Mesozoic tectonics and metamorphism in the Pequop Mountains and Wood Hills region, northeast Nevada: Implications for the architecture and evolution of the Sevier orogen: Discussion and reply Discussion Jim Wise Independence Mining Company, Inc., HC 31 Box 78, Elko, Nevada 89801 Camilleri and Chamberlain (1997) do an foliation by the thrusts? In Figure 10 of Camilleri technique valid? Cite a reference for this technique excellent job showing increasing pressure and and Chamberlain (1997), the great-circle girdles or mention that this is a new method. What is the temperature toward the Ruby Mountains–East defined by bedding and metamorphic foliation in- source of uranium and lead incorporated into the Humboldt metamorphic core complex in northeast dicate shallow-plunging fold axes to the northeast metamorphic sphene? Why were unmetamor- Nevada. However, the presented structural inter- believed by the authors to represent southeast phosed equivalents of the metacarbonate rock not pretation of hinterland Sevier deformation, in the transport direction for the thrusts. Do lineation analyzed to address this problem? I wonder if ra- Wood Hills and Pequop Mountains, is not sub- data from the thrusts exist to verify the southeast diometric values from metamorphosed rocks are stantiated by the data. Both crosscutting relation- transport direction? The fold orientations reported given greater significance than warranted. These ships and radiometric dates described by Camilleri are part of a larger regional pattern that includes interpretations may limit a metamorphic event, but and Chamberlain (1997) lacked evidence to pre- the Adobe Range, Snake Mountains, and the I am not convinced that a one-to-one correlation clude earlier deformations. The calculated 69 km southern end of the Pequop Mountains (Ketner, between thrusting and metamorphism exists. of shortening due to their inferred Sevier thrusting 1984; Coats, 1987, Plate 1). Were the thrusts Camilleri and Chamberlain (1997) reported events was not supported by the field data and in- formed prior to metamorphism and the intrusion 69 km of shortening across an inferred and un- terpreted cross sections. Herein, I detail the con- of the dike and then reactivated or folded after the exposed fault they named the Windermere cerns I have about crosscutting relationships, ra- metamorphic event? The youngest rock unit cut by thrust. The authors suggested that the thrust jux- diometric dates for age constraints, and the the Independence thrust is a Permian carbonate taposed different facies of the Roberts Moun- introduction of large structures that lack exposure. unit (Coats, 1987, Plate 1). Crosscutting relations tains Formation composed of dolomitic siltstone Camilleri and Chamberlain (1997) described do not clearly preclude Jurassic or early Mesozoic (inner shelf) and platy limestone (outer shelf). three main thrust faults, the mapped Independence orogenic events. These two compositions typically vary in many thrust, an unnamed thrust with mappable expo- Radiometric age constraints presented by vertical sections in the Great Basin, and the fa- sures, and an interpreted and unexposed fault they Camilleri and Chamberlain (1997) may be correct. cies are often laterally discontinuous (Nichols named the Windermere thrust. The crosscutting re- However, they have taken the treatment of this and Silberling, 1977). Dolomite may be pro- lationships for thrust timing were based on the in- type of data to a degree that may not be justified. duced by a variety of processes that do not nec- ference of the thrusts cutting a metamorphic fab- The two samples reported had dates of 154 ± 5 Ma essarily reflect the original depositional environ- ric, and speculation that the thrusts cut a dike with (U-Pb of zircon from a metamorphosed dike, sam- ment (Dunham and Olson, 1978). A facies map a U-Pb age date interpreted by the authors to be ple 151P), and 84.1 ± 0.2 Ma (U-Pb of metamor- was not presented to support this inferred thrust 154 Ma. The authors did not present orientation phic sphene from metacarbonate, sample 127AP). juxtaposition of facies. A thrust is not required data for the dike and the fabrics within. Map rela- Five zircon grains were analyzed to date the dike, for the rock-type change because the region is at tions do not show the thrusts cutting the dike. The resulting in dates ranging from 156 Ma to 1753 a previously interpreted facies boundary (Matti dike was reported to have a single metamorphic Ma. Does the degree of grain abrasion influence and McKee, 1977). The regional reconstructions foliation, and the authors believe that the Indepen- the final result? What date would an unabraded presented by the authors are not physical pierc- dence thrust truncates a similar fabric. Fault rocks grain yield? How can ±5 m.y. uncertainty be as- ing points. The inferred Windermere thrust was were not documented in the paper, nor were strike signed to samples that have undergone selective interpreted by the authors from metamorphic and dip measurements for the thrusts shown on treatment for abrasion, and then two of the five an- isograds, for which the authors invoked a south- their maps (their Figures 3, 4, and 5), suggesting alyzed grains be chosen to represent the crystal- east-tapering thrust wedge as an explanation. that the fault either was not examined or was not lization age variance? Could the dike be coeval However, the folds the authors believe to be re- exposed. Perhaps the fault rocks contain the meta- with the thrust? For the metacarbonate sphene lated to the thrust include a much larger area morphic fabric? Without this information what can date, what other ways can the slope of the sphene- than the model of southeast tapering thrust be utilized to show truncation of the metamorphic whole rock mixing line be interpreted and is this wedge can account for. The metamorphic iso- GSA Bulletin; May 1998; v. 110; no. 5; p. 679–684. 