Snow Lion Publications iwliionPO Box 6483, Ithaca, NY 14851 607-273-8519 Orders: 800-950-0313 Volume 17, Number 1 WINTER 2003 ISSN 1059-3691 BN:86605 3697 NEWSLETTER & CATALOG THE ROLE OF CORRECT VIEW IN LIBERATION VENERABLE TRALEG KYABGON RINPOCHE belief system have completely shut flicts we are trying to understand. their minds off from new ideas and When we discuss Buddhist medi- remain mere prisoners of tradition. tation practices and experiences, we For this reason they are afraid of always discuss them from a partic- being "converted" when they are ular perspective. It is not a matter introduced to Buddhism, automat- of thinking that the Buddhist way is ically regarding that possibility as the only way or that it is superior to a terrible outcome. However, that all other religious or spiritual tradi- notion is highly questionable, as we tions. It is simply that the Buddhist have to make use of certain Buddhist approach to realizing the ultimate Letter from The Office of Tibet concepts in order to make sense of truth and discovering the sacred- meditation practice. For example, to ness of spiritual reality can only be do meditation we have to believe attained through adopting a particu- that there is such a thing as spiritual lar viewpoint. This is why Buddhists First Tibetan liberation and that ignorance and the talk about developing the correct defilements of the mind inhibit us view. from realizing that goal. The correct view is called the Dharma Conference There is some truth to the percep- "noble view" and the incorrect view While many people want to learn tion that people can be very opinion- the "ignoble view." The things that Buddhist meditation, they are often ated and fundamentalist in the way we believe in must come from having of the Americas very sceptical and uneasy about the that they cherish their beliefs. How- adopted the noble view (samma ever, that does not mean that we can ditthi in Pali, samyha drsti in San- philosophies and religious elements Respected Sangha and Dear Friends ang Shepa from September 17-20, embark on a spiritual path without skrit, yang dag pa,i lta ba in Tibetan). that go with it. Many think that Bud- in the Dharma: and a public talk on Atisha's Norbu believing in certain fundamental ele- Instead of thinking that we should dhist practices and meditative expe- The Office of Tibet is pleased Trengwa in Central Park on Septem- riences can be easily separated from ments of spirituality. Although it has not believe in anything at all, we need to announce that the First Tibetan ber 21, 2003. to learn the appropriate things to dis- belief systems within which they are been said that we should learn to Dharma Conference of the Americas We are currently in the process dispense with our beliefs, if we have card from our belief systems, even embedded. Many have the idea that will take place in New York C Oity on of finalizing the specific details for no philosophical orientation we will in relation to spirituality. Through belief systems, especially religious Monday, September 22 and Tuesday, this Conference, but wanted to send have no idea what we are trying to the process of refining our views, we belief systems, are dangerous and September 23, 2003. Moreover, we an initial announcement so that you achieve, where we are trying to go, or learn how to re-orient ourselves on regard anyone who is a "believer" as are highly honored to report that His may save the dates. Your suggestions what sort of personal predicaments the spiritual path, realizing that lib- a dogmatic person. They think that Holiness the Dalai Lama has kindly and comments will be highly valued. eration and our belief systems are those who subscribe to a religious or psychological and spiritual con- agreed to inaugurate the event with We would greatly appreciate it if you intimately related. a keynote address. could kindly respond to our Cultural Correct views have the ability to The Conference will be preceded and Communications Coordinator, lead us to liberation, while incorrect by two of His Holiness' events: a Annie Warner, at [email protected], to let views can distort our spiritual goals, Change Ithaca, PO Snow teaching on Drupta Tsawa by Jamy- her know if you would be interested increase the delusions of our minds Box in attending such an event. These ini- by encouraging our delusory mental Lion tial numbers will be extremely help- NY Service 6483 states, fan our anger, and increase Above photo ofH.H. the Dalai Lama ful during our planning process. 