o I- o >- i- - < -> cc P> z: fq < — O O -i a: _i m UJ O M HUJU. _» h- THE WESTFIELD LEADER :D fM ai The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County LISPS ((0020 NINETY-FOURTH YEAR, NO. 48 Second Class Postage I'aid WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1984 Published II Wcitheld, N. J. Every Thursday 22 Pages—25 Cents 460 Seniors Earn Diplomas at Commencement Andrew R. Elby and Christine M. Pasterczyk district. I want to thank years." awards, School Superinten- Jean E. Harris were and George K. Siberry. those people, in addition to Noting that the dent Laurence F. Greene recognized as the top boy Wishing the graduates your parents, who helped graduates have had 12 to 13 presented the valedic- and girl student among "good fortune and God- you get here tonight. I want years of answering ques- torian's award, Daniel five who achieved all A's at speed," Westfield Board of to thank the adminis- tions and being tested, Mulholland gave the Stu- Westfield High School dur- d; u-\ LJ U LJ 'i-i •': Education President Leo J. trators, the custodians, Senus pointed out to the dent Council President's '••• -•' •••• '••: •••• j ;; ing commencement exer- Senus stated: "You can secretaries and all the graduates at commence- welcome and the Rev. cises for 460 seniors Mon- rightly be proud of what others who provided the ment exercises held in the William T. Morris, day night. The other three you have accomplished in means for our excellent Armory that "it is not over associate pastor of St. straight A students, order to be here tonight. cadre of teachers to assist - it is just beginning. Life's Helen's R.C. Church, gave & R F & R heading a list of 166 Take what you have learn- you in your learning pro- challenges and questions a benediction. students acclaimed for ed so far and build on it. cess. You are better lie before you." The list of graduate ap- Architect's rendering of one view of proposed new library on Grant School site. academic achievement, "You, as graduates, br- graduates because of their School Principal Robert prears on page 6 of loday's are Jane L. Mencher, ing distinction to the efforts for the past 12 Petix announced honor Leader. New Library on Nov. Ballot? An ordinance placing the Guild as a school for han- rent library in the Faridy. "Compact as construction of a new dicapped. Municipal Building. possible," Fariday said the municipal library expected The present Grant A 50-space parking area - building would have in- to cost more than $3 million School building would be approximately the size of sulated walls, roofs, win- on the November General demolished according to that serving at the dows, a vestibule, an elec- Election ballot is expected plans. Municipal Building - is trical system which would to be introduced at next sited on the proposed site recirculate heat from Tuesday's public meeting Costs of about $3 million are estimated to include plan. lighting, zoned heating, of the Town Council. The interior is described double glazing on windows Council agreement to $2.55 million for construc- tion and $95,000 fordemoii- as energy-effecient by one and a dual burner system submit the issue as a non- of thp architects, James (Continued lasloage tn.ssection) binding referendum to tion.with the rest for surveys, Westfield voters came at a fees, preliminary borings, conference session Tues- etc. It is estimated that fur- Strike July I? nishings would add another day night following formal Should a threatened refuse collectors' strike July presentation of proposed $250,000 to the tab. Installa- tion of computers also I fail to be averted, residents will be advised in Andrew R. Elby Jean E. Harris Jane 1.. Mencher Christine M. Pasterczvk George K. Siberry library plans by the board future issues of the Westfield Leader on instructions of trustees of the Westfield would be an additional cost. and recommendations on how to cope with the Memorial Library. resultant accumulation of waste material. The trustees, in Envisioned is a brick ex- Knee Injury Ends Chris Campbell's Quest unanimous action, approv- terior building of two levels ed tentative plans and cost with an elevator, other pro- Council to Award The Chris Campbell peting in the final trials eight year quest for an chairmen Gary Kehler, editor on page 4), Chris ex- estimates following a visions for handicapped, Olympic Fund Committee this past week. His request Olympic gold medal has Dick Gottlick and Bill Jor- pressed his thanks to the public hearing Wednesday with about 31,000 square Contracts Tuesday members learned last for an extension until the ended. dan. "It was created to people of Westfield and in the'Wateunk Room. Ar- feet of space - more than In addition to taking in- struction