Index This index is arranged in five sections. I. Persons, Places and Subjects. Rulersand their consorts and children are under their first names. Royal peers under their title, non-royal members of the peerage and the episcopate under their family names. II. Illustrations. III. Family Trees. IV. Books Reviewed. Arranged alphabetically under the authorsand editors of the books.Books that were only listed and not reviewed have not been ‘ included. V. Authors‘ of Articles, Book Reviews arid Notes. Arranged in one alpha— betical. sequence. 160 I. Persons, Places and Subjects Abbeville, 5-6. Booth, Laurence, archbishop of Abraham, 16. York, 51. Alain de Lille, Anticlaudianm, 73- Boothe, John, bishop of Excter, 74, 78. 89. Alcock, Hugh, dean of Bangor, 86. Boothe, Lawrence, archbishop of André, Bernard, 10, 13. York, 89-90. Andrewe, Richard, dean of York, Boothe, Robert, dean of York, 89. 89. Boothe, William, archbishop of Anjou, Margaret of, see Margaret. York, 89-90. Anjou, René of, 73. Bosworth(Merevale), battle, 1, 15, Annals of lter, 57. 19, 26, 46, 49, 52, 54, 107. ,-_ ' ‘\ I Anne Neville, queen to Richard Boulogne—sur—Mer,5. III, 13, 14, 89. Bourgchier, Thomas, archbishop Aquinas, Thomas, 74. of Canterbury, cardinal, 6, 90. Arcadius, Roman emperor, 67, 78. Brackenburg, Richard, dean of St Aristotle, Et/Jz'm Nimmaa/Jea, 74—75; Mary’s College, Warwick, 134. Amndel, John, dean of Exeter, 85- Brett, Simon, The Sunken Sailor, 3. 86, 91. Bringhurst, church, 4, 8, 18-19. Ashdown, Mrs Charles, Histoy qf Britain, allegorical figure, 72. Costume in Britain, 64. Buck, George, 2627, 59-60; his Astle, Thomas, see Grose, Francis. text of epitaph for Richard III, Augustinian canons, 83. 31, 32, 33, 35-39, 44-45. Bangor, cathedral, 86-87. Burdet, John, 13, 17. Barowe,]ohn, dean of Hereford, Burgh, Elizabeth de, 81. 87. Burgh, William de, earl of Ulster, Bath and Wells, diocese, 83. 81. Bath, cathedral, 83. Burgundy, Charles, duke of, 5, 17, Beaufort, Henry, cardinal, 6. 84; Order of the Golden Tree, Beaufort, Edmund, duke of 117-19; Philip the Bold, duke of, Somerset, 70, 78. 117-19; and see York, Margaret Berkeley, Thomas, lord Berkeley of. (d. 1417), his epitaph, 33. Butler, Sir Ralph, 93-95, 99 Blacman,]ohn, biographer of Caesar, Julius, 17. Henry VI, 22, 26. Calais, 5. Blatchly, John, Topograpber: of Cambridge, Richard, prior of SEW/k, 101. Crowland Abbey, 10, 19-20. Blodwell, John, dean of St Asaph, Cambridge, university, 13, 18; 86. graduates, 84, 86, 88; Bokenham, Osbern, 69-70, 78. ‘161 Buckingham College, 18; Crowland Chronicle, 1-20, 21 -30, Queens’ College, 95. 59. Canterbury, cathedral, 33, 83; Crowland, Richard, abbot of ecclesiastical province, 83, 86. Crowland Abbey, 13, 18, 19 Carent, Nicholas, dean of Wells, Curteys, Piers, 29, 84. Darby,J.W., 100-107. Carley, James, 30. Davy, D.E., 102. Carlisle, cathedral, 83. Davyson, John, dean of Salisbury, Carpenter, John, town clerk of 88, 91. London, 65m. Delaney, Sheila, 70. Castile, 84; Yorkist claim to the ‘Dialogue between a Layman and a throne of, 71, 80. Friar’, 80-82. Castledermot, co. Kildare, Ireland, Dillon, H.A., 64. 