ARTS THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF MERCYHURST COLLEGE SINCE 1929 0LAKER ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS Let the race begin: All An in-depth look at the Middle East your Oscar in Men's hockey advances to PAGE 2l MAACsemT PAGE 8 PAGE 12 B Vol* 76 Not 17 W^^^^^^^^^m jE#8th«tiEtie Pa|l6546 March* 20,2003 Hurst F^Story A NATION HOLDS ITS B R E A T H '11 _ . Mercyhurst turned \ rorist attacks against Americans from Washington, London or coeducational in February 1969 By Mark Johnson, Peter at home and abroad, and the Tel Aviv," an announcer said on - Smolowfitz and Martin an Iraqi television station. The college boasts 25 sports at Agriculture Department told Merzer The station is owned by Odai its Erie campus I fanners and food processors to ' monitor the nation's food sup- Saddam Hussein, who was Knight Ridder Newspapers quoted by Iraqi media as say- Mercyhjirsf was the seventh of* ply more closely. the 19 Mercy colleges opened in "Iraqi state agents, Iraqi sur- ing: "The wives and mothers of America ^ (^SOMEWHERE IN KUWAIT_ rogate groups, other regional those Americans who will fight Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein- extremist organizations and ad us will weep blood, not tears." 55 I defiant and dressed for battle- hoc groups or disgruntled indi- At the United Nations, Iraqi In 15*99,1,500 students t Tuesday rejected President viduals may use this time peri- Ambassador Mohammed Al- volunteered lijJH^fflm^' Bush's demand that he flee into communitv service od to conduct terrorist attacks douri called Bush's demands exile. The White House called it against the United States," said "the law of the jungle" and the 70 percent of t h e Erie campusV Saddam's "final mistake." Homeland Security Secretary coming war "a crime against has been built in the past 12 The 48-hour deadline imposed Tom Ridge. humanity" that "is tantamount years ^^ by the United States arrives at 8 Authorities enhanced security to genocide." p.m. EST Wednesday. War at borders, airports, seaports At the White House, spokes- could explode at any moment and elsewhere. At the White man Ari Fleischer brushed off after that or sooner if Saddam House, guards extended the se- such criticism and said time was is caught preparing to use nerve curity perimeter around the ex- running out for Saddam. Sports Scores gas or seems ready to destroy ecutive mansion and prohibited "Saddam Hussein has led Iraq dams or oil fields. pedestrians from w a l k i n g along to many mistakes in the past, M. Volleyball 3-0 (win), 3- A U.S.-led invasion force of Pennsylvania Avenue in front o f principally by developing weap- 300,000 troops awaits the or- it. * ons of mass destruction," Fleis- 0 (loss), 3-1 (win), 3-0 KRT photo der to attack. Speaking from the White cher said. "Saddam Hussein, if (loss), 3-2 (loss), 3-2 (loss), "It's a good thing we're going House on Monday night, the he doesn't leave the country, Urban tactical training continued In Kuwait to prepare for 3-0 (loss), 3-1 (loss) i to do," Lt. Gen..William S. Wal- president gave Saddam and sons will make his final mistake." urban warfare inside Iraq. lace, the commander of U.S. Odai and Qusai 48 hours to leave Even if Saddam does flee, he M. Lacrosse 14-11 (win), and allied ground forces, told Iraq or face an invasion. could be prosecuted for war have a coalition of t h e willing," "There's a sense of sadness 15-1 (win), 25-5 (win), troops in Kuwait j u s t before they On Tuesday, for the first time crimes, Fleischer said.*Five he said. because war is always tragedy, moved to within 10 miles of since the end of the first Gulf thousand Kurds in northern Iraq The State Department identi- and there are always going to Iraq. "It's a noble thing we're W. Basketball 82-75 (loss) War in 1991, Saddam appeared were killed in 1988 by chemical fied the 30 nations as: be a lot of people hurt by this," going to do." on Iraqi television dressed in weapons employed by Sadd- Still, the United States and said Air Force Capt. Dan King, u Now on the cusp of war over- military uniform. His sons and am's forces. Britain have contributed nearly a pilot with the 336th Expedi- Baseball 5-4 (win), 15-6 seas, the United States also aides issued statements of defi- Secretary of State Colin Pow- all of the combat forces. At least tionary Fighter Squadron. "But (win), 11-7 (loss), 9-2 (loss) stands at the second-highest lev- ance and vows of resistance. ell said 30 nations have joined 250,000 U.S. troops and 45,000 everybody believes what the el of alert at home. "Iraq doesn't choose its path with