November 2016 Publication for members of USS Illinois Base, United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. Remembering In just a few short days we mark the “Day which will live in Infamy,” Pearl Harbor the 75th Anniversary of the attack on this young seaman was a baker Pearl Harbor. While we feel fortunate aboard the USS Pompano (SS-181). that the enemy neglected to strike His memo- the Pearl Harbor Submarine Base ries of the at- on Dec. 7, 1941, it does not negate tack and the the vast impact this event had on the devastation submarine community, particularly that followed its survivors. lived with Our monthly toll- him forever. ing of the bells cer- The memo- emonies mark the ries were loss of boats and so strong lives aboard 52 sub- that it took coaxing by Chiefhi f Petty Offi ffi cer Edward d marines lost during “Dutch” Gaulrapp, returns to WWII and give rev- his family to get Pearl Harbor, after 66 years. erence to those who him to return to served so gallantly Hawaii in 2007 for Special Ceremo- USS Arizona on the East to defend our free- nies marking the 66th Anniversary River departing the New York Navy Yard, in Brooklyn, doms. But, let’s not forget the survi- of the attack on Pearl Harbor. following her commissioning vors and their families, particularly Dutch grew up in an orphanage in November 1916. those who were fi rst-hand witnesses in Freeport, Ill, and he and his best to the attack on Pearl Harbor. friend Alvin “Bud” Loring were both One such “Bubblehead” and Pearl given special permission by the Harbor survivor was Edward “Dutch” priests at St. Vincent’s Orphanage Gaulrapp, a Freeport, Ill resident. On (Continued on page 4) Our Creed: “To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifi ce be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishment. We pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution.” Visit us at www.ussillinoisbase.org www.ussvi.org Green Board - USS Illinois Base, USSVI — Page 1 November 5, 2016 -- Minutes of the USS Illinois Base Wayne Orrison fi led his application and missioning Ceremony and associated paid National Dues for fi ve years 2017- events to all the members. Bruce also 2021 ($90) and Illinois Base Dues ($10) shared a number of USS Illinois items for 2017. Wayne served in the surface (hats, coins, mugs, glasses etc.) from Navy from 1965-66 prior to Qualify- the Commissioning that are available ing on the George Bancroft (SSBN-643) for sale, and will provide more details Meeting called to order at 11:31 a.m. in 1967 and serving there until 1969. on how to acquire them at the next Recited USSVI creed. He went on to serve on the Ulysses S. meeting. Bruce also donated a “Ship’s 13 members present: Phil Owens, Grant from 1970-73. Wayne fi nished his Bell” he acquired from the Sub Base Chuck Mongan, Terry Elmeier, Bruce Career serving on the (Mystic) DSRV Navy Exchange. The bell needs to be Weigel, Tom Ramsay, Kate Ramsay, 1 team from 1976-83, retiring as an mounted on a wooden stand so it can John Stines, Connie Stines, Dick Mar- STSCS(SS) in 1986. Wayne currently be rung for the “Tolling of the Bells” tin, Renee’ Martin, Bruce Pickering, Joe resides in Rockton, IL with his wife ceremony at future meetings. Bob Jones and Jim Helsell Phyllis. Welcome Wayne! Fleck has volunteered his Father to build the stand, with design ideas to be The base membership stands at 22 with Guests present: Wayne Orrison provided by Phil Owens for the base to the addition of Wayne Orrison and consider. Bruce also shared a poster he Pledge of Allegiance. & Invocation. the update of the status of Tom Polzin, purchased at the Submarine Museum whose primary base is the Crash Dive Introductions: Wayne Orrison, new in Groton, CT, showing every U.S. base; and Harvey Shaw, whose primary member. Submarine ever built by class, which he base is the Hoosier Base in Indiana. Tolling of the Bells for lost boats. will get mounted and/or framed for the Tom Collected 2017 Illinois Base Dues base. Minutes of the Oct. 1, 2016 meeting from many of the members. were read by Base Secretary Bruce • Holiday Party discussion: Chaplains Report – No Report. Weigel, motion made to accept minutes. --Rockton American Legion Hall Motion seconded and carried. Storekeepers Report - Terry Elmeier would cost $300 to rent on a week Treasurer’s Report by Tom Ramsay. continues to have Ship’s Patches and day and $500 on Sat/Sun. Bruce Beginning balance on 9/24/2016 was Lapel Pins for sale. Brief discussion and talked to a catering company