Administration of William J. Clinton, 1997 / Apr. 26 601 ing to Congress will expand their ability to wrote you. [Laughter] Just like every other reach more families. My balanced budget journalist, make all my memos public. also increases Head Start funding, to reach [Laughter] To Larry McQuillan, Arlene Dil- one million 3- and 4-year-olds, and expands lon, Jon Stewart, who will make us glad we title I to aid teaching and learning in class- came in a few moments, to all the distin- rooms and the Even Start Family Literacy guished head table guests, and ladies and Program. gentlemen. But it will take more than money to make I tried to fulfill Terry Hunt's agenda as sure that all our children can read. It will President. Those are real notes I wrote him. take a commitment from our entire commu- And I will try to fulfill Larry's agenda. I think nity. That's why I'm pleased to announce that it's terrible the conditions in which the White as part of the service summit, many of our House press corps labor. It really is. It re- major corporations and nonprofit organiza- minds me of Nurse Ratchet's office in ``One tions will help us to recruit tens of thousands Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.'' [Laughter] of additional tutors for America Reads. One And it's really a tribute to the futility of a hundred sixty-six colleges all across America politician pandering to the press, because already have answered the challenge I issued that used to be an indoor swimming pool that in December and pledged thousands of their brought joy to FDR and JFK and Presidents students to be reading tutors. I thank them in between. Richard Nixon gave it to you. for their support. [Laughter] And he got such good press in Last summer in Wyandotte, Michigan, return. [Laughter] Maybe this is his final re- when I announced the America Reads pro- venge, the miserable conditions of it. We gram, I sat with two young children and read could uncover it, but let you keep it. [Laugh- ``The Little Engine That Could,'' a book that ter] I could build a cabana. Well, you think has taught countless children that they can about it. do anything they think they can. I want every Before I get into my jokes, I have some child in America to know that he or she can important, serious news. [Laughter] Senator read. And America Reads will make sure that Lott and I have broken the gridlock over the all those children can. budget. A deal now appears imminent. Mi- I hope some of you who are listening will raculously, the $56 billionÐ[applause]Ð consider being part of America Reads. After thank youÐthe $56 billion gap that has sepa- all, we need a million citizen servants, and rated Democrats and Republicans has been we're not there yet. If you're interested, call bridged. And ladies and gentlemen, we owe 1±800±USA±Learn, the Department of Edu- Senator Dole a huge debt of gratitude. cation's hotline, or just contact your local ele- [Laughter] And the best part is, we don't mentary school or library. have to start paying it back until 2005. All of us can help. All you really need to [Laughter] And that's outside the budget do is roll up your sleeves, sit with a child, window. Bigger tax cuts, more money for the and open a book together. And remember, Justice Department, whateverÐjust sign up, you'll be doing more than just reading, you'll you can have it. [Laughter] You know, if I be writing an exciting new chapter in Ameri- had known Bob Dole was that generous, I'd ca's progress. have invited him over for coffee. [Laughter] Thanks for listening. I want to congratulate awardees tonight: Byron Acohido who has come from so far NOTE: The President spoke at 10:06 a.m. from the Oval Office at the White House. away and did such good work; and then there are the local winners, Ron Fournier, Mara Liasson, Todd Purdum. Of course, I'm not Remarks at the White House familiar with any of your work, but I'm sure Correspondents' Association Dinner it's very good. But this Purdum guy's name April 26, 1997 sounds familiar. Purdum, PurdumÐI think I read it in the engagement announcements Thank you very much. Mr. Hunt, thank recently. Hillary and I congratulate Todd and you so much for reading the notes that I Dee Dee on their marriage next month. VerDate 05-AUG-97 08:36 Aug 14, 1997 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\TEMP\P18AP4.028 pfrm09 602 Apr. 26 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1997 You know, Dee Dee and I started together mannequins mouthing contentious blather. on a little plane in New Hampshire, and we No wait, that's the McLaughlin Group. made it