MBAT8, ".'\T8, , .. II...... Q5 Ibr.. ,b ZJ ••• A' Ibrollh JI a... UM. PIlOCIl88BO F0008. ~I •• .l...... ~& U,t•• rll za ••• A% 'Il ....'. 8:= •••••Jhl. fair BUGA., b ••k r•• r .ta., U vall. f.r '1__ , •• D". IUOE8. II .... Ihr•• "I, ......._ .. , 1. t .... J ..II. 1... lIaUtlr. OASOLlNB, 14·/\ ........ I." I., I•• , JOWA: ...... w.... •• UeD. 'D' 8·6, C .. S, B ...11. C·.. 8 .. ' ••• C·, e.•• POD. ,ood tor 'lYe ,all •••. 'VIL OIL, peri••••• 'Il,.arb THE DAILY IO-WAN five eo.p.DI ,0041. .1 .. I... "a"', perl.. I.ur &.lid fi••• ood. Iowa City's Morning "Iewspaper FIVE CENTS ' IOWA CITY. IOWA WEDNESDAY. MARCH 21. 1945 ........ "' .... .- VOLUNE XLV NUMBER ISO • merlcan ev,ent I Yan1ks ,Attack RESCUE ENGINEER FROM BRIDGE WRECKAGE Reds Capture Nazi Strength West of Rhine- , Saarbruecken, Jap Fleet Last Outpost Virtually E_lim_'_·not_-,-ed_ b_y_Yo_n_k_s lweibruecken, Br kirlle L. I..,PIOIl l&~d Pr War AJllJ,yIi A t100d of Amrlcan military a ICOn! other lit y points to rut In Inland Sea To SteHin might is at the lIatewlY to wid Worms Seized h r,lllI Third anny columns , sw p of German countryside U suitable for war of man uv 1', and w the Seventh plow throulh 15-17 Nip Warshipst,. Braunsberg, 40 Other leadlnll dlnctly to the heart of lh lh I pried line on the IOUth un­ German Resistance 475 Planes Destroyed Towns Seized enemy's power to r 1st. Ch ked c me with bHath-taldna W.. tof Rhine In 'Crippling' Battle In East Pruisia The Seventh army's capture of .~. Nothln, .hort of complete Virtually Wiped Out Saarbruecken, and Zweibruecken .nd utter confUllon and a IPread­ and Worms, and the Third army's I.", of total de­ U. 8. PAC IF J C FLEET LON 0 N (AP)-Hu ian smash beyond Kalserlautern vlr­ nse Impendllll PARI, W dn day (AP)­ READQUA RTERS, a u,p m, troops, layinR open flaming tuaUy eUminates the 1 t German l at within Nnl Tlnks could ac­ The United t t v nth and Wednesday (AP)- Vire Ad­ , tettin to a final assault, ye.· strength w t ot the Rhine. Pow­ count for 1t. Third armi f rmed a junc· mil'al Mare A. Mitscher's pow· !('rdoy eaplllred Ih Porn ran­ erfl arm! now are joined, their It Is at le .t possible that the tion in the , 881'1 nd y t rd y erful ranier aircraft, se king ian capital 'I'; l(1~t ontpost of slr ngth th two multiplied. dive crIJls for Nazi Gennany in a jlN'at coordinat d ru. uIt out the J 8p8ne~e fleet in t hp Altdamm, 70 mill'!! north a. t or Slinif~ant ar the IndicatiON II haplni up rapidly Ilona that that virtually ip d out. th that for th tirst time, whol al critical Cob I nz-Karllruhe sector emr'il'e's inland waters, dam· Berlin and wip('d ont the pow r· Iallt O('rn1an re i t&ne west or aged 15 to ]7 enemy warships surrender of seasoned N 1i troop of th Rhine under clrcumstaneu tb Rhine and captured thl.' hi - fully fOl1iCi('cl ermon bridge. Is b coming app rent. that could malt the river Ilsell and destroyed 475 ipponeSl' tori citi of. 88rbru!'(lk~n, hl'od therf.> on th east bank oC With their formations cut to relatively Impotent to hold back planl's Monday in one of th the Rwampy low('r Od I' rivel', pieJes by lunging tank columns the flood tide of pow r .pproach­ Zweibrllecken and Worm .. mo. t (hll'ing expoits of th(' Mo. cow announc d, and boltered from the air by 01- Ina it from th w t and the north. ontlet tw n th two W8I\ Fal' to t h PII.. t other ov iet Ued planes by the thousands, that With the RhIne line aleady punc­ nmi was mad at a poin Admiral Chpstl' I' W . Nimitz forc(' NitlRh('d into thl' (,lll'mY'R part of the German war mach In tured In the nt r at Remlgen, about 12 mil Wt"lt of .Rai. er· today annonn('eo preliminary portly.flooot'd Eo t Pru . ia n which has tried to stop the United days, even hours, may tell wh ther lant rn by I m nt or th l'f.