that $806.52. New Credits = $71 deposited. confi rmation of orders for USSVI Illi- estimated an additional $1,127 for New Debits = $225 of uncleared checks nois Base Name tags. Terry sold several catering. (Dick and Renee Martin National Dues). Calendars to the Base Members. --Vito’s Ristorante in Roscoe would Ending balance on 10/23/16 was $652.52. Old Business: charge about $30/person for a “buff et Tom putting in place processes to style” Italian Meal. • Bruce Pickering discussed the con- ensure correct handling and document- --Bob Fleck contacted a Moose tinuing challenges regarding the ing of cash deposits and withdrawals Lodge that rent us a hall for $120 and Fairbanks Morse tour. to comply with USSVI reporting forms. charge $10-15/person. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report • Kate Ramsay has built a tremendous The open dates are fi lling up, so Phil as read, seconded and accepted. website for the Illinois Base. She sent suggested we might want to schedule a an e-mail on October 27 to members Membership Report - Bruce Weigel Holiday party between Xmas and New indicating how to access it. She reiter- indicated that he had made more up- Year’s or shortly after the New Year. ated her request for “before and after” dates to the website. Bruce sent out an The membership agreed that would be pictures of base members, as well as e-mail to the leadership team indicating a good plan. More discussion to follow “sea stories”, to publish in the “Green the members for whom he had “hard at our next meeting. copy” applications and those he did not. Board” Newsletter and on the new USS It was agreed that we would contact Illinois website. 50/50 Raffl e – $60 won by Tom Ram- say who donated the proceeds back to National to get hard copies for the New Business: other base members for our permanent the Base. • USS Illinois Commissioning. Bruce records. We also agreed to put a process Commander’s Report – No Report in place to standardize the acceptance Weigel reported on the tremendously of applications and dues to minimize successful Commissioning of the USS Benediction – Chaplain, Connie the opportunity for confusion or miss- Illinois (SSN-786) on Oct. 29, 2016 in Stines Groton, CT. Bruce sent out links to ing documents. Meeting adjourned at 12:28 p.m. various websites highlighting the Com- Motion made, seconded and carried. Green Board - USS Illinois Base, USSVI — Page 2 All Hands, Now that we fi nally have of our Base. Your teamwork has been some relief from the madness of the great and deeply appreciated. campaigns, we can look forward to the Going forward to the new year I am coming year. asking all Hands to make it their pri- Illinois Base Commander Last year was very productive for us as ority to bring one (1) new member to Phil Owens we managed to grow from the original the Base in the coming year. If all of us seven members to 22 which I believe are successful, we will automatically seven are Holland Club members. grow to 44 members. We know in the near future we will Getting started has been a bit of a be adding more as their 50th year of struggle with some bumps along the Qualifi cation arrives. way, but progress has won the day! I I wish to thank all of you who have look forward to seeing each and every been so faithful in attending the meet- one of you at each meeting, as well as ings and assisting in the development embracing your participation. Base liability At the 2016 USSVI Convention in nation would be made as to who was Reno questions were raised regarding at fault. It covers us for all USSVI insurance defi ned USSVI’s Limited Liability Insurance events where USSVI was at fault for Policy and how it covers Base parade injury or property damage. fl oats. USSVI promised to look into • At USSVI events, if someone gets Base Contacts this issue further and report back to hurt or property is damaged from the membership. displays USSVI puts up through some fault of USSVI, we are covered. Commander The following response was re- Phil Owens cently release from USSVI’s Immedi- • If someone trips going up the stairs [email protected] ate Past Chairman Al Singleman, Jr.: at a meeting at a VFW, the VFW would be at fault, not USSVI. “What we have from Rust Insurance Vice Commander “Again, it only covers all of USSVI Chuck Mongan is a Limited Liability Policy that cov- [email protected] ers 3rd Party bodily injury and prop- against 3rd party and member erty damage where USSVI is at fault.
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