all the way to the White House. Then [Laughter] she sort of strayed over to your side for a There is also an absolutely amazing collec- while, and I was kind of disappointed. Now tion of historical artifacts: C±SPAN's gavel- she's getting on a 747 and going to Beverly to-gavel etchings of the Constitutional Con- Hills. They grow up so fast, don't they? vention; CNN's very first ``Crossfire'', from [Laughter] the left Alexander Hamilton, from the right Oh, I got another serious thing I want to Aaron Burr, topic: gun control. [Laughter] talk about. Something that I knowÐreally, There is an actual press corps travel manifest you all are on me about all the time. Many from Stage Coach One. Guess what, the film of you are distressed that you're not notified they showed was ``Fargo''. [Laughter] The 30 in a timely fashion about breaking news, like people in the White House press corps are my knee breaking. And that's valid, and I've laughing at that. [Laughter] been doing some work to make sure it never There are artifacts of contemporary Wash- happens again. In fact, in the spirit of re- ington journalism as well. There is the stack inventing Government that the Vice Presi- of Bibles upon which Joe Klein swore. dent has so indoctrinated me with, starting [Laughter] There is Johnny Apple's expense tonight we have decided to give you advance reports, a transcript of Ann Rice's interview notice of upcoming mishaps. [Laughter] with Bob Novak, the contract where Bob Mike McCurry has asked me to inform you Woodward insists on Robert Redford being of the following. While engaging in some vol- cast as him. [Laughter] There is a haunting unteer work tomorrow in Philadelphia, I will photograph from the 1961 White House Cor- be on the receiving end of a painful encoun- respondents' dinner of young Brian Williams ter with a ball-peen hammer. [Laughter] And shaking hands adoringly with Chet Huntley. I will do my best to do it before your filing [Laughter] deadline at 5. On May 22d, I will be visiting And then there is a whole wing dedicated the home of Tiger Woods to celebrate his to historic scoops. For example, did you know recent victory in the Masters. Please be ad- that Helen Thomas broke the story about the vised: There is a loose brick on the patio. Lincoln BedroomÐwhile Lincoln was still [Laughter] On July 8, during the fifth inning sleeping in it. [Laughter] of the All Star game in Cleveland, I will at- However, the most important part of the tempt to catch a foul ball from Rafael museum is an exhibit which poses an utterly Palmeiro. Stay tuned. [Laughter] Look, Mark fascinating question, both contemporary and Knoller is running out to call his editor now. historical: How would current White House [Laughter] correspondents and columnists have covered I know we're here to honor you tonight past Presidential administrations? Have you because of the work you do, but this dinner seen this? I mean, this is an incredible thing. is a pittance compared to the testament to In the exhibit, everyone in the current press your profession last week which opened its corps is making fun of Millard Fillmore's doors, called the NewseumÐthe Newseum, nameÐthat's everyone except Wolf Blitzer. the Newseum. What really surprised me, for [Laughter] David Letterman keeps calling any event in Washington, this opening actu- William Howard Taft ``Tubby'' and Teddy ally got a lot of favorable press coverage. Roosevelt ``Old Four Eyes.'' [Laughter] [Laughter] Evidently, you journalists have a Maureen Dowd writes a column dismissing lot of friends in the media. [Laughter] the first Presidential election as politics as But there are a bunch of exhibits I'm dying usual. [Laughter] Sam Donaldson makes fun to see. I want to see the portrait gallery of of George Washington's wooden teeth but unnamed sourcesÐ[laughter]Ðthe Gergen completely ignores the obvious fact that he's and Shields retrospectiveÐ[laughter]Ðthe wearing a wig. [Laughter] The New York museum's crown jewel, the hall of pundits. Times calls for a special counsel to look into [Laughter] Modeled after the Hall of Presi- George Washington's winning campaign in dents at Disneyland, it features mechanized the Revolutionary WarÐbecause Lafayette VerDate 05-AUG-97 08:36 Aug 14, 1997 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\TEMP\P18AP4.029 pfrm09 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1997 / Apr. 26 603 was French. And Barbara Walters asks the the future, so I want you to just forget about Father of our Country, ``If you could chop the documents.
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