Selection of Illustrations From Harrison, John Christopher. (1991) "Melville Island's salt-based fold belt (Arctic Canada)." Doctoral Thesis, Rice University. http://hdl.handle.net/1911/16447. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figures 2. Colour satellite mosaic of Melville Island . • . • . 4 3. Map of reflection seismic proflles, wells and structural cross-sections, Mel ville Island . 12 7. Correlation of sonic, density, lithology and various synthetic logs of the logs of the Panarctic et al. Sabine Bay A-07 well with a nearby portion of reflection seismic line P1192 . 29,30 10. Topography and bathymetty of Melville Island-area . 44 11. Bouguer gravity anomaly map of the western Arctic Islands-area . 48 12. Magnetic anomaly map of the western Arctic Islands-area . 50 21. Isopach map of the upper unreflective succession (sP3, sPC) ............. 70 22. Suggested correlation of Precambrian units • • • . • • • • • • • • . • . 75 25. Generalized stratigraphic cross-section of the Franldinian Succession, northern Victoria Island to northwestern Melville Island . 81,82 28. Representative stratigraphy: ?Precambrian to Devonian shelf rim stratigraphy and cover, west central Melville Island . 89 29. Representative lithostratigraphy: ?Precambrian to Devonian intra -shelf basin,·embayment and cover, central Melville Island . 91 30. Representative lithostratigraphy: ?Precambrian to Devonian of the Towson Point Carbonate Build-up and cover, northeastern Melville Island . 93 33. Suggested correlation of ?Cambrian and Lower Ordovician seismic units . 107 34. Correlation chart, Lower Ordovician through Upper Silurian strata . • . 113 41. Correlation chart, Devonian strata of Melville Island . 132 59. Bar graphs of sedimentation rate plotted against time (540-355 Ma) . • . • . 188 60. Isopach map of ?Lower Cambrian and ?Middle Cambrian units . 190 64. Isopach map of ?Middle and ?Upper Cambrian, and ?Lower Ordovician units 197 67. Paleogeography of late Arenig-early Llanvirn; isopachs of the halite facies . 203 68. Isopach map of the Cornwallis Group and age equivalent strata . 205 69. Isopach map of the Cape Phillips Fonnation and age equivalent strata . 207 77. Deltaic lobes of the Hecla Bay Sequence, and of the shelf-slope break above the Cape De Bmy Fonnation . 225 79. Isopach map of the Hecla Bay Sequence • . 229 80. Palinspastic cross-sections of the Hecla Bay Sequence . 230 81. Devonian paleogeographic maps and schematic cross-sections, Arctic Islands 233 82. Isopach map of the Beverley Inlet Sequence • • • • • . • • • . 235 84. Isopach map of the lower Parry Islands Sequence . 238 88. Correlation chart, Carboniferous through Holocene strata . 250 99. Bar graphs of sedimentation rate plotted against time (322-57 Ma) • . 286 100. Fold trends of the Franklinian Mobile Belt, western Arctic Islands . 293 134. Subsurface tectonic elements on the Thumb Mountain Formation . 393 142. Beverley Inlet Anticline, on a portion of seismic proflle P1660 . 407 168. Structure contour map on the Eleanor River Formation . 467 169. Sub- Carboniferous geology of Sabine Peninsula ................... 468 172. Stereonet plots of kinematic indicators collected at numerous sites in the Canrobert Hills . 