THE MAGNA CHARTA SURETIES, 1215 The Barons Named in the Magna Charta, 1215 and Some of Their Descendants Who Settled in America 1607-1650 By ARTHUR ADAMS, PH.D. Fellow of the Society of Genealogists of London; Fellow of the Society of Arlliquaries of London; !'resident of the American Society of Genealogists; Librarian of Lhc ;\cw England Historic-Genealogical Society aud Editor of the Register. and FREDERICK LEWIS WEIS, TH.D. Fellow of the American Society of Gene;ilogists; Historian-General of the Socict y of the Descencl;11lls of the Colonial Clergy. Second Authorized Edition With Revisions and Corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. Baltimore Genealogical Publishing Company 1964 . .. ·. .· Prol'crt-y O{ ·roRIC AL SOClfffY GLC\.I & HIS SAN AN1'0NTO dt!NEALO ' • I ' ~ ~ ···..• beth, his wife, and Thomas Lane with Jane, his wife, of Sur­ Thomas Lane, ye plantation whereon his father lived on with rey County (Elizabeth and Jane being daughters of John ye land belonging 100 acres and one iron pot and rack and, Flood, late of Surry County, deceased), and John being the etc. To my grandson, John Lane, ye plantation whereon I son of John Flood and wife, Margaret Finch, [widow of Wm lived with 100 acres, etc. To my grandson, Joseph Lane, 50 Finch]; said elder John Flood came to Virginia in 1610 on the acres of land, joining on both his brother,.s land, etc. To my "Sw:an"-reference, "Adventures of Purse & Person", 1607- 1625, page 175, by Riden. · granddaughter Rebecca Hart . ~ , .. To Rebecca White, my gray mare, Bonny, etc. To my daughter Mary Hart, 'my horse, Surry County Will Book 8, page 428:' Will of Thomas Lane, Turk,'' ek (Mary had evidently married Thomas Piart.) I dated 8 Oct 1733, probated 20 _:f:i9v 1734: "To ~Y grandson, do desire my will proved in Surry County Court House be- 1 - cause in ye county is my land. I do appoint my daughters, lJ · J Mary · Hart and _Rebecca White my ex.ecutors." Witness: \'/' f: _ Robert Ricks, Thomas Lanier, Wm Barton. (Thomas Lane J".r \ ~ f had only three grandsons, who were brothers as proved by· the ! (0(1 . g'> f abo:e will, thus sons of the same man who e'vi~ently had died {>; . /' f , f '\ : ~ ~arher. \ .Cj I , · issue of Thomas and Jane: · \ I 1o"> ~ , ... r\'1\0fl . - 7 Mary Lane: m Thomas Hart . · \ [. ------ .. ____ - -- - - ! - §__ / _' . ~e~e~~-~~-r.>-~ :__1:1:1 ~==- ~te__ , *9 Thomas Lane: b 1687-94 ·-r---- c- f 9 THOMAS LANE (3) THOMAS3 (2) THOMAS1 (1): b 1687- J 94; d 1721 in Surry County, Va; m Mary f Surry County, Virginia Records, Deeds and Wills, 1715 to t 1730, Book 7, page 333: 12 May 1721, there was filed _ ~ true f and perfect inventory and appraisement of the estate of f Thom8:s Lane Jr., deceased, signed by Mary Lane, Administra- - ! tor. Total: 41 Pounds, 4 Shillings. Appraised by Wm Ruffin -·:=--·-::.'._-;-_::::-_ ----- .•~:-:----::- - 11 _, f w:as alsQ__mentioned. Thomas -~--=:::: :-and--Wm-Holt_J.ohn__N~wsum _ Lane.Tr was-liter- ~ofTh~mas time -Sr;-- -- f~ -~"- ·- prove~- tooe -the~~~- • - who died 1733 in Sµrry County. Thomas Lane Jr and his wife, Mary, were the parents of Thomas, John and Joseph, as they were mentioned in the will of their grandfather, Thomas Lane Sr. issue: f *10 Thomas Lane r *11 John Lane: b prior to 1721 I *12 Joseph Lane .10 THOMAS LANE (4) THOMAS9 (3) THOMAS3 {2) l THOMAS1 (1): b prior to 1721 in Surry Co; d 177? in Surry 1 .lownes Cr~t::>-~ WU'S where f 1 Co, Va; m Mary ___ - - -;orn as recc:>/ved his 400 S" re:'l'n 11 Deeds and Wills of Surry County, Virginia, Book 10, page . ~ere:>=~ l _:._ . ·-;8 ~ i 139: Will of Thomas Lane of Surry County, dated 5 Mar 1770, 251 1; \'. ·--., probated 19 Mar 1771, "To my loving wife, Mary, two negroes 12EO acres awned. by Thos. lane 5r: named Peter and Sarah, and 1/ 3 of 100 acres of land I now 5on of /hos. Lane and wiFe E/tzabelh live on during her lifetime and after her death, said negro woman, Sarah, to 'my daughter, Sally Lane, and the negro Janes. man, Peter, to be equally divided between my sons, Ethelred and Thomas Lane. To my son, Ethelred Lane, 100 acres of land which I purchased of my brother, John Lane. To son, r ~Cl(~ Thomas, 100 acres being the other part of my land I now live on. My executors, loving wife and son, Ethelred Lane." Wit­ ness: Thos Bailey, John Bailey, Wm Bailey. (Here is proof that John Lane sold his 100 acres to his brother, Thomas ~..if':::ricri Lane. Note he still lived on the 100 acres he inherited from his grandfather in 1733, and which was designated as the plantation whereon his father, Thomas Lane, had lived when ClC ·;f(i·. /00 r-es w.he.