Connecticut Daily Campus Serving Storrs Since 1896 VOL. LXIX, NO. 83 STORRS, CONNECTICUT FRIDAY. MARCH 5, 1965 50 New Students Added To Housing Director Reveals Plans Witti Tutorial Program The Willimantlc Tutorial Pro- for the Wlndham school system, ject, launched by UConn students and Mr. Robert Perry, principal For New South Campus Dormitory last fall, doubled Its size this of the Natchaug Grammar School, week with the addition of fifty were the featured speakers. by Jackie Longo more children into the program. Tutor applications will be avail- Plans for a new dormitory to be Su inner M. Cohen. living quaters are expected to be Approximately 110 Willimantlc able In the HUB lobby this week located on route 195 adjacent to Scheduled to be completed by of standard size 12 x 15 feet and school children will be instructed or Interested students may call South Hall have been announced September, 1967, the dormitory will be situated on floors with by campus volunteers at the next Andy at 9491 or Joyce at 6231. by Director of Resident Housing will house 250 students. The adequate space provided for tutoring session on Wednesday. lounges and lavoratorles. The Willimantlc Board of Edu- The architectural firm of Gol- cation agreed last week to provide den, Storrs, Labau of West transportation for bus students Hartford will be In charge of the to get home after the tutoring construction. classes. Funds received through student "We have had th" complete co- fees will finance the cost of the operation of the Willimantlc building which is expected to school system in this project," reach one and one half million said Andy Dlnniman, program dollars. coordinator. No Increase In student fees are Dinnlman added that new tutors expected to be levied before 1970, were being recruited for the fifty Cohen added. additional children. The tutoring Whether the dormitory will operates on a one to one student house men or women students tutor relationship. has not yet been decided. The program began with a group The University budget, submit- of forty-one tutees including Spa- ted to the state general assembly nish and Polish-speaking chil- last month, provided for $5 mil- dren. These children are as- lion In self-llquadatlng bonds to signed tutors proficient in their be used for student dormitories. language. Ground has already been cleared The tutors travel by bus to the for a $4 million west campus Natchaug Grammar School in dormitory complex which will Willimantlc for weekly two-hour provide room and board accomo- meetings with the children. The datlons for some 630 students. work involves assisting with ge- This complex Is scheduled for neral schoolwork, and supple- completion by June 1, 1966. menting the child's cultural ed- ucation through conversation and friendship. Members of the project have Send Off Rally recently published a tutorial Handbook in coordination with MAJOR GENERAL SEITZ (center) confers with Col. Hawkins and President Babbldge Planned For Willimantlc schoql officials and before meeting with students and faculty members to discuss the ROTC program at the UConn junior class council. UConn. (Photo by Firth) The handbook contains articles Basketball Team defining the goals and methods Led by the Pep Band and Cheer- of the project together with a leaders, hundreds of students are bibliography of materials avail- Deputy Commander Of First Army expected to attend a "send off" able for tutors to use in in- pep rally for the tournament- struction. bound UConn basketball team. Resource material in reading, The rally will be held at mathematics, language, and in- Visits To Promote ROTC Program 12:30 p.m. Sunday afternoon structing culturally deprived by David Chapnlck several colleges and universities Timmes on the present situation behind the Field House. children are available to the tu- Deputy Com nander of the United that come under the boundries of in Viet Nam. General Timmes Team buses will leave for Phil- tors through the University main States First Army, Major Ge- the First Army. is currently the Director of Pro- adelphia at 1:00 p.m. The twelve library, the School of Education neral J.F.R. Seitz, who is res- grams of the Department of the players will travel with two man- General Seitz questioned the Se- Chief of Staff, Personnel of the curriculum library, and the Tu- ponsible for all Army training nior Cadets about their feelings agers, a trainer, two coaches torial Library recently estab- within the district, conferred Department of the Army. He and a doctor. as to the way the current pro- formerly was the Chief Military lished by project members. The yesterday with President Bab- gram is running, what they would Living accomodatlons for the Student Senate recently granted bldge and Professor of Military Assistant of the United States team have been made with the do to change It, and their