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Monday, May 24, 2021 • Volume 137 Number 34 • Moosomin, Saskatchewan FRESH LOCAL TRADE UNIVERSE SATELLITE SALES 6 Dawson Bay Esterhazy, SK 2020 Silverado LT Trailboss Universe Satellite is your new MLS# SK834576 5.3L, Leather PKG., ROXOR DEALER $599,999 5 Bedrooms 18” Black Wheels, 26,000 kms in Rocanville! 3 Bathrooms LIVING SKIES REALTY LTD. BRADLEY’S GM Amy K. Hudacek Realtor® MOOSOMIN, SK | 1-800-209-4628 | WWW.BRADLEYGM.COM WWW.UNIVERSESATELLITE.COM • 1-306-645-2669 • 1-306-435-8018 306-740-6100 | [email protected] Publications Mail Agreement 40011909 Saskatchewan’s first community newspaper • Published weekly since 1884 Tianna Toms submitted this photo of seeding at the Toms Grain Company farm at Redvers in the World-Spectator’s Spring Seeding photo con- test. See more entries on page 13 $1.27 million grant for Rocanville pool BY KARA KINNA town’s $461,818 portion of the funding, the town and rec RU WKH EXLOGLQJ ZH QHHG WR JHW D FRVW EHQHÀW DQDO\VLV After decades of struggling with expenses and how department are hoping to be able to raise at least $250,000 done on all those types of jobs, an approximate cost, and best to tackle major repairs that are needed at Rocan- in donations. then make a decision on what we want to do. We’ll work ville’s indoor pool in order to keep it operational, the Work on the facility must be completed by December closely with (Rec Director) Andrea (Logan), because she town received some welcome news on Wednesday that 2022, meaning the town must move quickly to get work is so invested in the pool, to come up with the best game it will receive a $1.27 million grant for the pool through started this winter, so the pool can be operational for the plan.” the federal-provincial Investing in Canada Infrastructure spring 2022 season. Reed says the grant is a welcome relief. Program (ICIP). Rocanville Mayor Ron Reed says the town will be meet- “We’ve been scraping by and making do with the state The money is a major shot in the arm for a facility that ing with engineers to assess everything that needs to be that the pool is in now, and just trying to keep it open,” he had the town council and rec department discussing done at the pool so they can come up with a plan of action says. “It is a draw to the community. There aren’t many regularly how best to deal with major infrastructure im- for starting on the project and bringing in donations. LQGRRUSRROVLQWKHDUHDWKDWKDYHWKHEHQHÀWRIRSHQLQJ provements that are needed at the aging facility. “We do have a lot of work to do there. It’s just going to early in the season and staying open late (like we do). The town will be receiving $1,269,782 through ICIP and EHDPDWWHURIPHHWLQJXSZLWKWKHHQJLQHHUVDQGÀJXU- We’ve got to get it to that point where it’s almost a four- will be contributing $461,818 as the town’s portion, bring- ing out the best path for the money,” says Reed. “Wheth- season facility.” ing the total investment in the pool to $1,731,600. Of the er it is repairing the pool tank and the deck and piping, Continued on page 16 2021 ECOSPORT SE CELEBRATION Great Fuel Economy Guy Wall: –FORD SALES– Moonroof (306) 435-0215 Backup Camera $27,849 STOCK# 1T059 $ Eli Tremblay PER WEEK 98 (306) 434-9101 1-800-880-4533 • 306-435-3313 Check out celebrationford.com for all the amazing inventory! 2 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, May 24, 2021 No date for resuming road tests in rural towns BY KEVIN WEEDMARK so we had to work our way throughout that backlog. In reason and the fact that there is only so much physical While a lot of things have returned to normal or are VRPHORFDWLRQVZHZHUHDVKLJKDVZHHNVEHKLQG,Q GLVWDQFLQJ \RX FDQ GR LQ D YHKLFOH ZH KDG OLPLWHG WKH UHWXUQLQJWRQRUPDOVLQFHWKH&RYLGSDQGHPLFÀUVWKLW UHJXODUWLPHVLQUHDOO\ELJFHQWHUVWKH\FDQEHXSZDUGVRI number of testing centres. one thing that has not returned to normal is driver test- eight to 10 weeks in some locations but three to six weeks “But we absolutely understand there are people who ing. would be the ideal and we’re pretty close to that in some would like these services to be brought back to their town 6LQFH0DUFKRISHRSOHKDYHQRWKDGWKHRSSRU- locations. Our driver examination team has worked very and we are looking forward to the day where we’re able tunity to have a road test at SGI’s satellite testing sites hard to address those backlogs. One of the reasons we’re to do that. When testing resumed in April 2020 and there across Saskatchewan. able to do that is because they centralized the testing in ZHUHORQJZDLWVRQHRIWKHSULRULW\JURXSVWKDWZHUHDEOH There was no driver testing in Saskatchewan at one WKHORFDWLRQVWKURXJKRXWWKHSURYLQFHVRWKDWLWUHGXFHV WRERRNWHVWVÀUVWZHUHLQDGGLWLRQWRKHDOWKFDUHZRUNHUV SRLQW DQG FXUUHQWO\ WHVWLQJ LV OLPLWHG WR VLWHV LQ WKH the travel time and other factors involved