Official . Gazette

Official . Gazette

I REGD.· GOA - 5\ Panaii. 17th OctobQr, 1974 !Asvira 25. 1896) SERIES III.No. 29 OFFICIAL .GAZETTE GOVERNMENT· OF . GOA, DAMAN AND DIU· GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN Works Division XIV - Fatorda-Marg8o (Goa) AND DIU Tender Notice no. PWDIWDXI~/39/3/74 The Executive Engineer, Works Division XIV, FWD, Fa­ Education and Public Works Department torda - Margao,_ Goa, invites ofl behalf- of _the President of India, sealed tenders, in prescribed tende:r fol'JW3, upto 3.30 p. m. 'Ott 2G-IO-74 for work of (1)., Clearing, loading, Public Works Department transporting; unloading and 'stacking of 300 M. T.o_Of M. S. Rounds, Torsteel ~ars, Structl,lrals :and Plates frain stockw Works Division V - Pan&ii yards at Bangalore - to PWD Godown at Cortalim': Goa, including unloading and stacking. (II) For the -work of Tender notice no. HI/Accts/F.13/Ib/74 clearIng. loading unloading, and stacking of 300 M. T. of M. S. Rounds. Torsteel bars, StrllcturaIs and Plates from stock~ The Executive Engineer, Works Division V, P.W.D., Panaji­ .y~rds at Bombay - to PWD Godowns at Cortalim - Goa, -Goa, invites on behalf of the President of Ind'ia, sealed Item, Including unloading stacking in the Cortallm :Godown. Lump-sum, and percentage rate tenders' from' approved and Estimated. at Rs. 63,686/- and Rs. 56,216/- respectively. cellgible contractors upto 2.30 p. m. on 29-10-74 (except work Earnest Money for Rs. 1,593/~ and Rs. 1,405/- respectively~ no. 1 and 2), for the below mentioned works:- C.ondi Hons and tender forms can be had from his office 1.. Construction of lift IrrigaHon scheme on Khadsi upto 4.00 p. m. on 24-10-74, on any working days. The cost river Irrigating «Thorlem Bhon'h, «Ambyachem of tender is Rs. 5/- each. Tender of contractors who do not Bhom». «Thakarachem Bhom», 4:Haldichem Bhom» deposit earnest money in prescriqed form is liable to be Taluka Pernem. rejected. Contractor also should produce income-Tax clea­ 2. Construction of lift Irrigation scheme at Fakirpatto rance certificate before the issue of tender. Torshem Taluka Fernem. Margao, 10th October, 1974. - The Executive Engineer, 3. Reconstruction of Jetty at Old Goa Taluka Tiswadi. V. P.' Palondicar. 4. Construction of open type bandhara-cum-bridge at Dewalakadil Moli village Advai Taluka Satan. Tender Notice no. PWDIWDXIV/39/4/74-75 5. Construction of open type bandhara at Warkhand Ta­ luka Pernem. The Executive Engineer, Works Division XIV,. PWDt Fatorda-Margab, invites-on behalf of the_ Pr~sident of-Ind'a:, 6. Construction of two rooms eXitension to the existing sealed tenders, in prescribed tender forms upto 3.30 P. M. school building at Talwada-Keri TaIuka Pernem. on _22-10-74_ for work _of Clearing, loading, transP9rting, 7 ...Prov'ding wooden fenders to the Port Jetty, near unloadIng' and: Stocking -;of 100 M. T. _o:f_~ --32l!1m dtarti-etre Custom's house p:anaji-Goa. M. S. Rounds from- stockyards at' Bangalore - PWD Godown 8. Construction of two rooms- extension to the exisblng at ~acaim Goa, inClud'ing _unloading ,arid _stocking, in the school build,:ng at Madhalawada-Keri, Taluka Pernem. Agoa"laim nodloWin. Estimat~d at Rs;-· 21,0621-. Earnest,'money forRs.530/-. ' . 9. Construction of small earthen dam and desilting of reservoIr at Vadavali Taluka Bicholim. Oond'tions and tender form can be had from this office ", ., _,' , , ,I upto 4.00 P. M. on 19-10-74, on any working-days: The cost 10. Construction of shop for ,sale of meat at St. Andre of tender is Rs. 5/-. Tender ,of contractors who do not deposit Taluka TiSWadl. ' earnest money. in _prescribed form- is,_liable to be rejected. Colltrac,tor _also_ should' produce income-Tax clearan~e certi­ Estimated cost. Earnest Money, time limit· in daYs an9. .ficat~ before tJ:1e i-~sue of tender. ' <cost of tender torms al'e as fOllows:- Margao, -'"11th October, 1974. -The -Executive Erigineer, (1) Its. 1,73,116-44, Its. 4,328/-, 240, Rs. 10/-. (2) V. P. Palondicar. Rs. 70.649-67, Rs. 1,766/-, 180, Rs. 5/-, (3j Its. 50,788-88, Bs. 1,2701-. 