n — MANCHESTER HERALD. Thufiday. Dec. 12.1965 S P O K I S PO C U 8 U.S./WORLD T LOOK FOR THE STARS ... ^ Yanks get Biirns Coachiight piay Sabotage possible Look for the CLASSIFIED ADS with STARS; stars help you get from White Sox isn’t a standout in Canada crash better results. Put a star on your ad and see what a ... pag« 11 ... page 15 ^ ... page 22 ■k difference it makes. Telephone 643-271 1, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Jf xrr ir CARLYLE ®by tarry Wright APARTMENTS R 00M M A TC 8 FOR RENT WANTED - - I ' " ■ r'" •’ 'T- • iHaurbTatrr) ManchRsler - A City nl Villape Charm Hrralb Professional Roommate — Wanted to share two • i/v. 4e<«r«i>A bedroom townhouse In AvallabI* January 1st, Manchester. $250 plus */i • . I , . •|.(il lust complattd one bed­ electricity. Call 646-1987. Friday, Dec. 13,1985 Single copy: 2SG room apartment with carpeting, appliances and pidnty of storage on f ^ H O U D A Y / East Center Street, $49S [5 U SEASONAL monthly Including heat. R o ss gets Garage available. 649- Assortment of Christmas Officials fume SMS. Tree Trimmings take all for $12. 646-3388.0 life terms Manchester — Available Immediately, a modern four room apartment UVING in 2 deaths with appliances. S400 over procedure monthly plus utilities. CHRISTMAS 647-1113 after 6pm. TREES By Lynn F. Monalian The Associated Press Five Large Rooms — 19J.ewis Street Porches, washer/dryer in zoning cases hookups, refrigerator, K^anchester WILLIMANTIC — Former insu­ cellar, attic, good park­ (behind barn) rance salesman Michael B. Ross ing. References and se­ CHHft*ICA.Inc. was sentenced to two consecutive curity. Rent S450. Availa­ life sentences at Superior Court 3 ble December 15th. $18 Any Tree THE NUTCRACKER by The Joe Kubert School today for the murders of two young • Cemetery expansion 643-6922 days, 643-4654 women in 1982. evenings. Open Dec. 7 & 6 Ross, 26, had pleaded no contest 9 am‘- 4 pm Andover — 3V*i rooms Nov. IS to reduced charges of angers Conservationists with appliances. 646-4126 murder in the deaths of Tammy S475rmonth Including Williams, 17, and Deborah Taylor, By George Layng of the pond to be filled. Commission heat. Call M ary, 649-9459 24. He still faces trial in New Herald Reporter members said they want a buffer of or 646-2482. London County for the deaths of HOUSEHOLD from 100 to ISO feet between the Julp *■ . S- four other young women. The Conservation Commission will cemetery and the pond. Under a plea bargain arrange­ seek legal help to try to preserve a The commission planned to use land HOMES ment, Ross had the option of section of land along Union Pond where along the pond as part of the Hockanum Wonder Warm Jenus 400 FOR RENT arguing for concurrent life senten­ a private cemetery is slated to be River Linear ^ r k , which is a series of wood Burning fireplace t ' .V '**5 ‘ ^ S '’" ‘T f ’. V Insert by Dunham Lehr ces, but requested the consecutive expanded. hiking t r a ils ^ n g the river. Vernon •- Four Room sentences today through his attor­ The commission voted Thursday to Henry Hinin6, a spokesman for the Inc. Used only 2 seasons. kw^.j ‘ ^ Ranch with appliances, Asking $400. Call 646-4886 ney, M. Fred DeCaprio. ask the Board of Directors for permis­ cemetery association, said this morn­ lake privileges, no child­ anytime. PJ1 p T r sion to use part of its funds to hire an ing that he has been in Contact with ren, no pets. S500 L^U^'v "It must be understood that attorney, after expressing anger at the Conservation Commission member m onthly. 742-6736. White Corner Cupboard Michael B. Ross is a dangerous Planning and Zoning Commission for Dowlas Smith about the cemetery — Three shelves on top, criminal and be can never again be approving the cemetery plans without plans. However, he said the association Manchester — Large louver door below. $80. allowed to enjoy his fre^om ,” seeking its input. did not want to commit itself to final four bedroom Contem­ 6 4 9 -1 2 7 9 .0 _____________ Judge Richard C. Noren said A meeting with the developer of the plans at this time. porary In fine family during the sentencing at Windham cemetery is scheduled for January or He said the association has no plans to neighborhood. S925 per Assorted twin size ma- teSssiSP.ajt't •' a • ' t .