>slIlts of the brilliant attack pocket southwest of Koenillsberg, Statel Third and Sev nth armi . It cannot be already writt n off Seventh army'l Sixth armored as "crippling damage" on the captured the ancient bastion or Is losing heart fOr continued r - as serIous obstacle to delay a division and the Third arm Japanese fleet, which the United Braunsberg and 40 other towns .wlstance. compl t German collapse In the 26th Inrantry dIvision. states Pacific fleet deCisively Ev n b for news th Saar- west. The Third rmy, which drove MEN OF THE First army en,lneers rescue one of their number who and hamlets. ot defeated In the second battle of the Mo cow announced th vic- throulh Kala ralautern, reached PhUtppi.ne& &ell last October. WI' trapPed and carried Into tbe Rhine wben tbe RemaleJ1 bridle the ancient Rhine-bank city of acr088 that tream collapsed. Trame across the river was maintained tories In two orders of the day, The mighty task force, the and a communique and said thaI Mainz. world's largest, steamed northeast on pOntoon brld'es and en,lneers expect to have the main sPin In Vital Iloilo Airdrome Saarbruecken, a cIty of 135,000 OPeration In a matter of days. United States sl,nal COI'JI!I radiophoto. more than 3,000 German officers At a Glance- to send its hundreds ot planes and men and more than 300 guns population and the capital and eco­ nomic center of the Industrial against the enemy fleet after raid­ were captured in the nehllng in Falls to 40th Division Saar, feU to Lleut. Gen. Alexander ing southern Japan Sunday and East Prussia Monday and yester­ Berlin M. Patch'. Sev nth army as did Monday. day. Bedin Endures 29th Mountaineers Today's Zwelbruecken, 17 mll to the Aircraft bases and i nstallaiions American Troops New Offenslve east. on Kyushu were pounded Sunday At hie same time the Germans Establish Contact FOUl'UI Annor nnd the fonowing day the p1anes Successive Night Raid M k A \ d said that Marshal Feodor I. Tol­ With Guerrillas Today Worms, on th Rhlne about mid­ extended their attack to Kobe. the bukbln had hurled 200,000 ot his Iowan Way betw en Mllnz and Ludwl,­ Rure naval base and other objec­ RAF Follows Allied a e war s Third Ukraine army troops, and MANILA, Wedn day (AP) - Ihalen-Mannhelm, was seized In • • * (Editor', *,wl.: * *k r i. t e r ft tives in and around the inland sea, supporting armOr, into a new of­ U. Seventh, Third armies a Ilghtninll atab by the Fourlh Maj. Gen. RaPP Brush', 40th dlvl­ ,latd rlund, for 1711 Berlin It was possible unJts of the fensive in northwestern Hungary, form juncture; Saarbruecken, lion infantrymen captured th Im­ ar, armored and 90th Infantry divi­ Attacks on Oil Plants, For SII'des nl enemy fleet were spotted at that Communications sweepini within 58 mlles ot the Zwelbruccken, Worms captured. portant Iloilo airdrome on PanllY rorrl"pond of tit • tA1l'dill1l. sions of Lieut. Gen. Georg. time, and the planes immediately Australn frontier on the road of Island Monday ill a swift eal tward II. poprr j tOl'khol1lU.Tidnin, Patton'. Thlrd army. gave chase. LONDON, Wednesday, (AP)- Vienna. AmerIcan fie t deals "crlppllna drive into the outskirts of the cap- a n, Ita ;rt 1 r turn d 10 j lotk. The "Natlonal drive by the two Nimitz announced the Yank blow" to Jap fleet In inland RAF MOSQuito!; att eked Berlin Awards were announced Jast Moscow has not confirmed this itol cit:. .J, _ ' Iwlnl '0. u... wI t fir" 1411il IoIMr IU'JIli operating In fliers. picked out prinCipal unJts walet'll. Another ldmn $P arlh, north­ rondtlioll., (J unlaon dllposed ot the 0 rman Ior the 29th consecutive night last night at the third annual Kodach­ operation, which the Germans said acrmul' of i" T­ of the enemy fleet for their attack. began In t weekend, and created a ward 25 mil s ftom the beachhead flWIIII·) Seventh army and bottled up American losses were "extremely night after perhaps 5,000 allied rome salon sponsored by the RUMIans seize last outpost to overran the broad coastal plain, By eRRI TERN JABDEaLUND much of the Oerman First army heavy bombers during the day Iowa Mountaineers club. The salon "temporarily critical sItuation" fOr light" the Nazis. Berlin said the Russians Stettin in Pomeranian drive. captured the towns of Jonluay, Ooprrl,tat, 1N5, - the la.t two nemy armies west A preliminary report on dam­ had rained explosIves on German judge, Alice Davis of the art de­ Polotan lind Barotac Nu vo and of the RhIne. communications 011 plants and partment, evaluated the slides sub­ were beyond Tata, which Is 10 STOCKHOLM (AP) - In aU age inflicted in this daring toray WOOlln'. club to direct aU! d establl hed contact with a !tronl Berlin, once the tUth city of the submarines ya;ds while lighter mJtted on the basis of popular in­ miles southeast Of the big Danube Under the unrelentlnr assault, showed 200 enemy planes shot out clothing drive In April. luerrllla band which had done warplanes raked German troops.
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