THE UTE SALUTE Volume 1, Issue 2 January 2018 California Disaster Inside this issue: by: Natalie Erickson #meToo Movement 2 The coast of Cali- include all the businesses mudslide, the people living Lavar Ball 2 fornia is reeling from dev- that were affected too. in California are losing astating mudslides that Thousands of people have food quickly. A lack of GRS Boys Basketball 3 took the lives of twenty- nowhere to go or live and vegetation is beginning to one people earlier this are staying at shelters become a problem for Science Olympiad Heats Up 3 month. After battling wild- across the area. people to stay healthy fires in the area for much As they try to dig since the floodwaters have WONDER Movie 4 of November and Decem- out from this mess, now ruined fields and other VIPS Re-opens! 5 ber, the mudslides came residents are dealing with garden areas. in early on Tuesday, Janu- a new problem. Due to all ary 9th, hitting parts of the damage from the Tide Pod Challenge 6 southern California with tremendous force. Fire- fighters and rescue work- ers found many people Important Dates to Remember: trapped under the mud and have had a difficult GRS Volleyball @ IW 1/25/18 time reaching others due GRS Dance 1/26/18 6pm-8pm to the blocked off roads and washed away areas. GRS Boys Basketball Region- als 1/27/18—2/1/18 65 homes have President’s Day NO been destroyed and anoth- SCHOOL—2/19/18 er 462 homes have been damaged and that doesn’t A Montceito, CA home is almost covered by massive boulders and debris. Image courtesy of http:// www.cnn.com There will soon be dogs. According to CNN, very important wedding bells Meghan was so excited that ringing in England, because she wouldn’t even let Harry Prince Harry recently got finish the proposal before engaged. Harry popped the answering him. The pair has UTE SALUTE Staff question to girlfriend, Amer- planned to be married in St. Editors: Raegann Kochel, Caitlin Cor- ican actress Meghan Markle, George’s Chapel on May zine, and Rachel Brammer on November 27th, in their 19th, 2018. Prince Harry is Photographer: Haven Barrett home at Kensington Palace. the son of the future King of Sports Editor: Jobey Grant The couple has been dating England, Prince Charles and Sponsor: Mrs. Curry for a little over two years and the late Princess Diana of have many mutual interests, Wales. Picture courtesy of vanityfair.com such as different types of charity work and a love for #meToo Movement by: Natalie Petersen, Kylee Shoemaker, and Elizabeth Wittenborn Though the men that sexually harassed Lauer, who was recently fired #meToo movement start- them. In quick succession, from his position as a host on ed decades ago, it wasn’t many men of power in Holly- the TODAY SHOW for alleged- until this year that women wood and other industries, ly having various extramarital really began using it to such as Kevin Spacey, Ben Af- affairs with staff members and accuse others of sexual fleck, various ESPN employees, sexually harassing coworkers. harassment and miscon- former NFL quarterback Do- Many of these men duct. When Hollywood novan McNabb, and others are now facing criminal charg- Hollywood actress Alyssa Milano walks the red carpet. (photo courtesy of billboard.com) actress Alyssa Milano were being accused of sexual es thanks to the #meToo used Twitter with the harassment. movement that allows women hashtag #meToo to call Two of the more nota- to feel like they can openly out any women who have ble big names to be accused are share whether they have or are faced sexual harassment, Hollywood director Harvey being sexually harassed with- the #meToo movement Weinstein, who has been ac- out fear. immediately became cused by more than 28 actress- something many women es of rape, sexual assault, and used to stand up to the sexual harassment, and Matt NYC Terrorist Attack by: Taylor Stillman In New York City, on De- rectly, only causing minor wounds to cember 11th, 2017, there was a sus- Ullah. pected terrorist attack at a bus terminal, This is the third attack in New and a man by the name of Akayed Ul- York City since September 2016. This lah stands accused of the crime. attack appears to be a “lone-wolf” ter- one apart of the terrorist attack. After Akayed Ullah chose this area because rorist, which means he was the only this attack, Donald Trump attacked the of its Christmas themed posters, so as current immigration system that allows to gain more power for the Islamic “Today’s attempted mass murder attack in New York for extended family members, and not just spouses or minor children, to re- State. Akayed