Vol.41— No.58 3-24-76 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1976 PAGES 12215-12271 MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY DOT/FHA issues regulations defining reasonable accu­ racy for speedometers as plus or minus 5 mph................ 12228 SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME PROGRAMS HEW/SSA issues interim rules for prehearing case re­ view; comments by 4—23—76............................ ................ 12222 PRIVACY ACT OF 1974 State proposes amendments to fee schedules; comments by 4-23-76 ................ ..........J. .........: .......... 12229 Interior issues notice of additional use of systems of records ..... ................... ;........................ ................. ..... 12235 CONTRACT APPEALS BOARD ERDA establishment to replace Board of Contract Ap­ peals of the Atomic Energy Commission; effective 3-24-76 ............ ............................................. ................ 12215 MORTGAGE INSURANCE HUD/HPMC issues regulations for existing multifamily housing; effective 12-31-75........ ........................ 12224 MEETINGS— Administrative Conference of the United States, 4-7-76 ................................ .................................... 12237 DOD/Army: Army Financial Management Advisory Committee, 4-1.4 and 4—15-76................................. 12234 ERDA: General Advisory Committee, 4—7 through 4-9-76 ................................... ......... '...... 12239 GSA/NARS: Archives Advisory Committee, 4—27 and 4-28-76 .....:.....a.................. .................................. .. 12248 Legal Services Corporation: Committee on Regula­ tions, 4—2 and 4—3—76..........................._.................... 12249 National Foundation On The Arts and Humanities: Special Projects Advisory Panel, 4-9 and 4-10-76.. 12249 State: Government Advisory Committee on Interna­ tional Book and Library Programs, 4-22-76.......... 12239 USDA/ARS: National Plant Genetics Resources Board, 4-15 and 4-16-76.................. ................................. 12235 AGENCY PUBLICATION ON ASSIGNED DAYS OF THE WEEK Ten agencies have agreed to a six-month trial period based on the assignment of two days a week beginning February 9 and ending August 6 (See 41 FR 5453). The participating agencies and the days assigned are as follows: Monday Tuesday Wednesday . Thursday Friday NRC USDA/ASCS NRC USDA/ASCS DOT/COAST GUARD USDA/APHIS DOT/COAST GUARD USDA/APHIS DOT/NHTSA USDA/FNS DOT/NHTSA USDA/FNS DOT/FAA USDA/REA DOT/FAA USDA/REA CSC CSC LABOR LABOR 1 1 Documents normally scheduled on a day that will be a Federal holiday will be published the next work day fol­ lowing the holiday. Comments on this trial program are invited and will be received through May 7, 1976. Comments should be submitted to the Director of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Washington, D.C. 20408. ATTENTION: Questions, corrections, or requests for information regarding the contents of this issue only may be made by dialing 202-523-5286. For information on obtaining extra copies, please call 202-523-5240. To obtain advance information from recorded highlights of selected documents to appear in the next issue, dial 202-523-5022. Published daily, Monday through Friday (no publication on Saturdays, Sundays, or on official Federal holidays), by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Washington, D.O. 20408, under the Federal Register Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., ch. 15) and the regulations of the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (1 OFR Ch. I ) . Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. fO *V aiitED“ Q. The F e d e r a l R e g i s t e r provides a uniform system for making available to the public regulations and legal n o t i c e s issued by Federal agencies. These include Presidential proclamations and Executive orders and Federal agency documents having general applicability and legal effect, documents required to be published by Act of Congress and other Federal ag y documents of public interest. The F e d e r a l R e g i s t e r will be furnished by mall to subscribers, free of postage, for $5.00 per month or $50 per year, in advance. The charge for individual copies is 75 cents for each issue, or 75 cents for each group of pages as actually oounu. 0 Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Was g ’ ■oo o D.C. 20402. «e < There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the F e d e r a l Register. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 41, NO. 58— WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1976 contents ADMINISTRATIVE CONFERENCE OF THE CUSTOMS SERVICE FEDERAL MARITIME ADMINISTRATION UNITED STATES Proposed Rules Notices Notices Financial and accounting proce­ Agreements filed, etc.: Meetings: dure; charges for administra­ Europe Pacific Coast Rate tive overhead__________ ____ 12229 agreem ent______________ 12245 Committee on Agency Organiza­ Iberian/U.S. North Atlantic tion and Personnel-.,------:— 12237 DEFENSE DEPARTMENT Westbound Freight Confer­ AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL See Army Department. ence ___________ ____«___ 12245 DEVELOPMENT DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Notices BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Notices Authority delegations: Notices Hearings, etc.: Principal Aid Officer, India, et U.S. Service Industry, request for American Pacific International, a l ________ __________ — 12239 information concerning--------- 12236 Inc ______ ^____________ _ 12245 Continental Oil Co__ ________ 12246 AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric Rules Notices Co ____________________ 12245 Oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, Applications, etc.; controlled sub- Iowa Public Service Cdl______ 12246 and tangelos grown in Florida. 12215 stances * Illinois Power Co_______;i.____ 12248 Gane’s Chemical Works, Inc— 12234 Kansas City Power & Light Co. 12246 Proposed Rules Stephan Chemical Co. (2 docu­ Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co___ 12246 Valencia oranges grown in Arizona ments) _________ —-------— 12234 Texas Eastern Transmission and California______— ------ 12229 Corp ____________ 12247 ENERGY RESEARCH AND Transwestern Pipeline Co____ 12247 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION United Gas Pipe Line Co____ 12247 Notices Rules Meetings: Establishment of Board of Con- FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION National Plant Genetics Re­ tract Appeals_______________ 12215 Notices sources Board---------- ------— 12235 Memorandum of understanding: Notices State of California Department AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Meetings : of Health__ ,_____________ 12236 See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ General Advisory Committee.-- 12239 FOREST SERVICE ice; Agricultural Research Serv­ FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS ice; Forest Service. COMMISSION Notices Environmental statements; avail­ ARMY DEPARTMENT Proposed Rules FM broadcast stations; table of ability, etc.: . Notices assignments: Petty Mountain Planning Unit__ 12236 Meetings: M ichigan---------------------- 12231 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Army Financial Management Notices Advisory Committee___ •___ 12234 Notices Hearings, etc.: Oil and gas royalty accounting ARTS AND HUMANITIES, NATIONAL Hawaii Public Broadcasting Au­ reports, requirements__________12235 FOUNDATION thority _________________- 12242 Howell, Jimmie H. and Aaron J. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Notices Wells ________ ________,___12240 Special ProJects Panel, committee Prescott, Ross K________ 12242 Notices charter __________________ , 12249 RCC of Virginia, Inc------------- 12243 ADP and telecommunications re­ Meetings: quirements checklist________ 12248 Special ProJects Advisory Panel- 12249 FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION Meetings:' Rules Archives Advisory Council____ 12248 CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Motor carrier safety regulations: HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Proposed Rules Reasonable accuracy for speed­ DEPARTMENT Economic proceedings; discre- ometers --- ------- ---------— 12228 See Food and Drug Administra­ tionary review procedures___ _ 12229 FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION tion; Social Security Adminis­ tration. Notices Rules Hearings, etc.: Flood Insurance Program, Na­ HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Southern Airways, Inc., et al__ 12238 tional: DEPARTMENT United Air Lines, et al___ ___ 12238 Special hazard areas, map cor­ See Federal Insurance Adminis­ rections (8 documents). 12225-12227 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT tration; Housing Production Flood elevation determinations, and Mortgage Credit, Office of See Domestic and International etc.: Assistant Secretary. Business Administration. C alifornia_________________ 12224 Id a h o ____ t _______________ 12225 HOUSING PRODUCTION AND MORTGAGE CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY Illinois _________________._u_ 12224 COMMISSION CREDIT, OFFICE OF ASSISTANT Proposed Rules SECRETARY Rules National Flood Insurance Pro­ Flammable fabrics; simplification gram; flood elevation deter­ Rules of procedures for establishing minations, etc.: Mortgage and loan insurance pro­ new or amended flammability Arizona____ _______________ 12231 grams: standards________________ 12221 Illinois ____ _____________ 12231 Existing multifamily housing__ 12224 FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 41, NO. 58— WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1976 lii CONTENTS INTERIOR DEPARTMENT JUSTICE DEPARTMENT Meetings: See also Geological Survey; Land See Drug Enforcement Adminis­ Government Advisory Commit­ Management Bureau. tration. tee on International Book and Library Programs— .__:___ 12239 Notices LAND
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