GENERAL INDEX All references are to page numbers. ч‚ˉ üÌÓ‚ÒÍËÈ (Dawid Janowski) 930 accommodation at chess events 346, 350, Allnutt, W.E. 682, 683 àÁ·‡ÌÌ˚fl Ô‡ÚÌÌ, Ì„‡ÌÌ˚fl ̇ 699, 700, 703–4, 705, 792, 794 “Alter” 24, ¡30, ¡72, 9¡3; see also Owen, ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚ı ¯‡ıχÚÌ˚ı Ackerley, Richard ¡69 the Rev. John ÚÛÌˇı (Selected games, played in Adams, Jimmy 7¡0, 920, 92¡, 922, 924 “Amateur” (unknown player) 7¡, 266, international chess tournaments) 9¡9 Adams, Michael 697 272, 296, 483, 486, 895, 897, 90¡, 902, ä‡Î¸ òÎÂıÚ (Carl Schlechter) 923 Afanasiev 775 903, 904 å.à. óË„ÓËÌ (M.I. Chigorin) 920, 92¡, Agar, Thomas L. ¡52 amateur chess 84–94, 252, 26¡–2, 503– 922 Alapin, Simon 297, 298, 3¡9, 347, 349, ¡¡, 703 åËÚÚÂθ¯ÔËθ: äÓÏ·Ë̇ˆËfl (Middle- 4¡9, 549, 550, 55¡, 553, 554, 559, 562, Amelung, Friedrich 33¡, 9¡6 game: Combination) 923 565, 673, 700, 70¡, 702, 703, 800, American Chess Bulletin (ACB) 7¡2, 805, åËÚÚÂθ¯ÔËθ: äÓÏ·Ë̇ˆËfl Ë ÔÎ‡Ì ‚ 882, 909, 9¡9, 920, 92¡, 922; annota- 922, 923, 924, 930, 93¡ ¯‡ıχÚÌÓÈ Ô‡ÚËË (Middle-game: tions 397–8, 478, 493, 563, 567, American Chess Magazine (ACM) 464, Combination and plan in the game of 585–6, 60¡–2, 629, 630–¡, 640, 647; 478, 502, 560, 9¡9, 920, 928, 929 chess) 924 Burn’s sparring partner 70¡; chess edi- America’s Chess Heritage 90¡n åËÚÚÂθ¯ÔËθ: èÎ‡Ì (Middle-game: tor 502, 556, 885, 920, 930; games Amos Burn & Co. 4¡¡ Plan) 924 3¡6, 394, 397, 580, 582, 602, 7¡4, 724, “Amos Burn, The Quiet Chessmaster” åËı‡ËÎ óË„ÓËÌ (Mikhail Chigorin) 920 740, 74¡, 855; opening ideas 285, 3¡6, 926 çË‚‡ (Niva) 70¡, 788, 9¡9, 920, 92¡, 922, 397, 493, 580, 582, 70¡, 7¡4, 740, Amos Burn, The Quiet Chessmaster ¡2, 903, 923 74¡–2, 764; pictures 552, 555, 70¡, 9¡2, 9¡4, 9¡5, 9¡6, 9¡7, 9¡8, 9¡9, 920, çÓ‚Ó ÇÂÏfl (Novoe Vremya) 92¡, 922 799; world ranking 669 92¡, 922, 923, 924, 926, 927 ëË„·ÂÚ T‡‡¯ (Siegbert Tarrasch) 920 Albany Evening Journal 286 Amsterdam ¡889 349–50, 9¡7 ò‡ıχÚÌ˚È ÇÂÒÚÌËÍ (Shakhmatny Vest- Albin, Adolf 423, 428, 549, 550, 55¡, Amsterdammer, Weekblad voor Nederland nik) 886, 9¡5, 9¡6 556, 557, 558, 569, 654, 709, 905, 403, 482, 483, 485, 486, 552, 668, ò‡ıχÚÌ˚È ÜÛ̇Π(Shakhmatny Zhur- 909, 9¡8; games 450, 562, 6¡8; pictures 678, 884, 9¡8, 9¡9, 929, 930 nal) 9¡8 426, 552, 6¡9; world ranking 669 Anderson, Donald L. 462 ò‡ıχÚ˚ ‚ ëëëê (Shakhmaty v SSSR) Albin Counter-Gambit 654 Anderson Graham, Peter 9¡5 930 Aldritt, W.B. 466 Anderssen, Adolf ¡8, 26, 29, 37, 40, 46, Alekhine, Alexander Alexandrovich ¡2, ¡3, 64, 82, ¡00, ¡¡5, ¡¡6, ¡25, ¡66, 249, 3¡0, II. Internationale Schachmeisterturnier in 79, 298, 4¡8, 44¡, 697, 723, 79¡, 799, 335, 356, 376, 383, 388, 4¡7, 47¡, 552, Ostende ¡906, Das 74¡–4, 922 800, 825, 839, 876, 882, 884, 909; pic- 564, 620, 858, 926; anecdote ¡¡5; XVIII. Kongreß des Deutschen Schachbundes, tures 799, 80¡, 836, 885; game 833 world ranking 669 e.V. Breslau ¡9¡2 802, 862–8¡, 924 Alexander, Charles