Produced by × JIU TIMES Vol. 20 SPRING 2017 President views exchanges as important learning tools by JIU Times of the university, “Character building through learning,” which was coined by the founder Josai International University President of Josai University Educational Corporation, Kenji Sugibayashi said JIU has established its Mikio Mizuta. brand image of being global in the 25 years “It’s important for young people to have since its foundation and the 50 years since their own opinions, listen to other people the foundation of Josai University Educa- and empathize with them,” Sugibayashi said. tional Corporation. He also stressed the importance of the “We now have many (about 170) sister university contributing to the local commu- schools in the world and have established nity, noting that a university should be an strong exchange relations with them,” Sug- academic center for the area around it. ibayashi said at the university’s Kioicho Cam- The Kioicho campus is significant as it pus in Tokyo’s Chiyoda Ward, on March 7. is in the center of Tokyo and functions as a He took the post as of April 1 after his showcase for JIU. It also offers convenient predecessor Hakuo Yanagisawa finished his access for people who come from overseas, term on March 31. he said. Sugibayashi also stressed the benefits of having foreign students on campus. Sugibayashi biography “Japan is a homogeneous country and A graduate of the University of Toyama Japanese living in remote areas can live their cannot be ignored. That said, we should also Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, entire lives without even seeing foreigners. have close relationships with Europe and the Sugibayashi obtained his doctorate in phar- Studying and living with foreigners is a very U.S. Internationalism has reached a turning maceutical science at Gifu Pharmaceutical good experience for students,” he said. “What point and JIU will maintain a good balance University. He began his academic career as is important for students is to have many dif- and continue to have such exchanges,” he an assistant professor at Josai University’s Fac- ferent experiences and acquire interpersonal said. “The sooner you know about people of ulty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. skills. It is very meaningful to have exchanges different backgrounds, the better.” Spending 16 months studying at the Universi- New hall commemorates founder’s efforts with people different from you.” Another characteristic of JIU is that it has ty of Michigan and the University of Utah, he JIU will continue to expand its collabora- many different departments so that students pursued his academic career at JU, becoming a by JIU Times picious start for something new at Josai The Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharma- tions with overseas schools to facilitate stu- are able to interact with people from differ- professor in 1998 and the faculty dean in 2009. University,” Ono said. “We would like to ceutical Sciences building, with 12,000 dent and teacher exchanges with them. ent majors. Sugibayashi is also a board member of Josai A ceremony was held March 28 at Josai learn from and respect founder Mizuta’s square meters of floor space, has nine sto- “Japan’s role in Asia is important and Asia All these points come down to the mission University Educational Corporation. University’s Sakado Campus to mark the achievements.” ries above ground and one basement floor. opening of the Mizuta Mikio Memorial The two-story memorial hall, with 1,800 It is located on the southeast edge of the Hall and a new building for the Faculty of square meters of floor space, features an campus, and functions as the gateway and Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. arched roof mirroring the silhouette of landmark of the university. The research Shunpei Yamazaki scholarships It was attended by about 400 people, a hill. Located at Josai Hill – the highest floors have no walls between rooms, which including mayors and assembly members point on campus – the hall, which will helps to stimulate exchanges between stu- awarded to 10 students of Sakado and neighboring municipalities, be open to students and members of the dents and teachers. those involved in the design and construc- community, has an auditorium, multi- At a reception after the ceremony, there by Josai International Center for the scholarships to further their research. tion of the two new structures, local resi- purpose spaces, the Founder’s Room and were congratulatory speeches from archi- Promotion of Art & Sciences (JICPAS) Shunpei Yamazaki — a friend of Ono, inven- dents, teachers and students. other facilities. tect Hitoshi Abe of Atelier Hitoshi Abe, tor of flash memory, holder of many patents It began with a Shinto priest’s prayer, The Founder’s Room showcases found- who designed the two new buildings, and The fourth ceremony awarding the Shun- and one of the leading researchers in the world followed by greetings from Josai Univer- er Mikio Mizuta’s life and the history of other prominent guests. pei Yamazaki Scholarship was held on March — donated in 