Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. hanus_2015_models_AA_final c ESO 2015 October 21, 2015 New and updated convex shape models of asteroids based on optical data from a large collaboration network J. Hanuš1,2∗, J. Durechˇ 3, D.A. Oszkiewicz4, R. Behrend5, B. Carry2, M. Delbo’2, O. Adam6, V. Afonina7, R. Anquetin8, P. Antonini9, L. Arnold6, M. Audejean10, P. Aurard6, M. Bachschmidt6, B. Baduel6, E. Barbotin11, P. Barroy8, P. Baudouin12, L. Berard6, N. Berger13, L. Bernasconi14, J-G. Bosch15, S. Bouley8, I. Bozhinova16, J. Brinsfield17, L. Brunetto18, G. Canaud8, J. Caron19,20, F. Carrier21, G. Casalnuovo22, S. Casulli23, M. Cerda24, S. Charbonnel25, B. Chinaglia22, A. Cikota26, F. Colas8, J-F. Coliac27, A. Collet6, J. Coloma28,29, M. Conjat2, E. Conseil30, R. Costa28,31, R. Crippa32, M. Cristofanelli33, Y. Darmedji34, A. Debackere35, A. Decock34, Q. Déhais36, T. Déléage35, S. Delmelle34, C. Demeautis37, M. Drozdz38, G. Dubos8, T. Dulcamara6, M. Dumont34, R. Durkee39, R. Dymock40, N. Esseiva41, R. Esseiva41, M. Esteban24,42, T. Fauchez34, M. Fauerbach43, M. Fauvaud44,45, S. Fauvaud44,45,8, E. Forné28,46†, D. Fradet8, J. Garlitz47, O. Gerteis6, C. Gillier48, M. Gillon34, R. Giraud34, J-P. Godard8, R. Goncalves49, H. Hamanowa50, H. Hamanowa50, K. Hay16, S. Hellmich51, S. Heterier52,53, D. Higgins54, R. Hirsch4, G. Hodosan16, M. Hren26, A. Hygate16, N. Innocent6, H. Jacquinot55, S. Jawahar56, E. Jehin34, L. Jerosimic26, A. Klotz57,58,6, W. Koff59, P. Korlevic26, E. Kosturkiewicz38, P. Krafft6, Y. Krugly60, F. Kugel19, O. Labrevoir6, J. Lecacheux8, M. Lehký61, A. Leroy8,62,63, B. Lesquerbault6, M.J. Lopez-Gonzales64, M. Lutz6, B. Mallecot8, J. Manfroid34, F. Manzini32, A. Marciniak4, A. Martin65,66, B. Modave6, R. Montaigut8,48,63, J. Montier52,53, E. Morelle27, B. Morton16, S. Mottola51, R. Naves67, J. Nomen26, J. Oey68, W. Ogloza38, M. Paiella33, H. Pallares28,69, A. Peyrot58, F. Pilcher70, J-F. Pirenne6, P. Piron6, M. Polinska4, M. Polotto6, R. Poncy71, J.P. Previt53, F. Reignier72, D. Renauld6, D. Ricci34, F. Richard45, C. Rinner73, V. Risoldi33, D. Robilliard53, D. Romeuf74, G. Rousseau75, R. Roy76, J. Ruthroff77, P.A. Salom24,42, L. Salvador6, S. Sanchez26, T. Santana-Ros4, A. Scholz16, G. Séné6, B. Skiff78, K. Sobkowiak4, P. Sogorb79, F. Soldán80, A. Spiridakis35, E. Splanska6, S. Sposetti81, D. Starkey82, R. Stephens83, A. Stiepen34, R. Stoss26, J. Strajnic6, J-P. Teng58, G. Tumolo84, A. Vagnozzi33, B. Vanoutryve6, J.M. Vugnon45, B.D. Warner83, M. Waucomont6, O. Wertz34, M. Winiarski38†, and M. Wolf3 (Affiliations can be found after the references) Received x-x-2012 / Accepted x-x-2012 ABSTRACT Context. Asteroid modeling efforts in the last decade resulted in a comprehensive dataset of almost 400 convex shape models and their rotation states. This amount already provided a deep insight into physical properties of main-belt asteroids or large collisional families. Going into finer details (e.g., smaller collisional families, asteroids with sizes .20 km) requires knowledge of physical parameters of more objects. Aims. We aim to increase the number of asteroid shape models and rotation states. Such results are an important input for various further studies such as analysis of asteroid physical properties in different populations, including smaller collisional families, thermophysical modeling, and scaling shape models by disk-resolved images, or stellar occultation data. This provides, in combination with known masses, bulk density estimates, but constrains also theoretical collisional and evolutional models of the Solar System. Methods. We use all available disk-integrated optical data (i.e., classical dense-in-time photometry obtained from public databases and through a large collaboration network as well as sparse-in-time individual measurements from a few sky surveys) as an input for the convex inversion method, and derive 3D shape models of asteroids, together with their rotation periods and orientations of rotation axes. The key ingredient is the support of more that one hundred observers who submit their optical data to publicly available databases. Results. We present updated shape models for 36 asteroids, for which mass estimates are currently available in the literature or their masses will be most likely determined from their gravitational influence on smaller bodies, which orbital deflection will be observed by the ESA Gaia astrometric mission. This was achieved by using additional optical data from recent apparitions for the shape optimization. Moreover, we also present new shape model determinations for 250 asteroids, including 13 Hungarias and 3 near-Earth asteroids. 