VOL. 10-NUMBEK 153. LONG BRANCH, N. J., SATURDAY, JULY_ 1, 1911., 8 PAGES PRICE^TWO CENTS MQNMDUTH PARK CASE OF ASIATIC TOLD SOCIETY OF AVIATOR FLIES OVER ACTORS COLONY TO HOTEL CHARMING INLAND CANAL WORK HAVE GAY FOURTH Surroundings Have Been Made CHOLERA DEVELOPS Jhlef Engineer of Cape Cod SKYSCRAPERS AT END :air Haven Players Boat Club Most Attractive by Vast Project Talks to Histori- Plans Lively Celebration, Improvements AT AUBURN, N. Y. cal Society OF 125 MILE FLIGHT of Day Everything is in readiness for the The second meeting of the, Mon- The three-score members of the opening of Monmouth Park Hotel mouth County Historical Association Players' Boat Club, of Fair Haven, tonight. Thousands of electric Infected Man. Italian Immigrant, Slipped Through for the year 1911 was'held a} Rede- Atwood Rounds Singer Tower This Morning, Making composed mostly of the male members lights will illuminate the grounds, mont, the home of Mrs. Caroline '• of the Actors' Colony, of that place, while the interior of the famous hos- Quarantine-Detachment of Police Surround Reed, at Locust Point, in the highlands Long Trip From New London, Connecticut- have completed their planB and prepa- telry will be aglow with myriads of of Middletown, Thursday afternoon. rations for their annual outing, which Incandescent lights. The hotel has About one hundred members were in will be held on the beach, near the undergone many changes anl altera- House to Preserve Strict Quarantine, attendance and* were delightfully en- Wrights Said Feat of Flying Over Lower floating clubhouse next Tuesday, tions, and under the management of tertained and Instructed by the ad- The cozy, floating clubhouse is moor- A. W. Dieter promises to become a dress of William Barclay Parsons, L. Manhattan Was Impossible ed In the cove on the south side of the fashionable resort as It was in former But iNuch Alarm is Caused There j, I'., chief engineer of the Cape Cod "Jorth Shrewsbury river, near Thomaa years when Monmouth Park was the 'anal, on his present work in eomplet- I J. Morrlssey'B handsome residence, on recognized race track of the country. Auburn, N. Y., July 1.—Asiatic chol- New York, July 1.—Having started the river bank, at Fair Haven, The ng the great project. UNION ELECTS OFFICERS from New London, Conn, early this The accommodations are extensive, era has appeared here, Tomaso Blrar- The canal, when completed, is to ba clubhouse Is convenient and comfort- there being 460 rooms in the building. do, an Italian immigrant, having to- morning with a mechanician, aboard, able, lighted by electricity and elab- The grounds are spacious, being laid mpressive Burial Services Over the LOO feet wide at the bottom and to Choose Officers for Next Aviator Atwood, who created, a sensa- orately furnished. Connected with the day died of the disease in Italian have a uniform depth of 25 feet of out into a beautiful park, affording quarter boarding house. A detach- Remains of Mrs. Frank Me- Six Months and Plan Big Inital- tion yesterday by dying about over the club are several motor boats and aall- ample room for all kinds of outdoor Mahon at Rumson. water. It is to be about 2QO*feet wide tlon Meeting. course of the Harvard-Yale boat race ng craft, belonging to the members. ment of police have surrounded the the land surface. It Is to be about recreation. Flower herip and foun.- iQiisel whjch Js^ quarantined closely, Impressive religious services wore Local Union No, 151, Carpenters with Mayor Mahon, of Now London, A few daya ago, Ernest Otto landed a tiiiiiH. gravelled walks and drives, body of Mrs. f "Htitf Jolnersrhpld "ttretr'seml-annxrat 36.root motor boat sit the club, which >ut much alarm is felt In the locality osephtne Me Mahon, wife of former atjoard, flow around the •with a velvet stretch of lawn add to >y nervous people. stable Bay with, Buzzard's Bay, and election at their last meeting anfl elect ng tower, dropped nonchantly under W8B brought from Buffalo, JJ. ¥. the beauty of the scenery. The prop- Mayor Frank Me Ma him, at Rumson, shorten the jouifiey from New York There have been a number of cholera eaterday afternoon. The services ed the following officers: he great flag, turned agalft and head- The guests oi the club from New erty Is on the banks of a branch of o Boston by uham 70 miles in meas- President—Austin B Vale, ed for Governor's Island, where ne York will be met at the landing with a the South Shrewsbury river, and facili- cases on immigrant vessels In New -•ere largely attended, the house being ured distance. Tiui »• are about a half- York harbor recently, but the utmost llled with relatives and friends of the Vice president—Fred Brasch. anded with perfect ease at 10.26 >and of music and a parade through ties have