475 179. Stereonet plots of kinematic data from Kitson River Inlier ............. 491 182. Weatherall Depression on a portion of seismic proflle P1921 ........... 500 195. Paleogeographic map of Melville Island area for mid-Permian time . 527 200. Map of Mesozoic gabbro dykes, extension faults and related magnetic anomaliM1 203. Eurekan fold trends (D8) and recent earthquake epicentres (D9) plotted on the Bouguer anomaly for land areas and on the isostatic anomaly for marine areas 553 208. Kinematic model for the Eurekan Orogen in the Canadian Arctic Islands . 566 210. Commodity occurrences map of Melville Island .................... 586 4 12 3sl;f 23 ~... s HECLA AND 34~ 14 -¢.3 8 I ( 'f-1o GRIPER BAy REA POINT ... "'0 MELVILLE --STRUcTURAL CROSS-SECTION SOUND --- REPROCESSED SEISMIC DATA ~KILOMETRES 0 ~iJ5LLre 3. ------7~7;6;o;-·-----------------:TJ}:4oo-------------------~·;-2~o-------------------~·1o~o~----------------~~~6~afo~--------- 29 30 0 TWO-WAY TRAVEL TIME 0 "'0 (s.) "' 0 0 0 ON 0 00> 8 0 8 8 LEGEND DEPTH 0 ~ ... ~;;:; (m.) '"' SEISMIC CONFIGURATION LITHOFACIES SYMBOLS ~ Rl!lleclion-lree (RF) Conglomerate (CGL), Breccia (BRX) nonmarine Anticline {arrow Indicates direction of plunge; ~ upright and inclined, overturned) ... .. ... --- Wavy (W) ; hummocky; mounded --- Sandstone (SS); deltaic, nonmarine STRATIGRAPHIC UNITS E2J Syncline (arrow indicates direction of plunge; upright and inclined, overturned) . .. ...... Low amplitude (WL) Sandstone, siltstone, shale; inner shelf, delta-front t u LITHOLOGY LOG Jhrust {defined, approximate, assumed) High amplitude (WH) Shale (SH), siltstone (SLn; outer shelf Normal fault {defined, approximale) .. .... • . ----- Parallel discontinuous (PO) ---- Anhydrite (ANHY) , gypsum (GYP) ; rastricted shelf VELOCITY LOG Fault {arrow indicates relative movement; 1 1 I Low amplitude (POL) Bedded salt (SALn; restricted shell (m.s- ) dextral, sinistral) ~ --- / I High amplitude (PDH) Dolostone (DOL); shell Fault, undetermined (tick indicates downthrown side; defined, approximate) ------Parallel, continuous------ Umestone (LSn; open shelf DENSITY LOG 2 -soo--- (kg.m' ) lsopachs {approximate, assumed) -100---- Low amplituda Limestone clinoforms; slope 00000~ Facies front {plan; section) ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ACOUSTIC IMPEDANCE High amplitude Mudrock clinoforms; slope 1 (kg.m·'s- ) Unconformity (defined, approximate) . ..... .. • . incised valley fill {IVF) Siliciclastic sediment gravity flows Une of section . .. .. ... .. .. .. ................ Growth fault Dark mudrock, bedded chert, resadimented carbonate; starved basin or shell lsochron (seconds, two way time) . .. .. .. ...... --}9-- REFLECTION COEFFICIENTS Clinoforms (CL) ...... Bedded chert; starved basin or starved shelf .. D11ta point {thickness in metres) . Divergent (DIV) WAVE LET (REVERSE RICKER) Correlated seismic reflection (0° 26 Hz 30 ms) Toplap (T) MODIFYING TERMS SYNTHETIC SEISMOGRAM Coal Type section ... (REVERSE POLARITY) Downlap (D) 8 Bentonite * G Glauconitic Fossil locality; kinematic indicators ®® Onlap {0) R Redbeds v 1\ Volcanic flows; basic {vb), felsic Minor fold (north vergent, south vergent) N NV SV Angular unconformity (AU) l:l. Replacement chert ~ ~ Calcareous, dolomitic SEISMIC PROFILE NEAR WELL Disconlormity Sandy, minor sandstone Silty, minor siltstone Nonconformity Argillaceous, shale partings TWO-WAYTRAVEL TIME Figure 7. (continued) Legend to accompany the figure on the previous page. This figure (s.) 0 "'ci is universally applicable to most other text illustrations. 