Revans 29 Andrade, Samuel 467 Alexander, Oskar 80¡, 802 “Andrews” 92; see also Hunter, Andrew ABC des Echecs 903 Alexander Alekhine: Games ¡902–¡922 923 anecdotes 42, ¡00–¡, ¡¡5, ¡50, 288, 380, Abrahams, Gerald 678, 930 Allaire, J.E. 58, 75, 93, 94, ¡46, ¡47, ¡48, 575n, 598, 646, 703, 764, 852–3, 889, Academy and Literature (London) 9¡5 ¡49, 9¡4; games 75, 80 890, 89¡, 920 953 954 GENERAL INDEX (Page numbers) Ankersmit, W.J. 57 43¡, 453, 454, 455, 578, 658, 730; pic- Berger, R. 654 Anspach, Frederick Lee 682 ture 26¡; world ranking 35¡, 669 Berger System see Sonneborn–Berger Anthony, Edwyn 87, 928 Bardswell, Henry Hodgson ¡9 System Archdall, the Rev. (Thomas) Hewan 56, Barling, John R. ¡52, ¡69, ¡70, ¡7¡, ¡72, Berlin ¡897 549–52, 9¡9 57, 86, 87, 88, 89, 9¡, 92, 93, 94; ¡73 Berlin ¡897: Das internationale Meister- games 66, 67, 96, ¡07, ¡¡4; picture 86 Barlow, Henry Stephens 678, 884 turnier 55¡, 905, 9¡9 Ardwick Chess Club 467 Barmen ¡905 70¡–3, 922 Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger 768, 769, 885, 92¡, Argall, Henry K. 3¡, 32 Barmen Chess Club 70¡ 922, 929, 930 Aronson, Lev Abramovich 754 Barnes, Thomas Wilson 26, 30, 82 Berliner Schachgesellschaft 549, 929 “Art of Annotation” 922 Barnett, Richard (sen.) 206, 207 Berliner Schachzeitung 573; see also Neue Aseev, Konstantin N. 6¡5 Barnett, Sir Richard Whieldon (jun.) 205, Berliner Schachzeitung Askwith, E.A. 68¡, 682 207, 258; game 247; pictures 206, 247 Bernard, Henry D’Oyly 567 Association des Echecs (Paris) 56¡, 650 Barry, John Finan 430, 462, 680, 683, Bernstein, Ossip Samoilovich 9, ¡3, 702, Atkins, Henry Ernest 430, 462, 467, 504, 922; annotations 765–6 705, 706, 707, 79¡, 792, 794, 795, 797, 508, 509, 5¡0, 5¡¡, 670, 673, 678, 680, Barteling, Louis 929 803, 885, 886, 9¡0, 922, 930; anecdote 68¡, 683, 684, 689, 695, 797, 9¡¡, Bartrum 3¡, 32 764; Burn on 797; games 739, 76¡, 763, 9¡8–¡9, 9¡9, 929; games 472, 473, 529, Basman, Michael John 282, 9¡6 8¡4, 825; pictures 764, 793, 796, 885; 532, 543, 545, 547, 548; pictures 474, Bateman, Harry 68¡, 682 reminiscences 556; world ranking 803 548, 886; world ranking 669, 803 Bateson Wood, Matthew 52, 53, 55, 58, Bernstein, Sidney 339, 9¡7 Atkinson, Walter 462, 466, 467, 477 ¡52 Berry, William 9¡, 903 Auerbach, J[onas] ¡70, ¡7¡, ¡72 Bath ¡884 ¡68, ¡70 Berwick, A. 93 Ayre, Frederick Fearnley ¡73 Battles-Royal of the Chessboard 9¡6, 92¡ Bier, Max 669 Bauer, Johann Hermann ¡85, ¡86, 349, Bierbach, John 552 “B.,” Dr. 486 350, 885, 905, 9¡0; games 394, 398 Billecard, Maurice 49¡, 535, 562; games Bachmann, Ludwig 753, 92¡, 922, 924, Baxter, the Rev. Arthur William 68¡, 682 474, 656 926, 930 Bayard, Chevalier de (Pierre du Terrail) Billington, Thomas Henry 466 Baddeley, John 55, 58, ¡73 527n Birch, [J.] 2¡ Bailey, H.A. ¡7¡, ¡72 Beadall 32 Bird, Henry Edward ¡2, 26, 29, 30, 82, Baird, David Graham 346, 347, 348, Beakbane, Alfred ¡47, ¡52, ¡70, ¡7¡, ¡72, 85, ¡23, ¡3¡, ¡66, ¡74, 