provided for the use of million pasaengeje yearly who will be Recording secretary—Albert Emb- o'clock. he principal streets of the quaint, llt- bathers. There is a large dock for precautions have jbeen observed and eceased. The floral offerings were benefited by thiB improvement, and t causes surprise that an infected per- Wv- The flight establishes a record. It le village, wi* be held, ijeadimar- landing purposes, and a swimming xceedingly beautiful. about twenty-fl^p nlllion tonB of ters will be established at Abe Ben- pool of recent construction. son could have gotten through quar- Rev. Dr William B. Matteaon, of relght can be delivered more safely Financial secretary—William G. Pin- was the flrst time In the history of antine. eon. he world that a flying machine ever nett's Atantlc Hotel, In Pearl street, •Jew York, a former pastor of the Red and in- better time. where a big dinner will be served. Near the pool is a power house Bank Baptist Church, conducted the Treasurer—George Yale. flew over lower Manhattan* • It had frori which a salt water shower spray The present route around Cape Cod Conductor—Max Wilkie. een announced Impossible by the In the afternoon the gyea(s will be ADELPHI CLASS FEASTS services. During his remarks he paid a very dangetous and hazardous aken to the outing on the beach. Lob- Ispumped. The effect resembles a high tribute to the exemplary life Warden—Joseph Phillips. Wrights. rain storm. The electric lights on rip. The cold Newfoundland ocean Trustee for 18 months—deorge Wat- The distance the sustained flight sters, chowder, and the flxln's, will be the property are strung along the Monthly Meeting of First Baptist ed by the deceased. The choir from current meets the Gulf Stream near served and a program of athletic sporty Church Society Plans For Lawn he Red Bank Baptist Church con- son. overed Is approximately one hundred driveways and river front, the power his place, and every person going to Business agent—W. Q. Pinson. and twehty-flve miles. will be 'run off." In the evening the being supplied by a plant on the place. Fete July 26th. ucted the singing. lioston by boat will remember that the nmial old-fashioned barn dance, for The pallbearers were: George W. The officers will be installed at the which the actors are famous will be A gas generating system ia also on the The Adelphl Class of the First Bap- whjstles blow, boaU «<> nt half Bpeed, Preacher Praised Sunday Baseball. property.., B. L. Burtt, of this city, is Hliott. James Enright, William Mur- .nd if you go oil deck there Is no light next regular meeting. Jt~ being The held. tist Church Sunday-school was enter- ihy, Dennis Martin, William Meares Sacramento, Cal., July 1.—Somo the electrician in charge. Salt water tained In a most delightful manner i] sight, nothing but the gray fog quarterly meeting, it is expected that A big feature of the afternoon cele- baths have also been installed in the nd John W. Eyles. Burial was made a large number will be present. Six- magazine writer once called baseball ration will be a baseball itame. The ast evening at the home of Morton t Fair View Cemetery, Middletown, banks to gveet the eye in ail dfrec- ho national exhaust valve, and Rev. hotel, Dangler in High street. There was a fona. teen new memDera will be admitted pposlng nines'will be made up of n charge of funeral directors R. R. then, and refreshments will be served ran kiln Baker, pastor of the First ITn- members! of the Players' Boat Club A large garage is being buit for good attendance. Prior to the busi- louni. & Son. The grave was a bed More than one-nan me wrecks of the tarlan Church here, IIHS added the the accommodation of the guests. less meeting, the young men enjoyed at the close. A cordial welcome is ex- and members of the well known theat- f white roses. ast year on the Atlantic coasl happen- .ended to all union men to be present. erm "America's mental showed bath," loal organization, the "White Rats" This will accommodate 65 machines, hemselves on the spacious verandas ed off Cape Cod, and the ship canal and one part of the building will be a description of the national game, •f America. The line up of the boat and lawn surrounding the house. When will do away with air of this danger, lev. Baker declared that. Sunday base- lub has not yet been agreed upon, used to stable saddle horses. About all had arrived, |he class assembled in 26 horses for the use of the hotel nd at the same time lessen the time ball should be allowed in every city but it Is the promise that the team he music room, where , the meeting CSRNlVALCOMMinEE Jstance between Boston and New nd that the $15,000,000 spent for base- will put up an interesting game.
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