1. Introduction on disk-integrated dense-in-time optical data (e.g., Torppa et al. 2003; Slivan et al. 2003; Michałowski et al. 2005; Marciniak Asteroid modeling efforts in the last decade resulted in an ex- et al. 2009, 2011). Combining dense-in-time data with sparse-in- tensive dataset of almost 400 convex shape models and rota- time measurements from large sky surveys, or using only sparse- tion states (see the review by Durechˇ et al. 2015a). The major- in-time data increased the number of available shape models by ity of these models was determined by the lightcurve inversion a factor of 4 (Durechˇ et al. 2009; Hanuš et al. 2011, 2013a,c). method (LI) developed by Kaasalainen & Torppa (2001) and Future data from Gaia, PanSTARRS, and LSST should result in Kaasalainen et al. (2001). About one hundred models are based 1 J. Hanuš et al.: New and updated shape models of asteroids an increase of shape models by an order of at least one mag- compensate by average fitting to the disk-resolved data. As a nitude (Durechˇ et al. 2005). The methods that will be used for result, the overestimation in the volume is smaller than would analysis of these future data of unprecedented amount and qual- correspond to the convex hull. The volume can then provide, in ity by the means of complex shape modeling are similar to those combination with mass estimates, realistic values of bulk densi- applied here and developed within the scope of our recent stud- ties (Durechˇ et al. 2011; Hanuš et al. 2013b). ies. The mass is one of the most challenging parameter to mea- Most asteroid shape models derived by the lightcurve inver- sure for an asteroid. Mass estimates are now available for 280 as- sion method and their optical data are available in the Database teroids, but only 113 of these are more precise than 20% (Carry of Asteroid Models from Inversion Techniques (DAMIT1, 2012; Scheeres et al. 2015). However, the situation is expected Durechˇ et al. 2010). to improve significantly in a near future. The observations of We would like to emphasize and acknowledge that the shape the ESA Gaia astrometric satellite will provide masses accurate modeling stands on the shoulders of 100s of observers, often am- to better than 50% for ≈150 asteroids (and for ≈50 with an ac- ateurs, that are regularly obtaining photometric data with their curacy better than 10%, Mouret et al. 2007, 2008) by the orbit small and mid-sized telescopes, which significantly contributed deflection method. The advantage of the masses determined by to the large progress of the shape modeling field in the last Gaia is in the uniquenessof themission:we should obtaina com- decade. Although there is much more sparse than dense data prehensive sample with well-described biases (e.g., the current available, the latter will always remain important, because their mass estimates are currently strongly biased towards the inner much higher photometric accuracy and rotation coverage leads main belt). to higher quality shape models. This is a typical example of To maximize the possible outcome by the means of density great interaction between the professional and amateur commu- determinations, we focus on determination of shape models for nity (Mousis et al. 2014). asteroids, for which accurate mass estimates are available or will Knowing the rotational parameters and shapes of asteroids is most likely be determined by Gaia. Moreover,it is also important very important for numerous applications. The large amount of to update shape models for such asteroids by using recently ob- currently known asteroid models provided already a deep insight tained optical data. Doing so, we can provide better constraints into physical properties of main-belt asteroids and large colli- on the rotational phase (i.e., on the asteroid orientation, which sional families: (i) an excess of prograde rotators within main- is important for scaling the size) of these asteroids due to the belt asteroids (MBAs) larger than ∼50 km in diameter, predicted improvement of the rotation period, and more accurate rotation by numerical simulations (Johansen & Lacerda 2010), was con- state and shape parameters. firmed by Kryszczynska´ et al. (2007);Hanuš et al. (2011); (ii) an Convex models, together with thermal infrared observations, excess of retrograde rotators within near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) have also been used as inputs for thermophysical modeling, en- is consistent with the fact that most of the NEAs come from abling the determination of geometric visible albedo, size and surface properties (e.g., Müller et al. 2011; Hanuš et al. 2015). the ν6 resonance (La Spina et al. 2004). To enter the ν6 res- onance via Yarkovsky effect2 the object must be a retrograde This application is particularly important because it can make rotator; (iii) an anisotropy of spin-axis directions of MBAs as- use of the large sample of infrared data for more than 100000 teroids with diameters . 30 km and NEAs was revealed and asteroids acquired by the NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey explained by the YORP effect3, collisions and mass shedding Explorer (WISE). The missing input here are shape models of (Hanuš et al. 2011; Pravec et al. 2012); (iv) a bi-modality of pro- sufficient quality (Delbo’ et al. 2015). grade and retrograde rotators symmetric with respect to the cen- Moreover,convex models or at least rotational states are usu- ter of the family is caused by the combined Yarkovsky, YORP ally necessary inputs for more complex shape modeling, which and collisional dynamical evolution (Kryszczynska´ 2013; Hanuš can be performed if additional data such as stellar occultations, et al.
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