Everybody needs Net neutrality lo freely deal with the internet. -Manha W D Bushnell, Boulder, CO Net NeutraJjty is a warrant of freedom -Matthieu Brillet, Annaille, I agree with John Oliver: To real people, Net Neutrality means "Preventing Cable Company F*CCery". There should be no fee-only Diamond Lanes on the internet. -Kae Bender, Lancaster, CA Net neutrality must be preserved, in opposition to the cable companies wished, to ensure a free and open society. -Michael Smith, Seattle, WA If You give the power to the cable companies, if you allow them to bully services and force more money onto consumers, which will happen, I w ill gladly downgrade to a smaller provider, and forever take my chances with slower internet, so I never again, have to give Verizon or Comcast my money again, so long as I live... This act is just selfish, and evil. More and more people are aware of this, and we will not Jet it stand. -Arthur Kozal<lewicz, Red Bank, NJ IT IS MY LIFELINE AS A PERSON WITH DISABILITIES, WITHOUT A COMPETITIVE INTERNET I COULDNT SUSTAIN MYSELF OUTSIDE OF A NURSING HOME! -Nicholas Molson, Camey, MI Let's not bullshit about keeping "the spirit" of the open internet, and instead just classify it as a public utility. I don't want to hear about who is a strong supporter of the free internet, I want you to do your jobs. -Daniel Guerriero, Nanuct, NY NET NEUTRALITY IS VITAL TELEPHONE AND ALL MODERN COMMUNICATION. NO NEUTRALITY = NO FREEDOM OF SPEACH . - Dennis Murphy, Taylor, PA I am an artist, and like so many we want to be free to create material and make a living off of it online. To limit that realm's freedom in any way would be too compromising for us. -Steven Gordon, Springfield, MO Our economy is no longer a manufacturing one - it is a service one based on the internet. As it is, the private companies have no invested as they should. Our internet speeds pale in comparison to those throughout the world. How did this happen? -Dan Glovier, Mt. Prospect, IL It would ruin the internet if we lost neutrality! -Allen Gundlach, Rochester, NY Two tiers means two levels of service means second class status for the majority. -Joseph Weir, swansea, IL The internet IS a Common Carrier. The FCC needs to declare it a Common Carrier to enforce universal access on those who would use their si7..e/power to gain unfair advantage. -Gary Fariss, Saratoga, CA Free Press FCC: throw out your rules and reclassify ISPs as common carriers. -Sarah Basham, Raleigh, NC HHello. Why we need Net Neutrality should be a no-bra.iner. It supports our personal freedoms, enriches the lives of everyone - despite their place in the economy - and helps create jobs and improves our economy. The large telecommunication companies are clearly monopolies and clearly do not need to increase their profits. We need our leaders to support the 'every man' in thjs country - and to keep net neutrality! -Billie Little, murfreesboro, 1N An example - if we bad these rules in 2007, then the small startup Facebook could not have afforded fast access for their users, while the established MySpace could have. Facebook was a clearly superior product, but they simply could not have competed because users would have complained about how slow it was. Please don't create a situation in which a new company simply can't compete against an established company. -Jason Thomson, Atlanta, GA Dear FCC Commissioners, I and my family wish to ask you to PLEASE not tamper with Net Neutrality. We view it as fundamental to the future well being of the democracy as well as to the health and vitality of a truly innovative commercial sector. Thank you for your service and the integrity to protect a level playing field for all citizens. Sincerely, Martin Kilmer & Family - Martin Kilmer, Cotttage Grove, OR The people should not have to pay for rich corporations to get a special lower rate. The Internet should be the same for everybody, poor and rich alike. -Don Bay, bstersund, President Obama promised us Net neutraJity. I want to remind of his promise -Ms. Suraya Karjeker, Plano, TX John Oliver says it way better than I can. :) -Stan Zaske, Bartonville, IL Simple.. Do NOT END net neutrality. -Pete Orth, Marshall, NC Net Neutrality is important to me because without it, our free and open speech medium, the internet, will be muffled. In fact, I'd like to see all the internet highway socialized and maintain by the government and any person or business that wants to have the same voice big heard and not stymied by the Comcast, Verizon and A TI of the worlds. keep the Internet open and flowing freely for all citizens! Don't tum us into a cast nations by internet