Surname Report

Surname Report

Surname Report Surname Count Male Female Earliest Most recent 63 11 51 1880 1975 (Kahn) 1 0 1 1944 1944 (Reinhart) 1 0 1 1947 1947 A’Deline 1 0 1 Abate 1 0 1 1975 1975 Abraham 6 3 3 1907 1992 Abrahams 1 0 1 1902 1902 Acheson 1 1 0 1961 1961 Achtman 3 1 2 1943 1970 Adams 4 1 3 1913 1984 Adaskin 194 122 72 1750 2014 Adaskina 20 0 20 1902 2007 Adler 3 0 3 1859 1930 Adoskin 1 1 0 1927 1927 Adoskina 1 0 1 1957 1957 Agatstein 7 3 4 1883 1991 Alaha 1 1 0 Albin 3 2 1 1972 2005 Alcavera 1 0 1 1967 1967 Alcorn 1 1 0 Alexander 17 9 8 1891 1938 Alexandrowicz 1 1 0 1865 1865 Alfonso 2 1 1 1968 2002 Allan 1 0 1 1953 1953 Allen 2 1 1 1952 1952 Allerhand 1 0 1 1923 1923 Allina 2 0 2 1886 1891 Alvarado 1 0 1 1947 1947 Alwani 1 0 1 Amiel 1 0 1 1910 1910 Amos 5 2 3 Amselem 3 2 1 1963 1992 Amster 9 8 1 1898 1982 Anderson 4 1 3 1961 2010 Andrykowski 1 1 0 1966 1966 Anhouse 3 2 1 1960 2005 Anil 1 1 0 Anisman 1 0 1 1957 1957 Annetts 1 1 0 Anthony 1 0 1 1966 1966 Antzelevitch 1 0 1 1981 1981 Anzaldua 1 0 1 Arellano 1 0 1 1970 1970 Arenson 1 0 1 1878 1878 Arey 1 1 0 1927 1927 Ariens 3 2 1 1958 1992 Armel 1 1 0 1946 1946 Armour 7 4 3 1907 1990 Arndt 7 6 1 1887 1992 Surname Count Male Female Earliest Most recent Arnstein 1 0 1 1939 1939 Artzi 1 0 1 1970 1970 Ascher 1 0 1 1849 1849 Ashkenas 14 8 6 1918 2020 Asner 1 0 1 1955 1955 Aster 1 1 0 Auerbach 3 3 0 1974 2007 Augenblick 1 1 0 Austin 1 0 1 1856 1856 Averbuch 6 4 2 1940 2004 Bacasmot 1 0 1 1970 1970 Bach 1 0 1 1856 1856 Bachrach 1 0 1 1884 1884 Baer 6 3 3 1875 1923 Baird 3 2 1 1949 1965 Bakatch 1 0 1 1958 1958 Ball 1 1 0 Ballin 3 3 0 1912 1948 Balter 1 0 1 1954 1954 Bamberger 1 0 1 1890 1890 Barfield 1 1 0 Barker 11 6 5 1908 2020 Barkhouse 1 1 0 1917 1917 Barnard 1 1 0 1940 1940 Barnes 4 3 1 1976 2015 Barouch 3 1 2 1922 1954 Barry 6 4 2 1925 1987 Barski 1 0 1 Barth 1 0 1 1961 1961 Bartholomew 1 0 1 1920 1920 Bartlett 1 0 1 1917 1917 Basciano 4 4 0 1959 1997 Bassin 1 1 0 Batman 1 0 1 1967 1967 Batt 1 0 1 1923 1923 Baumgartner 1 1 0 1934 1934 Bears 1 0 1 1881 1881 Becker 3 2 1 1891 1891 Bedell 4 2 2 1977 2009 Bedriska 1 0 1 Beil 3 3 0 1972 1972 Beit-Halachmi 4 3 1 2004 2012 Belkin 1 1 0 Belli 1 0 1 1948 1948 Bello 1 1 0 1905 1905 Belova 1 0 1 1959 1959 Belson 6 4 2 1920 1996 Benadie 1 0 1 1943 1943 Benedict 1 1 0 Bennett 1 0 1 1972 1972 Surname Count Male Female Earliest Most recent Benz 1 0 1 1950 1950 Bepler 1 0 1 1920 