January 22, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S929 have comforted and reassured those enlisted in the Coast Guard as a young to an article that appeared in the Jan- who are bound homeward at last. man in 1926. He never married, and uary 8, 1999, edition of The Washington In 1903, Scotch Cap Light Station was served faithfully in the Coast Guard for Post. It is important because it the first light put in place on the out- the next 20 years. And we know that touched on a serious and growing prob- side coast of Alaska. Located at the just before his final transfer to Scotch lem plaguing our nation's consumers western end of Unimak Island, approxi- Cap, he was quoted saying, ``I hope to and motorists everywhere. Under the mately 425 miles southwest of Anchor- serve at as many Coast Guard ships and title, ``Wrecked Cars, On the Road age, the light marks the entrance to stations as I can before I retire in ten Again,'' the Post writer detailed how Unimak Pass. Its only contact with the years.'' We know that in the end, he easy it is for a person to unwittingly outside world wasÐevery three months died doing the job he loved; keeping purchase a rebuilt salvage vehicle com- or soÐa visit from a buoytender bring- the light burning for those in peril on pletely unaware of the car's previous ing supplies. the sea. And we know his life was not damage history. It was, and is, one of the most iso- wasted, nor forgottenÐand we cele- At this time Mr. President, I ask lated places imaginable, especially in brate the christening of the USCGC unanimous consent to have printed in the winter, and its hardships were leg- Anthony Petit this 30th day of Janu- the RECORD the January 8, 1999, article endaryÐone lighthouse keeper froze ary, in the year of our Lord 1999.· from The Washington Post. both his hands just trying to go from f The article follows: the lighthouse tower to his quarters [From the Washington Post, Jan. 9, 1999] TRIBUTE TO RON AND BEVERLY during a blizzard. It was so hazardous WRECKED CARS, ON THE ROAD AGAINÐRE- GENDRON OF MANCHESTER ON that no families were allowed, and in PAIRED U.S. TEST VEHICLES POSE SAFETY the early days, lighthouse keepers were THEIR RETIREMENT PROBLEMS FOR UNSUSPECTING OWNERS allowed a full year off for every three · Mr. SMITH of New Hampshire. Mr. (By Cindy Skrzycki) years they spent on the island. President, I rise today to honor Ronald The huge concrete barrier rolled down a In 1940, the original building was re- and Beverly Gendron, two remarkable track at 20 miles an hour and smashed into placed by a brand-new, reinforced-con- people who have been dedicated to the 1996 Mustang GT convertible. The Mus- crete structure built on a bluff near the making a difference in the lives of the tang fishtailed, the windshield shattered and shore, raising the light to 90 feet over less fortunate for over ten years in the the side of the car was heavily damaged. This Mustang was essentially cannon fod- the ocean, and protected by a concrete city of Manchester, New Hampshire. der in a regular series of safety tests con- sea wall. But it wasn't enough. Ronald and Beverly founded the ducted by the governmentÐin this case, to The disaster began early, on April l, Helping Hands Outreach Center over determine whether the fuel system would 1946. At 1:30 a.m., the crew woke to an ten years ago and have been committed stay intact in an accident. The car passed earthquake lasting about 30 seconds, to helping New Hampshire's needy ever the National Highway Traffic Safety Admin- strong enough to knock things off since. Ronald and Beverly have now re- istration test and, as usual, the Government shelves. After the quake, the tired from the Helping Hands Outreach Services Administration sold it at an auc- watchstander at a radio-direction-find- Center and are continuing their dedica- tion on July 2, 1997. Stamped at the bottom of the GSA's sales receipt: ``Salvage OnlyÐ ing (RDF) installationÐbuilt a little tion to helping others by organizing a Not to be Titled for Highway Use (wrecked/ farther up the hill during World War new outreach center in Laconia, New inoperable).'' IIÐradioed the lighthouse crew and Hampshire. So why did David Staber end up tooling was told there was no major damage. Ronald and Beverly Gendron founded around Cadott, Wis., in the Mustang after Then, just before two o'clock in the the Helping Hands Outreach Center of paying $9,500 for it? And why did Daniel morning, a second quake hit. The sec- Manchester in 1986. The Center is dedi- Mencheski of Green Bay, Wis., sink $22,000 ond tremor was expected, but not the cated to assisting in the