CEN:S,US OF INDIA 2001 'I /, SERIES - 33 KERALA DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK THIRUiivANANTHAPURAM I SHEELA THOMAS OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE II r DIR~CJOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS, KERALA 37/155/2007-1 MOTIF The Museum at Thiruvananthapuram was onginally started in the year 1853. In 1855, a Society was organized by His Highness, the Maharaja of Travancore as Patron for\the satisfactory functioning of the Museum. It was established with the objective of offering instructions and encouragement in arts and crafts by exhibIting specimens of interest in natural history and produc!s ofart and industry. The Museum, in its pre~ent precincts was started functioning in 1880. The building was designe9- by Chisholm, Architect to the Government of Madras and was named after Lord Napier, a Governor ofMa'dras. The architectural beauty of the building is enormous. Three big halls connected by long comdors of four towers, gables, ornamental ceilings, coloured panes and artistically painted walls constitute the main scheme<>fthe building. It houses a rare collection of archaeological and historical artifacts. A b-eautiful Botanical Garden and Zoological Park were also located in the premises of Museum, attracting hundreds of tourists every day. INDIA KERAL A THIRUVANANTHAPURAM DIST leT KIIO\lHRES I " 1- t + t K o L L A M o S T )----j-~. /' --\ R C T - \ ----.___ ) Pallickai --, \ \ Madavbo( I!I ---- '---- Kilimanoor Penngamala '- '-"-. "'-::--...... __ . ..>. Mannoorkarj~ !f VElLANAD CD BLOCK ~- '" ____ J 1--- Kazhakkooltam-Menamkulam \f--~ "'~-;'­ r::.LJ --' LEGEND ,.() Boundaries State District Taluk C.D Block Roads: NH-47 National Highway State Highway SH-l Other Roads Railways: - ' Broad gauge - ---t - Rivers and Streams ~ State/DistricUTaluki UIYI . IS CD Block Headquarters Village with Population Size Area - Total 2192.00 Sq. Km. 10000 And Above Rural 1920.91 Sq. Km. Town with population size-class: Urban 271.09 Sq. Km_ I I II # # Total Population 3234356 No_ of Towns 5 III # M, Municipality M,Corp. MuniCipal Corporation Degree College I Technical 'Institution (c\ Government of India copYright. 20C Based upon Survey of India map with the permiSSion of the Su rveyor General of India. The territOrial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles I rl p ri CONTENTS >age Foreword Vll Preface IX Acknowledgements 1\ x \\ Xl District Highhghts - 20011 Census '\ xu Important Statistlcs in the,I District .\ \ Rankmg of Taluks in the Dls'tnct XlV [I _ II ' ) Statements (1-9) II Statement-l : Name of the.Headquarters~ of DistricUTaluk, their rural-urban ~status and distance ~ 11 from District\ Headquarters, 2001 xv il ~ Statement-2 : Name of the 'Headquarters of DlstnctJC.D Block, then rural-urban status and distance from' Distnct Headquarters, 200 1 xv II ; , ' Statement-3 : Population ofi'lthe District at each Census from 1901 to 2001 :' XVI Staternent-4 : Area, Numbe~\\OfVlllageSrrOwns and Population in Dlstrict and Taluk, 2001 xvii \ \ I II ' Statement-5 : CD Block-WlS~ number of VIllages and rural populatlon, 2001 :' XVlll \1 Staternent-6 : Popl.llation oftJrban Agglomerations (including constituent units)lTowns, 2001 XiX (\ \ I Statement-? : Villages with plopulatlOn 5,000 and above at Taluk level as per 2901 Census and amenities ~~allable xx I, Statement-8 : Statutory Towns with popula>tion less than 5,000 as per 2001 Census and amenities available XXVi I Statement-9 : Hou~eless and I~stitutiona1 population of Taluks - Rural and Urban, 200 1 xxvii Analytical Note .Ii \1 I History and Scope of Distridfensus Handbook 3 II. Bnef History of the Distric 4 III. Administrative Setup 5 IV Physical Features 6 V. Census Concepts 31 VI. Non-Census Concepts 37 41 VII. 2001 Census Fmdings - PopalationII ,. its distnbutioI VIII. Inset Tables based on 2001 Gensus findIngs 52 11 , IX. Major Social and Cultural Ev~hts 102 . '\ . X. Places of Religious, Hlstorical ~r Archaeological and Tourist importance l12 XI. Prominent Personalities " 17 XII. Scope of Village Directory an~ Town Directory 19 Page PART - A : VILLAGE DIRECTORY AND TOWN DIRECTORY SECTION-I: VILLAGE DIRECTORY Note explaining the abbreviations used in Village Directory 123 , List ofVIUages merged In Towns and Out-growths at 2001 Census 127 Taluk Map - Chirayinkeezhu Ta1uk AlphabetIcal list of Villages along wIthlocation code 1991 and 200 1 - Ch~rayinkeezhu Taluk 129 Taluk-wise presentation of Village Directory Data, 1999 - Chirayinkeezhu Ta1uk 130 Taluk Map - Nedumangad Taluk Alphabetical list of Villages along with Location Code 1991 and 200 1 - Nedumangad Taluk 141 Taluk~wise presentation of Village Directory Data, 1999 - Nedumangad Taluk 142 TaluJ Map - Thiruvananthapuram Taluk I Alphabetical list of Villages along with location code 1991 and 2001 - Thiruvananthapuram Ta1uk 153 Taluk-wise presentation of Village Directory Data, 1999 - Thiruvananthapuram Taluk 154 Taluk Map - Neyyattinkara Taluk I Alphabeti~allist of Villages along with location code 1991 and 2001 - Neyyattinkara Taluk 161 Tal~k-wise presentation of Village Directory Data, 1999 - Neyyattinkara Taluk I 162 I ~ Appendices to Village Directory A~pendix-I : Abstract of Educational, Medical