ROCHESTER FORMERlY R 0 CHESTER TVue WEEKLY Now Including Radio and * Entertainment Personalities OPEN DAILY FROM 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. (Wednesday & Saturday til 6) IWI onderful value ••• wonderful set for enioying all the new TV Shows now on the air . .. Admiral 17" CONSOLE 4l COLOR TV OPTIONAL 4l EQUIPPED FOR UHF COMPLETE WITH TAXES AND INSTALLATION BUY ON COLUMBIA'S FAMOUS QUARTER METER PLAN OR CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS R~CHESTER'S TV AND APiniANCE CENTER 77 CLINTON AVE. SO. The Long Night The day following the 13th of January was one when men, women and children, who seldom show the same reverence toward their families, took time out from busy lives to pay their respects to a gigantic personality-for the last time. Jimmy O 'Flynn was the personifica tion of expressive talent. His impact, whether on stage. radio or television, was constantly of the highest tradition. One of his favor­ ite songs, "Make Someone Happy Today,'' written expressly for him by a local citizen, was his credo. In turn, he gave his all to charity for medical campaigns and benefits of every conceivable kind. But, ironically, they could never find a cure for his own fatal ailment. He was indeed a star. He could ad-lib on par with the finest. He sang and sold a song like Harry Richman, delivered ga gs with the surety of a Milton Berle and absorbed the lessons of the business with the maturity of an eager twenty-year-old. He always held up his end of the show, no matter what preceded him, and more important, gave his all, his ever changing health notwithstanding. It's peculiar writing about Jimmy O'Flynn in the past tense. He always looked forward to full days ahead. Jim was seven-yet in those few years he lived the full lives of two youngsters. He will be remembered by thousands, and Radio City's million dolla r studios will be astonishingly empty without his talents and personality-the likes of which Rochester will not see again for a lifetime. R. C. ROCHESTER TV LIFE Rochester's Official TV Program and News Magazine Vol. 1 ~12 No. 52 Owned and Published by ROBERT H. PEl FFER ASSOCIATES 35 Church Sr., Rochester 14, N .Y. Phone LOcust 6727 Editor ............. Bob Peiffer Excerpts . Asst. Editor .......... H. Kip Pierson " ... the article ''Your TViewer'' has Adv. Mgr . .......... Ralph Chinelly prompted me to write . let me begin by saying I believe WHAM-TV has THIS WEEK'S TV FEATURES done an excellent job in presenting a bal­ Editorial 3 anced program schedule to Rochester area Ann Heerkens - Cover Girl 5 viewers . The locally originated Disc Kicks by Joe Dea ne 8 "Court of Public Opinion" is a fine pro­ He Beats A Drum 10 gram . .. I thoroughly enjoy discussion TV Viewing Tip 10 TV Service Directory 11 programs carried on the network . New Voice in Rochester Radio & TV 12 "Meet the Press" , "American Forum of March of Dimes Dance the Air" . .. The series of programs car­ Your TViewer by Sarah Prescott 14 ried on the question of a sales tax to Space Cadet 1 6 finance wage increases for county em­ Behind the Sce nes by Jim Trayhern . 18 ployees was an important example of the TV Groaners ..... 20 social functions that TV may serve .. Cay Speaks 22 As one viewer, I would appreciate more Shadow Stopper 27 programs of this type . Red Wing Press Time Flashes 30 games televised from the stadium and O'Fiynn Fan Fare ... ................... 32 Coloring Contest 33 Rochester Royal games from the court This Radio and TV W orld 36 were thoroughly enjoyed~as well as the TV Pin-Up 37 special features of the World Series . Over the TV Fence . .......... ................ 38 The comedy-variety shows~ Texaco Star Theatre, Four Star Revue, Show of WHAM-TV PROGRAMS Shows~bring a great array of talent and - DAI LY SC HEDULE- entertainment . There is one negative Saturday 23 comment I would like to make: television Sunday 24 would be losing nothing if wrestling Monday 26 Tuesday 26 matches, so called, were dropped from Wednesday 28 the schedule. It seems to me that the Thursday 28 time would be more usefully employed Friday 29 WBEN-TV 31 by a discussion program or a true ath­ WSYR-TV 34 letic event~or , for that matter~by al­ WHEN 35 most anything else . .. It may be that JANUARY 19-25, 1952 viewers in this area enjoy wrestling on Rochester TV life published weekly at TV ~if so, I only would that it were Rochester, New York. Subscription price not so." $3.00 per year, in advance. Jack Siebert Rochester, N . Y. 4 ROCHESTER TV LIFE as fulfilling the