Elecciones en Guatemala 12 Manifestación de emergencia 12 Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite! workers.org Vol. 61 No. 28 July 11, 2019 $1 Acts of solidarity with migrants grow By Mirinda Crissman permanent protections for all undocu- Houston mented immigrants. This act of solidarity in New Jersey resulted in 37 protesters The United States government is wag- arrested in support of those oppressed at ing a white-supremacist, imperialist, neo- the border. colonial war on multiple fronts. While Other expressions of solidarity have this war on oppressed people rages on, come from workers and folks abroad. people across the country and the world Wayfair workers walked out of the job on are taking a stand against state violence. June 26 in Boston to protest their CEO’s Violence abroad can take many forms like refusal to stop furnishing detention cen- resource extraction, economic sanctions ters with Wayfair products. and regime change. An Arizona teacher, Scott Warren, is These forms, including intensifying cli- facing 10 years in jail if convicted of two mate catastrophe, are forcing folks to flee felonies for the so-called crime of leaving their homelands from all over the planet jugs of water and providing shelter for and move toward increasingly militarized migrants in the desert. borders. Migration has been happening On June 29, a German ship captain, on this continent for thousands of years Carola Rackete, after docking in the before it was colonized. Italian island port of Lampedusa, was Militarized borders are an affront arrested for rescuing over two dozen to humanity. The drowning deaths of Libyan migrants. Matteo Salvini, Deputy the Salvadoran father, Óscar Alberto Prime Minister of Italy and member of Martínez Ramírez, and his 23-month-old WW PHOTO: JOE PIETTE the right-wing League Party, has moved daughter, Valeria, attempting to cross the July 4 protest, Philadelphia. Read more on pages 6-7. to close off all Italian ports of entry to Rio Grande River are tragic examples of migrants. these heinous crimes against humanity. im/migrants and refugees in this current were able to draw outraged people to over Thirty thousand people came out in Yet even in the face of this violence we period. There are reports about abhorrent 175 protests in 40 states. One demon- Berlin on July 6 to support the efforts of are seeing folks coming together against sanitary conditions and overcrowding as stration in Elizabeth, N.J., on June 30 Sea Watch 3. Meanwhile, Rackete has been these atrocities. well as reports of sexual abuse and even had 200 Jewish people blockading an released from jail but is still held in Italy. A collective consciousness has surged fatalities due to medical neglect. Immigration and Customs Enforcement around migrants in detention. While All this consciousness raising has led detention center. This protest was part Candidates ill-equipped to working to see that all oppressed peoples to a promising anger. Last week, a wave of a larger Jewish group called Never challenge the crisis in cages swallowed by mass incarcera- of national demonstrations called for Again Action. Their demands included Along with the public outcry, some tion are included in this discussion, peo- closing these camps. Organizers like defunding ICE and U.S. Customs Border so-called “democratic” U.S. institutions MoveOn and immigrant rights groups Protection, closing border camps and ple are invigorated by those fighting for Continued on page 6 Driving while Latinx 3 Im/migrants & state ‘Policing the womb’ in Alabama 6 repression editorial 10 Gerrymandering, the census The road to reparations 10 and SCOTUS 8 Global capitalist crisis deepens 9 Subscribe to Workers World ☐ 4 weeks trial $4 ☐ 1 year subscription $30 ☐ Sign me up for the WWP Supporter Program: workers.org/donate Name _______________________________________________________________ Email _______________________________ Phone _________________________ Thousands of Algerians demand sweeping reforms on July 5. Read more on page 11. Street _______________________________________________________________ City / State / Zip _______________________________________________________ Workers World Weekly Newspaper workers.org 11 147 W. 24th St., 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10011 212.627.2994 Venezuela Page 2 July 11, 2019 workers.org ‘Decriminalize sex work now!’ Sawyer Eason is an artist and organizer working with this week Peoples Power Assemblies NYC, Decrim NY and Brooklyn Transcore. She plays bass in the do-it-yourself sludge metal act, MANDY. This is a slightly edited version of Sawyer’s talk at the 2019 May Day rally on Wall Street ◆ In the U.S. in New York City. Acts of solidarity with migrants grow ............. 1 ‘Decriminalize sex work now!’ ...................2 I'm Sawyer, and I am here with Peoples Power Assemblies. I'm very grateful to be speaking on May Day for the first Cops’ racism exposes driving while Latinx.........3 time. I wanna take a moment and talk about sex workers Concentration camps for the poor in Pennsylvania . 