
THE ianuary THE • february MAGAZINE 1960 MAGAZINE j~: .. '.'" '.1::"" _ FIRST TRANSCONTINENTAL AUTOMOBILE PICCYBACK ... see page 4 Michael Sol Collection • Briefly Noted • • Briefly Noted • MAGAZINE GOVERNOR'S MAN. At the request mitted a whimsical Gothic plan which MAGAZINE of Governor Orville Freeman of Min­ was turned down. Rather than 'waste nesota,GOVERNOR'SS, J. Obel'hauser, MAN. Atthe theMilwau­ request it,mittedScott adecided whimsicalto adaptGothic itplanto whichthc keeof Road'sGovernoragricultural Orville Freemanagent for of:Min­ Min­ buildingwas turnedof a railroaddown. Ratherstation, thanOil 'which waste nesota,nesota,has S. agreedJ. Obel'hauser,to serve theon aMilwau­task heit,was Scottalso decided\lorking toa t adaptthe time. it to The thc forcekee whichRoad'swill agriculturalmake a surveyagent forof the:Min­ resultbuildingis St.of aPancras, railroad station,an interesting Oil which Vol.47 January-February 1960 No.6 :\Iinnesotanesota, hasState agreedDepartment to serve ofon Agri­a task periodhe waspiece alsoof \lorkingrevived a tGothic the time.archi­ The force ",hich will make a survey of the result is St. Pancras, an interesting Vol.47 January-February 1960 No.6 culture to improve its administrative tecture. Strangers to London often operations.:\IinnesotaOther Statemembers Departmentinclude of rep­Agri­ mistakeperiod itpiecefor a ofcathedral. revived Gothic archi­ resentativesculture to ofimprovethe Farmersits administrativeUnion tecture. Strangers to London often Grainoperations.Terminal OtherAssociation, members includeLand rep­ mistake it for a cathedral. O'LakesresentativesCreameries of theInc., Farmersand the Mid­Union landGrainCooperative. Terminal Association, Land ELECTED TO A.A.R. BOARD. At the O'Lakes Creameries Inc., and the Mid­ recent annual meeting of the Associa­ MARC GREEN land Cooperative. tionELECTEDof American TO A.A.R.Railroads, BOARD.President At the Editorial Director recent annual meeting of the Associa­ MARC GREEN William J. Quinn was one of 20 chief "WHO NEEDS A BUS?" asks the railroadtion ofexecutives American elected Railroads,to the Presidentboard MARIEEditorialHOTTON Director Minneapolis Star in reporting on Bob ofWilliamdirectors. J. CurtisQuinn wasD. Buford, one of son20 chiefof Managing Editor "WHO NEEDS A BUS?" asks the railroad executives elected to the board MARIE HOTTON Schwab of the public relations force C. H. Buford, a former president of Minneapolis Star in reporting on Bob of directors. Curtis D. Buford, son of Managing Editor of radio station WCCO. "Mr. Schwab The Milwaukee Road, was re-elected PUBLIC RELATIONS livesSchwabin St. ofPaul the andpublicfor yearsrelationshe hadforce viceC. presidentH. Buford,in chargea formerof thepresidentOpera­ of DEPARTMENT beenof radiotaking stationthe intercity WCCO.bus "Mr.to work.Schwab tionsTheand MilwaukeeMaintenance Road,Department. was re-elected PUBLIC RELATIONS lives in St. Paul and for years he had vice president in charge of the Opera­ Union Stotion-ChicogoDEPARTMENT He walked to the bus stop in downtown St.beenPaul takingand thenthe intercitygrabbed anbus expressto work. tions and Maintenance Department. The MilwaukeeUnion RoodStotion-ChicogoMagazine Is pub­ to HeMinneapolis. walked to theCost: bus stop40 incents downtown(in lished for active and retired employes of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul" tokens,St. Paulone andway). thenTheu grabbedcame anthe expressbus THE UNITED STATES WILL PAR­ PacificThe MilwaukeeRailroad Company,Rood Magazineto whom Is pub­ to Minneapolis. Cost: 40 cents (in it islisheddistributed for activefree. and Itretiredis available employes strike. Now he walks two blocks TICIPATE in the Tenth Pan American to ofothers the Chicago,at $1.00 Milwaukee,per year. St.Retired Paul" farthertokens,to onethe way).St. Paul TheuUnion cameStation, the bus RailwayTHE UNITEDCongress, STATESwhich will WILLmeet PAR­in employesPacific mayRailroadcontinue Company,to receive to whomit withoutit is costdistributedby sending free.their It addressesis available boardsstrike.the NowMilwaukee he walksRoad's twoPioneer blocks RioTICIPATEde Janeiro infrom the TenthOct. 12 Panto American20, and to tothe otherscirCUlation at $1.00deportment, per year. Retired824 farther to the St. Paul Union Station, Railway Congress, which will meet in employesUnion Station, may continueChicago to6, receiveIII. it Limited at 7 :55, and gets off in Min­ then move to Sao Paulo, where there without cost by sending their addresses neapolisboards atthe8 :20:Milwaukeecost, 29 Road'scents. PioneerTime Rio de Janeiro from Oct. 12 to 20, and to the cirCUlation deportment, 824 will be an international railway ex­ Union Station, Chicago 6, III. saved:Limited10 atminutes. 