problems of into a 1995 Chevrolet Tahoe that had been million-ton wall of waterÐa tsunamiÐ homelessness, hunger, and drug and al- rear-ended by a moving barrier in another government test? that quickly followed it. cohol addictions. You have to go back to Arkansas, where The RDF station logbook reported: Ronald and Beverly have retired from investigators believe a car salesman figured Terrific roaring from ocean heard, fol- Helping Hands of Manchester to em- out how to doctor the bills of sale from the lowed immediately by terrific sea, top bark on a new endeavor. They are orga- GSA and pass the cars off as any other dam- of which rose above cliff and struck nizing a new social service organiza- aged used car. In other words, cars sacrificed station, causing considerable dam- tion in Laconia, New Hampshire. With to the altar of safety by the government are ages.'' the Gendrons' help, the Open Arms illegally finding their way back to the The watchstander again used his Outreach Center of Laconia will be a streetÐwhere they constitute a safety haz- ard. radio to contact the lighthouse. This ministry dedicated to providing assist- ``All of these cars have gone through some time, there was no reply. This time, he ance to troubled families. Ronald and form of destructive testing and have exten- wrote in the logbook: Light extin- Beverly will work closely with Laconia sive to severe damage. There's no assurance guished and horn silent.'' and State officials to offer housing and they could be repaired or meet safety stand- The wave from the second earth- shelter in the Greater Laconia area. ards,'' said Philip Recht, deputy adminis- quake is now estimated to have been Mr. President, the Gendrons have de- trator of the NHTSA, who called it ``the ulti- over 100 feet high. It completely erased voted their time and their hearts for mate contradiction of our mission and whole the concrete lighthouse, killing the compliance program.'' over ten years to serve the homeless It's a problem that happens all too often in five crewmen instantly, and leaving and suffering in the Greater Man- the used car business, in which unsuspecting only wreckage. The bodies of Chief An- chester Area. Ronald and Beverly buyers purchase cars with ``washed'' titles thony Petit and his crew were gone. served southern New Hampshire's that remove any warnings that the cars may They washed ashore again a few days needy well. have been in accidents and sustained dam- later, identifiable only by their bridge- I would like to extend my best wishes ages that would make them junk in some work and jewelry. to them as they embark on their new states. Bernard Brown, a Kansas City, Mo., lawyer Chief Anthony Lawrence Petit was endeavor to assist in the lives of the just a manÐan ordinary manÐbut his who specializes in car fraud, said there may needy in the Lakes Region of New be as many as a million vehicles totaled, re- life and death offer a glimpse at the Hampshire. It is people like the built and resold to unsuspecting consumers thousands of ordinary men and women Gendrons that help make New Hamp- every year. who join the Coast Guard and serve shire a special place to live. It is an The NHTSA case also highlights the patch- their fellow citizens in extraordinary honor to represent them in the United work of state laws and requirements for ob- ways. He was born and raised on Michi- States Senate.· taining a vehicle title that allow it to be driven and considered safe. gan's Upper Peninsula, in the town of f Hancock, on a ship canal crossing the ``We have handled cases of persons suffer- ing severe injuries in accidents caused by Keweenaw Peninsula. As a boy, he WRECKED CARS, ON THE ROAD AGAIN improperly rebuilt wrecks. We have had ex- would have known the ships well, along perts examining large numbers of unsafe, re- with the Coast Guard buoy tenders and · Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I rise built wrecks. We have seen documentation lighthouses that kept them safe. Petit today to call our colleagues attention on tens of thousands of rebuilt, totaled S930 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE January 22, 1999 wrecks retitled by states with `clean titles' mented in the official paper trail that fol- A month later, the Wisconsin Department that show nothing of the cars' salvage his- lowed the cars from the auctions to titling in of Transportation told Staber he was driving tories,'' Brown said. Wisconsin. a fraudulently titled government test vehi- Overall, since the inception of the crash- ``Our investigation indicates Century Sales cle.
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