dreams of travel. Being a sun-loving gal, she went on to South COVER~ America, Peru, Havana, Haiti and Jam­ aica. During this time many fascinating hob­ bies were developed-one of which was deep sea fishing. She soon became expert enough to land a whopper fish with a minimum of difficulty-and won the re­ spect of more seasoned fishermen. Surf riding - another favorite pastime - was abetted by expert instruction from the island natives who knew the sea so well. Just one among many other accomplish­ ments, Ann learned to play the popular island sport, Jailai. It was only natural that "Clee" should become an expert swimmer, competent equestrienne and an able flyer. According to "Clee" she loves Hying because it gives a feeling of complete freedom to be up in the clouds. Then, too, it's one way to be nearer the sun which she loves. 111111 ''Ciee'' Heerlti111 She's Love Iy, She's Busy, She's a Top TV Model The lovely Ann Heerkens-better known Even the best of travelers like to re­ as "Clee"-knew at an early age she turn to the "home town" and the nostal­ could never be satisfied with mere med­ gic memories of the familiar. "Clee" made iocrity. She was born with a zest for the return trip by boat. It should have living! been a trip of complete relaxation. But As a youngster she had an eye on the not for Miss Heerkens! Her thoughts and future, and began to plan an extended experiences about the people she had trip to see all the places she had dreamed met during the sojourn inspired a book. about. Although only 16, she realized She began to write aboard ship-and con­ that even the best of dreams didn't come tinued writing six months after she re­ true without careful planning and hard turned home. Ann feels that she has work. So-she began a surprising variety preserved the most wonderful moments of occupations to save enough money for and memories of the past experiences­ financing the journeys. experiences that can be relived with just Ann's dreams were first realized when the flip of a page. she made the initial jaunt to the West But-new experiences do not cease at Indies. There she completed her educa­ the end of a book-at least not for Ann. tion which was just as important to her (Conti nued on Pag e 6) ROCHESTER TV liFE 5 Ann Heerkens . you may have guessed. She firmly be­ lieves-and proves-that there is nothing (Conti nued f rom Page 5) out of reach if one puts forth the neces­ A modeling career seemed right as the sary effort. With her many talents, natur­ next step. This lithsome lass. with the al attributes and colorful background, this help of Lois Gliewe, head of a Rochester lovely being will know the full measure of success in any venture she undertakes. modeling school and agency, graduated Quite a gal! with top honors. Indeed, the day Ann finished the course was the beginning of a whirl of modeling assignments. The goal of every model, after exper­ ience in fashion and photography, is to appear on TV. But-TV is one of the Putting a thoroughbred through the paces , Ann tackles any hurdle i n life competently - and capably. WOW! Th is is " Ciee" before she hod e ver d reamed of a modeli ng ca reer! A natural wea lth of material to w ork with. MODELING most difficult types o( modeling. It re­ AGENCY quires a perfect technique, plus facial and figure perfection. Leave it to "Clee"! Almost immediately she debuted as a model on the B. Forman show "The Show Goer." This program, TVued on 83 Clinton Ave. N. Monday nights at 9:45, is produced by the Storm Agency. BAker 6141 "Ciee" is a determined young lady-as 6 ROCHESTER TV LIFE Don't Miss It! .... Woman's Digest" Mon. thru Fri. 4-4:30 P. M. PAULINE GAFFNEY AULINE GAFFNEY'S " Woman's Digest" program offers Pthe ladies just the kind of radio fare they most enjoy. She talks authoritatively about fashions, books, plays and all phases of homemaking and intersperses her comments with popular Bing Crosby recordings. W inner of the national " Wendy Warren Women' s Commentator Contest", Pauline Gaffney is rapidly becoming a top favorite among her Roches·ter listeners. The Station That Listeners Built! ROCHESTER TV ll FE 7 GUEST DISC JOCKEY ... JOE DEANE , WHEC Inasmuch as this is to be ·the first in a series of columns to be devoted to the various wares of the music industry. it's probably appropriate in the beginning of this new year that we look backwards a few months and reappraise the mer­ none other than the current singing sen­ chandise received in the year gone by.
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