, about 36 than 95 percent of staff. & percent of parents strongly agree, 48 percent At the meeting, board member John Millan Preliminary Summit Survey agree and 11 percent answered moderate. asked Liberati if there have been any conclu- Another question stated: “I use e-mail five sions made based on the results. Liberati said times a week or more,” to which 100 percent of because the deadline was Jan. 31 and it is the Results Announced parents answered that they did. first time a “customer satisfaction” survey like First-ever parent and district staff survey to provide insight into future goals. When asked to respond to whether or not this has been done, she needs to “digest it more By Andrea Simpson teachers explain what a child is expected to deeply” over the next few weeks at which The BHUSD announced the preliminary 52 votes (11 percent), Hawthorne 86 votes (18 learn in each grade level or subject, more than point the final results will be released. results from the Summit Survey in which more percent), Horace Mann 103 votes (22 percent), 90 percent of parents strongly agree and agree, Board member Myra Demeter commented than 500 district parents participated, accord- and Beverly High 181 with about 5 percent who disagree. For staff, that she felt Liberati had not given the proper ing to Assistant Superintendent of Educational votes or 32 percent. more than 80 percent strongly agree or agree. representation of results in the pie graphs illus- Services Susan Liberati at last week’s Board of On the survey, partici- When asked if they were interested in trated in the report to the board because Education meeting. pants had five choices receiving more information about education in Liberati had not included all the categories Representatives from the board, administra- from which to choose math, more than 60 percent of parents agree.
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