2013 to create this scholarship of international administration seeks to achieve sity Educational Corporation Chancellor Josai University, and displays 100 items, “I hope the new building for the Faculty 8 at JIU’s Kioicho Campus. Scholarships were program. The scholarship fund was created excellent results and bestow Yamazaki Shunpei Ad Interim Motoyuki Ono, a tape-cutting including medals and other honors he re- of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences given to 10 students of the Graduate School of in accordance with the teaching policy of the scholarships to second-year graduate students ceremony and a tour of the new buildings ceived, a desk and formal suits he wore. will become a milestone for expansion of International Administration after a screening graduate program in international adminis- who have the potential to become active as in- for the attendees. The Founder’s Room can also accom- the campus,” Abe said. “Connecting the lo- of academic records and interviews. Motoyuki tration: “Acquiring international management ternationally minded talents in the future. “We are happy to be holding the open- modate large groups, and includes a guest cal with the global is big challenge for ev- Ono, head of research and chancellor ad inter- and administration theory, as well as high-lev- The ten awardees are Masahiro Tojo, Daiki ing ceremony for the Mizuta Mikio Me- area for receiving distinguished overseas ery university. The memorial hall will be im of Josai University Educational Corporation el specialized knowledge and business skills, Katagiri, Liu Zhen, Lu Xiaoman, Zhang Xiao- morial Hall and the new building for the visitors and VIPs. It also has multipurpose useful as a platform to connect the univer- presented the awards to the students. Those 10 to nurture internationally minded talents.” fang, Ma Jun, Xu Lanshi, Dong Min, Shin Dong Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical spaces for holding receptions, exhibitions, sity with local and global activities.” dedicated students said that they would use the Through this program, the graduate program Yeon and Sirin Leelasermkul. Sciences on such a beautiful day, an aus- workshops and many other activities. Related photos, article on page 4 Collaboration deal formalized with Chiba Agricultural College Inside This Issue by JIU Times noru Igaki and JIU’s previous President Hakuo lead to the development of local human talent, ing facilities. With the collaboration accord, the Scene on Campus Yanagisawa promised mutual cooperation for have a positive impact on local communities, university will allow the college students to use Josai International University and Chiba regional development. Chiba Prefectural As- and develop new regional brands utilizing lo- the university’s Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sci- Page 2 Prefecture Agricultural College on March 6 sembly member Kiyotaka Ishibashi and Togane cal resources.” ence facilities for experiments on microorgan- signed an official accord for collaboration in Mayor Naoharu Shiga were among those at the JIU started an alliance with the college when isms. The university will also consider commer- ▶▶ Profiles of soccer and ekiden educational programs. At the ceremony, Chiba ceremony. The two expressed encouragement, the university formed the Faculty of Social Envi- cialization projects using blueberries, utilizing Prefecture Agricultural College President Mi- saying, “We are expecting the collaboration to ronmental Studies, sending teachers and shar- assays on the fruit’s nutrients. coaches ▶▶ New students attend V4 plus Japan seminar addresses immigration Seven goals toward becoming entrance ceremony a leading university in the world by Josai International Center for the last year was a historic one, marking the 25th The four Central European countries formed Views from Abroad Promotion of Art & Sciences (JICPAS) anniversary of the establishment of the V4, but the Visegrad Group, also called the Visegrad due to the withdrawal of the U.K. from the Eu- Four or V4, to provide a framework for coop- «▶7 J-Vision » (2016-2020) Page 3 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the four ropean Union and other factors, the V4 coun- eration aimed at promoting friendship and Visegrad Group (V4) countries, and Josai Uni- tries are facing a difficult situation. alliances among the countries and the integra- 1. Expanding the capabilities of our students to serve society ▶▶ Stories of international versity Educational Corporation jointly hosted In sessions following the speeches, research- tion of Europe. For Japan, the V4 are important 2. Developing human resources with an international mindset and a V4 plus Japan seminar in the basement hall ers from Japan and the V4 countries presented partners sharing common universal values and students extensive knowledge of Japanese culture of Building No. 1 at Josai University Educational the results of their studies, followed by a lively principles on the basis of democracy, the rule of Corporation’s Kioicho Campus in Tokyo on Feb.
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