www.ukrweekly.com INSIDE: Special features on the I occasion of the sixth anniversary of the Chor- nobyl nuclear accident. (See centerfold, and pages 5 and 6.) I Hr jPublished by the Ukrainian National Association lncM a fraternal non-profit association! Ukrainian WeeklV Vol. LX No. 17 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 1992 50 cents Bishop Paska Ukrainian Defense Minister Morozov CSCE delegation, consecrated honored at New York banquet on CIS mission, in Philadelphia by Tamara Tershakovec there are no more emblems of the visits Ukraine Catholic News Service former empire...fit nowJ carries the NEW YORK - Ukrainian Defense Ukrainian tryzub, which is not only by Marta Kolomayets Minister Konstantyn Morozov was sewn to my uniform, but affixed to my Kiev Press Bureau PHILADELPHIA - At the installa­ honored at a banquet at New York's tion celebration for a new Ukrainian heart." Sheraton Hotel on Saturday, April 18. The Ukrainian and U.S. national KIEV - Winding up a six-day whirl­ Catholic auxiliary bishop, a Ukrainian Nearly 700 people attended the ban­ wind trip through Armenia, Azerbai­ Orthodox bishop said dialogue between anthems began the evening, after which quet, which was organized by Ukrai­ Dr. Bohdan Shebunchak of the Ukrai­ jan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakh­ the two churches should continue. nian community groups. stan and Ukraine, Sen. Dennis DeCon- "I am urging my Orthodox brothers nian American Coordinating Council As he stood at the podium in a once- cini (D-Ariz.)5 U.S. Helsinki Com­ not to listen to those who wish to end welcomed the guests and introduced the mission chairman, noted that the U.S. Soviet uniform with new tryzub but­ master of ceremonies, Maj. Gen. Nicho­ the (International dialogue^., nor to tons, Col. Gen. Morozov earned a should exhibit patience but also apply listen to those who would reject the las Krawciw (U.S. Army-retired). Maj. standing ovation when he said: "This peer pressure through the Conference same dialogue here in the United Gen. Krawciw, in turn, introduced on Security and Cooperation in Europe States," said Bishop Vsevolod of the uniform is not what it used to be, but it is not completely different. However, (Continued on page 3) to enhance the pace of reform in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Ame­ former Soviet Union. rica on March 19. "We've observed that the situation in He spoke at a reception that followed every case is better than it was prior to a two-hour ceremony for the installa­ the states' declarations of independ­ tion of Auxiliary Bishop Walter Paska ence, " said Sen. Jim Jeffords (R-Vt.), a for the Ukrainian Archdiocese of Phila­ member of the Foreign Relations Com­ delphia. Ukrainian Archbishop Ste­ mittee. "A free-market economy, demo­ phen Sulyk of Philadelphia was the cracy and full independence cannot be principal celebrant and consecrator. achieved overnight." The newly installed hierarch is also the titular bishop of Tigillava. Speaking briefly to the press prior to a reception hosted by the U.S. Em­ The other concelebrating and co- bassy at the Zhovtnevyi Hotel, Sen. consecrating bishops were Bishop Basil DeConcini said that he had traveled to H. Losten of the Stamford Diocese and the Commonwealth of Independent Bishop Innocent Lotocky OSBM of the States to observe and monitor the St. Nicholas Diocese of Chicago. enactment of human-rights policies in Bishop Paska, 68, was born in Eliza­ Ukraine. beth, N.J., and ordained for the Ukrai-' The author of the resolution urging nian Catholic Church in the United the U.S. government to recognize States. The Philadelphia Archdiocese Ukraine (which passed unanimously in of which he is now a member serves the Senate), Sen. DeConcini recalled about 80,000 Catholics in Delaware, that the State Department had been Maryland, New Jersey, eastern Penn­ reluctant to grant recognition, focusing sylvania, Virginia and the District of its attention on Russia and its president, Columbia. Boris Yeltsin. Bishop Vsevolod congratulated (Continued on page 12) Bishop Paska on his installation and told him: "You share in the concern of all of us, the hierarchs, clergy and April 24 declared people of our ancient church of Kiev. We are ail committed to the necessary, day of mourning essential work of re-uniting our Ukrai­ nian Church, which has been divided KIEV - The Green World Ecolo­ for centuries. gical Association and Rukh, the "In Ukraine, and even here in this Popular Movement of Ukraine, have country, our divisions have been a issued an appeal to the people of scandal, and have caused many people Ukraine on the occasion of the sixth to lose faith," he said. "This must stop, anniversary of the Chornobyl nuclear we must implore the Holy Spirit to unite disaster. us." Inasmuch as the Chornobyl anni­ There have been calls for cutting off versary this year coincides with dialogue because of current tensions Easter (according to the Julian calen­ between the two Churches in Eastern dar), both organizations have asked Europe. the public to mark the Chornobyl At an unprecedented meeting of top tragedy on Fridayr April 24, by light­ Orthodox leaders March 13-15 in ing candles of mourning at 10 p.m., Istanbul, Turkey, the Orthodox blamed placing them in the windows of their Catholics for the tensions. The Ortho­ homes and shutting off all lights. dox stressed that Catholics must change Green World and Rukh also noted their attitudes if relations are to im­ that the sixth anniversary of the prove, but they did not say they would Chornobyl accident will be marked end official dialogue with the Vatican. with public meetings and special television and radio broadcasts. (Continued on page 4) Easter card fwm У feres me THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 1992 No. 17 Metropolitan Filaret withdraws UAOC faithful in Kirovohrad resignation as UOC primate picket oblast council building by Marta Kolomayets including leaders from the Kirovohrad KIROVOHRAD, Ukraine - Ukrai­ are hunger striking for the return of Kiev Press Bureau and Vinnytsia regions, as well as Do- nian Autocephalous Orthodox Church illegally seized UOAC places of worship KIEV - Metropolitan Filaret, the netske and Chernivtsi, voiced opposi­ faithful, calling on people's deputies to at the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev. primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox tion to separating from the Russian defend UAOC faithful and clergy, Church, will stay on as the head of that Orthodox Church, though they had not picketed the Kirovohrad Oblast Coun­ According to Respublika, this new Church, despite attempts by a Moscow made this clear to him earlier. cil building on April 14, reported the wave of persecution of UAOC faithful bishops' sobor in early April to force his "I want to assure the faithful of our Respublika press agency. began with the decision of Russian resignation. Church that we will not be spiritually Orthodox Church bishops at a Sobor "In Moscow, I had been forced to As explained by Semen Soroka, held in Moscow April 4-5 to deny separated from our brothers and sisters leader of the community of UAOC hand in my resignation, in order to keep in the Russian Orthodox Church. Nor autocephaly to the Moscow-affiliated peace in the Church," said the Kievan faithful, the faithful deem that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. ROC are we heading toward unity wth the Church does not have enough places of prelate during a press conference held Catholic Church," Metropolitan Filaret Patriarch Alexii II said at the Sobor here on Tuesday, April 14. "But, upon worship and its clergy is harassed. Mr. that the Ukrainian state's declaration of noted. Soroka cited as an example the harass­ my return to Ukraine, I understood that "But, why should people from Siberia independence does not indicate that the my resignation would cause chaos and ment of the Rev. Borys Chornovodsky, Ukrainian Orthodox Church need be or Northern Russia decide the status of who was being forced from his home in disunity in our Ukrainian Church." the Ukrainian Church. Ukraine is independent and that the ROC's first Lubomyrky by local authorities. The priority is to defend itself from a schism. "I have a responsibility before God standing up as an independent state. Rev. Chornovodsky, who participated for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. I The Church is not removed from this in the picketing, was told to leave the Responding to the April 4-5 decision was also appointed metropolitan for life process. Orthodoxy in Ukraine wants to territory of Ukraine altogether. of the Bishop's Sobor, LesTaniuk, head by the Moscow Patriarchate, and I be independent. And once the Ukrai­ of the democratic bloc in Ukraine's intend to hold this post, this canonical nian Orthodox Church is independent, Having turned to the Procuracy with Parliament and a member of its Presi­ responsibility, until I die," he added. we will reclaim our history. Kiev is the no results, UAOC faithful decided to dium, said in an interview with a Rukh seek protection from their elected correspondent that such a decision representatives in the oblast council. could have negative results as the Ukrainian Orthodox Church may once The picketeers also carried placards again become the Russian Orthodox in support of the 26 UAOC faithful who Church. Ukrainian officers issue statement regarding the Black Sea Fleet KIEV - The 70,000-strong Ukrai­ The statement also assured President nian Officers Association issued a Kravchuk and the Ukrainian people of -.шіі Marta' Kolomayets statement regarding the Black Sea Fleet the Ukrainian Officers Association's Metropolitan Filaret with his bishops at a press conference in Kiev. on April 9, reported the Respublika readiness to defend the sovereignty and press agency. territorial integrity of Ukraine.
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