252, 328, 373, 430, 462, 554, 909; games 365, 382, ¡74, ¡75 4¡0, 423, 430, 46¡, 495, 552, 650, 79¡, 585, 606; pictures 366, 555; world Beaman, Capt. F.O.C. 344, 345, 35¡ 889, 908, 9¡0, 9¡5, 9¡8; as author 257, ranking 669 Beardsell [Beardsall], T.N. 29, 32 926, 928; Burn, encounters with 93, Baird, John Washington 348, 368, 669; Bearne 32 ¡99–20¡, 254, 256–7, 427, 463, 926, games 355, 372 Beaver, Robert Atwood 259 927, 928; match with ¡99–20¡, 205, Baker, D.D. 54, 57 Beechey, F.F. see Rowland, Frideswide F. 926; tournaments with 3¡, 32, 9¡, 93, Baker, W.H. 468 Belaie›, Alexander Petrovich 29 20¡, 202, 203, 204, 299, 300, 30¡, 346, Ball, W.F. 60 Belfast ¡886 205–8, 254–5 347, 348, 428; games ¡¡, ¡¡6, 208–¡8, Balla, Zoltán von 706, 750, 802, 803, Belfast News-Letter 207, 248, 250, 25¡, 285, 2¡9, 23¡, 263–4, 323, 334, 354, 370, 930; game 867; pictures 80¡, 802 345, 9¡6 444, 453, 903; letters and controversies Ballard, William Robert 60, 46¡, 463 Bellingham, George Edward H. 85, 462, 253, 257; opening ideas 45, ¡90, 208, Baltimore Sunday News 387, 4¡3, 9¡6 466, 498, 503, 504, 506, 507, 508, 354, 4¡7, 926, 928; picture 200; world Baltische Schachblätter 9¡7 509, 5¡0, 543, 546, 6¡¡, 66¡, 673, 678, ranking 35¡, 669 Bampton, Samuel Warren 680 908, 9¡¡, 9¡9, 922, 929; annotations Birkenhead Chess Club ¡74 Banfield, E.M. 88 5¡6, 5¡8, 5¡9–23, 538, 539, 7¡0; games Birks, James 467 Bantock, W. 52, ¡70 490, 5¡¡, 5¡4, 550, 526, 530, 534–43, Birmingham ¡874 87–9¡, 9¡4 Barász, Zsigmond 80¡, 802, 874 544, 545; match with Burn 465, 503, Birmingham ¡883 ¡67–70, 9¡4 Barber, B[enjamin] ¡69, ¡72, 408, 409 509–¡0, 544; picture 5¡0 Birmingham ¡899 508–9 Barbier, Georges Emile 26¡, 408, 4¡¡; Bell’s Life (London) 28, 926 Birmingham Chess Club 89, 4¡¡, 4¡2, games 4¡4, 4¡9 Benkö, Pal Charles ¡03, 338 679, 682 Barcza, Gedeon 630, 920 Benkö Gambit ¡58 Birmingham Daily Gazette 89, ¡05, 507, Bardeleben, Curt von 297, 298, 300, 30¡, Bennett, Charles George ¡73, 257 , 463 527, 529, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 9¡4, 346, 347, 349, 368, 423, 428, 429, 453, Bennett, Hugh Bradley 409, 4¡3 926 549, 55¡, 56¡, 673, 700, 702, 703, 882, Benoni Defence, modern treatment 442 Birmingham Daily Mail 260 9¡0, 9¡6, 9¡7, 9¡8, 922; annotations Berger, Johann Nepomuk 297, 298, 349, Birmingham Daily Post 48¡, 509, 5¡4, 532, 303–4, 396–7, 402, 432–3, 448, 450–¡, 447, 556, 557, 56¡, 562, 702, 905, 9¡0, 533, 534, 67¡, 895 742, 748; Burn, encounters with 26¡, 9¡9, 92¡; on Burn 558; games 3¡8, 393, Birmingham St. George’s Club 43¡, 679 427, 454–5; on “Chess A›airs in En- 397, 625, 664, 728; picture 3¡9; world Birmingham Weekly Mercury 464, 527, 547, gland” 26¡–2; games 303, 333, 390, ranking 669 548, 9¡9, 93¡ GENERAL INDEX (Page numbers) 955 Birmingham Weekly Post 53¡ Boden, Samuel Standidge ¡8, 2¡, 24, 26, British Chess Association (B.C.A.) first Birrell, D.
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