special fees to the people who control our internet. Socialize it and keep the internet available for all citizens. -Susan Hoog, Reno NV 89509, NV ISPs should not be able to 'double-dip', paying for their own network trunks while charging 'access fees' lo companies that have already paid for *their* own trunks in order for those companies to reach consumers. The fact that Comcast is charging Netflix while running their own on-demand video service smells more than a linle. Companies like Google, Facebook, Netflix, etc are the reason people want connectivity, ISPs charging for customer access will throttle newcomers lacking the deep pockets to pay off the providers. Common-carrier status and arms-length separation between providing bandwidth and content is the right move to take. -Robert Halloran, Jacksonville, FL net neutrality is essential to promote small businesses and entrepreneurs. And to ensure that the democratic process has a level playing field -Martha Marcom, Columbus, OH Free Press Net neutrality will ensure that our democracy endures. Otherwise, every avenue of communication and dissent will be based on $$$$$. -Lynn Miller, Portland, OR I believe allowing companies like Veriron and and AT&T to create two classes of internet speed with a fast and slow lane for profit is criminal. Corporate promises to not abuse such a system are meaningless, as simply giving them the legal option to do so means they can and will. Cable companies already act like monopolies by cutting up the country and not interfering with each other's territory, and now you're going to let them shake down companies and possibly some day even people to be able to use something that should be open for everyone to use equally. Make the internet a public utility. - Jeremy Lefevre, Silverthorne, CO ISPs must be reclassified as common carriers! -Patricia O'Leary, College Park, MD Plea<>e do not give access to Internet Service Provides a 'fast lane' for the Internet Please protect net neutrality. -Cathy Donovan, Los Gatos, CA Net neutrality is the single MOST important thing you MUST do to ensure a free market place. Do your job the internet IS the only fonn of communication. It is phone, tv, radio, etc. In case you missed your job it is to make sure the net remains Permanently Neutral. That should be your sole and single job as far as I am concerned. If you don't do your job we the people of America have no use for your branch of the government and you effectively eliminate your job. Now GO DO YOUR JOB!!!!!!! We have some of the slowest internet in the world! We pay the most of any country in the world! Do not let the corporations keep lining their pockets with th is crappy service. Mr. Wheeler... you are a disgrace to you country if you don't make net neutrality permanent. - Rich Fuller, Longmont, CO I am on a fixed income and losing Net Neutrality means internet access will probably cost more and I will lose out on content. Freedom of choice is vital one the Net My son is a small businessman, and I do not want his business to lose access to potential customers if he can't afford to buy into a high-speed "channel." I support many local businesses, many of them small and vulnerable if Net Neutrality is lost Please throw out its rules and instead reclassif)' ISPs as common carriers. - Beth McCammon, Columbus, OH Keep net Neutrality, I mean really, Tom Wheeler used to be the cable companies lobby, I can't believe Obama appointed him to the FCC. I will probably never vote democratic or republican again. - Richard Broussard, piano, TX WRilE YOUR MESSAGE TO 1HE FCC HERE The majority of people in this country cannot afford one more abuse perpetrated to us by the rich and powerful. We need to enjoy at the very least the same access of the internet we already have now. Enough is enough!. The President promised to us to maintain Net Neutrality. I expect him to keep his promise. FCC 1HROW OUT YOUR RULES AND INSTEAD RECLASSIFY ISPs AS COMMON CARRIERS. This is the only way to protect Net Neutrality. -Gladys Fahrenkopf, Miami, FL Let's learn if the government can put the public interest above corporations. Please assure net neutrality -Aileen Jeffries, Winthrop, WA Mr. WHEELER, REALLY??? DO NOT GIVE TIIE CORPORATIONS UNFAIR ADV ANTAGE ON THE NET. I EEMAND THAT NET NEU1RALITY REMAIN AS IT IS! THIS IS SIMPLY AN01HER CORPORA1E ATTEMPT TO REMOVE FROM US PUR FREEDOM! STOP IBIS NONSENSE NOW. -Mr. Michael Holler, Key Largo, FL Frcel'ttss As a consumer, I have to pay for my internet access. The government should be treating internet providers like common carriers.
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