*» Superior Court. month. Call Joyce, 647- tresses and box spring. February, but Conservation Commis­ use the property in the immediate 8895. Good condition. $15 each. Because Ross still faces trial in sion members said there is no guaran­ future, although there Is a need for a Phone 649-9287.0 the deaths of the other four women, tee their concerns will be respected. new cemetery. The Planning and DeCaprio declined to elaborate on "He doesn't even have to meet with Zoning Commission approved the asso­ STORE AND Formica and chrome kit­ why Ross made the request for us." Chairman Arthur Glaeser said at ciation's plans to expand the cemetery OFFICE SPACE chen set — four chairs, consecutive sentences rather than the commission’s meeting in Lincoln Sept. 18. extra leaf, very good concurrent terms. Center. "H e can ignore our concerns." Although construction has not condition. $75. Phone649- The cemetery, which would occupy 16 started, Conservation Commission Office Space — Excellent Under Connecticut law. a life 3492.0 acres, is being built by the Catholic member 'Riomas Fiorentino said work location with ample HOUSEHOLD CAR8/T R U C K 8 MISCELLANEOUS sentence is 60years imprisonment. parking. 600,400 8,300 so­ CAR8/T R U C K 8 ICAR8/TRUCK8 Cemetery Association. It would border could begin any day. Dishwasher — Magic I 2 J GOODS FOR SALE L E I AUTOMOTIVE ft. office suites are now F 0 R 8 A L E FOR RALE Williams, of Brooklyn, was last Union Pond on the west. North School "They could put a bulldozer in there available. 649-2891. Chef, portable, like new seen alive Jan. 4, 1982. Her body Street on the south, Oakland Street on tomorrow," he said. Fiorentino main­ E condition Inslde/outslde. U s e d Refrigerators, Wanted — Small young 1975 Dodge VVIndow Van was found shortly after Ross' the east and Deming Street on the north, tained that by hiring an attorney, the Store — Main Street, Needs pump assembly. Washers, Ranges — dog, Benll typeforagood — Wltl^tack Aat, 3 speed Class I Trailer Hitch — arrest on June 28,1984. Taylor, of according to plans drawn up by the commission could delay construction $50. 649-0231.0 Manchester. 100% loca­ clean, guaranteed, parts home. Call after 4pm, on colum and remova­ Fits Chevy Caprice Wag­ Danielson, was last seen alive June Manchester engineering firm of Fuss until its concerns are met. He said the tion, heat, air, parking and service. Low prices. 646-1263. ble bed Trame In back. ons, pulls 2,000 lbs. $20. WILLIMANTIC NISSAN DODGE IS, 1982. Her body was discovered and O’Neill. developers would have an incentive to Included, reasonable. Sears Kenm ore 110-volt B.O. Pearl & Son, 649 $900. Call after 4pm, 742- Call 649-6646 anytlm e.o $1,M 8,000 Invontory Liquidation in Canterbury on Oct. 30, 1982. Hanid photo by Btthmv reach an agreement because any delay apartment size dryer. Ex­ 649-5334 or 643-7175. M ain Street, 643-2171. 5824. could cost them money. cellent condition. $99. Ross still faces eight counts of THE PLANS CALL for the cemetery . % ... to come within 10 to 30 feet of the pond in Please call 647-8796.0 Like New 14 cu. ft. Indus­ 1984 Buick Riviera — NOTici TO chforroas 8 6 capital felony murder in thell983-84 Cold day, hot work some areas, and would require a section trial freezer. $350. 649- Loaded, mint condition. E S TA TE OF deaths of four other young Women Please turn to page to' MISCELLANEOUS 9012. HARRIET F. HANDLEY, FOR RENT Roll Away twin bed with­ Lloyd's AM/FM stereo 28.000 miles. Must sell. late ot Manchester, NISSAN & DODGE UNITS in New London County, where The weather was cold but the work was hot this morning as Jonathan Irace of C out mattress, $12. 643- and 8-track'' stereo car­ 875-8161, leave message. deceased _ _____ - ------------ Charcoal Grill for sale — 1 ------ - 1 another prosecutor plans to go Capital Sand and Cinder Co. of Hartford prepared a section of Main Street with 5697.0 tridge player and turnta­ The Hon. William E. Fitz­ ^ D D 6 M tm kOka nm §m DODGE OMNI 4 DR 4575 ahead with a trial. Garage and Office Space Ideal for hot dog and FINANCE FINANCE ble. Hardly used. Asking 1984 Magnum — Show­ Gerald, JudM , el the Court a vibrating machine for a layer of tar. The work was being done for the PZC sChedules meeting for rent — 104 Hilliard hamburg roasting. $25. ot Probate, District ot Man­ French Pravinclal Bed­ $85. Call 647-1560 after ro om condition. 3,000 Ross was charged with sexually Street, Manchester. 643- 649-7944.0________________ chester at 0 hearing held on Southern New England Telephone Co., across from St. James Church near room Set — Good condi­ 5pm, ask for Len. miles. Must sell. 875-8161, December 6, 1985 ordered ^ i ^ ^ ’ 5 4 8 0 w i ^ 5 4 8 0 assaulting five of the six young 7516 or 643-7707.* that all claims must be pre­ TAX-REa EXTRA TAX-RB).
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