56. drama, 115-17. Catesby, William, 13, 15. dress, 58-65; dislike of fifteenth Caxton, William, printer, 136-39. century dress, 64—65. Cecil, William, 96. Dublin, Ireland, 54-57; Chaundeler, Thomas, dean of archbishops, see FitzSimons, Hereford, 87, 91. Walter; Christ Church Chertsey, Surrey, 51. Cathedral, 57; defences, 55; fee- Chichester, cathedral, 90. farm, 55; mayors, see Marks, Cicero, 1 7. Janico; mint 54; parliament Clare, Augustinian priory, 66-82. 1484, 56. Clarence, George, duke of, Durham, co. Durham, 51; execution, 51; his household, 86. cathedral, 83. Clarence, Lionel, duke of, 81 Ecgbcrt, king, 24. Claudius Claudianus, Roman poet, Edward I, epitaph, 31. 66-82. Edward III, 24; epitaph, 31. Clerkenwell, house of the Edward IV, 1, 5, 10, 12-13, 15-16, Hospitallers, 14. 46, 55, 57, 64, 84-86, 89; Cloos,]ohn, dean of Chichester, benevolences, 17; chaplains, 85, 90—91. 87; charter to Dublin, 55; claim Colne, river, 97. to Castile, 80; death, 14; descent, Cothi, Lewis Glyn, bard, 53. 24; epitaph, 33; height, 51; Courtenay, Peter, dean of Exeter, secretaries, 88; sonsand their bishop of Exeter, later of fate, 39-40, 46, 50-51; in Sharon Winchester, 85, 86, 91. Turner’s work, 59-60; wealth, Coventry and Lichfield, diocese, 25-26. 83 Edward of Middleham, son of Coventry, cathedral, 83. Richard III, 12, 14; invesliture at Cox, John, 1, 7, 9, 15, 25, 28. York, 60, 89. Ctowland Abbey, 1-20, 21 -30. Edward the Black Prince, epitaph, Framlingham, 100-07. 33. Fulman, William, editor of Edward V, 40, 46. Crowland Chronicle, 25-28. Edwards, A.S.G., 70. Gaitdner,]ames, biographer of Elizabeth I, 96, 98. Richard III, 62. Elizabeth of York, queen of Galmols, Thomas, master of Henry VII, 2. king’s coinage, Dublin and Elizabeth Woodville, queen of Waterford, 54. Edward IV, 10, 13; her Galway, Ireland, 56. chancellor, 89. Gloucester, Humphrey, duke of, Ely, cathedral, 83. 70; and see Richard III. epitaphs, see Edward I; Edward Goldwell, James, dean of III; Edward IV; Edward the Hereford, 87-88, 91. Black Prince; Henry VI; Richard Goodman, Tony, 71. III. Great Wardrobe, the accounts for Eton College, 22. 1483-84, 60-62, 64. Eutropius, Roman consul, 76. ' Grey, Lord Richard, 49. Exeter, diocese, 85; deans, 85. Grose, Francis, and Thomas Asde, Fahrenbach, William, 70. The Antiquarian Mertoyl, 60. Fajrholt, F.W., historian of dress, Gunthorpe, John, dean of Wells, his Costume in England, 63-65. 29, 83-86, 91 Falconbridge, bastard of, 2. Halstead, Caroline, biographer of Farleton, Tho'mas, claim: and Richard III, 62-63. notary, 7. Hanham, Alison, 21, 28. Fitch, William Stevenson, 78. Hastings, William, lord Hastings, FitzGerald, Gerald, 8ch earl of 15, 17, 49. Kildare, 54-57. Hawley, Thomas, herald (d. 1557), FitzGerald, Thomas, 7'h earl of 35. Kildare, 55. Hawtrey, William, of Chequers, FitzHugh, George, dean of 98-99. Lincoln, 88. Haywode, Thomas, dean of FitzSimons, Walter, archbishop of Lichfield, 88. Dublin, 55, 57. Henry V, 33. Flemyng, Robert, dean of Lincoln, Henry VI, 19, 33, 46, 49, 50, 94; 88, 91. captivity, 87; chaplain, 89; cult, Flete, William, 93-95, 99. 51-52; descent, 24; 79; Flfigel, Ewald, 69-70. readeption, 85; secretary, 89. Fosdyke, abbot of Crowland Hemy VII, 1-2, 6, 9, 13, 16, 46-53, Abbey, 2, 19. 57, 87, 121-23; accession, 19; Fountains Abbey, 7. chaplain, 88; descent, 24; dress Fox, Richard Oohn), bishop of of his day, 65; orders epitaph for Exeter, 12. 