44 souND MELVILLE VISCOUNT Kilometres 0 50 48 -27.5 - - 25.0 30.0 - - 30.0 - - 27.5 27.5 - - 32.5 - - 30.0 25.0 - - 35.0 - - 32.5 22.5 - - 37,5 - - 35.0 20.0 - - 40.0 - -37.5 17.5 - - - 42.5 - -40.0 15.0 - 17.5 - - 45.0 - -42.5 12.5 - 15.0 - - 47.5 - -45.0 10.0 - 12.5 - - 50.0 - - 4'1 .5 7.5 - 10.0 --52.5 - - 50,0 5.0 - 7.5 --55.0 - - 52.5 2.5 - 5.0 --57.5 - - 55.0 0.0 - 2.5 --60.0 - -57.5 - 2.5 - 0.0 --62.5 - - 60.0 - 5.0 - - 2.5 - - 65.0 - ~ 62.5 - 7.5 - - 5.0 --67.5 - - 65.0 - 10.0 - - 7.5 --70.0 -- 67.5 - 12.5 - - 10.0 -- 72.5 - - 70.0 -16.0 - - 12.6 -- ·75.0 - -72.5 - 17.5 - -15.0 -- 77.5 - - 75.0 - 20.0 - -17.5 -- 80.0 - - 77.5 - 22.5 - - 20.0 -- 82.5 - -80.0 -25.0 - -22.5 - -82. Figure 11. 1000- 750- 1000 500 - 750 - 400 - 500 - 350- 400 - 300- 350 - 275- 300 - 250- 275 - 225 - 250 - 200- 225 - 175- 200 - 150- 175 125- 150 100 - 125 75- 100 50 - 75 25 - 50 0- 25 -25- 0 -50- - 25 - 75 - - 50 -100- - 75 - 125- - 100 - 150- -125 - 175- -200- -275- -300- -325 - - 350 - -325 - 400- -350 -500- -400 -750- -500 -1000- - 750 -1500 - -1000 <-1500 NANOTESLAS Figure 12. V\ 0 70 4!) c~ DESBARA TS S TRAIT lOWSON F' OlNl ,,/ ) I / I ,' ! ! II I I ! I / I Vtsc OUNr MELVILLE SOUND ~T_ r, c RES ' i 1JO·,) -----------;b:}I " (.) MACKENZIE INTERIOR VICTORIA MELVILLE NORTHERN I w I WERNECKE IRICHARDSON I I 0... <!) I MOUNTAINS MOUNTAINS MOUNTAINS PLATFORM I ISLAND I ISLAND BAFFIN ISLAND <( <{ 0:: (.!) () MINTO UPLIFT, SUBSURFACE ~ C/) a: (? 0:: !:: 1- PLATEAU OGILVIE RICHARDSON COPPERMINE BORDEN ~ z w HADLEY, I (f) ::) ~ 5 OF DUNDAS 0 0 WELLINGTON z 0 THRUST ARCH TROUGH HOMOCLINE BASIN 0 <{ PENINSULA I 0:: INLIERS I a: (.) en VAMPIRE FM sh sit ss 6 ~ ~ Uz~<(N a: BACKBONE 0 al z 570-----l UJ :E <( RANGES ..J <( != <( u 0 a.. :E :E 0 1- z <( a:<( u <( wCi EKWI SUPERGP 700 a:w a.. a.. ::JI 800 I LIL...UI\>JI z AND LITTLE DAL GP NUNATSIAO ~z MACKENZIE GPS a:>- 0 a.. HIGHL Y dol 1st ss <( (.9 1st gyp ::r: MOUNTAINS sit 13 2-37.3 ffi sl1 vb 22 a.. ~ ;:) (/) (/) ~ SUPERGP REFLECTIVE 900 I~ KATHERINE GP <: ;:) a.. I EOUALULIK sh ss gyp 1st 10 + (.9 0 PINGUICULA GP SHALER GROUP a: :::!: UJ ss sh 20 a.. ~ ;:) (/) ~ UJ RAE GP SUCCESSION 1- u~ 0 s=l GP Q) ~ TSEZOTENE FM I I (sP2) 1000 I I sh dol 16 I I I (upper par1) UNITH-1 I dol A .. I I I I I II Iss 1st 1100 n= I I I (.) 6 N 0 a: UJ 1- I 1200 olwla: ...J a.. 0 0 :E Iz 1300 <( S2 ::J w ::r: I WERNECKE 1400 I I I I I II I I covered SUPERGP covered 1500 sh ss dol 130 1600 a: w ~~z 0 <( covered ...J iii w ::r: Cl. <( 2500 (1900 ' rna) z SLA VE CRATON GRANITOIDS SEISMIC UNIT <( w :I: (2390 ma) (.) GRANITOIDS sAP II: <( Figure 22. Suggested correlation of Precambrian lithostratigraphic units (Northern Cordillera and Arctic Islands), and -.l ?Precambrian seismic stratigraphic units (Melville Island). Vl 82 81 I SOUTH NORTH ISOUTHEAST NORTHWEST I 1-------------
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