Flavoscypha, a new genus of the Pezizales for Otidea cantharella and 0. phlebophora Harri Harmaja D epartment of Botany, University of Helsinki, SF-00170 Helsinki, Finland HARMAJA, H. 1974: Flavoscypha, a new genus of the Pezizales for Otidea cantharella and 0. phlebophora. - Karstenia 14: 105- 108. The two species Otidea cantharella (Fr.) Sacc. and 0 . phlebophora (Berk. & Br.) Sacc. are shown t o possess in common some characters which differentiate them from the other pecies of Otidea, including the type of the genus·, 0. onotica (Fr. ) Fuck. The most impor­ tant differences relate to the ectal excipulum, which in the two species is composed of only one layer, viz. textura prismatic a wiuh rather small cells and clavate end cells (corresponding exactly to the H elvella type of excipulum), and which possesses no cyanophilic intercellular matter. These species also display a bright yellow colour, especially externally, in their fresh apothecia, the basal parts of which are ribbed, either having branching and anastomosing ribs and pits or are less conspicuously rugose-venose and pitted, f.eatures which are also lac­ king in the rest of Otidea. The two species may possibly also differ by the general features of their ecology and distribution from the bulk of Otidea. The differences observed ape consi­ dered so significant that the new genus Flavoscypha Harmaja is established for the two spe­ cies, Peziza phlebophora Berk. & Br. being designated as the type. The specific differences of the two closely related Flavoscypha species are also described. Both species have recently ~ach been collected once in SW Finland, and are here reported as new to this country. Two new oombinations are made: Flavoscypha cantharella (Fr.) Harmaja and Flavoscypha phlebophora (Berk. & Br.) Harmaja. In the course of my studies in Otidea king described in HARMAJA 1974b), and con­ ( Pers.) Bon. I was struck by the deviating tain two oil drops towards maturity (which structure of the ectal excipulum of 0. do not merge easily when boiled in cotton cantharella (Fr.) Sacc. and 0. phlebophora blue), the paraphysis cells were found to (Berk. & Br.) Sacc., the latter of which I possess 2 (-3) nuclei, the ental excipulum had shortly before found for the first time in is composed of textura intricata, the out:er­ Finland. Later some less important features most cells of the excipulum are heavily were observed in which both these species encrusted (best seen in KOH, since the differed from Otidea, and it became evident encrustations lose their colour in heated that they deserved a genus of their own. cotton blue, as is the case in Otidea and The new genus shares many of the well­ Tarzetta according to HARMAJA 1974b), and known features of Otidea. The ascocarp is a part of the paraphyses become apically principally cupulate, being entire or split, the curved with age. As concerns more recently asci have inamyloid walls, the spores are observed features, my studies have revealed smooth, uninucleate in both species ( accor­ that the nuclei of the mature spores from ding to my studies; the nuclei stained fairly dry apothecia are carminophobic in Flavo­ well with acetocarmine after the KOH soa- scypha also (see HARMAJA 1974b). The spo- 105 res of both species of the new genus are also deposits make the t. angularis layer parti­ otherwise of exactly the same type as those cularly conspicuous (HARMAJA 1974b). Even of Otidea. They possess a thin but distinct the normal cyanophilic septal collars (HAR­ strongly cyanophilic perispore-periplasm MAJA 1973 : 55, 1974b) are very infrequent complex when immature, but have none in the ectal excipulum o.f Flavoscypha. The when mature, being completely hyaline in anatomical differences between the two ge­ heated cotton blue, as their contents are cya­ nera may also be expressed in the following nophobic (cf. HARMAJA 1974a). Similarly, a way: 1) the t.angularis layer present in Oti­ proportion (a minority in Flavoscypha) o.f dea (and, according to my observations, also the mature spores contain one de Bary e.g. in Sowerbyella Nannf. and Tarzetta bubble each, mostly a lateral one ( cf. HAR­ (Cooke) Lamb.) is lacking in Flavoscypha, MAJA 1974b). and 2) the outermost discontinuous t. globu­ The most important characters differentia­ losa to t. prismatica layer of Otidea is homo­ ting Flavoscypha from Otidea are anatomical. logous with the t. prismatica layer of Flavo­ Firstly, in Flavoscypha the whole ectal exci­ scypha, but the latter differs in being conti­ pulum outside the ental layer of textura nuous and, to a greater or lesser degree, in intricata is composed of only one kind of the shapes of the cells, especially the terminal tissue, viz. textura prismatica, or radiately ones, which tend to form a real palisade. orientated chains of slightly elongated cells, Two macroscopic differences between the changing fairly gradually to the ental