Behring Fibrintimer A The complete system for your coagulation lab The Fibrintimer A is a Userfriendly software Flexibility fully-automated system for all Display of walk away time Random access testing routine and special coagu­ (> 10 parameters/sample) lation tests. Reagent management (availability, volume, STAT function Userfriendly software and an stability) approved reagent lin e make Options the Fibrintimer A a complete High throughput Barcode scanner system for your coagulation 140 PT or 120 APTT/h Bidirectional connection lab. 30 PT, APTT, TT and to a host computer Fibrin ogen/h Easy handling Usin g primary tubes Automatic predilutions Use of original reagent vials Behring Diagnostics Section Hoechst New Zealand Limited 21 -39 Jellicoe Road, Panmure P.O. Box 67, Auckland. Phone: 0-9-570 0700 Direct Dial: co <D 0-9-570 0702 BEHRING 0 Fax: 0-9-570 9511 > JJJ.I-t New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science Volume 48 Number 3 August 1994 ISSN 1171-0195 Original Articles Editorial Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) expression in Publishing in the journal. Rob Siebers ............................. .133 archival tissue. Evaluation of microwave pretreatment. Regular Features Ann Thornton, Brett Delahunt, Linda Holloway .........1 03-105 Obituary. Gordon Wallace McKinley .... ... .... ... ............... .131 Caffeine as an accelerator of bilirubin extreaction from anmiotic fluid. Roger N Johnson ... .. ..... .... .. ................. 107-110 Institute Business .... ...... ...... ... ................... ...... .. ... .. .. ... 136-137 How will the "new' health system serve its customers? - The Pacific Way ....... ... ..... .. .... ..................... .... .. ..........138 -139 A Maori focus. Josephine Ellis .. ...... .. ............. .... .... ......112 -114 Special Interest Groups ........................ .... ............ ...... 141 -152 Brief Communication Letters to the Editor ............................................................ 133 The use of the HemoCue in a routine haematology Publications in overseas medical laboratory science laboratory. John W Peters, Bernard C Chambers ........ 118-119 journals ................................................................................. 155 Continuing Education Publications by NZIMLS members .................................. 130 In situ hybridization. Qurratulain Hasan .................. 121-126 New products and services ............................................... 147 Advertisers in this issue .................................................... 156 Current Comment SCIANZ Immunoassay Award ....................................... 116 Impact of technology on the diagnostic pathology laboratory. Dennis Reilly .. ...... .. ............................ .. .... .1 27-130 Jim Le Grice Memorial Award ...... .. .................... ............ .1 54 NZ J Med Lab Science 1994 101 NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCE Editor: Uniform Requirements for Man uscripts Submitted to Biomed ical Rob Siebers. We llington School of Medicine Journals. Concise details are listed below wh il e full deta ils may be found in the NZ J Med Lab Science 1991; 45 (4): 108-11 or from the Editorial Board: Ed itor. Trevor Chew. Microbiology Department Dunedin Hospital. Papers subm itted to the Journal are refereed and acceptance is Ann Cooke. Laboratory Training Centre, Auckland Regional at the discretion of the Editor. Papers with substantive statistical analysis Blood Centre. and data will be reviewed for appropriateness by the Statistical Adviser. Grant Goodman. Haematology Department Taranaki Base Hospital. No undertaking is given that any article wi ll be published in a particular Steve Henry. Auckland Regional Blood Centre. issue of the Journal. The copy dead li ne for each issue is the first of the Michael McCarthy. Diagnostic Laboratory, Auckland. month prior to the month of publication. Kevin Mcloughli n. Department of Transfusion Medicine, Christchurch Hospital. Manuscripts: Graham Thorne. Laboratory Training Centre, Auckland Regional Submitted papers (In duplicate) should be typewritten, in double Blood Centre. spacing throughout on one side of A4 paper. Genera lly each co mponent of th e manuscript should beg in on a new page in the Statistical Adviser: fo ll owing seq uence. Gordon Purdy. Wellington School of Medicine. *Title of paper, authors (including first name and qualifications), and in stitution(s) where the work was carried out The New Zea land Jou rn al of Medical Laboratory Science is publ ished Address for the corresponding author should also be given. quarterly (March, May, August & November) on beha lf of the New *Abstract and keywords. Abstracts should be structured and Zea land Institute of Medical Laboratory Science (Inc) by Institute Press contain