microRNA microRNA binding binding 4,6,7 - mir- down Entrez Gene fold 200bc_429 mir-429 344SQ vs Probe set Gene Gene Title Symbol change t test (TS) (Miranda) 393 P 1439760_x_at 22268 uroplakin 1B Upk1b 0.004183 0.000109 --- --- --- transcription 1421078_at 69852 factor 23 Tcf23 0.007771 0.000345 --- --- --- forkhead box 1418876_at 15229 D1 Foxd1 0.008388 0.000239 --- --- yes transmembra ne and immunoglobul in domain 1419498_at 66601 containing 1 Tmigd1 0.009243 0.000362 --- --- --- 1416808_at 18073 nidogen 1 Nid1 0.010386 5.86E-07 --- --- yes mast cell 1449989_at 17225 protease 2 Mcpt2 0.010768 6.88E-05 --- --- yes trimethyllysin e hydroxylase, 1420725_at 192289 epsilon Tmlhe 0.011638 0.000199 --- --- --- autism susceptibility 1427293_a_at 319974 candidate 2 Auts2 0.012768 0.000109 --- --- yes autism susceptibility 1457139_at 319974 candidate 2 Auts2 0.013934 9.24E-06 --- --- yes surfactant associated 1437028_at 20388 protein B Sftpb 0.015134 1.06E-05 --- --- yes cytochrome P450, family 4, subfamily f, polypeptide 1419559_at 64385 14 Cyp4f14 0.022232 0.000609 --- --- yes pancreatic and duodenal 1422174_at 18609 homeobox 1 Pdx1 0.023759 0.000595 --- --- yes cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 1429994_s_at 72303 65 Cyp2c65 0.025334 0.001686 --- --- --- trimethyllysin e hydroxylase, 1420726_x_at 192289 epsilon Tmlhe 0.027041 0.000102 --- --- --- methyltransfe 1416980_at 71664 rase like 7B Mettl7b 0.027748 1.39E-06 --- --- --- UDP- Gal:betaGlcN Ac beta 1,4- galactosyltran sferase, 1425934_a_at 56375 polypeptide 4 B4galt4 0.030457 0.000676 --- --- --- fatty acid binding 1448764_a_at 14080 protein 1, liver Fabp1 0.034416 0.001979 --- --- --- RIKEN cDNA 1110032A04 1417803_at 66183 gene 1110032A0 0.035533 1.05E-06 --- --- --- apolipoprotein 1455593_at 238055 B Apob 0.035798 0.000725 --- --- yes transmembra ne protein 1424652_at 232146 166 Tmem166 0.036203 1.27E-05 --- --- yes autism susceptibility 1438680_at 319974 candidate 2 Auts2 0.039247 0.000176 --- --- yes dopa decarboxylas 1426215_at 13195 e Ddc 0.039407 4.85E-05 --- --- --- 1438702_at --- --- --- 0.039789 0.000309 --- --- --- anthrax toxin 1451446_at 69538 receptor 1 Antxr1 0.040359 2.00E-05 --- --- --- RIKEN cDNA C130038G02 1432205_a_at 77521 gene C130038G 0.042599 9.92E-05 --- --- --- monoamine 1434354_at 109731 oxidase B Maob 0.042847 0.001826 --- --- yes oncoprotein induced 1424502_at 18300 transcript 1 Oit1 0.043354 0.002933 --- --- --- glutathione S- transferase, 1421040_a_at 14858 alpha 2 (Yc2) Gsta2 0.044944 5.57E-05 --- --- --- histocompatib 1457769_at 15101 ility 60 H60 0.045262 4.77E-05 --- --- --- 1416203_at 11826 aquaporin 1 Aqp1 0.047137 0.003143 --- --- --- RIKEN cDNA 4930486G11 1437935_at 75033 gene 4930486G1 0.049233 0.004104 --- yes --- 1455096_at --- --- --- 0.049538 4.81E-05 --- --- --- 1427352_at 223917 keratin 79 Krt79 0.049811 0.000357 --- --- --- inter-alpha (globulin) 1441946_at 209378 inhibitor H5 Itih5 0.049839 0.00252 --- --- --- X-linked lymphocyte- regulated complex /// RIKEN cDNA 3830403N18 1422011_s_at 22441 /// gene Xlr /// 38304 0.050801 2.47E-05 --- --- --- progestin and adipoQ receptor family 1423101_at 76498 member IV Paqr4 0.052694 0.001786 --- --- --- complement 1417314_at 