Issued, Thursday Tuesday Thursday Issue Saturday T he Courier-Gazette Entered as Second Clan Mall Matte, Established January, 1846. By The Conrler-Uaxette, 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Thursday, July 27, 1939 TWELVE PAGES V olum e 94 Number 89. The Courier-Gazette He Rode The Goat Is Close At Hand [EDITORIAL] THREk-TIMKSA-WEEK NEARING ITS APEX “The Black Cat” Editor Lions Visit Hot Weather Gov. Barrows To Lead Pa­ WM O FULLER The near approach of August, universally recognized as the Associate Editor Initiation Upon Gow, rade In Rockport— Sw im ­ ‘'big summer month" of the year, finds the Pentbscot Bay FRANK A WIN8LOW Whose Smile Slays ming Meet New Feature region well entrenched with visitors. The SamoseJ Hotel at Bubecrlptlona S3 00 ner year payable Rockland Breakwater, which might fairly be termed the sum­ lb advance; slnjlt coplea three cenite. | Rockland Lions admitted a new With Gov. Lewis O Barrows mer capital of this glorious region, has a very gratifying Advertlalnf rate* baaed upon clrcula-1 lion and very reasonable. member to their charmed circle yes­ leading the street parade at 6 p. m registry list, and the readers of Miss Pauline Ricker’s articles NEWSPAPER HISTORY terday and celebrated the event Aug. 2, the fourteenth annual will note that this beautiful and exclusive resort Is having a Tb» Rockland Oaaette waa estab- season of social activities unsurpassed for many years. The llah. d lu ,646 In 1874 the Courier was w th an Initiation de luxe. The Rockport Regatta Sportsmen's Show established and consolidated with the neighboring towns—Camden, Rcckport and Thomaston—all Uaeette In 1882 The Free Press was good-natured victim was George W will get underway. The afternoon ewabllshed In 1855 and In 1891 changed Gow, Jr., the popular directory man. along the line, are reporting a similar story—hotels filling, Its nw ne to the Tr'bune These papers events will close in time for every­ consolidated Marco 17. 1897 With 3heriff Ludwick and County tourist homes occupied, over-night camps turning them away. Commissioner E. Stewart Orbeton one to witness this novel parade In Our summer resorts are profiting at the expense of the cen­ 6 t*— 6| ••• ucting as official costumers, the can­ which floats are to represent "Old ters which do not have cool nights, and ocean scenery in ♦ Carry sunshine Into the sick •* didate appeared before King Lion Bongs." their front yards. From the commercial standpoint this sum­ By The Roving Reporter •* room and It will remain after ♦ Stoddard a most surprising figure j mer business Is indispensable to a State which has seen many •* you. «• At 8 p. m. Gov. Barrows will be ••• • "Solomon in all his glory was not of its standard industries pass out of the picture, but there presented and will welcome all visi­ Replying to Murdock ." arrayed like one of these." should also be considered the social standpoint which adds so To rhapsodies of readers His gaib represented a thickness tors to the Regatta and to Maine. much to the enjoyment of the summer season, both for the A Mexican motorbus carrying 12 I bow in courtly salute; and weight not quite in keeping The evening will be completed folks who come here, many of them our own kinsmen, artd for | Far be It from me to disagree. Mexican Boy Scouts attracted much I Or a Nature Ode to refute with the temperature of 90 In the with water sports and high class those of us who appear in the role of host or landlord. En­ attention on Main street yesterday. outside shade, but George proved vaudeville. courage any movement which makes for an increase of the Cherish your weed to your heart’s con­ The boys spent an hour or two In tent. that he can "take it," even when ‘ Destroyer •’Schenck” at Regatta summer business In the old Pine Tree State. Endure Ito burr and prickle; the city, getting some good Rock­ But turn your back while I take a I it comes to a case of sponsorship. | Senators Wallace White Jr. and whack land food under thelr belts, and The speaker yesterday was Earle Frederick Hale, and Representative o-------- o---------o With the edge of a sharpened sickle I all of them enjoying the luxury of Hayes, head of the Bureau of Per- j Clyde H. Smith have been notified The Black Out values his nine-proof Rockland hair-cuts The expedi­ DONN FENDLIR'S MIRACLE lives, sonnel at the State House It was by the Navy Department in Wash­ But bed cheerfully part with eight. tion headed away for Canada, and only another title he explained for | ington, D C., that the Destroyer Pictures of Donn Fendler, the