Annltal CONFERENCES If·:,, ' .I 'I)•

Annltal CONFERENCES If·:,, ' .I 'I)•

~f IN UTE S OJ.' TH t.: ANNlTAL CONFERENCES if·:,, ' .i 'I)•, METllODIS'l' EPISCOPAL CllllRCll, t' 0 R 'I' II E \' •: A ll S 1 7 7 3 -1 H 2 8. ~ ~ I . I NE\V-YORK: FOR TllJ.: :'tll:TllOPINT El'IMl'Ol'AI. C'lll!Hl'Jl 1 A'I' Tiii·: CONl-'Et~F.J1i;1·~~ :>t'Flt'E, ~00 l\llll.llti:l!H\-HTRF:ET. l: .T ( 'ollonl, f"1111frr. 1840. I I I ... ' TO THE READER. THE Annual Minutes of the Conferences of the Metho<list Episcopal Church ,· ...: .. '. I contain the statistics of the church in detail. They are therefore both en· I ·: tcrtaining and useful. All who feel an interest in the prosperity of Methodism •;. in this country derive much satisfaction from perusing these documents; and, as a source of authentic information respecting many things connected with the history, polity, and usages of the church, they are inJispensabh~. But being published in pamphlet form, they are liable to be lost ; anJ it requires no small trouble, when a. consecutive series is needed for any purpose, to procure one. For these reasons the idea of publishing them in a v<>lume was early conceived by John Dickins, first book agent in this country, who, in 1794, issued a volume embracing all the Minutes from the commencement of Methodism in America, a period of about twenty-one or twenty-two years. In 1813 a volume was published by D. Hitt and 'f. Ware, book agents. But this work is out of print, and the de&ire of many to have the whole from the commencement to the present period seems to call for the publication now offered. In addition to the benefit of having at hand a work of reference to which resort may be had for.settling any disputed or doubtful question relating to the statistics of the church, the volume now offered to the public may be recom· mended as a useful reading book. The biographical sketches of deceased preachers, of which there are many in the work, are highly interesting, and cannot, we think, be read without profit. The readers of the Minutes should bear in mind, that they are dated, seve­ rally, at the time of their publication ; and the matters recorded in each relate to the year closing at that period. This is necessary to a\·oid mistakes in regard to dates. 338 Minutes for 1820. MINUTES TAKEN AT THE SEVERAL ANNUAL CONFERENCES OF THE METHODll'I' EPISCOPAL CHURCH, FOR THE YEAR 1820. Quest. 1. Who are admitted on trial 1 NEW-YORK CONFERENCE.· OHIO CONFERENCE. · Robert Seeny, Daniel Kilby, 1• John Manory, Isaac C. Hunter, Abner Clark, John Moriarty, Nathan Rup Gough, James Gilbeuth, Thomas R. -6. Ruckle, Josiah Foster, Peter Warner, NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. James Murray, John Kinney, Henry Fe­ J otham Horton, Moses ~aundeJIOI, nandees, Andrew Kanier, Adbel Cole­ James P. Harvey, William M'Coy, Mm man, Benjamin T. Crouch, Moses Hinkle, Fifield, Phinehas Crandel, Charles Baker, Thomas Hitt, William H. Raper, Robert David Culver, Ella Dunham, Joseph .Kil­ Delap, Isaac Collord, Horace Brown, lam, Ezra Kellogg, Ezra. S. Goeclwia, David Dyke, John P. Keach, John P. Gilman Moody, Samuel Plummer, A'-" Durbin, Francis Wilson, Nathaniel Har­ ham Halloway, True Page, Samuel Ba­ ris-24. ker-17. MISSOURI CONFER~NCE. GENESEE CONFERENCE. Isaac N. Piggott, William Hamed, James Scott-3. J osia.h Kies, Ira Brownson, Elihu Nub, Hiram Moore, Caleb Kendall, jr., Darill TENNESSEE CONFERENCE. C. Spore, Kenneth M. C. K. Saidi, William Peter, Elijah Kirkman, John Manly Tooker, Richard Wright, William Bradfield, Merideth Reneau, Jacob Whit­ H. "\ViHiams, Philander Smith, Ronel1 worth, Richard W. Morris, Ellison Tay­ Parker, Jasper Bennet, Joseph Baar, lor, Moses Smith, Martin Flint, Samuel Robert Parker, Philetus Parkus, Frueia Patton, William Gunn, Josiah Browder, Hamilton, John B. Gilbert-18. ... Thomas W. Norwood, Cheslea Cole-14. Quest. 