1920 Berg 5 3 2 1906 2012 Berger 5 1 4 1877 1939 Bergman 32 18 14 1892 1999 Bergoff 49 25 23 1875 1971 Berinstein 3 1 2 1948 1989 Berkover 1 0 1 1936 1936 Berkowitz 2 1 1 1951 1964 Berman 1 0 1 Bernard 1 1 0 1897 1897 Bernath 10 5 5 1903 1976 Bernheimer 1 0 1 1964 1964 Berns 3 0 3 Bernstein 14 7 7 1892 1931 Berry 1 0 1 1951 1951 Berss 1 0 1 1948 1948 Bertling 1 0 1 1958 1958 Bertola 1 1 0 Betzler 4 4 0 1957 1997 Beyer 1 0 1 1913 1913 Biederman 12 7 5 1887 1953 Biener 2 0 2 1890 1895 Bigelow 1 0 1 1953 1953 Bigenho 1 1 0 1967 1967 Binder 6 3 3 1928 1993 Birnbaum 1 0 1 Bishop 3 2 1 2016 2019 Blacher 8 6 2 1910 2003 Black 2 0 2 1891 1910 Blackburn 1 1 0 1934 1934 Blair 2 1 1 1972 2001 Blankenship 1 1 0 1935 1935 Blanter 1 0 1 Blassin 3 2 1 1963 1992 Bleier 7 3 4 1817 1864 Bleyer 1 0 1 1761 1761 Blick 4 2 2 1947 2009 Bloch 1 1 0 1880 1880 Block 6 3 3 1838 1900 Bloom 8 3 5 1892 1963 Blumberg 8 5 3 1919 1986 Blumenfeld 1 0 1 Blyumina 1 0 1 1968 1968 Bode 1 0 1 1956 1956 Boettcher 3 2 1 1943 1975 Bogan 1 0 1 1945 1945 Boggs 8 6 2 1875 1987 Bondi 1 0 1 1884 1884 Bondy 1 1 0 Surname Count Male Female Earliest Most recent Bonvech 2 2 0 1983 1983 Borbey 1 0 1 1962 1962 Borisov 2 1 1 1948 1948 Bottles 3 2 1 1952 1987 Bowa 1 0 1 1894 1894 Bower 3 1 2 1968 2006 Bowman 1 1 0 1946 1946 Boyer 2 2 0 1911 1911 Bozanich 1 0 1 1967 1967 Brafman 1 0 1 1958 1958 Brakensiek 1 0 1 1952 1952 Brand 15 10 5 1907 1980 Brandenberger 4 2 2 1970 1997 Braun 3 2 1 1973 2007 Bravve 1 0 1 1920 1920 Breese 3 3 0 1942 1974 Brenner 1 0 1 1894 1894 Bresler 1 1 0 Bretzfelder 1 0 1 1912 1912 Breym 1 0 1 1905 1905 Brick 3 1 2 1902 1971 Brilhart 1 1 0 1942 1942 Brill 1 0 1 1964 1964 Brixner 1 0 1 1946 1946 Broaddus 1 0 1 1961 1961 Brockway 1 0 1 1948 1948 Brodsky 7 4 3 1911 2007 Bromberg 1 0 1 1905 1905 Bronson 2 1 1 Bronstein 3 1 2 1953 1991 Brookhart 1 0 1 1944 1944 Brooks 4 2 2 1915 1963 Brovchenko 1 0 1 1966 1966 Brown 19 11 8 1911 2010 Brunner 1 0 1 1857 1857 Buck 1 1 0 1927 1927 Buettner 2 1 1 1859 1896 Bull 1 1 0 1982 1982 Buol 1 0 1 Burger 1 0 1 1895 1895 Burket 1 0 1 1962 1962 Burnie 2 1 1 1940 1994 Burns 1 1 0 1972 1972 Burnside 1 0 1 1958 1958 Busch 1 0 1 1948 1948 Bush 1 1 0 Bushell 2 2 0 1968 2003 Butler 2 0 2 1910 1968 Butterfield 8 5 3 1927 1983 Buyvan 1 0 1 1991 1991 Surname Count Male Female Earliest Most recent Calkin 2 1 1 1907 1945 Cameron 1 0 1 1938 1938 Campbell 5 3 2 1937 2017 Campf 1 0 1 1935 1935 