in serving the agriculture workers because we wanted to make sure that SURYLQFHZKLOH0RRVRPLQDQGRWKHUVDWHOOLWHFHQWUHV satellite centres and it maximizes the time they can spend WKH\FRXOGRSHUDWHRQWKHIDUPLIWKHUHZHUHNLGVZRUN- around the province have not had any testing for more FRQGXFWLQJWKRVHWHVWVµ ing on the family farm so they could have their license in than a year. time for seeding and then harvest. So that was something ´,QPLG0DUFKRIWHVWLQJZDVDFWXDOO\VXVSHQGHG Testing will resume WKDWZDVPDLQWDLQHGWKURXJKRXWDOORIODVW\HDUµ and then when class one and three testing resumed in April 2020 there was testing offered in a select number of in satellite centres McMurchy says testing will resume in satellite centres ORFDWLRQVµVD\V7\OHU0F0XUFK\RI6*, at some point. ´7KHQ FODVV ÀYH WHVWV DQG WHVWV IRU WKRVH ZRUNLQJ LQ ´,W ZLOO UHVXPH EXW ZH GRQ·W KDYH D GDWHµ KH VDLG KHDOWKFDUHRUDJULFXOWXUHUHVXPHGLQHDUO\0D\RI “When the pandemic subsides and public health au- DQGWKHQZHEURXJKWEDFNWHVWLQJIRUFODVVÀYHFODVVIRXU thorities are no longer recommending reduced travelling and class two and motorcycle and school buses basically DFURVVWKHSURYLQFHRUWKHUHDUHQ·WWKHVHUHVWULFWLRQV6*, and it opened up for everybody on June 25 of 2020. absolutely looks forward to again delivering services in ´6RZKHQLWÀUVWFDPHEDFNWKRXJK6*,UHVXPHGWHVW- WKHVDWHOOLWHORFDWLRQVWKDWZHGLGSUHYLRXVO\LQFOXGLQJ ing with an innovative trail vehicle method. It involves 0RRVRPLQµKHVDLG the examiner following behind the student and if that ´:KHQZHKDYHH[DPLQHUVJRWRWKHVDWHOOLWHORFDWLRQV VWXGHQWUHTXLUHVDVXSHUYLVLQJGULYHUOLNHFODVVÀYHGRHV that travel time is part of their work day. By completing the examiner gives them instructions via bluetooth and WKHWHVWLQJLQRQO\WKHWHVWLQJORFDWLRQV6*,LVDEOHWR there’s a dash cam that captures the view out the front deliver the largest number of exams and keep wait times window and into the cab as well to prevent the supervis- WRDPLQLPXPDQGWKDWZDVRQHUHDOO\VLJQLÀFDQWSUHV- ing driver from providing any kind of assistance to the sure. applicant. “A lot of people were very concerned about the pros- ´$VWXGHQWWDNHVDWHVWLQWKHLURZQYHKLFOHDQGWKHQ SHFWRIKDYLQJWRZDLWZHHNVIRUDWHVWVRRXUGULYHU there is an SGI vehicle the examiner would be following examination team really did make a priority of trying behind in. to bring down those wait lists and deliver the tests. We ´:KHQZHEURXJKWEDFNWHVWLQJWKDWZD\LWZDVVRPH- certainly appreciate the patience that our customers have thing that SGI had never done before and I don’t know displayed as we try to bring these tests to them but we do if any other jurisdictions were doing it. It’s similar to if also have to really consider examiner and customer safety \RXZHUHWRWDNHDPRWRUF\FOHWHVWWKHH[DPLQHUWUDYHOV as well. So having our examiners travelling to different behind you. ORFDWLRQVNHHSLQJLQPLQGLQVRPHFDVHVWKH\DUHJRLQJWR “It takes longer to do it this way because there’s video EHLQWKHYHKLFOHZLWKSHRSOHWKDW·VDFRQFHUQDVZHOO6R review after the fact. So normally when you would take we want to do what we can to keep them safe. a road test with the instructor in your vehicle you would “Another reason we limited the number of locations ÀQGRXWULJKWDWWKHHQGRIWKDWURDGWHVWGLG\RXSDVVGLG is if a driver examiner is in a situation where they are \RXIDLODQGVRIRUWKHWUDLOYHKLFOHPHWKRG\HVLWGLGWDNH required to self-isolate because maybe they’ve been ex- ORQJHU$W\SLFDOWHVWLQSUHSDQGHPLFWLPHVWKHUHJXODU Billion dollar rain posed by a customer. By having the services more central- ZD\LW·V DERXW D KDOI KRXU EORFN WKDW ZH VHW DVLGH DQG L]HGDQGDODUJHUFRPSRQHQWRIVWDII\RX·UHDEOHWRFRYHU Colin Stewart of Moosomin sent this photo at the start of the new system I think it was close to two WKDWSHUVRQ·VDEVHQFHPRUHHDVLO\6RWKDW·VDQRWKHUWKLQJ of his rain gauge Friday showing more than hours because there was also instalation and de-instala- ZKHUHDV LI \RX ZHUH WR JR RXW WR WKH VPDOOHU ORFDWLRQV tion and extra instructions for the camera because it’s ac- an inch of rain in the last 24 hours. Seeding \RXPLJKWQRWKDYHWKDWEDFNXSDYDLODEOHµ tually the applicant that installs the camera and then you was mostly completed across southeast Sas- What will be the determining factor in resuming ser- have to sanitize things and then build in time for the per- YLFHWRWKHVDWHOOLWHFOLQLFVDURXQGWKHSURYLQFH" katchewan and southwest Manitoba before the son to review the footage. So we got that down to about “It will be in line with public health orders and rec- much needed rain started falling last week. DQKRXU6R\HVLWGRHVWDNHH[WUDWLPHWRGRLWWKLVZD\ RPPHQGDWLRQVµ VDLG 0F0XUFK\´6R ZKHQ WKH SXEOLF “What happened was in-vehicle testing resumed in health authority is no longer recommending against trav- September and October in stages but those tests still actu- HOOLQJDFURVVWKHSURYLQFH,WKLQNWKDWZLOOEHZKHQZH
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