concise and precise information regarding the study's Ltd, Auckland. Objectlve(s), Method(s), Result(s) and Concluslon(s). Li st up to 4 keywords using Index Medicus med ical subject headings. Subscriptions: * Text in the order of Introduction, Mater1als and Methods, Subscriptions to the Journal for non-members requiring delivery in New Results, Discussion and Conclusion. Zea land is $NZ33.00 for 1 year surface mail paid. Subscriptions to the * References should foll ow the style adopted by the US Journal for non-members req ui rin g delivery overseas is $NZ39.60 for 1 National Library of Medicine as used in Index Medicus. Refer to papers year surface ma il paid. All subscriptions except for single issues are due in recent issues of the Journal for guidance (or see NZ J Med Lab in February. Single issues are $NZ12.00 Surface mail paid. Members of Science 1991; 45 (4): 108-11). Authors are responsible for accuracy of the NZIMLS should send their enquiries and address changes directly all references. to the Executive Officer of the NZIMLS, PO Box 3270, Christchurch. * Illustrations must be provided with a suitable legend typed on a separate sheet Graphs should be 2-3 times larger than they Advertising: would appear in the journal and contain a minimum of lettering. Advertisement bookin gs and enquiries should be addressed to the Legends for these should also be typed on a separate sheet Advertising Manager: Trish Reilly, 48 Towai St, St Heliers, Auckland 5. Photographs should be original sharp, glossy black & white prints. Phone: (09) 575 5057. Authors wishing to submit colour photographs must contact the Editor in the first instance. Editorial: *Tables should be typed on a separate page complete with a All editorial matter, including submitted papers, press releases and title at the top and footnotes at the bottom. The tables should be books for review should be sent to the Editor: Rob Siebers, Department numbered as they appear in the text and must not contain vertical of Medicine, Wellington School of Medicine, PO Box 7343 We llington lin es. South. Phone: (04) 385 5999 (Ext: 6838). Fax: (04) 389 5725. *Acknowledgements shou ld be made to people and/or Contributors and advertisers are responsible for the scientific content organ isations who have made substantial contrib utions to the study. and views. The opinions expressed in th e Journal are not necessa rily Authors are responsible for obtaining consent from those those of the Editor or Council of the NZIM LS. acknowledged. Financial contributions towards the study from grantin g bodies or commercial organ isations must be stated. Information for Contributors: Two copies of the manuscript are to be addressed to the Editor The Journal pub lishes original, review, leading & technica l articles, short NZ J Med Lab Science, c/- Department of Medicine, We ll ington School commun ications, case reports and letters in all disciplines of Medical of Medicine, PO Box 7343, Wellington So uth, together with a letter Laboratory Science as we ll as related areas of interest to Medical from the correspond in g author stating that the work is origina l, is not Laboratory Scientists (eg) epidemiology, public & community health, under consideration for publ ication elsewhere, and in the case of multi­ education, ethics, co mputer appl ications, management etc. All papers authorsh ip that all auth ors have contri buted directly to the plannin g, published wi ll be in th e form known as the 'Vancouver Style" or executi on, analysis or to the writing of the paper. NZ J Med Lab Science 1994 102 Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) Expression in Archival Tissue. Evaluation of Microwave Pretreatment. Ann Thornton, MNZIML S; Brett Delahunt, BMedSc, MB, ChB , FRCPA; Linda J Holloway MD, FRCP A. Department of Pathology, Wellington School of Medicine, University of Otago Wellington. NZ J Med lab Science 1994; 48 (3) 103-1 OS Abstract in the solutions in a microwave oven (Goldstar model ER-686JE, 700 The effect of microwave pretreatment on antigen retrieval was assessed Watts) at high power for five minutes. The solution was permitted to for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PC1 0 clone) using lung tissue cool for one minute and was topped up as necessary. Fol lowing subjected to long-term 10% buffered formal sa line fixation. coo li ng the sections were incubated for a further five min utes at high Eva luation of three microwave pretreatment protocols showed power. The sections were then left to stand in the incubating solution incubation in either 1% zinc sulphate or saturated lead thiocyanate to for 15-20 minutes. In addition to those pretreated by microwave produce minimal background staining. PCNA indices from tissues incubation, further sections from
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