679 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/110/5/679/3382954/i0016-7606-110-5-679.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 DISCUSSION AND REPLY Matti, J. C., and McKee, E. H., 1977, Silurian and Lower De- grads parallel the modern-day topographic axis points or offset markers to support their estimate vonian paleogeography of the outer continental shelf of the of the Ruby Mountains– East Humboldt meta- of crustal shortening. Cordilleran miogeocline, central Nevada, in Stewart, J. H., morphic core complex. The metamorphic pat- Stevens, C. H., and Fritsche, A. E., eds., Paleozoic paleo- geography of the western United States: Pacific coast pale- terns could be from an unidentified process at REFERENCES CITED ogeography symposium—1: Society of Economic Paleon- midcrustal depths preceding exhumation of tologists and Mineralogists, Pacific Section, v. 7, these rocks, a process completely unrelated to Camilleri, P. A., and Chamberlain, K. R., 1997, Mesozoic tec- p. 181–215. tonics and metamorphism in the Pequop Mountains and Nichols, K. M., and Silberling, N. J., 1977, Depositional and the Sevier orogeny. Wood Hills region, northeast Nevada: Implications for the tectonic significance of Silurian and lower Devonian Constraining the age limits of a fault by inter- architecture and evolution of the Sevier orogen: Geologi- dolomites, Roberts Mountains and vicinity, east-central Nevada, in Stewart, J. H., Stevens, C. H., and Fritsche, preting a correlation between a metamorphic cal Society of America Bulletin, v. 109, p. 74–94. Coats, R. R., 1987, Geology of Elko County, Nevada: Nevada A. E., eds., Paleozoic paleogeography of the western event of questionable time and a thrust of uncer- Bureau of Mines and Geology Bulletin 101, 111 p. United States: Pacific coast paleogeography sympo- tain orientation is unsupported by the data pre- Dunham, J. B., and Olson, E. R., 1978, Diagenetic dolomite sium—1: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Min- eralogists, Pacific Section, v. 7, p. 217–240. sented. I request that the authors elaborate on the formation related to Paleozoic paleogeography of the Cordilleran miogeocline in Nevada: Geology, v. 6, accuracy of their dating methods, present more p. 556–559. substantial crosscutting relations, consider that Ketner, K. B., 1984, Recent studies indicate that major struc- tures in northeastern Nevada and the Golconda thrust in the thrusts may have a protracted history predat- north-central Nevada are of Jurassic or Cretaceous age: MANUSCRIPT RECEIVED BY THE SOCIETY MARCH 10, 1997 ing the dike intrusion, and document piercing Geology, v. 12, p. 483–486. MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED JULY 11, 1997 Reply Phyllis A. Camilleri* Department of Geology and Geography, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, Tennessee 37044-4418 Kevin R. Chamberlain Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071-3006 In Camilleri and Chamberlain (1997), we conclusions regarding the structural history and cordia at a high angle (Camilleri and Chamber- presented a tectonic reconstruction of the reconstruction of the middle to upper Mesozoic lain, 1997, Fig. 12) and is interpreted to reflect Mesozoic middle to upper crust in the Sevier crust in this region. Below we discuss five main mixtures of magmatic zircon (ca. 154 Ma) and hinterland in Pequop Mountains and Wood issues: thermochronology, crosscutting rela- varying amounts of inherited zircon. Data from a Hills region in northeast Nevada. This region is tionships and the Independence thrust, the Win- select fraction of grains that contained visible in- structurally complex because it underwent dermere thrust, the origin of metamorphism, clusions (#4) support this interpretation, because Mesozoic metamorphism and polyphase thrust and the age of the Windermere thrust. they plot far to the right of the other data, and faulting and was then overprinted by late Meso- yielded the oldest Pb/Pb date of 1753 Ma. The zoic to Tertiary polyphase normal faulting. In U-Pb THERMOCHRONOLOGY data from all five fractions are not statistically lin- our reconstruction we integrated new and pub- ear, however, and scatter of the data is interpreted lished data, including geologic and meta- U-Pb data from three samples were reported in to be due to recent Pb loss.
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