newsletter Volume 3, Number 4 December ]978 nominating committee report announcements The 1978 Nominating Committee has made its final report and those proposed for election to Travel Grants to Bologna Congress the Board of Directors in 1979 (to serve until 1983) are: Paul Arnold, Oberlin College; Anne A limited number of travel grants will be Coffin Hanson, Yale University; Marilyn Lavin, Princeton University; Eleanor Tufts, available through the American Council of Southern Methodist University; John Walsh, Boston Museum of Fine Arts; and William Learned Societies for those invited to deliver Wixom, Cleveland Museum of Art. papers or present reports at the International Postal Delays Chair; Jarislov Folda, University of North Congress of the History of Art to be held in Bologna, Sept. 10-23, 1979. Appl£cation The Nominating Committee's final report Carolina, Chapel Hill; Martha Kingsbury, University of Washington, Seattle; Sherman forms for these grants must be requested from was postponed from the original October 10 E. Lee, Cleveland Museum of Art; and the ACLS (Travel Grants Program, ACLS, deadline until November 3 because of postal George Sadek, Cooper Union. 345 East 46 Street N.Y_C. 10017). We don't delays of which many of you are all too well have any at the CAA office-honest! Com­ aware, At final count we had received 1650 Nominating Procedure pleted applications must be received by the ballots, a return from 21 % of the CAA mem­ Any individual member of the CAA may sub­ ACLS by March 1, 1979. In requesting appli­ bership. mit to the Nominating Committee sugges­ cation forms, please state the sponsor of the 1979 Nominating Committee tions for candidates for the Board of Direc­ Congress (Comite international d'histoire de tors. Letters should be addressed to the chair­ l'art); the nature of your contribution In accordance with the By-laws, a slate of man of the Nominating Committee, copy to (30-minute Report or 15-minute Paper with candidates for the Nominating Committee the CAA Executive Secretary, and should title); and the year in which you earned your is proposed by the Board of Directors and contain, minimally, the name of the proposed doctorate. Applications for ACLS travel elected by the membership at the annual candidate and his/her institutional affilia­ grants can be reviewed for recommendation members business meeting (Thursday, Feb_ tion and area of specialization. Supporting by the Art Historians Committee of the CAA 1, at noon)_ Twenty or more members enti­ letters, up to one page in length, will be only after they have been accepted by the tled to vote may place candidates in nomina­ xeroxed at the CAA office and circulated to ACLS as meeting aU technical qualifications. tion for the Nominating Committee by filing all members of the Nominating Committee. a petition with the Secretary at least thirty To allow adequate time for the Nominating Survey of Ph.D. Programs days before the annual meeting. Other Committee to consider its choices and to The third (1978) edition of the CAA Survey of nominations for the Nominating Committee contact those candidates it selects before Ph.D. Programs in Art History is finally off may be made from the floor at the annual everybody disperses for the summer, all sug­ the presses. The 6S-page survey contains de­ meeting. The slate proposed by the Board of gestions and letters of recommendation must tailed information on faculty and student Directors for the 1979 Nominating Commit­ be received by March 31, 1979. Only sugges­ body, admission requirements, financial aid, tee is: Thomas W. Leavitt, Herbert F. tions or letters of recommendationfrom CAA curriculum, resources, and major changes Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, members will be circulated and considered ... anticipated for 44 American institutions offering the terminal degree in art history. In addition, new this year, is a listing of basic information for 33 non-doctoral departments that offer the master's degree in art history. 1980 annual meeting Copies of the survey may be obtained from CAA, 16 East 52 Street, N.Y.C. 10022. The We know, we know ... the 1979 annual price is $3.00; prepayment required. New meeting hasn't even been held yet, but that York State residents please add applicable doesn't mean that it is too early to start mak­ sales tax. Checks, drawn upon a U.S. bank, ing plans and thinking of session proposals for should be made payable to the College Art 19S0. The 19S0 annual meeting will be held Association. in New Orleans, January 30 to February 2. Registry of Roving Researchers Chairman for Art History Sessions will be Scholars doing research in the United States Caecilia Davis-Weyer, Associate Professor of Caecilia Lin Emery frequently [rod themselves in need of infor­ Art History at Newcomb College, Tulane Davis-Weyer mation, documents etc. that can be obtained University (60 Newcomb Place, New Orleans, La. 7011S). A member of the