7 :55, andMoney gets saved:off in Min­11 position.then moveThe toclosing Sao Paulo,session wherewill therebe contents cents."neapolis at 8 :20: cost, 29 cents. Time heldwill inbeBrazilia an internationalOct. 27. Danielrail",ay P.ex­ saved: 10 minutes. Money saved: 11 Loomis,position.president The closingof the sessionA.A.R., willwho be Piggyback Joinscontentsthe Parade -------- 4 cents." is heldchairman in Braziliaof the UnitedOct. 27.States DanielNa­ P. tionalLoomis,Commission presidentin ofthe theinternational A.A.R., who NewPiggybackUnits Increase Joins the Parade -------- 4 NO WASTE HERE. If St. Pancras railroadis chairmanorganization, of the hasUnitedannounced States Na­a Trailer-an-Flatcar Fleet ------- 6 Station in London looks more like the listtionalof 17 Commissionsubjects for intechnical the internationalpapers New Units Increase NO WASTE HERE. If St. Pancras railroad organization, has announced a What'sTrailer-an-FlatcarNew On The Milwaukee? Fleet ----------- 7 6 British Foreign Office than a railway to be submitted to the Congress. In­ terminal,Station it'sin Londonbecause looksthat's morewhat like itthe cludedlist ofare 17general subjectstopics for technicalsuch as ways, papers British Foreign Office than a railway to be submitted to the Congress. In­ HighlightsWhat's Newof 1959- On The Milwaukee? ---- 7 ivas 'intended to be. The story is that structures and signaling; cars and loco­ Prospects for 1960 ------------ 8 interminal,1868, when it's thebecauseVictorian that'sarchitect what it motives;cluded operationare generaland topicscoordination such as ways,of Highlights of 1959­ SirivasGeorge 'intendedGilbert to be.Scott Thewas storycommis­ is that transport;structurestariff, and signaling;statistics and carsaccount­ and loco­ When Prospectsthe Sioux forMade 1960Its ------------Last Run--ll 8 sionedin 1868,to producewhen thea designVictorianfor thearchitectre­ mg;motives;and other operationrailroad and subjects.coordinationPa- of buildingSir Georgeof the GilbertForeign ScottOffice, washe commis­sub- transport;(Continuecl tariff, statisticson page 11) and account­ It'sWhenStudent the TourSioux TimeMade AgainIts Last-----12 Run--ll sioned to produce a design for the re­ lllg; and other railroad subjects. Pa­ building of the Foreign Office, he sub- (Continuecl on page 11) WashoutIt's Studentat Snoqualmie Tour TimePass Again------13 -----12 AppointmentsWashout at ------------------14Snoqualmie Pass ------13 Appointments ------------------14 Quiz -------------------------16 The Cover" Quiz -------------------------16 Comments From Our Customers ----16 'SEETheitIloW! Cover··Automobiles beingtakeu' fora ride! Here's.how the world's first transcontinental automobile piggyback shipment looked as it 'vas being loaded TheCommentsSkating ShawsFrom ofOurAberdeen Customers----17 ----16 on9,OcfootfiatcarSEE it'llOW! Automobilesunitsatthe beingtakeu'l\Iilwall.k<ee foraRoad's ~'ide!North Here's.howHarvey (Ill.} the yardworld'snear first Chicago. transcontinentalJan. 5. The automohilepiggybackautOmobiles are Chrysler shipmentCorporation looked asmodels it 'viIs whichbeing wereloaded The Skating Shaws of Aberdeen ----17 Retirements -------------------18 trucbldfromon90cfootfiatcarthe Detroit units aSi3emblyat the l\IilwaUk·eeplant and Road'sturned Northo,'er Harveytothe Road (Ill.)at yardNorth near Hal~veyChicago Jan. 5. The autOmobiles are Chi-yslerCorporation models which were Retirements -------------------18 for the long haul by rail to Miles City, 11:ont., alid Spokane, Wash. About People of the Railroad ------20 FromtruckEldfromthose, }Joints thethey Detroitwere assemblydelivered, plantby highwayand turnedcarriers o'ver totheto ,Chrysler Road dealersat North HiJ.,1~vey for the long haul by rail to Miles City, 11:ont., alid Spokane, Wash. About People of the Railroad ------20 in Washington, Oregon;l\1ontana and Wyoming. Close scheduling provided for theFromflatcars those,amI pointsewptyauto they weretrailers delivered.to sta,rt by thehighwayreturn cal'rierstrip within, to .Chrysler24' hours dealersof ' their. in Washington,al;rival at the Oregon;western Montanatel'minals. and:For Wyoming.details of Closethe schedu'lingtruck-rail~truck providedmove- for me~t,the flatcarsread "Piggyback and e!1iptyaufoJoins thetrailersParade" to start'thestai,ting returnon page trip4. within. 24'hours' of' ',1,',/'(.,'" tnlck-rail~truck ,..' •,. I ... their arrival at the western tel'minals. :For. details of the move­ ,, 'I ment, read "Piggyback .Joins the Parade" starting on page 4. " ,~, .' Michael Sol Collection SOMETHING NEW IN RAILROADING... It Happened SOMETHING NEW !N RAILROADING... ItOn HappenedThe Milwaukee On The Milwaukee From Rex E. Anderson, Traveling Freight & Passenger Agent, Winston­ From Rex E. Anderson, Traveling Salem, N. C. The conductor called ou t of the M'ilw8.ukee Road Freight
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