layer genera can be observed in the ascocarp. The of t. intricata. In Otidea the ectal excipulum sterile surface, or +.he exterior, of the comprises two different layers, an inner + apothecium is more or less bright yellow, or sharply delimited layer of textura angularis, vitelline, in Flavoscypha, while in Otidea this with cells tightly connected with each other particular colour is lacking. In drying in all directions, and a discontinuous outer the colour characteristically turns more layer of t. globulosa to t. prismatica, with brownish. The fresh hymenium is also yel­ somewhat smaller cells (HARMAJA 1974b). low, but not so bright. Further, in the species · Secondly, the cells of the t. prismatica of Fla­ referred to Flavoscypha the basal parts of the voscypha are smaller than those of the t. an­ outside of the cup are either pitted and beset gularis of Otidea, being ca. 25 X 12 [LID at with branching and anastomosing ribs most. Thirdly, all or at least most of the somewhat in the mode of H elvella terminal cells (often also 1-2 following ones, acetabulum (NANNFELDT, 1966, has also too) of the hypha! chains of· the ectal exci­ emphasized this distinguishing character in pulum of Flavoscypha are pyriform or cla­ 0. phlebo phora), or are less conspicuously vate, ca. 10-20 X 5-15 X 2-6 [LID in size wrinkled-venose and pitted (as in 0 . cantha­ (length X broadest point X narrowes-t point), rella). By themsel es, these two features so that the whole excipular structure is would not be diagnostic at the generic level, identical with that of H elvella (the cell size but they seem to possess significance as being being, however, smaller than in that genus) ! correlated with the anatomical characters The difference between the excipular structu­ which apparently are very critical in the ge­ res of Otidea and Flavoscypha is readily neric taxonomy of the Pezizales. demonstrated by a comparison of the figures The perispore-periplasm coating in imma­ 38 (»Pustulina» catinus; it should be remem­ ture spores may be somewhat thicker (ca. bered that in Otidea the cells of the »warts» 0.3 [LID) in Flavoscypha than generally in are mostly elongated to a greater or lesser Otidea (ca. 0.2 [LID; cf. also HARMAJA 1974b) . degree, and not spherical) and 41 ( H elvella Both species of Flavoscypha seem to be crisp a) in EcKBLAD ( 1968 ). The fourth diffe­ rare and critical studies and even floristic rence is that the more or less filamentous hy­ reports on them are very few indeed. For phae which commonly emerge from the some reason even DENNIS ( 1968 ) fails to outermost cells of the excipulum in Otidea mention about 0 . phlebophora though that (HARMA JA 1974b) are lacking in Flavo­ species has originally been described on the scypha. Lastly, a very important feature is basis of two British specimens. The two that there are no cyanophilic deposits on the Finnish finds of this genus were made in the hyphal walls in the ectal excipulum of the southwestern corner of Finland in the Flavoscypha species, whereas in Otidea such hemiboreal, or oak zone, i.e. within the 106 natural area of the oak (Quercus robur L. ). Harmajaj prov. Varsinais-Suomi, Lohja rural On both occasions the fungus was growing on commune, Jalassaari, Alho near the Ahtiala very fertile bare mull (apparently mixed manor (60° 12' ; 23° 52'). In grass-herb with clay ) in the company of southern and forest on bare fertile mull in a diffuse row, calciphilous vascular plants. NANNFELDT together with cultivated Quercus robur (also ( 1966 ) writes that »spruce woods with thick very near to indigenous trees) and Larix needle mould and/or mosses are the typical sibirica, Corylus avellana, Prunus padus, Be­ habitat for most species» of Otidea, which tula alba col!., Mercurialis perennis, Epipactis accords with my field observations. It remains latifolia, Lactariu pyrogalus, Humari~ to be ascertained whether the two genera hemisphaerica and Otidea alutacea (later show general differences in their distribution also e.g. Tricholoma sulphureum was found ). or ecological demands. The Flavoscypha j leg. 1967-08-30 Harri Harmaja» (H) . species may tend to have a more southern The translated label notes of the likewise distribution than the species of Otidea. sole Finnish specimen of 0. cantharella run: The two species of Fla voscypha are very »Otideajprov. Varsinais-Suomi, Turku town, closely related and have similar spores, which Katariinanlaakso, grass-herb forest. j leg. 13. in both species measure ca. 10 ~ 12 X 5-6 IX. 1968 Esteri Kankainen [now Ohenoja] » 1-1m and are mostly ellipsoid-oblong, a few (TUR). being subfusiform. They are also very slightly inequilateral. So far I have been unsuccessful Flavoscypha Harmaja, n. gen. - Genus in seeking for any sporal differences between ex ordine Pezizales, valde similis generis Oti­ them. The apothecium of 0 .
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