Ullah carried a hand- City — the second terror attack in New York in the last made bomb strapped to his abdomen, ceive green cards, saying these types two months — once again highlights the urgent need threatening to blow not only the terminal of incidences are what can occur if we up, but himself as well. He was arrested for Congress to enact legislative reforms to protect the do not protect our country’s borders. after the bomb failed to detonate cor- American people.” - President Donald Trump Lavar Ball is Balling Up Controversy by: Caden Curtis If you are a fan of the NBA, then exclusively promote his sons’ ability. Just recently, the Los Angeles you probably know about Lavar Ball. Lakers formed a rule that the media is call- Lavar is the dad of a rookie super star, In late 2017, his son LiAngelo Ball ing “The Lavar Ball Rule”. The rule “bans Lonzo Ball, who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers. Ever since Lonzo entered the store during a UCLA basketball team trip to league, his dad has always had something China. Ball was disciplined by the school to say. and indefinitely removed from the basket- games”. ways talking to people about how much ball team. As a result, Lavar Ball has taken the careers of the three Ball brothers play LiAngelo and his younger son, LaMelo,and out. has signed them to a Lithuanian basketball ball shoe company, BIG BALLER BRAND, to team. Page 2 Volume 1, Issue 2 GRS Girls Basketball Enjoys Stellar Season By: Raegann Kochel The Glenn Raymond SA 8A State Tournament in Ger- girls basketball team once again mantown Hills. At the state tour- had a very successful season. nament, the Lady Utes fought Our 7th graders had a great sea- hard and only lost to Teutopolis son and competed well in the by 7 points by a score of 20-27. Twin County Conference, even- The Lady Utes were tually losing in regional play. coached this season by Josh Our 8th grade team also enjoyed Rushbrook and Barry Bauer. a stellar season, finishing with a With the 8th graders moving on record of 22 wins and 2 losses. to high school, we hope to see Despite starting off the season more successful seasons in the with a loss, the Lady Utes fin- future of Lady Utes basketball! ished strong, losing only one oth- The 8th grade Lady Utes finished the season with a 22-2 er game and advancing to the IE- record, falling to Teutopolis in the IESA State Tournament. GRS Boys Basketball by: Janelle Arenibar DID YOU KNOW? The very first game of official “basketball” was played in Springfield, Massachusetts on Dec. 21, 1891 at a YMCA in boys’ teams have faced some tough Springfield. Twin County Conference opponents, but the 8th grade took third place in The boys basketball season the conference tournament and won at GRS is winding down and the first place in the county tournament. boys have enjoyed a good season. The 7th grade lost in the first round The 7th and 8th grade GRS teams of regionals at Iroquois West and the have been working hard and in prac- 8th grade team will host this year’s tices and have improved in their regional. Good luck to our 8th grade games. Coached by John boys as they enter regionals! Hutchinson and Eric Starkey, the GRS Science Olympiad Begins by: Caitlin Corzine Science Olympiad is a compe- sity squad. The JV squad takes about tition in which students from different 20 students, while the Varsity team schools in our region compete at sci- consists of about 15 members. Last ence related events such as rocks and year, the GRS team came in 7th at minerals, crime busters, meteorology, state. This year’s Regional competition ecology, and anatomy. Coached by Mr. is set for Saturday, February 17th at Simpson, Mrs. O’Brien, and Mr. Har- Parkland College in Champaign, Illi- vey, over 70 students in our school are nois and if the team qualifies, will head currently trying out this year, trying to back to state at the University of Illi- gain their spot on either the JV or Var- nois. Good luck to all the participants! The UTE SALUTE Page 3 GRS Speech Team Wrap-Up by: Lydia Schroeder The GRS Speech team com- grade is welcome to try out and partici- pleted a successful season, participat- pate. They begin preparing their ing in the County competition in Cissna speeches in early September, working Park in October and then traveling to on memorization, facial expression, the IESA Speech Contest in Clifton in physical comedy, and other techniques. November. More than 70 Glenn Ray- Each entry is then judged and given a mond students participated in mono- rating.
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