of a new library week that a knee injury July 14 deadline for nam- Meanwhile, the Chris make it possible for Chris New Jersey for their sup- chitects for the twice the size of the cur- itial steps to place con- on the November ballot as which required ar- ing the U.S. wrestling team Campbell Olympic Fund to dedicate himself to port. He stated "..it was preliminary plans and cost a non-binding referendum, throscopic surgery has has been denied. As a has been an overwhelming training without having to wonderful to see how much estimates, Bouman, Blan- Librurv Announces Summer Hours Town Council Monday prevented Chris from com- result, Chris Campbell's success, according to worry about financial the people of Westfield che, Faridy, Thorne and .... night is expected to in- obligations and support of were behind mc» Of all the The Westfield Memorial summer months beginning d ordinance pro- his wife and children, high points of On;?'athletic Maddish, appeared to lro uce an discuss the tentative plans Library will be closed June 30. Summer library viding {or stom sewers at RJHS Students Honored "They said it was intended campaign, the way you Wednesday, July •}. in hours will be, Monday Harrison ave. and East to give Chris the best shot have rallied behind me is at a meeting attended by about 30 residents, many of observance of In- through Friday. 10 a.m. to Broad st MeeMng tjme is at making the team. An in- indeed the most touching dependence Day. 9 p.m. The regular Satur- 8:30 pm Pubiic nearings For Achievements jury, always possible, was experience of my career. It them neighbors of the pro- posed Grant School site en- The library will be closed day schedule will resume and finai action on ^^ or_ More than a third of the placed in the 'Book of Dramatics, 1st semester, never seriously con- has made all my efforts in on Saturdays during the Sept. 8. templated. As a former athletics worthwhile." dorsed for the project. dinances are scheduled for 288 ninth grade students at Gold'." Laura Adriance; The Board of Education Aug. 7. Roosevelt Junior High The 1984 listees include Dramatics, 2nd semester, world champion, Chris The co-chairmen of the would have been our best has agreed to give the pro- Council also is expected School were recognized for Laura Adriance, Michelle Meg Brennan; Ancient and fund raising committee perty to the town for a new Independence Day to award contracts for outstanding achievement Andre, Laura Bilodeau, Medieval History (fast),' representative by reason of expressed "gratitude and his international ex- thanks to the community library at no charge if a iCont.,iue5 last ejeje t^ts sect.onj this year at the annual Lisa Broadwell, Kevin Lisa Broadwell; Ancient year's notice is provided. Awards Assembly last Culligan, Stephan Dolling, and Medieval History perience and his ability." for the outpouring of good will and support The school, vacated as a Service on Sunday \V>n- Hours for week when 29 students William Esbeck, Karen (regular), Ingrid Strom- public elementary facility were cited for high Hamad, Cassandra Lam- men; Ancient and In a letter to the com- demonstrated in this cam- Independence Day will School Offices paign." a few years ago, is current- be observed at noon Sun- academic honors, 48 for mers, Elizabeth Mclntyre, Medieval history, munity, (see letters to ly leased to Mt. Carmel academic honors, more Tracy Mencher, Elissa (regular), Melissa day, July 1, in Min- Although Westfield pub- than 50 awards were an- Nelson, Shiela Purvis, Brunhouse; Work Ex- dowaskin Park. The lic schools are officially nounced and 18 students Heather Stark, Paul perience Career Explora- Fourth is on Wednesday closed for the 1983-1984 had their names listed in Wampler, Helen Wilfehrt, tion, John MacDougall; this year and it was felt academic year, secondary the prestigious "Book of Julia Wilson and Alex- Work Experience Career that "many would be away school offices and the ad- Gold." ander Zuniga. Exploration, Kurt that day. ministration building will be open for business each The "Book of Gold" was Principal Eugene Voll Petschow; Geometry, The observance is spon- Laura Bilodeau; sored by the West Fields weekday from 8 a.m. to 3 presented to the school by announced the following p.m. the Class of 1926-27 with the award recipients: Geometry, Jae Lee; Chapter* of the Sons of the following notation: "When Whitey Hoick Most Im- Algebra, Alice Chu; American Revolution; Elementary school of- a pupil has helped to raise proved Student, Ngo Hung Algebra I, Part I, Julie other patriotic societies in- fices are open until 3 p.m. even higher the present Huynh; E.S.L. Most Im- DiLauro. vited are the Daughters of tomorrow.
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