2. Who remain on trial 1 MISSISSIPPI CONFERENCE. OHIO CONFERENCE. Daniel De Vinne. Samuel Adams, James Smith, S..-l SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. Brockunier, Edward Taylor, Denoia 0-. Thomas Samford, Benjamin Gordon, dard, Charles Elliot, Thomas M'Claq, Za· Jesse Wan, Thomas Clinton, Barnet chariah Connel, Greenhury Jones, Beery Smith, Robert Adams, Nathaniel Rhodes, Mathews, James T. Wells, Leroy s.... Aquila Norman, Stephen Bass, Benjamin stedt, Arthur W. Elliot, An&ew M'ci.., L. Hoskins, Anthony T. Simmons, John Joseph S. Farrow, Burwell Sparllok. H. Tradewell, Thomas Mabry, Robert Hezekiah Holland, Josiah Whitaker-18. Wilkinson-14. MISSOURI CONFERENCE. VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. Thomas Tennant, Washington Orr, Ju. "Moses Brock, Thos. R. Brame, Richard Lowry, William Medford, John Wallace G. Neiper, John Thompson, Benjamin -6. Mason, Edward Rowaey-6. TENNESSEE CONFERENCE. BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. Geo~~e Brown, Joshua Butcher, jr., Charles B. Tippet, Mordecai Barrv, John Aesterson, John Brook, 8llllll Charles Cook, William C. Pool, Jolin Harwell, Samuel D. Sansom, Aloi Alemong, Amos Smith, James Avis, Richardson, Robert Paine, Hartwell IL George A. Bain, John F. Andrew, Geo. Brown, Sterling C. Brown, Geo. ~ W. Morris, William Hank, John Hendry, Thomas Maddon, Robert Hooper, E1ilM William Brandebony, Barlow De Forest, Simmons, Abraham Still, DaYid ~ John Hail, Bazil Dawsy, David Steele, Obadiah Freeman, Lewie S. .ManUll Georie Wells-18. ..-18 . ~J Minutes for 1820. 339 SOCTII l'AROLlSA CONt'EHE'.'\CE. Smith, John L. Jerry, Chas. Detts, John Jas. Da11nelly, Barna.bas Pipkin, Jet'se Dix-15. Sinclair, Mallhew Haiford, John Mul­ VIRGl:\L\ CONFERENCE. linix, John :•khroclJel, John Chappel, Chas. L. Coolt~y, Peter Doub, Thomp­ Chrietia11 G. II di, John Howard, Thomas Mn Garrard, Ueorg-c M. Anderson, Hezt·­ Gan.luer, 'l'homa9 C raxen-11. kiah G. Lee, \Villiam Eaetwood, Ex11m \'lUGI~IA CO~FERE:"CE. Chapman, Ira Parkrr, Geo. \V. Charlto11, Francis A. \Vard, \Villiams Harris, Arehibald Hohimmn, J oakim Lane, Curll::> F.noch Johnson, llenrv Allev, Miles Hooks, Amos C. Treadway-13. Nash, Thomas Howard, Geurgc·c. Ches­ BALTIMORE CONFERESCE. ley-7. Yelverton Pevton, J essc Lee, John BALTIMORE CONFF.RENCE. Tanyhill, \Villiam Hamilton, Hobert S. Edward OrJm, DPnnis Battl'e, Thomas Vinton, James l\:Ioore, Samuel Cushen, Dorsey, Hichartl Armstrong-, Thos. Rice, Peregrine Buckingham, Lawrence Ever­ Jacob Larkin, J am£'s Sansom, John l\Iil­ hart-9. lu, G~orge Erwin, Bennet Duwler-10. PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. PHJLADELPHIA COl\FERENCE. Charles Pittman, James Long, Samuel Henry G. King, John Talley, Edward Grace, \Villiam 'Vright-.f. Stevenson, Joseph Cary, Benjamin Col­ l\'.E,V-YORK CONFERENCE. lins, \\"illiam Allen-6. Nich. Morris, Ebenezer Brown, Henry NEW-YORK CONFER EKCE. Hatfield, Harvey De \Volf, Cyrus Silli­ John Bang-s, Orin Pier, George Coles, man, Noah Levings, Seymour Landon, Nathan Rice, Samuel D. Ferguson-5. J ame9 Quinlan-8. NEW-E~GLAi\D CO~FERE~CE. NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Edward Taylor, Isaac Stoddard, Elijah Isaac Jennison, Jesse Fillmore, Ephraim Spear, Bt>njamin Ayer, James Bishop, 'Viley, John S. Ayer, Peter Burgess, \Vil­ Samuel N orris-6. bur Fisk, Damon Young, Squire B. Has­ kel, Sullivan Bray, Wm. M. Gray-10. GF.NF.SEE COXFERF.