3 and how we relate to the revolutionary movement. ‘Shut down our hospital? Hell, No!’...............4 We have been a part of the workers' struggle for as long Legislators attack treatment for opioid use ........4 as there has been a workers' struggle. Our work has dig- nity. We perform a service people want. We work just like Capitalism means working class is working poor ...5 everyone else does. But often times, on days like these, our Pickets ‘declare independence from poverty wages’. 5 labor isn’t praised. People's discomfort with us keeps us ‘Policing the womb’ in Alabama .................6 out of the struggle. Hundreds protest ICE raids . .6 Some people in the labor movement don't wanna rec- ognize the radical work we do. But sex workers are at the Buffalo: Stonewall, LGBTQ2S+ movement turn 50. 7 forefront of the movement now, and our history is strong. Actions accelerate to close immigrant camps ...... 7 Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson are the moth- Sawyer Eason. Philadelphia: Solidarity with migrants ............ 7 ers of Gay Pride. They were two trans women of color Gerrymandering, census and Supreme Court ......8 who survived off sex work. Marsha was believed to have providers used to work safely. These laws have not pro- thrown the first brick during the Stonewall Rebellion. tected sex workers, and they've conflated sex work with Philly refinery fire: demand reparations...........8 Marsha and Sylvia created the Street Transvestite Action human trafficking. Growing signs of global capitalist crisis, Part 1 .....9 Revolutionaries— STAR— in the 1970s. They used sex I wanna say that if you wanna protect sex workers, you How real reparations can be won ...............10 work to pay for a building on the Lower East Side to house need to listen to sex workers. We do not want SESTA. We queer youth who were experiencing homelessness. do not need this law or any law that interferes with sex ◆ Around the world Sex workers are revolutionaries. Sex workers are people workers. We need full decriminalization now! Let us do Solidarity in the fight against white supremacy ....9 who live at a variety of intersections. Sex workers are often what we do! Get the government out of our lives! people of color and often lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgen- If we wanna say we care about human trafficking, then Venezuela slams U.N. over human rights report ...11 der and queer people. Many sex workers are migrants. The we should pay more attention to labor trafficking. Migrant Algeria: Massive protests for sweeping reforms . 11 people most affected by anti-sex worker legislation are the labor is being exploited all over the world. people who live at a variety of interesections. We have to Trans women of color walking down the street in Queens ◆ Editorial defend Black and Brown and trans sex workers! are being profiled and arrested for wearing heels and car- Im/migrants and the repressive state............10 But anti-sex worker legislation has affected all sex work- rying condoms. Our sisters are in jail and prison. Some of ers. Safer avenues of work posted on the internet have them are sex workers. Some were arrested for just walking ◆ Noticias en Español disappeared throughout the last year. SESTA/FOSTA while being trans. The only way forward is to defund the Elecciones en Guatemala....................... 12 [Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act and Fight Online Sex police who arrest us, fully decriminalize sex work, destig- Trafficking Act], a series of laws passed in the last year with matize the practice of sex work and decarcerate the people ‘Recontratar a las trabajadoras ahora’ . 12 the stated intention of protecting sex trafficking victims, who are in prison due to bogus laws. have resulted in the closure of most of the online platform Decriminalize sex work now! ☐ Workers World 147 W. 24th St., 2nd Fl. New York, NY 10011 Join us in the fight Phone: 212.627.2994 E-mail: [email protected] for socialism! Web: www.workers.org Vol. 61, No. 28 • July 11, 2019 Workers World Party is a revolutionary Marxist-Leninist people are gunned down by cops and bigots on a regular Closing date: July 10, 2019 party inside the belly of the imperialist beast. We are a basis. multinational, multigenerational and multigendered orga- The ruthless ruling class today seeks to wipe out Editor: Deirdre Griswold nization that not only aims to abolish capitalism, but to decades of gains and benefits won by hard-fought strug- Managing Editors: John Catalinotto, LeiLani Dowell, build a socialist society because it’s the only way forward! gles by people’s movements. The super-rich and their Martha Grevatt, Monica Moorehead, Minnie Bruce Capitalism and imperialism threaten the peoples of the political representatives have intensified their attacks on Pratt world and the planet itself in the neverending quest for the multinational, multigender and multigenerational Web Editors: Ben Carroll, John Steffin ever-greater profits.
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