VOL. XLI. CRANBURY, MIDDLESEX COUNTY, N.'J., FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1925. NO. 1. THE CHURCHES. OHX PFEIFFER AGAIX HEADS IXMONTH'S POLICIES sccceccoscoseecooyyscccccacccecoscaoaai 0900090000 COUNTY REPUBLICANS. OUTLINED IX LETTER. • First Presbyterian. OF INTEREST TO FARMERS \ 21-29 Scuta Broad Street Henry Wirtschafter & Sons John Pfeiffer, of Perth Amboy, -, BV S J. Lyle Kinmonth, publisher of .-Prayer and Praise Service in the was unanimously reelected chair- he Asbury Park Press and Denio- Chapel Friday evening at eight Orley G. Bowcn J man of the Middlesex County Re- xatic candidate for congress in the o'clock. Middlesex County Agricultural Agent £ publican . committee for the. twenty- hird district, yesterday made public Sunday School at 10 o'clock. :econd consecutive time, Thursday letter written the Democratic Special song service. light at the annual meeting of the ilatform committee in .an unusual Men's Bible Class at . the - same ommittee held at New Brunswick. ttetfipt to secure elimination of hour, taught by the pastor. POTATO EXPERTS VISIT Mrs. Eva Newton, of New Market, Morning Worship at 11 .o'clock. COUNTY.' was reelected vice-president, and Sermon by the paster. .Subject: William Kane, of New Brunswick, "Truth The Liberator" John 8:32. Potato experts from several north vas returned to the office of secre- The Junior Choir will sing at this eastern states and from Canada tary. County Clerk F. William service. isited Middlesex County on Tues- HilKer was elected treasurer. Willing Worker's Mission Band lay, June 23, on the occasion of a will meet In the chapel at three onference of officials in charge of RIXCETON FOOTBALL MAN o'clock. Sally Syranges, leader. Mrs. ;eed certification work in these var- INJURED IX OIL FIELDS. A. HL Symmes, sup't. ous states. The men in charge of Warner's Rust Proof Corsets $1.50 to $5.00 Next Sunday, July 12th, is the he seed certification work in Can- Jack Cleaves, former Princeton We can recommend this corset from the standpoint of style, date for the UNION COMMUNITY ida, Prince Edward Island, Maine, ootball player, was severely injured r comfort and durability. Service in the First Church at ermont, Michigan, New York State n the Oklahoma oil fields Monday, Back lace and wrap around models guaranteed not to rust, eleven o'clock. 'ennsylvania and New Jersey were iccording to -a telegram received by break or tear—and may be laundered without dfficulty again Rev. Samuel L. Hamilton, Gener- resent, also representatives of the iis parents in Oil City, Pa. The in- and again, to be as good as new. Free Fitting Service.—Corset al Secretary of the Christian Educa- . S. Department of Agriculture at ury occured near Tulsa when a tub- Department, Second Floor. tional Movement will be the speaker Washington. ng block fell and struck him on the He will outline a feasible and Central Jersey potato growers are lead. Advices received said Cleaves practical plan for the Religious In- amiliar with the fact that the uffered a fracture of the skull but struction of the Children in the mount of certified seed produced hat he would recover. • Cleaves $3.25 Fabrikoid Suit Cases at $2.29 Public Schools. n seed growing sections has greatly as assistant coach of the Princeton All Christian People 'are ' most ncreased during the past few years reshmen last year, and a member Good, sturdy 20 and 22-inch suit cases for vacation trips. urgently requested to attend this wing to the demand for such seed f Coach Roper's famous eleven of Have inside tray, strong lock, key and 2 brass clasps. Alto- service. It is a matter of most vital n Central Jersey and other seed 922. gether a wonderful value at ?2.29.—Third Floor. importance to the entire community lonsuining centers. The standards o et up by the various states grow- POTATO GROWERS VISIT Second Presbyterian. ng certified" seed have varied some- DEMONSTRATIONS. Up to $3.98 Silk Scarfs, $1.75 what in the past but as time goes Prayer Service in the Chapel Fri- n will .'become more and more uni- Between 30 and 40 potato grow- They flutter a joyous bit of color and accompany nearly day evening at eight o'clock. :orm and the purpose of this meet- rs and seed ^handlers visited the J. LYLE KINMONTH. every Summer costume delightfully. On Sunday morning at ten o'clock ng was to bring about still greater iotato seed source and variety dem- Of crepe de chine and georgette in white, black-white, the Sunday School will meet In the niformity. mstration at Harry Perrine's on hat part of the platform adopted floral designs and pastel shades. Plain hemmed or fringed. chapel for the study of the Lesson. The visitors met Tuesday morn- he Cranbury-Princeton Road Sat- in last Tuesday which advocates re- The Men's Bible Class will meet ing at the potato seed source and rday night. Many of these men leal of the 18th amendment. 