March 30, 2006 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 4649 Badger star shone brighter than goaltender CONGRATULATING KIMMIE MEISS- Hayes for receiving The Silver Beaver Award, Jessie Vetter. A freshman from Cottage NER ON HER PERFORMANCE AT the highest award Boy Scouts Councils may Grove, Wisconsin, Jessie allowed one goal THE 2006 WORLD FIGURE SKAT- grant to a volunteer. John is the Military and during three tournament games. Prior to this ING CHAMPIONSHIPS Veterans Affairs Liaison in my Irving, Texas, year, no goalie had ever recorded a shutout office. during the women’s Frozen Four. Jessie HON. BENJAMIN L. CARDIN John’s devotion to the Boy Scouts of Amer- earned two, in the semi-finals and the cham- OF MARYLAND ica through the years makes him well-deserv- pionship. It is no surprise, then, that she was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing of this award. He is a District Commis- sioner in the Circle Ten Council and, with his named the tournament’s Most Outstanding Thursday, March 30, 2006 Player. wife, Mary, chaired the Circle Ten Council Mr. CARDIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to It is, however, not an individual honor but POW WOW for 2 years. He has also taught ask my colleagues to join me in congratulating the accomplishment of a team that I wish most POW WOW at the Boy Scouts’ Philmont, New Kimmie Meissner, who on Saturday, March to recognize today. Some of the players joked Mexico, Training Center for 4 years. 25, won the gold medal in Ice Skating at the after the game that they had now stolen away A former Air Force combat pilot, he currently 2006 World Championships in Calgary, Al- from their neighbors to the west the title of serves as the Senior Vice Commander of the berta. Dallas Chapter of the Military Order of The ‘‘the State of Hockey.’’ Wisconsin couldn’t be Kimmie was raised in Bel Air, Maryland, just prouder. World Wars. John is also very active in the a few miles from my home town of Baltimore. Dallas Veterans Foundation. He will be a She began skating at age 6, and it was then f chairman for the Military Order of the World that she began preparing for competition. With Wars sponsored Youth Leadership Con- CONGRATULATING FRANCES the help of coach Pam Gregory, Kimmie has ference in June in Fort Worth, Texas. The KOVALESKI UPON BEING NAMED trained at the University of Delaware Figure conference provides leadership and patriotic ‘‘WOMAN OF THE YEAR’’ BY THE Skating Club since she was just 8 years old. training for high school students. LACKAWANNA COUNTY FEDERA- In 2004, she won the State Farm Junior U.S. I congratulate John on this high honor from TION OF DEMOCRATIC WOMEN Championships. In 2005, she landed the the Boy Scouts. This country thanks him for bronze medal at the U.S. Championships and his dedicated service—both in the military and became just the second U.S. woman ever to with the Boy Scouts of America. The 24th Dis- HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI land a triple axel. trict of Texas benefits from having a man with Last February, Kimmie represented the OF PENNSYLVANIA such valuable experience and strong alle- United States at the Winter Olympics in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES giance to his country serve them in my con- Torino, placing sixth out of 24 competitors. Thursday, March 30, 2006 Along with Sasha Cohen and Emily Hughes, gressional office. f Mr. KANJORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today she was part of the trio of Americans to finish to ask you and my esteemed colleagues in the in the top 10. Although it was her first Olym- INTRODUCTION OF THE MAGNU- House of Representatives to pay tribute to pics, Kimmie performed beyond all expecta- SON-STEVENS FISHERY CON- Frances Kovaleski of Lackawanna County, tions and was confident even in the company SERVATION AND MANAGEMENT Pennsylvania, who has been named ‘‘Woman of her impressive competition. REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF 2006 On Saturday, however, Kimmie truly shone of the Year’’ by the Lackawanna County Fed- above all others. Her performance was simply eration of Democratic Women. amazing; it featured seven triple jumps, includ- HON. WAYNE T. GILCHREST Mrs. Kovaleski is a daughter of Marguerite OF MARYLAND ing the only two triple-triple combinations of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Schmidt Roland and Francis Roland, of West the day. It earned her a personal