~CE. Thos. Demorest, Horace A2ard, Henry GENESEE CONFERENCE. Peek, J ame!I Brown, Franklin Metcalf, Truman Dixon, Calvin N. Flint, F.d­ Belus Shepherd, Chester Adgate, Elijah mond O'Fling, Dana. Fox, J as. G. Peele, Boardman, Enoch Harnes, James Brown­ Samuel Belton, Hussel Downin!!', Hiram eon, John Beggarly-11. G. Warner, Robert Jeffers, \Villiam \V. Quest. 3. l\f/ao are admitted i#ito full Rundall, Zachariah Paddock, J as. Wilson, comu:ction ! Alanson Gifford, Andrew Peck, Timothr Goodwin, Michael Seager, Jeter Foster, OHIO COXFERE~CE. Parker Buel, Cvrus Story, Benaijah \Vii­ Ira Eddy. Allen \Viley, Peter Stephens, liams, Gleason Fillmore-21. Calvin Ruter, Philip Green, John Stew­ art, Job Baker, John P. Tavlor, Richard Quest. 4. Wh.o are the deacons 1 Corwine-9. • Those marked thus(*) were ordain~d this year. MISSOVRI CO~FEREN"CE. OHIO CONFERENCE. \\"illiam Townsend. Ira. Eddy,• Allen '\Viley,• Peter Ste­ phens,t:< Calvin Ruter,• Philip Green,• TEXNESSEE CONFERENCE. Ezra Booth. Thomas A. Morris, William Ju. '\Yitten, John Daver, Jesse Green, """ estlake, Thomas Carr, Samuel Baker, George Taylor--4. John Stewart,• Job Baker,• Jno. P. Tay­ MISSISSIPPI CONFERENCE. lor,• Rich. Corwine,• John Brook, Wm. Wiley Ledbetter, John Booth-2. Holdman, Samuel Demint, Joseph Carper, SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. Samuel Chenowith-19. Jae. Dnnwody, Elisha Calloway, Raleigh MISSOURI CONFERENCE. Green, Robert Flournoy, Jeremiah Free­ Alexander M'Allister, Chas. Slocumb, man, ThmJlas L. Winn, Hugh Hamil, Samuel Glaize, John C. Harberson, John Nicholas \\-are, Asbury Mor~an, .Benj. Harris, \Villiam Townsend,• Thomas Da­ R~~ John L. Greaves, Thomas A. vis-7. '• 340 Minutes for 18 20. TENNESSEE CONFERENCE. GENESEE CONFERENCE. Qo James Witten,• Jesse Green,• John Alvin Torry, John B. Alverson, Jame. Daver,• George Taylor,• Benj. Peoples, Jackson, Ezra Adams, Reuben A. Ayle .. , 'Vm. Allison, Thomas Stringfield, Lewis worth, John Dempster, Thomas M'Gee, Ro' Garrett, \Villiam S. Manson, Ebenezer Truman Dixon,• Calvin N. Flint,• Ed. Hearn, Edward Ashley, Simon Peter, mund O'Fling,• Dana Fox,• James G. Q John Hutcheson, George Brown, David P~aI,• Samuel Belton,• Russel Downing,• Goodner-15. Hiram G. Warner,• Robe1t Jeffers,,. Wil­ MISSISSIPPI CONFERENCE. liam W. Rundall,• Zachariah Paddock,• James Wilson,• Alanson Gifford,• Andrew 'Viley Ledbetter,• John Booth'*'-2. Peck,• Timothv Goodwin,• ·Michael Sea. SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. ger,• Jeter Fo-ster,• Parker Buel, Cyru1 James Dunwody,• Elisha Calloway,• Story, Benaijah Williams,• Gleason Fill­ ( Raleigh Green,• Robert Flournoy,* Jere­ more-2R. Sin miah Freeman,• Thos. L. "1·inn,• Hugh Quest. 5. Who have been elected and or­ Hamill,* Nicholas \Vare,• Asbury Mor­ dained elders this year J gan,• Benj. Rhodes,• John L. Greaves,• OHIO CONFERENCE. Thos. A. Smith,• John L. Jerry,• Chas. Betts,* Josiah Evans,• Thomas A. Rosa­ Cornelius Springer, Samuel Hamilton. mond,* \Villiam Hankins,• John Taylor, Wm.

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