the United States and 15 British troops were in the war president is doing is the right Softball 11-3 (loss), 3-2 -In Washington, authorities ex- through foreigners and doesn't other nations have offered sup- theater, and they spent Tuesday thing." ]? pressed new concern about ter- (win) choose its leaders by decree port more quietly. "We now reviewing attack plans. M. Hockey 5-4 (win) Reacting to war ereyhurst student accused of M. Basketball 106-99 M (loss, 3 ot) W. Water Polo 12-10 sexual assault, awaitspiearing: (win), 18-6 (loss), 9-1 (win), Williams released on bail, pending further investigation 14-4 (loss) The case goes back to Nov. On Nov. 20, 2003, Williams W. Lacrosse 14-5 (loss) By Kristin Purdy 3, 2002, after an Erie police was interviewed by Erie police, Editor-in-( hief patrol unit went to Saint Vincent and waived his rights t o volun- Health Center to take a report tarily speak to police about the from two Mercyhurst students incident. Former football player and who accused Williams of s e x u - Nearly four months after the Guess W h o ? Hotel Restaurant Institutional ally assaulting them, according initial questioning, police ob- Management major Faheem A. to the criminal complaint. The tained the warrant for Williams* Williams is free o n $1,000 bond female students told police that arrest. as he awaits a hearing on sexu- Williams offered to take them While the police investigation al assault charges involving two home in the early morning was under way, college disci- Mercyhurst students. hours after an off-campus par- plinary procedures were pro- Williams was released from ty they attended, according to ceeding. Erie County Prison after post- the complaint. The two women and Williams ing the $1,000 bond, reduced The women were too drunk appeared before the college's from 10 percent of $25,000 to to drive, the complaint stated. Judicial Board in November, a 10 percent of $ 10,000. \ The women told police that week and a half a f t e r the alleged Jody Mallo/Merdad photographer Williams was taken into cus- they were sexually assaulted by rape. Mercyhurst students march for peace in Perry Square on tody by Erie police on March 3 Williams, whom they described The Judicial Board, operated Feb. 11. 1 on charges of one count of sex- as a friend, w h i l e they slept in under the Dean of Residence ual assault, one count of a t t e m p t their apartment, according to Life and Student Conduct, Laura By Kelly Rose Duttine from an historical perspective. to commit sexual assault and the complaint. Zirkie, handles all violations on News editor 'This wai however, should be two counts of indecent assault. When interviewed Nov. 18 by a case by-case basis. Mercy- put in historical perspective. It He is scheduled to appear in police detectives, Williams said hurst has jurisdiction over stu- Political Science professor Dr. is not the Peloponnesian Erie County Central Court on that the contact was mutual and dent behavior and reserves the Michael Federici believes that War, the American Revolution, April 2 for a preliminary hear- that the women were willing right to conduct its own inqui- the war with Iraq will have little the French Revolution, the ing on these charges. participants, the criminal com- ry- J I Index affect on Mercyhurst students. American Civil War, Williams' defense attorney, plaint stated. |s J u s t i n Ross, assistant director "Day-to-day life should not WWI, WWII, or even Vietnam," John Carlson, succeeded in con- Although Williams told police of Residence Life and Student News 1 change much by the war and said Federici. "What is at stake vincing Erie County Judge John that two of his roommates were Conduct, said that following the National News 2 more than i< did during the first is not as significant as the great Trucilla that Williams' bond also at the off-campus party guidelines outlined by Zirkie, an News 3 Gulf War," said Federici. The wars of history/' should be reduced, noting that and saw him with one of the underage drinking sanction Features 4 exception to this would be indi- He feels that the Iraq War is a Williams has no prior criminal women dancing and kissing, would involve a $50 fine, 10 Features 5 viduals in the military reserves relatively small regional conflict record, that he willingly re- neither of Williams' roommates hours of community service, and attendance at a three-hour Opinion 6 or those students who have that does not have as great a sig- turned to Erie from California could verify his statement po- friends or family in the military.
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