·. /00 J_<::Jhn I l acre·s·· .. t hedied.) . '!'" . _ Thos. Lane Laae 1i1he':'/fed.__ =-~-~- .. ~ ~r._ ~ ·-·---~---= and Wills of Surry Torrence: H t!?d when fo_-=---· Q--.- ~ ~ ---~ ~~ J-1~ ~ s~ld_f f --- Deed~ c~~~ty, _ ".'1r~mia :J?y --~=- .· - 2. ilane;=etc. -(He-1s the-son of Thomas V 1782,_WiH _of EJ;hek.e t h Cl.--#' CT7i177~7 /homos 1743 above mentioned.) , , 't) e /e • rn \: ~ane , i ~ issue: . ! ~ 11 was c;J 1 ven 1 '0 -.t:: 13 Sally Lane I ~ his son 7hos · <:) 14 Ethelred Lane: diedc1782 1 \( /n hlro qrand- \. ~ 15 Thomas Lane 1- I f'afhers W/// - e t " /743 ·<' ll. _1 ___ _ _ - -- -- - -- - -- - ?i/ m!~~~;~s~;E:~~~:~:~1~~~:~~~[~: ---. - Heath; m (2) Jane Heath (sister of John's first wife, Mar- ... j ' ) ~ \! tha); ~ S \ ~ 60 acres inher/fed bq Joseph ·('e, e \ . Surry ~ounty Deed Book for 1741thru1743, page 128: 3 ~ J - ~\ ~ m - - . -~ '~ · Jun 1743, John Lane Jr sold to Thomas Lane 100 acres, - - "'( ;\~" which joined Thomas Lane, William Holt, ·John Drew, John ~· i \ "°', Cocke, etc., witness: Samuel Pittman, Benjamin Holt. John tl "Sunlight on the Southside,'' by Bell, lists the following \ Lane's wife, Martha, relinquishes her dower rights. (The "Jr" t-i tithes in Lunenburg County, parts of which later became Bed­ \ .in connection with John Lane's name indicates there is an ~ ford; Charlotte, Halifax and Mecklenburg Counties in 1754, older John Lane in Surry Co, Va., and doesn't necessarily in­ t 1752, 1765, 1765 respectively: Page 79, John Lane, 1 tithe, etc . dicate he is the a John Lane" .'.fhe will of Thomas ·Lane r son - ~£ Page 79, John Lane, 1tithe,1748, Wm Calwell, captain of sec­ ·., will prove ·that the above John Lane is his brother. John ·:. rl tion, Falling River to Little Roanoke. Page 90, John Lane, 1 sold the 100 .acres adjoining his brother, Thomas, which land · - tithe, 1749, Wm section, Falling River to Little Roa­ \ .-- l C~lwell he inherited from his grandfather, Thomas Lane, deceased noke (this later became Bedford County in 1754; Campbell < ""1733. Also of note is the fact John's wife was Martha_.legend ~ - . County in 1781-82). Page 82, Wm Heath, 1tithe,1748, John that John's first wife was the sister of his second wife, Jane Phelps section, Falling Creek to Goose Creek upwards to ex- .. ,_ Heath, dau of William and Martha Heath.. l 253 252 ... ~ i - "' I 't' -' / .... 11- ~ :"., .... .~ rt 1...,1- · ..._.. __., I v 4- __.; English Wills of Colonial Fatnilies . ·by. Noel Currer-Briggs Gift To S. A. GENEALOGICAL & HISTORICAL SOCIETY Donated~· ··· ·····- ...... /Y.&.. /..~......... ig ... g.f! ... BY: Name /. Addres~·· .. ... /.; . ... ................................................. ............. 19 72 POLYANTHOS . Cotton port Edward LANE and William LANE are bound to administer the goods 362 of their nephew William LANE, late of Langdon. \li\LTER LANE 1578/82 HCC 365 24 Sep 1578. Proved: 8 Dec 1578 at Worcester by Executrix. JOANE LANE Halter LANE of Langdon, Worcestershire. To be buried in HCC 1596/ll3g Langdon churchyard. To my son, John LANE, the lease of my Administration dated 8 Jan, 39 Eliz I. house wherein I now dwell, but my wife, Ellyne, to have the rule and goverrunent of it during her widowhood. If she Bond in the names of Robert RYVER of Pendock, Worcestershire, remarries, John to have it all. To my son John, one heifer farmer and John LANE, of the same, husbandman, in the sum of now in the keeping of my brother Edward LANE, and other cattle at the discretion of John GODWINE and my brother Edward, at £100. John LANE is bound to administer the goods of Joane 21. To my son William, £6 at 21 at the discretion of Edward LANE, his late mother, late of Pendock. LANE and John GODWINE, and cattle. Residue to wife, Ellyn, whom I make executrix. Supervisors: John GODWINE, Edward LANE. Witnesses: William BROOKE, Nicholas TERROT, clerk. 366 Inventory taken 6 Nov 1578 by Christopher BEALE and John GODWINE of Langdon, yeoman. · £15.10.4. JOHN LANE wee 1597/8 18 Jan 1597/8. Proved: 29 Mar 1598 at Worcester. 363 John LANE of Pendock, Worcestershire, the younger, husbandman. ELLEN LANE To be buried in the churchyard of Pendock. To brother, John HCC 1584/108 (Damaged) LANE, best/ coat. To brother Christopher LANE, best doublet. 22 --- 1584. Proved: 12 Feb 1584/5 at Worcester by executor. To Steven MERRY an overworn coat. To nephew Thomas LANE new leather breeches and shirt. To brother Christopher's son, Ellen LANE of Langdon, widow. To be buried in Langdon church­ John LANE, my godson, half a bushel of wheat. To brother yard.
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