Campites 7 3 4 1942 2006 Caplan 5 2 3 1915 1990 Carbone 1 0 1 1918 1918 Carlson 2 0 2 1989 1989 Carney 1 0 1 1953 1953 Carr 3 2 1 1972 1972 Carter 1 0 1 1957 1957 Case 5 4 1 1942 2015 Casella 1 0 1 1931 1931 Cashmore 1 1 0 Caskey 2 2 0 2012 2012 Castle 1 0 1 1975 1975 Cato 1 0 1 2019 2019 Cedrone 1 1 0 1958 1958 Cerf 7 3 4 1903 1974 Chaney 1 0 1 Chang 3 3 0 1946 1997 Chapman 3 3 0 1944 2020 Chavez-Cook 1 0 1 1977 1977 Chen 1 0 1 1985 1985 Chernomorink 1 0 1 1908 1908 Child 1 1 0 1936 1936 Chotzen 2 1 1 1952 2021 Chotzen-Freund 2 2 0 1987 1991 Chowdhry 1 0 1 1980 1980 Christie 1 0 1 1984 1984 Chusid 3 1 2 1982 1986 Cioffi 1 0 1 1959 1959 Clark 5 2 3 1950 2004 Clarke 2 1 1 1965 2000 Claunch 2 1 1 1942 1942 Clemena 1 0 1 1968 1968 Clifford 3 2 1 1954 1954 Clift 2 1 1 1962 1962 Close 1 1 0 Clymire 1 1 0 1947 1947 Clymire-Stern 1 0 1 1994 1994 Cohen 24 14 10 1888 2020 Cohn 9 3 6 1870 2009 Cole 6 1 5 1991 2009 Coleman 3 1 2 Colin 1 0 1 1954 1954 Comroe 1 0 1 1945 1945 Conway 3 3 0 1958 1996 Cooper 6 3 3 1953 1953 Coplin 1 0 1 1914 1914 Surname Count Male Female Earliest Most recent Cornell 1 1 0 1943 1943 Cosman 3 2 1 Costa 1 0 1 1975 1975 Costello 1 0 1 1957 1957 Coughlin 1 1 0 Cowart 2 1 1 1976 2009 Cowhey 2 2 0 1958 1998 Craig 1 0 1 1955 1955 Crain 1 1 0 Crespo 1 0 1 Cressman 4 2 2 1951 1987 Crouch 1 0 1 1974 1974 Crow 4 3 1 1934 1994 Cruickshank 4 2 1 1965 1999 Custer 1 0 1 1958 1958 Cutler 1 0 1 1955 1955 Czech 6 4 2 1844 1889 Dabney 2 2 0 Dahl 1 1 0 1891 1891 Dahlberg 2 2 0 1972 2007 Daniels 1 0 1 1888 1888 Darmanin 1 0 1 1971 1971 Darne 1 0 1 1913 1913 David 1 0 1 Davidson 2 1 1 1878 1879 Davies 1 0 1 1946 1946 Davis 8 6 2 1904 2003 Day 2 2 0 2011 2011 de Valence 1 1 0 Dear 1 0 1 1976 1976 Dearing 9 4 5 1928 1997 DeBra 1 0 1 1973 1973 Debrino 1 1 0 DeClue 1 0 1 1977 1977 Degarcia 1 0 1 1966 1966 Delbridge 3 3 0 1950 1992 Delfino 1 0 1 1948 1948 Dempsey 1 1 0 1910 1910 Denenberg 1 1 0 Denham 1 0 1 1902 1902 DeOssie 1 1 0 Deutchlander 1 1 0 1889 1889 Deutsch 3 2 1 1899 1938 Dewar 3 2 1 1967 2014 Diamond 1 0 1 1893 1893 Dick 1 0 1 1907 1907 Dickman 2 2 0 1987 1987 Diepenbrock 3 3 0 Diggines 1 1 0 1918 1918 Dillon 6 4 2 1940 1995 Surname Count Male Female Earliest Most recent DiLorenzo 1 0 1 1934 1934 Dixey 3 3 0 1965 2003 Dobbs 1 0 1 1959 1959 Dobinsky 1 0 1 1954 1954 Doctor 1 0 1 1931 1931 Doenges 1 1 0 1914 1914 Doherty 1 0 1 Dollar 1 1 0 1929 1929 Domnina 1 0 1 1985 1985 Donato 1 