the International IRAP PhD Relativistic Astrophysics Ph.D. The field of relativistic astrophysics has become one of the fastest pro- gressing fields of scientific devel- opment. This is due to the fortunate inter- action of a vast number of inter- national observational and exper- imental facilities in space, on the ground, underground, in the polar ice caps, and in the deep ocean, supported by a powerful theoreti- cal framework based on Einstein’s theory of general relativity and rel- ativistic quantum field theory. In 1995, the International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics in Rome (ICRA) initiated an Interna- tional Network of Centers in the field of Relativistic Astrophysics (ICRANet) which has this year ac- quired the status of International Organization. The ICRANet com- bines the research powers of lead- ing institutions in the Americas, Australia, Asia and Europe. The coordinating center is located in the town of Pescara, Italy. In parallel with these activities, the International Relativistic Astro- physics Ph.D. Program (IRAP PhD) has been created with the goal of training a highly qualified number of Ph.D. students in this exciting field of research. So far, the par- ticipating institutions are: ETH Zurich, Freie Universität Berlin, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, Université de Nice-Sophia An- tipolis, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Université de Savoie. The IRAP-PhD is granted by all these institutions. Each program cycle lasts three years. The cours- es and related scientific activities cover a broad range of scientific topics including the mathematical and geometrical structure of space- time, relativistic field theories of fundamental interactions both at the classical and quantum levels, astronomical and astrophysical ob- servational techniques, and the as- sociated phenomenological and theoretical descriptions. The re- search style is by its own nature interdisciplinary and internation- al. The students will take courses at all participating institutions. This is the announcement of the fourth IRAP PhD cycle. The year Cat’s Eye Nebula - NGC 6543 2005 signals the one hundredth © NASA, ESA, HEIC and The hubble Heritage Team (STSCI/AURA) anniversary of the “annus mirabilis” in which Einstein revolutionized The Courses – Each Student will have to follow 180 hours of courses during the three years of the Ph.D. program. The Courses can be chosen among the following ones. There the field of physics. In addition to is also the possibility to follow the courses of the other Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Ph.D. programs in each participating institution, after approval by the the courses and research on rela- faculty. tivistic field theory, black holes and cosmology the Graduate school CHAOTIC BEHAVIOR IN ASTROPHYSICAL THE BINARY PULSARS: THEORY AND OBSER- GENERALIZED KALUZA-KLEIN THEORIES. Lectures The Faculty will co-organize: SYSTEMS AND COSMOLOGY I. Lectures delivered VATIONS. Lectures delivered at Université de Nice on the mathematical and physical foundation of Carlo Bernardini at Pescara ICRANet Center by Prof. Vladimir Belinski Sophie Antipolis and Pescara ICRANet Centerby multidimensional unified field theories, held at the Università di Roma “La Sapienza” four “lectiones magistrales” in Prof. Nathalie Deruelle and Prof. Michael Kramer Università di Roma “La Sapienza” by Dr.Giovanni Julien Borgnino Nice in October 2005 by Remo SELECTED TOPICS ON GAMMA-RAY BURST Montani. Université de Nice-Sophie Antipolis Ruffini, Nathalie Deruelle, Yuval THEORY. Lectures delivered at Pescara ICRANet THE STRUCTURE, AND DYNAMICS OF SELF- Pascal Chardonnet SELECTED THEORETICAL MODELS IN ASTRONO- Ne’emann, Thibault Damour; Center by Dr. Carlo Luciano Bianco, Dr. Luca GRAVITATING SYSTEMS. Lectures delivered at Université de Savoie MY AND ASTROPHYSICS. Lectures delivered at Ob- Vitagliano, Dr. She-Sheng Xue. Pescara ICRANet Center by Prof. Simonetta Filippi Demetrios Christodoulou “Einstein and relativistic astrophysics”, servatoire de la Côte d’Azur by Prof. Jose Pacheco. and Alonso Sepulveda ETH Zurich December 2005 – April 2006, PHYSICS OF GRAVITY. Lectures on the THEORETICAL PHYSICS. Lectures with a special Jacques Colin Pescara, exhibition and lectures; mathematical and physical foundation of general FERMI-THOMAS MODELS IN ATOMIC PHYSICS emphasis on the late phases of thermonuclear Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur “The reference frame” relativity held at the Università di Roma “La AND SELF-GRAVITATING SYSTEMS. Lectures delivered evolution of stars, general relativity and cosmology Pierre Coullet An International meeting, February Sapienza” by Dr. Donato Bini and Prof. Robert T. at Université de Nice Sophie Antipolis, Università di delivered at Università di Roma “La Sapienza” by Université de Nice-Sophie Antipolis 2006 in Nice; Jantzen. Roma “La Sapienza” and Pescara ICRANet Center by Prof. Remo Ruffini. Simonetta Filippi Prof. Francesco Guerra and Prof. Remo Ruffini. Università “Campus Biomedico” di Roma XI Marcel Grossmann Meeting in HIGH ENERGY UNIVERSE. Lectures delivered at Giovanni Gallavotti S. Petersburg, July 2006. Université de Savoie by Prof. Pascal Chardonnet. CHAOTIC BEHAVIOUR IN ASTROPHYSICAL The Host Institution for the call of 2005-2006 Università di Roma “La Sapienza” SYSTEMS AND COSMOLOGY II. Lectures is theUniversité de Nice Hagen Kleinert MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS OF GENERAL delivered at Pescara ICRANet Center by Prof. Vahe Sophia Antipolis Grand Château Freie Universitat Berlin RELATIVITY THEORY. Lectures delivered at ETH Gurzadyan 28 Avenue Valrose 21 Francois Mignard Zurich by Prof. Demetrios Christodoulou B.P. 2135 Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur SELECTED TOPICS IN RELATIVISTIC QUANTUM 06103 NICE CEDEX 2 Jose Pacheco NON-LINEAR DYNAMICS AND APPLICATIONS FIELD THEORIES. Lectures delivered at the Freie Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur TO ASTROPHYSICS. Lectures delivered at Université Universität in Berlin and Pescara ICRANet Center Ugo Moschella de Nice Sophie Antipolis by Prof. Pierre Coullet. by Prof. Hagen Kleinert and Prof. Axel Pelster. Application and Fellowship: Università della Insubria Como In 2005-2006 eight positions will be available, Remo Ruffini (Director) ICRANet INTRODUCTION TO STRING THEORY. Lectures THE REFERENCE FRAME: FROM EARTH TO CMB. five with fellowship support. The application Università di Roma “La Sapienza” delivered at Université de Nice Sophie Antipolis and Lectures delivered at Université de Nice Sophie deadline is September 30, 2005. Kensuke Yoshida Stampa Palombi & Partner - Roma - Giugno 2005 Pescara ICRANet Centerby Prof. Thibault Damour Antipolis by Prof. François Mignard. See <http://www.icra.it/IRAPPhD/>. Università di Roma “La Sapienza” the International IRAP PhD Relativistic Astrophysics Ph.D. Invitation for Applicants 2006 The field of relativistic astrophysics has become one of the fastest pro- gressing fields of scientific devel- opment. This is due to the fortu- nate interaction of a vast number of international observational and experimental facilities in space, on the ground, underground, in the polar ice caps, and in the deep ocean, supported by a powerful theoretical framework based on Einstein’s theory of general rela- tivity and relativistic quantum field theory. In 1995, the International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics in Rome (ICRA) initiated an Inter- national Network of Centers in the field of Relativistic Astrophysics (ICRANet) which acquired the sta- tus of an International Organiza- tion in 2005. The ICRANet com- bines the research powers of lead- ing institutions in the Americas, Australia, Asia and Europe. The coordinating center is located in the town of Pescara, Italy. In par- allel with these activities, the In- ternational Relativistic Astrophysics Ph.D. Program (IRAP PhD) has been created with the goal of train- ing a highly qualified number of Ph.D. students in this exciting field of research. So far, the participat- ing institutions are: ETH Zurich, Freie Universität Berlin, Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, Ob- servatoire de la Côte d’Azur, Uni- versité de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, and Université de Savoie. The IRAP-PhD is granted by all these institutions. Each program cycle lasts three years. The courses and related scientific activities cover a broad range of scientific topics in- cluding the mathematical and geo- metrical structure of spacetime, relativistic field theories of funda- mental interactions both at the classical and quantum levels, as- tronomical and astrophysical ob- servational techniques, and the as- sociated phenomenological and theoretical descriptions. The re- search style is by its own nature interdisciplinary and internation- al. The students will take courses Firestorm of Star Birth In Galaxy NGC 604 at all participating institutions. © NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (AURA/STScI) This is the announcement of the The Courses – Each student will have to follow 180 hours of courses during the three years of the Ph.D. program. There is also the possibility to follow courses from the other fifth IRAP PhD cycle. In addition to Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Ph.D. programs in each participating institution, after approval by the faculty. Courses can be chosen from the following list: the courses and research on relativistic field theory, black holes and cosmology, the Graduate CHAOTIC BEHAVIOR IN ASTROPHYSICAL INTRODUCTION TO STRING THEORY. GENERALIZED KALUZA-KLEIN THEORIES. The Faculty SYSTEMS AND COSMOLOGY I. Lectures delivered at Borel
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