CAA Board of chairman of the Ninth National/Interna­ only in a library or museum in Florence, Lon­ don, or where-have-you. Graduate students Directors and a former member of The Art tional Sculpture Conference held in New (and other scholars) doing research in Bulletin Editorial Board, Davis-Weyer is the Orleans in 1976 and was a panelist on the author of Early Med£eval Art: Sources and WCA session on "Women and Large-Scale Florence, London, or where-have-you fre­ quently find themselves in need of funds and Documents and a specialist in early Italian Sculpture)" at the 1977 CAA annual meeting. both willing and able to search out a date, Medieval painting. Those wishing to propose topics for sessions have a document copied, etc. Voila-the Chairman for Studio Sessions will be Lin at the 1980 annual meeting should write CAA Registry of Roving Researchers. For a Emery (7520 Dominican Street, New Or­ directly to the appropriate chairman by $3.00 annual fee, those temporarily or per- leans, La. 70118). Emery, a sculptor, was March 31, 1979. III Continued on p. 2, col. 1 I announcements lannouncements manently residing abroad and willing to Realist Video Panel Library of Congress Trainee Program Masquerades, Media, and Social Values artists have included Robert Motherwell, Black Mountain Artists undertake research assignments are invited to In October 1977 an NEA-sponsored panel on The Prints an Photographs Division of the Papers are invited for a panel on the above Janet Fish, and John Button. The fellowship Black Mountain College is planning both a register with the CAA. Request forms-do new realist art was conducted at Virginia Library of Congress has established a trainee topic to be held at the 1979 meeting of the year runs from October I to May 1. AddI­ catalogue and a projected national exhibit of not send money in advance-from the CAA Polytechnic Institute and State University, program for a limited number of qualified American Sociological Association. The tional infonnation: Director, FAWC, Box working artists who attended the school. office. Scholars in need of research assistance Participants were Janet Fish. Richard Estes, college students who wish to gain knowledge panel seeks to explore the role of masquerades 565, Provincetown, Mass. 02657. Application Please contact either Etta Deikman, 15 Muir are invited to state their needs: locale, special Duane Hanson, Clement Greenberg, and about organizing and controlling collections as a mode of communication - as traditional deadline: February I. Ave., Mill Valley, Calif. 94941 or Bill research skills, languages, etc. to the CAA Donald Kuspit. The session is recorded on two of graphic materials. These traineeships carry media reinforcement for African social McNeill, 24 Bernice Street, San Frandsco, office. Where possible, we shall provide a one-hour videotapes and is available to in­ no financial remuneration, but students re­ values. Send abstracts to Jean Borgatti, Calif,94103. simple, non-computerized, non-interfering dividuals and institutions at cost plus a small ceive experience with a rich collection of African Studies Center, Boston University, 10 ART$MARKET mating service. It will be up to both parties to handling fee. Send two 3/4" videotapes (1 works under staff supervision. For additional Lenox Street, Brookline, Mass. 02146, or to Funded through the CETA Programs Divi­ negotiate whatever terms they find accept­ hour each) plus $5.00 or send $55.00 to: Ray infonnation: Dale Haworth, Prints and Pho­ Perkins Foss, Art Dept., Dartmouth College, sion of the City of Los Angeles and by the able and to cope with the vagaries of various Kass, Dept. of Art, VPI & SU, Blacksburg, tographs Div., LC, Washington, D.C. 20540. Hanover, N.H. 03755. Deadline: March l. California Confederation of the Arts Art Bulletin Back Issues postal systems. Va. 24061. ~RT$MARKET is a new monthly publica~ Elisabeth B. MacDougall writes that she has a tIOn that offers free advertising space to artists long, although not complete, run of The Art Mellon Fellowships at Emory seeking positions and to employers with arts­ Bulletin going back to the 1940s which she Two one-year and one two-year appoint­ related openings. For additional infonna­ would like to donate, preferably to "some Publications on Visual Resources ments are available for non-tenured scholars Fellowships for Research on Women tion, and to get on their free distribution list: worthy impoverished college," She will be Three publications have come out during the American Cultures Fellowships capable of initiating thoughtful and attrac­ The Wellesley College Center for Research on A$M, 650 S, Spring Street, Los Angeles, moving in January and would like to complete past year that are significant to the field The Institute of American Cultures UCLA tive approaches to teaching and broadening Women invites research or curriculUIIl de­ Calif.
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