0 1 1920 1920 Donovan 4 3 1 1965 1996 Dorani 1 1 0 1972 1972 Dorman 1 1 0 1980 1980 Dottori 4 1 3 1960 1990 Dougherty 1 1 0 1963 1963 Douglas 1 0 1 1974 1974 Douthat 5 4 1 1980 2018 Drey 1 0 1 1893 1893 Dreyfus 6 3 3 1946 2004 Dreyfuss 3 3 0 1914 1949 Drizos 1 1 0 Drusch 2 0 2 1963 1980 du Toit 1 0 1 Duba 1 1 0 1967 1967 Dubin 2 1 1 1939 1993 Dubinsky 2 0 2 1935 1935 Duke 1 0 1 1913 1913 Dunn 3 1 2 1944 1987 Dunton 4 2 1 1937 2000 Duplantis 2 0 2 2008 2010 Durham 1 1 0 1999 1999 Duringer 3 2 1 Durocher 2 2 0 1972 1995 Dushane 1 0 1 Dutton 2 0 2 1986 2007 Dykman 1 0 1 1956 1956 Dyson 1 0 1 1921 1921 Dzuik 1 0 1 1953 1953 Eby 1 1 0 1946 1946 Eckstein 1 1 0 1905 1905 Edelmann 3 2 1 1902 1938 Edelson 1 0 1 1947 1947 Edelstein 1 0 1 1913 1913 Edison 1 0 1 1916 1916 Egolf 2 1 1 1972 2004 Ehrlich 1 0 1 1962 1962 Ehrman 4 1 3 1830 1878 Einstein 32 21 11 1884 2020 Eisenberg 1 0 1 Eisner 1 0 1 1787 1787 Surname Count Male Female Earliest Most recent Elbert 10 4 6 1920 2020 Elsbach 2 2 0 1909 1946 Engel 1 0 1 Engelman 1 0 1 1883 1883 Enloe 1 1 0 1959 1959 Epperson 1 1 0 Epstein 88 51 36 1808 1994 Erdberg 1 0 1 1876 1876 Ettin 1 0 1 1939 1939 Evans 13 8 5 1965 1971 Eveloft 1 0 1 Factor 1 0 1 1942 1942 Fairchild 10 8 1 1932 1961 Falk 8 3 5 1854 1951 Fallon 2 1 1 1960 1999 Fanburg 4 2 2 1934 1934 Fanelli 1 0 1 Farb 1 0 1 1950 1950 Farber 1 0 1 1930 1930 Farbowitz 1 0 1 1973 1973 Farkas 1 1 0 Faskow 4 1 3 1934 1966 Fazakas 1 0 1 1969 1969 Feder 1 0 1 Feiner 3 2 1 1972 2008 Feistner 3 2 1 1964 2005 Feldman 2 0 2 1946 1977 Feller 3 2 1 1962 1998 Fellner 1 0 1 1912 1912 Fenner 1 1 0 1956 1956 Fenster 7 5 2 1923 1975 Ferber 1 0 1 1950 1950 Ferrini 2 2 0 1953 2001 Fiala 2 1 1 1959 1993 Fieldman 1 0 1 1937 1937 Fife 1 0 1 1916 1916 Filla 1 0 1 1948 1948 Fine 4 1 3 1882 1914 Fini 1 0 1 1959 1959 Fink 14 9 5 1874 2001 Finkle 1 1 0 Finn 2 1 0 1967 1967 Fiore 1 0 1 Fischberg 1 0 1 1912 1912 Fisher 1 1 0 Fishman 7 4 3 1910 1982 Fitzgerald 3 2 1 Fitzpatrick 1 1 0 Flaherty 1 0 1 1935 1935 Flanary 1 0 1 Surname Count Male Female Earliest Most recent Flechsig 1 1 0 Fleischmann 5 1 4 1843 1880 Florino 1 1 0 Foerster 1 0 1 1959 1959 Ford 1 0 1 1948 1948 Foreman 1 0 1 Forman 7 3 4 1934 1971 Foster 5 5 0 1914 1984 Fox 7 4 3 1958 2011 Fradkin 3 1 2 1949 1978 Frank 11 3 8 1916 2001 Frankenberg 3 2 1 1966 2002 Franklin 1 1 0 Frederick 1 0 1 1955 1955 Freeberg 1

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