163 Richard III, 31-33, 38, 40; his Langport, Richard, clerk to the own epitaph, 33. council of Edward IV, 1, 4—7, Hereford, cathedral, 87; diocese, 29. 87. Lavender, Richard, archdeacon of Herod, King, 50, 52. Leicester, 4, 6, 9, 29. Hicks, Michael, 1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 14, Leicester, Franciscan Priory, 32, 20-21, 29. 38. I-Iigden, Ranulph, Paycbrom'mn, 22. Leland,]ohn, antiquarian, 29. Hiytm'a de Ricardo rage mmlz'na Leprosy, 146-47. Impta, 29. Lichfield, cathedral, 88, 90; see Holmes, Sherlock, 4. Coventry. Honorius, Roman emperor, 67-68, Lincoln, cathedral, 88. 73, 78, 80. Lisle, Margaret de, wife of Honourand Virtue, temple of, 75. Thomas, lord Berkeley, 33. Howard dukes of Norfolk, 100-07. liturgy, 1 15-17. Howard,]ohn, duke of Norfolk, Livy, 17. 100. Llandaf, cathedral church, 86. Howard, lady Mary, 103, 105. Llwyd, Dafydd, bard, his poem on Howard, of Corby, 103. Richard III, 46-53. Hutton, William, The Baltic of London, Goldsmiths’ Company, Bow/art}: Field, 44-45. 56; Guildhall manuscript of, 35- Ireland, 72. 36; Mercers’ Company, 14; James, apostle, 16. religious houses, 130-33; St John, abbot of Crowland, 11. Paul’s, 89; Tower, 15, 50; town Jones, E.D., 49, 51. clerks, see Carpenter,]ohn. Katherine, queen of Henry V, Lovatt, Roger, '22. epitaph, 33. Ludlow, battle, 19. Kean, Edmund, actor, 58, 59. Lynch, Germyn, master of Irish Kelly, H.A., 4, 7, 9, 26, 29. mint, 56. Kendall, Paul Murray, biographer Malory, Sir Thomas, his audience, of Richard III, 62. 141 -43. Ker, Neil, 22. Mancini, Dominic, 50. Kingsford, CL, 10, 29. manuscripts, Eton, Eton College Kyffin, Richard, dean of Bangor, 213, 21-30. 86-87, 91. London, British Library, Add. Kymer, Gilbert, dean of Salisbury, 11814, 66-82. 87. —, —, Add. 45131, 34-35, 41- L’Extoz'm de [a guerre .raz'nte,30. 42 (fig), 43. , Lambert, abbot of Crowland —, —, Cotton Otho B xiii, 27. Abbey, 1 9. —, —, Harleian 433, 59, 60, 61, Lambeth, Surrey, Howard chapel, 63. 101. 164 —, College of Arms, I3, 35, 36, Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris, on 43-44 (fig.). understanding the past, 61-62, Oxford, Bodleian Library Laud 64. Misc. 154, 22. Norden,]ohn, 97-98. Margaret of Anjou, queen of Norfolk, dukes of, 100-07. Henry VI, 10; her secretary, see Norwich, cathedral, 83. Whit-ham, William. Olivier, Laurence, actor, 58, 65. Markham, Sir Clements, Owain, Huw ab, precentor of St biographer of Richard III, 62. David’s, 86. Marks (Marcus), Janice, mayor of Oxford, university, graduates, 84- Dublin, 57. 89. Mary I, 32, 96. Paulet, William, marquess of Mathafarn, Wales, 52-53. Winchester, 96—97. Maynooth, Ireland, 56. Payntour, John, schoolmaster of Merevale, see Bosworth. York, 51. Middlesex, religious houses, 130- Pede, Richard, dean of Hereford, 33. 87. Milford Haven, Wales, 52-53. Peterborough Abbey, 4, 8, 18-19. Military, special operations, 112- Picardy, 72-73. 13. Picts, 72. Moleyns, Adam, bishop of Planché, J.R., A eqmedz'a of Chichester, 70, 78. Costume or Dummy: qre::, 64. More, Sir Thomas, 51, 57, 61. Pole, John de la, duke of Suffolk More, the, manor at .
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