14851 Publications by Alison Wright from The Spirit of (Continued on page 8) (Continued on page 15) Tibet Requested Machik's Complete Explanation Clarifying the Meaning ofChod trans. & ed. by Sarah Harding. cal method of cutting through ego- 368 pp. A Tsadra Foundation fixation. Series textbook. "Sarah Harding's masterful trans- #MACOEX $29.95 cloth lation is a real gift to students of —Available in March Chod and this extraordinary woman Machik's Complete Explanation teacher. It provides much new mate- is the most famous book of the teach- rial including intimate question and ings of Machik Labdron, the great answer sessions between Machik female saint and yogini of ll-12th and her disciples. The translation century Tibet, now finally translated has such a fresh living quality you in its entirety into English. Machik almost feel you are receiving teach- developed a system, the Mahamu- ings directly from Machik Lapdron dra Chod, that takes the Buddha's herself."—TSULTRIM ALLIONE, author teachings as a basis and applies of Women of Wisdom and foimder of them to the immediate experiences the Tara Mandala Retreat Center ITHACA, "In this remarkable work Sarah PERMIT of negative mind states and malig- U.S. Harding has combined her well- PRSRT nant forces. Machik's unique fem- honed translation skills with her own inine approach is to invoke and PAID POSTAGE nurture the very "demons" that we practice experience to give us the trans. & ed. by Sarah Harding NY NO. STD 368 pp. #MACOEX $29.95 cloth fear and hate, transforming those most complete, detailed, lucid, and 14851 reactive emotions into love. It is well-contextualized study to date 746 A Tsadra Foundation Series of the meaning and practice of textbook the tantric version of developing compassion and fearlessness, a radi- —Available in March (Continued on page 10 The Autobiography of Jamgon Kongtrul deeds that bodhisattvas perform, fill- ever I focused my intent, I did not structures and doing good works teenth year, my grandfather Ata died. ing our minds with awe and our refine this ability, and these random in many ways. Nowadays, however, He had recited about two hundred hearts with faith. It inspires us to occurrences did not really seem to the bloodline has run out and the million mantras during his life and actualize our own inherent potential serve any purpose. family fortunes have been taken over was very skilled at maintaining the that allows the qualities of the bodhi- Several people were requesting by others, so that only the name experience of the nature of his mind. sattvas to manifest within ourselves. instruction from a certain lama on remains. And this is not an isolated On the day of his cremation cere- This book is a priceless treasure to the transference of consciousness occurrence. In fact, when I reflect on mony, there was a very clear sky be studied and revered."—KHENPO found in The Secret Dakini Treasury, what has happened up until now in with a whitish rainbow light spread- TSULTRIM GYAMTSO RINPOCHE so I joined the group. After several this country, and think of the rising ing from east to west. I thought to "To glimpse the origins of Bud- practice sessions over about three and falling and change and reversal myself that he had obtained libera- dhism in Tibet, we must read days, lymph oozed from an eruption which are in the nature of things, tion, just as it had occurred in my accounts of the lives of such mas- on the crown of my head and a stalk these events are just like autumn dream earlier. Before his death, he ters as Milarepa and Guru Rinpo- of grass could be inserted into it. had hoped very much to complete che. To survey Tibetan Buddhism For some time after this, I repeatedly one hundred repetitions of a particu- at its fullest flowering many centu- dreamed of sitting in a cross-legged He sat in the correct lar ritual, but was very discouraged ries later, we must read this book, posture and rising unhampered into posture and began that he could not complete more the autobiography of the lama who the sky. Later on in my life, such resting his mind in than eighty. I undertook to make gave Tibetan Buddhism its definitive excellent dreams and visions have up the remaining twenty, but I was form. Richard Barron, brilliant trans- equipoise, and I also all faded away like clouds in the unable to accomplish this, because trans. & ed. by Richard Barron lator of some of the most important sky; this is certainly due to the influ- began sitting in medi- not long afterward I had to go else- (Chokyi Nyima) Buddhist texts to appear in English, ence of contaminated or misappro- tation posture and rec- where. 544 pp. #AUJA $34.95 cloth again offers us a meticulous transla- priated offerings. I once fell into ognized my awareness From an early age I was extremely A Tsadra Foundation Series tion of a crucial, challenging work.
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