best 129.7 Scranton. Her parents were active in Demo- points—more than enough to land her first Thursday, March 30, 2006 cratic Party politics and they impressed upon place and win the admiration of thousands of Mr. GILCHREST. Mr. Speaker, today, along their daughter the political values they shared. fans. Although she entered the final program with my distinguished colleagues, Representa- Even in high school, Frances volunteered to in third place, Kimmie did not let that discour- tives EHLERS, BARTLETT, LEACH, FARR, CASTLE, work in a Scranton mayoral campaign for age her. Instead, the Fallston High School stu- and SHAYS, I am introducing legislation to re- former Democratic Mayor James J. Walsh. dent whose motto is, ‘‘Do what you enjoy; authorize the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Con- Frances graduated from St. Patrick’s High enjoy what you do,’’ surprised everyone by servation and Management Act, which pro- School in Scranton and went on to cosme- winning the championship. In doing so, she vides the U.S. with authority to manage fish- tology school, after which she and a friend became the first woman to win the World eries in U.S. waters. Our bill would enact crit- opened their own beauty salon. Championships in her first appearance since ical updates to our current national fishery pol- Frances married Kenneth Kovaleski in 1971 Oksana Baiul’s victory in 1993. icy management that will ensure sustainable and the couple had three sons. Several years Kimmie’s performance was special—and I fisheries well into the future. I urge my col- ago, Mrs. Kovaleski worked on the campaign am certain that it will be remembered by her leagues to join us in cosponsoring H.R. 5051. of Linda Munley, who was running for register family, friends and fans for a long time. ESPN Both nationally and globally, our fishery re- of wills in Lackawanna County. Mrs. Munley has called her victory ‘‘one of the biggest up- sources are stretched to meet increasing de- won and appointed Mrs. Kovaleski to serve as sets in World Figure Skating Championships mand—Americans alone now consume over 4 her deputy. history.’’ After the event, Kimmie remarked, billion pounds of seafood annually. Fishery Mrs. Kovaleski is also active in other civic ‘‘Standing on the podium and watching the management has improved greatly since the endeavors. Besides serving as a member and flag . was such a proud moment for me.’’ enactment of the Sustainable Fisheries Act in treasurer in the Lackawanna County Federa- Mr. Speaker, I want Kimmie to know that she 1996. Yet too often, we continue to experience tion of Democratic Women, Mrs. Kovaleski has also made Maryland and the United overfishing and overcapacity—too many boats also works tirelessly for St. Joseph’s Center, States proud, and I urge my colleagues to join and too few fish—throughout our Nation’s serving as president in 2005 and presidential me in congratulating her. oceans—a situation that is not sustainable advisor this year. She also served on its board f over time. In national policy, we must make of directors and many of the committees. HONORING FORMER AIR FORCE the sustainable harvest of our living marine re- Mrs. Kovaleski served as president of the CAPTAIN JOHN HAYES sources and the ecosystems on which they Society of Irish Women in 2004. depend our highest priority. Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- HON. KENNY MARCHANT I commend Chairman POMBO, Mr. FRANK, lating Mrs. Kovaleski. Her devotion to Demo- and Mr. YOUNG for their introduction of a com- OF TEXAS cratic causes and her commitment to family prehensive Magnuson-Stevens reauthorization IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and community have touched the lives of bill, and I believe its close alignment with S. many people in a positive manner and have Thursday, March 30, 2006 2012 is a solid step forward in improving the improved the quality of life in Lackawanna Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, today I rise health of our Nation’s fisheries. However, I be- County. to recognize former Air Force Captain John M. lieve recent advances in marine science and a VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:58 Mar 14, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00216 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK4\DAT FILES\BR30MR06.DAT BR30MR06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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