personal Advisory Group in Viet Nam. the project funds to purchase Science Russell Hawkins. reasons for being in it. Sheraton Hotel, 1725 Penn. Blvd. resource material for the The purpose of General Seitz' The date for his speech has not The Huskies will play their first library. visit was to discuss methods of Visits by other high ranking yet been set. General Timmes game of the NCAA tournament University faculty members developing more interest in the military personnel are planned was Invited by John Dolan, Pre- with St. Joseph's of Philadelphia have offered their assistance as ROTC program among both stu- for the future, Including a talk sident of the Senior Class at at the Penn. Palestra. counselors for the tutors. dents and faculty members. He by Major General Charles J. UConn. An orientation session conduc- met with Senior ROTC cadets and ted last Tnursday featured a pa- faculty members In the Depart- nel discussion on the "Aims and ments of Chemistry and Busi- Seniors Petition Goals of the Tutorial Project ness Administration as well as For Change In and How to Accomplish Them". with President Babbidge and Co- Dr. Esther Uncle, social worker lonel Hawkins. He is visiting Graduation Date The recently announced change in commencement date from Sun- World News Briefs day to Monday has brought the disapproval of a number of gra- duating seniors. U.S. Closing Libraries In Indonesia The Senior Class Council cur- rently Is distributing petitions through the Grievance Comm lttee (INDONESIA) (AP)—The United are to be withdrawn and all to enable seniors to state why they States Is closing all five of its other US information activities feel a Sunday Commencement libraries and reading rooms in halted. would be more appropriate and Indonesia. Information Agency The closings follow a long series convenient. director Carl Rowan blamed what of attacks on the libraries by Another petition will solicit sig- he described as the intolerable demonstrators. American off- natures of students who support harassments by the Indonesian icials have charged that the the change. Government. He said the 17 Indonesian Government failed to Two possible alternative dates US Information Agency officers provide adequate redress. are being presented by the com- in the Indonesian operation also mittee for student comment; the proceeding Sunday, June 6, or the following Sunday, June 13. Anti-American Violence In Moscow Correction Senior Week Co- Chidrmen Yesterday's Daily Campus In- (MOSCOW) (AP)—Hundreds of Viet Nam. They savagely fought correctly stated that Sigma Chi Jeff Widen, Chi Phi, and Nancy are: Carrie Cogtella and Frank screaming Red Chinese and Viet- police and forced them to retreat Alpha has not taken action to- Pedesen, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Cofranesco, picnic; Jean Morri- namese students stoned and spat- twice. The crowd was dispersed ward recognition as a student were recently elected co-chair- son, Joan CaUahan, and Cliff tered the US Embassy in Moscow only when Soviet Army reinforce- organization. men of Senior Week by the Se- Demers, dance; Bonnie Moffet, yesterday. It -was the second ments moved in. Police arrested The article should have read nior Class Council. Newly Mark Shenkman, and Marty Set- attack on the Embassy within a eight or more students, but they Sigma Nu Alpha. Sigma Chi elected Vice-Chalrmen for the ter, boat ride; Dolores DiFron- month. The demonstrators were were released later. Alpha Is a recognized social various Senior Week activities zo, tickets; and Joe Dolan pub- protesting US air raids in North fraternity. licity. PAGE TWO CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1965 the editor Connecticut Cinch Note The KimbaU Cult Daily Campus To The Editor; ' ' ' ill To The Editor: has choked many people—the have never been supported by about our not belonging In Viet Germans celebrating their Party the people of Viet Nam. It is I realize that this letter will Nam. Never before have I thanked so Days in Nuremberg, for example. only the U.S. government that Again, Mr. Hiller did a fine job not be up to par to the letters deeply whatever gods there be Mr. Loss has sentimentalized has been supporting such various that you have been receiving of setting a trap, and the public that I am Just a graduate stu- Klmball and he reveals hidden dictatorial and military govern- did a fine Job of falling into it. The lately. I do not have a hair dent, just a teaching assistant, brutality in his ad homlnem ments. This is an evidence that to split on 'the philosophical as- only disappointing thing this and not a "real" teacher, for attacks against those who do not U.S. is not fighting for democracy shows, is that it's too bad that pects of someone else's letter, then I would be one of the "sel- share his feelings.
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