099909090000900990099999099906095 in the church at the same hour. ariety demonstration planted at :ame from a tour of similar demon- The letter asserted that the Amer- Mr. Young will be in charge. Harry Perrine's by the Middlesex itrations in . Monmouth County. can people would never repeal the Morning Worship at 11 o'clock. ounty Extension Service. The con- The value of certified seed was L8th amendment, ' but would some Sermon by the pastor. erence started Monday morning )rought out in a striking manner in day pass a sensible, scientific law 1847 A. V. Manning's Sons 1925 Subject: The Early Grip of with a visit to demonstrations of a ;his demonstration. Between 40 which would be effective and popu- Knowledge. ike nature in Monmouth County, ind 50 different lots of seed are lar. 'he meeting was held under the ilanted side by side, part of it Schultz Memorial M. E. uspices of the Potato Association ieing certified and part not certi- f America and Dr. W. H. Martin of led. The demonstration is being -Let me letter your Sunday. School at ten o'clock ID he N. J. Agricultural Experiment :onducted by Orley G. Bowen of Now You Can Buy Reed and Fibre charge of Fred Carlson. Station was chairman of the comth-e Middlesex County Extension truck before the cop gets Morning Worship at 11 o'clock. mittee in charge. Service. At digging time the yield Sermon by the pastor. Df each strain will be secured. you! Plain three inch Furniture at Special Prices 7:00 P. M. Epworth League CAKE OF ASPARAGUS Lunch was served the visitors by service in charge of Fred Carlson. he ladies of the Cranbury M. E. For-we have re-marked a number of entire suites and Now that the cutting season for hurch. S. E. Bennett of the Cen-(3 in.) work. Topic:—Abraham the Trail-breaker asparagus is almost over, growers individual pieces at prices which should clear them out be: The summer contest commences this tal Jersey Dealers' Committee co- fore inventory. Sunday. Come to a cheery, inter- are turning their attention to theoperated in arranging the meeting. S2.50 the job. esting musical hour of service. are of the bed preparatory to Several out of state seed growers Everything is taken from our regular day-by-day stocks another season. The best growers were present. Prayer Meeting Friday evening at harrow or disk the field down im- of Manning-Quality Furniture, and in character and cover- eight o'cloclc. mediately following the cutting o-: ings is worthy of any porch or sun parlor. The reductions eason. Follpwing this, asparagus TAG DAY. Hugh Bourgaize, vary, but are important enough to warrant your attendance. The Sunday School picnic will be ;ends up a top growth and starts held on Thursday, July 23d, at toring up food for next season. The Cranbury Fire Company will Cranbury, N. J. Cadwallader Park, Trenton. If The grower's chief concern , from hold a Tag Day on Sunday, July rainy on Friday next day. Let's hen on is to keep weeds down be- the Twelfth. 'hone 8-M-15. Cretonnes at Lowered Prices rally to this picnic and have the :ween the rows in top growth. This best ever! The invitation is extend- s usually accomplished by occasion- WHITNEY'S STRENGTH. ed to every member and friend of al cultivation or in some cases by 39c 49c 59c the church to come. owing a cover crop of cow peqg or A few hours after learning the FORMER PRICES WERE 75c to .$1.25 ;oy beans. result of the primary election Mayor MISS. LUCILLE CHAM BERLIN Mr. Jacob Gaub, a well known Hague sailed for Europe, but just Cranbury And there are plenty to choose from—rich colorings and OX TKIP ABROAD. 1 before leaving he issued a statement asparagus* grower in Madison Town- gay colprings. Qualities that have never been sold at less ship, has followed the practice of in which he said: "The nomination Miss Lucille Chamberlin of this sowing, cowpeas and .recently.- .soy. of_Senator__Whitney by the Repub- than the quoted former prices. It is the time of year when place in company with Mr. and^Mrs beans in his asparag-us for several licans means a sweep for the Demo- Firemen's you can use cretonnes, too. J. S. Gibson ' of Montclair and a years and reports excellent success. crats. It will be a walkover for party of friends, left yesterday on This crop not only helps keep the ity Commissioner A. Harry Moore. the Steamer "Ohio", Royal Mail weeds "Tlown when scucessfully Hudson County will roll up at least Carnival Line, for a two months tour abroad rown but also adds nitrogen' to the"125,000 majority for Moore on No- ' A.
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