New York Boy Scout, who I If the Powers that Be would guarantee later will visit the World's Pair. Thut burdocks would get the gate I "civil service.” U 8 S. Schenck will be detailed for was lost seven days on Mt. Katahdin, show his emaciated con­ The State personnel, he stated the Regatta Aug. 2 to 5, Inclusive. dition, and tell the story of the privations and suffering which The "flame of friendship" burn- jmust be filled by those who have The Coast Guard Patrol Boat the lad must have experienced But these woes vanish from | ing in the Japanese Pavilion of the passed competitive examinations. “Travis" will also be stationed In the picture when we consider how he found his own way into New York World's Fair was kindled SUPPER and the Bureau is trying to do a the Harbor. the epen. and how with the aid of the telephone, he was soon from the 1500-year-old fires of the 5.00 to 7.00 o ’clock $20,000 Job with a $5000 budget. A Swimming Meet enjoying a happy reunion with his distracted parents and grand shrine of Izumo in Japan and Examinations were given to the Wednesday evening Aug. 2 under friends. Hundreds Joined in the search, millions—yes millions, i carried half way across the world FRIDAY NIGHT at larger groups flrst. There are doz-' the floodlights on Rockport's beau­ heard with thanksgiving In their hearts, how he wandered back by land, sea and air by demure South Thomaoton Grange ens of positions he explained, for tifully landscaped waterfront the to civilization safe, and soon to be sound. Akiko Tsukimoto, a 23-year-old Benefit of Church and Grange which a relative State rating must' Portland Boys' Club Auxiliary, un­ I Japanese miss. 89-lt be established. der the direction of Harold Paul­ O-------- O---------0 While no examining system ever' son, will compete with the Bunker W. P. A. AND CONGRESS A Federal grand Jury In Boston devised is perfect the Bureau is re­ Hill Girls’ Club of Charlestown, is investigating a racket through sulting in the selection of a higher Mass., in a dual swimming meet. (Boston Olobe) which the public was allegedly Congress may think the labors of the present session are FOR SA LE ; type of State employes. Once a p -, Many of these swimmers are ex­ swindled of $20,000,000 in fake plied, the new law conceives that | almost over, but the United States Conference of Mayors pected to participate in the after­ takes a very different view. W.P.A. is the reason sweepstakes, treasury tickets, base­ 1934 FORD TRUCK it shall be a "career" service. noon swimming events under the Under the new Federal statute the municipalities are ball pools, and other lotteries. 196 Inch Wlirelbase, with Large William E. Berger, past king lion' direction of the Maine A.AU. The required to pay 25 percent of the cost of all projects. This, the Maine apparently did not want a Van Bady of the Camden-Rockport Club was' winning team will be presented a Mayors find, would create a situation that would be unbearable. State lottery but it's too bad to Motor and Tires in A-l C ondition The totals of those employed by W.PA. are being reduced, beautiful gold trophy now on dis­ see money going out of the country MUNSEY AUTO SALES a guest which means that the discharged are being thrown back on play among other prizes In the win­ that might have stayed in Maine. TEL. 73I-W, ROCKLAND. ML. local relief. That increases the burden on hard-pressed cities. 89"lt COURIER-GAZETTE WANT ADS dow of the Regatta office in Rock­ In addition, the cities are to find one-fourth of the money The “pest house" which once WORK WONDERS port. for the new program. That would be impossible according ttt .Mrs. Annr Snow, wife of Commander C. F. Snow, U.S.N. (retired), the Mayors. Their opinion is supported by the fact that a who was elected president of the Knox Memorial Asmm ia'ion. Sacriliee-l stood on the side of Dodges Moun­ city cannot borrow money while its budget Is unbalanced, many hours in behalf of the Knox Memorial, and did it gladly. tain. is no longer in existence, and although the United States and some of the Individual States find it possible to do so. Increasing municipal taxation by only a memory—not a very fragrant making new exactions from real estate does not appear within memory at that. Its last use, I be­ the range ol practicality. lieve, was when Rockland had a That is why the Mayors feel Congress must find more THE MEMORY OF GEN. KNOX smallpox epidemic, say 20 years money. If not. the Mayors of practically every large city will ago.
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