14962 factor B Cfb 0.053634 0.001331 --- --- --- sphingosine-1- phosphate phosphotase 1457867_at 433323 2 Sgpp2 0.054575 0.001077 --- --- --- RIKEN cDNA 1110032A04 1417802_at 66183 gene 1110032A0 0.054592 5.28E-05 --- --- --- 1449244_at 12558 cadherin 2 Cdh2 0.055551 0.000235 --- --- yes retinoic acid early transcript 1, alpha /// retinoic acid early transcript beta /// retinoic acid early transcript gamma /// retinoic acid early transcript delta /// retinoic acid early 1420603_s_at 19368 /// transcript 1E Raet1a /// R 0.060713 0.000489 --- --- --- RIKEN cDNA 3110009F21 1430198_at 67280 gene 3110009F2 0.062266 0.000649 --- --- --- 1418815_at 12558 cadherin 2 Cdh2 0.065321 0.000185 --- --- yes 1434112_at 99633 latrophilin 2 Lphn2 0.066239 0.000467 --- --- --- cDNA sequence 1440218_at 268663 BC040758 BC040758 0.068266 0.000769 --- --- yes interferon gamma inducible 1417292_at 15953 protein 47 Ifi47 0.073506 0.005944 --- --- --- glutathione S- transferase, alpha 1 (Ya) /// glutathione S-transferase, 1421041_s_at 14857 /// alpha 2 (Yc2) Gsta1 /// G 0.073872 0.002131 --- --- --- calmodulin- 1424713_at 75600 like 4 Calml4 0.074934 0.000863 --- --- --- RAB27A, member RAS oncogene 1429123_at 11891 family Rab27a 0.075531 2.20E-05 --- --- --- RIKEN cDNA D930005D10 1433523_at 231858 gene D930005D 0.078697 0.002234 --- --- --- selenium binding 1450699_at 20341 protein 1 Selenbp1 0.07896 0.006171 --- --- yes mast cell 1422352_at 17224 protease 1 Mcpt1 0.080626 0.000343 --- --- yes 1429287_a_at 19109 prolactin Prl 0.080701 0.003078 --- --- --- similar to solute carrier family 7 (cationic amino acid transporter, y+ system), 1435154_at 245128 member 3 LOC24512 0.081714 9.15E-06 --- --- --- zinc finger 1460078_at 244216 protein 771 Zfp771 0.081883 5.77E-05 --- --- --- kalirin, RhoGEF 1429796_at 545156 kinase Kalrn 0.081996 0.000485 --- --- --- serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade B, 1422668_at 20706 member 9b Serpinb9b 0.082829 0.000364 --- --- --- 1438452_at 74103 nebulette Nebl 0.087288 0.000144 --- --- yes RIKEN cDNA A530088I07 1435596_at 212167 gene A530088I0 0.090158 0.008044 --- --- --- ets variant 1450684_at 14009 gene 1 Etv1 0.092174 0.003095 --- --- --- cDNA sequence 1459904_at 407795 BC030870 BC030870 0.092444 0.004732 --- --- --- pancreatic and duodenal 1422173_at 18609 homeobox 1 Pdx1 0.093304 0.008459 --- --- --- cDNA sequence 1440094_at 407795 BC030870 BC030870 0.093714 0.00461 --- --- --- prokineticin 1456543_at 58182 receptor 1 Prokr1 0.095084 5.98E-05 --- --- yes RIKEN cDNA 1300007C21 gene /// predicted gene, EG668462 /// predicted gene, EG668581 /// hypothetical protein LOC670993 /// hypothetical protein 1431213_a_at 668462 //LOC673100 1300007C2 0.095558 0.000697 --- --- --- 3'- phosphoaden osine 5'- phosphosulfat 1434510_at 23972 e synthase 2 Papss2 0.098137 7.99E-05 --- --- yes cDNA sequence 1425712_at 223631 BC025446 BC025446 0.098634 0.000465 --- yes --- gene model 1426619_at 383619 1313, (NCBI) Gm1313 0.099418 0.009405 --- --- --- UDP- GalNAc:beta GlcNAc beta 1,3- galactosamin yltransferase, 1418736_at 26879 polypeptide 1 B3galnt1 0.101262 0.001385 --- --- --- RAB27A, member RAS oncogene 1425284_a_at 11891 family Rab27a 0.10201 1.99E-05 --- --- --- protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, 1422541_at 19274 M Ptprm 0.104966 0.003953 --- --- yes 3'- phosphoaden osine 5'- phosphosulfat 1421989_s_at 23972 e synthase 2 Papss2 0.106476 0.001007 --- --- yes solute carrier family 12 (potassium/ch loride transporters), 1420334_at 171286 member 8 Slc12a8 0.107252 0.006345 --- --- --- CEA-related cell adhesion 1452532_x_at 26365 molecule 1 Ceacam1 0.109398 0.005745 --- yes --- peripheral 1417133_at 18858 myelin protein Pmp22 0.112447 1.58E-05 --- --- --- SRY-box containing 1447655_x_at 20679 gene 6 Sox6 0.11455 0.000105 --- yes --- G protein- coupled 1439795_at 237175 receptor 64 Gpr64 0.114977 0.009907 --- --- --- gene model 1435283_s_at 381217 967, (NCBI) Gm967 0.117665 0.007962 --- --- --- microtubule associated monoxygenas e, calponin and LIM domain 1456439_x_at 171580 containing 1 Mical1 0.118318 0.009861 --- --- yes solute carrier organic anion transporter family, 1420913_at 24059 member 2a1 Slco2a1 0.119862 0.00102 --- yes --- Amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein- binding, family A, member 1 binding 1447907_x_at 56846 protein Apba2bp 0.120579 0.007291 --- --- --- ATP-binding cassette, sub- family G (WHITE), 1423570_at 11307 member 1 Abcg1 0.121543 0.007204 --- --- --- heat shock 1436961_at 73442 protein 12A Hspa12a 0.124121 0.004096 --- yes --- RIKEN cDNA 4631423F02 1452707_at 70788 gene 4631423F0 0.125775 0.000233 --- --- yes Aconitase 2, 1440145_at 11429 mitochondrial Aco2 0.126035 0.000191 --- --- --- BMP and activin membrane- bound inhibitor, homolog (Xenopus 1423753_at 68010 laevis) Bambi 0.129682 0.008079 --- --- --- kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain 1435465_at 74901 containing 11 Kbtbd11 0.130115 0.000576 --- --- --- RIKEN cDNA A330021E22 1440796_at 207686 gene A330021E2 0.130771 0.002547 --- --- yes RIKEN cDNA A930015G24 1432222_at 77808 gene A930015G2 0.131208 0.002793 --- --- --- 1434345_at 212070 clarin 3 Clrn3 0.131497 0.003521 --- --- --- coiled-coil domain 1424186_at 67896 containing 80 Ccdc80 0.132304 0.005235 --- --- --- guanylate cyclase activator 2a 1416905_at 14915 (guanylin) Guca2a 0.132777 6.56E-05 --- --- --- cytochrome b- 245, alpha 1454268_a_at 13057 polypeptide Cyba 0.13321 0.003729 --- --- --- Park2 co- 1428751_at 69310 regulated Pacrg 0.133928 0.002705 --- --- yes RIKEN cDNA 4930513N10 1441278_at 319960 gene 4930513N1 0.134711 0.009756 --- --- --- SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, 1460292_a_at 93761 member 1 Smarca1 0.135434 0.000775 --- yes --- 1443770_x_at --- --- --- 0.136444 0.00374 --- --- yes nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 1418500_at 54561 3 Nap1l3 0.137364 0.005748 --- --- --- sodium channel, voltage- gated, type II, 1435933_at 110876 alpha 1 Scn2a1 0.138839 0.001972 --- --- --- solute carrier organic anion transporter family, 1450032_at 24059 member 2a1 Slco2a1 0.140029 0.000722 --- yes --- RIKEN cDNA 7530403E16 1457260_at 100224 gene 7530403E1 0.141284 2.14E-05 --- --- yes procollagen, type XIV, 1427168_a_at 12818 alpha 1 Col14a1 0.142722 0.000698 --- --- --- kelch-like 13 1448269_a_at 67455 (Drosophila) Klhl13 0.144291 2.65E-05 --- ---
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