and Other Amenitles in Villages - Taluk level 172 f Appendix -IA : Villages by numb,er of Primary Schools 174 I A~pendix-IB : Villages by Primary, Middle and Secondary ~chools 175 Ahpendix-IC : Vjllages with different sources of drinking water facilities available 175 ~ppendix-II : Villages with 5,000 and above population which do not have one or more I amemtles 175 A,.ppendix-II A : Census Towns which do not have one or more amenities 178 I f jPpendix- III - : Land utilisation data in respect of Census TownsfNon-Municipal Towns 179 Appendix-IV : Taluk-wise list of inhabited Villages where no amenity other than drinking water facility is available 179 ( , Appendlx-V : Summary showmg number of Villages not having Scheduled Caste population 179 Appendix-VI : Summary showing number of Villages not having Scheduled Tribe population 180 Appendix-VilA: List of Villages according to proportion of Scheduled Castes to t.ota1 population by ranges 180 37i1SS/2007- 1A Page , I Appendix-VIIB : List of Villages according to proportion of Scheduled Trib~ to total population ~ I \ by ranges I': ' 182 ~Appendix- VIII : Number of\r'il,lages under. each Gram Panchayat (Taluk-wlse) 183 i\ Appendix-IX : Statement spowing number of girls' schools in the Vlliages 187 Ii Ii '. ;1 SECTION-II: TOWN DIRECTORY II :1 Note explaining the abbreviati.ons used in Town Directory 191 ~\ \ Statement-I : Status and Growth History 194 \1 " II Statement-II : Physical aSRlects and location ofTowns-1999 195 \\ - Statement-III : Municipal Finance, 1998-99 . 196 I] ,I , I, Statement-IV : Civic and Other amenities, 1999 197 II Statement-V : Medical, EdJbtlOnal, Recreational and Cultural facilities, 1999 198 \\ I' Statement-VI : Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1999 200 \1 , ) 1\ , ~atement-VII : Clvic and Othh amenities in Slums 202 II ~ II Appendix to : Towns showidg t~eir Out-growth with population 206 Town Directory \\ ' . II'I . Ii PART - B : PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT \\ Brief note on Primary Census Abstract 209 I' District Primary Census Abstract (&eneral), 212 "I Appendix - I to District Primary CelPsus Abstract (Taluk-wise) 224 i I' Appendix - II to District Primary C~nsus Abstract - Total, Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe \\ population - Urban Block-W1Sd' ·230 . \1 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes '272 I'I ~ . '. 'I Pnmary Census Abstract for Schedui'~d Tribes 284 Village Primary Census Abstract 296 Urban Primary Census Abstract Panchayat Primary Census Abstract Page I Annexures I I Anne~ure - I : Community Development Blocks, Panchayats and constituent V111ages 496 I Ann~xure - II : Note on Fertility - Mortality and Migration, 1991 Census 502{ Annexure - III : Various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage, 1991 Census 508 Annexure - IV : Percentage distribution of Migrants by place of birth/place of last residence, 1991 Census 509 Aruiexure - V : Brief account of main religions in the DistrictlTaluk as per 1991 Census 510 Annexure - VI : Marital status a! population as per 1991 Census 514 Annexure - VII : Age, Sex, Literacy and Education in the District, 1991 Census 515 Anhexure - VIII : Distribution of different mother-tongues returned in 1991 Census 516 I DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK:,':WOI THrRUVANANTHAPURAM FOREWORD , -The District Census Hafldbook (DCHB) is brought out for each Distr\\~t since the first Cen'sus after Independence and is od~ of the most widely used publicatlOns compil~d and prepared by the Census Organisation on behalf of th~ State Governments and the Union Territory A4ministrations, This publication provides Primary Census Abstract (PCA) data up to Village level for the r4ral areas and provides similar details, ward-wise for each Ci\~y or Town and also provIdes the present status on availability of important civic amenities/infra-structural facilities in Villages and Towns of the District concerried. This publication has proved to be of immense utility as it i~~,considered as an essential and basic document fo~ the purpose of delimitation of constituencies, formulation of'Iochllevel and regional plan and also as an aid td district administration. '\ ' I The publication ofDistrict\fe~sus Handbook (DCHB) was first introduced 4uring the 1951 C;::ensus which contained a few important Cens~s ~abtes and PCA for each Village and Town of t~e District. Thereafter, at each successive Censuses, the scope: a~d coverage of this publication was enlarged.\\The DCHB published at the 1961 Census provided a comprphensive descriptive account of the District, ad~inistrative statistics, Census tables and a Village and Town Difreytory mcluding PCA. The 1971 Census DCHtl series was planned in three parts. Part-A related to Village a~d Town Directory, Part-B to Village and Town P~CA and Part-G to comprised analytical report, administrative\\st~Fstics, District Census tables and certain ana~ytlcal tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of Villages. However, in some States, Part-C was confined to District Census tables and in aJew cases altogether giv~n ~p due to delay in compilation and pnnting.
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