150, Rs. 5/-. (4)!\s. 29,752-98,!\s. 744/-, 90, !\s:5h. (5). Rs. 29,276-55, Rs. 732/-, 90, Rs. 5/-. Work$ Division XVI.,.... Margao ·(ti) lts.1'{,624-27,.Rs. 441/c, 90, Rs. 5/-. (7) Rs. 12,773·54, Rs; 319/', 60, .!\s. 5/-. (8) Rs. 11,650-73, Rs. 291/-, 60, 'Rs. 5/-.. (9) Rs. 10,383-82, ,Rs.260/-, 60, Rs.5/-. (10) Tender notice no. PWD/WDXVI/TN/F-51/10/74 Rs. 9,544-45, Rs. 239/-, 60, Rs. 2/-. The Executive Engineer, Works Dlvis!on XVI, PWD Margao­ ~"ConditiO~: and the 'tender forms can be had from his -Goa, invites on behalf of the Pres'dent of India,_,sealed per­ office upto 3.30 p. m. on 28-10-74, on working days. ,Tenders centage rate tenders from approved and' eIliglble contractors of contl'actors who do not deposit earnest money in pres­ upto 3.00 p. m.,' on 23-10-74 for the following works sepa­ eribed form are liable to be rejected. ,Contractor also shOUld rately:- produce Income Tax clearance certificate before the -issue 1. Providing & Fixing Precast Cement Concrete Benches of tender. to _the Garden at Curchorem.· -. In case o{ work No. 1 and 2, contractors can apply upto 2. Const. of Drinking Water Wen at Goathan Khandepar. 3.30 p. m. onj11-11-1974. and should submit their ,offers upto Ponda Taluka (retendered) . • 2.30 p. m. on; 12-11-1914. Tenders will be opened at 3 p. m. 3. - do - at Gaonkarwada Kodar. Taluka Ponda. on the,sanaeiday. (retendered) . Panaii, 11th October. 1974. - The Executive Engineer, 4. - do - at Chafalwada Betors., Taluka Panda U. R. Pi8.surrencar. (retendered). ~............... - ....... ------~, .......- -------- 170 SERIES 111 No. $9 5. - do - at Bomabage Betora, Taluka Ponda (reten­ dered). Revenue Department 6. - do·- at Govalwada Nlrankal, Taluka Ponda (retendered). Colleclorale of Goa, Panaji 1. - do - at Gothawada Nlrankal Betora. 'raluka Ponda Schedule organized as per Section 51 of the Decree (retendered). No. 3602, dated 24-11-1917, for the purpose of, objections. 8. - do - at Malwada Marcaim, Taluka Ponda (reten­ if any, of the interested parties which-.are to -be submitted dered). within 20 days from the date of second publication of this 9. - do - at Shlgnewal Nlrankal, Taluka Ponda (reten- Schedule in the Official Gazette. dered). .. Name of the applicant - Shri Datta Costa Melecar of Me­ 10. - do - at Tislewadda Borim, Tahlka Ponda. lauli, Satari. 11. - do - at Kadsalwadda KurU Kandepar, Taluka. Designation of the plots -1) Government land known Ponda (retendered). as «lfotguinem or Cotguinem» applied on permanent em­ lZ. - do -..:.... at Narlakanwada Kandepar, Taluka Ponda ph'yteusis by Shri Datta Custa Melecar. 2) Government (retendered). land known as «Gouleachi Vaddo» applied on permanent 13. - do - at TaJewadda Betora, Taluka Ponda (reten­ emphyteusis by Shri Datta Custa Melecar. 3) Govern.. dered). ment land known as -«Darvol» applied on permanent em­ 14. - do - at Mullaybhat Agapur Durbhat, Taluka. phyteusis by Shri Datta eU8ta Melecar. 4) Governmentland Ponda. known as «Cumbiacho- Dollo» applied on permanent em­ 15. - do - at Paltod Lorsawada Muthal, V. P. PoIn­ phyteusis by Shri Datta.~usta Melecar. guin:m, 0ana.cona Taluka. Situation of the plots -1) Situated at Melauli. Satari -16. - do - at Wagon Kirlapal':'Dabal, Sanguem Taluka Taluka. 2) Situated at Melauli, Satan Taluka. 3) Situated (retendered) • at Melaull,' Satari Taluka. 4) Situated at Melauli. Satarl IT. - do - at Col1eandando of V. P. Assotna, Salcete Taluka. Taluka. Boundaries -1) North: Plot held by Sogun Gaudo and 18. - do - at Agoli Patepurward, V. P. NuvemJ. Salcete Government land; South; Government land and land held ."Taluka." by Xamba Sazro Gaudo; East: Land held by Sazro­ 19. - do - at Kuddiwaddo Deussua, Chinchinim. Salcete Gaudo; West: Government land. Goa. 2) North: Plot held by Xablo Custa Melecar and NaIa; 20. ,-do - at Cobia Pedda, V. P. Orlim VareR, Salcete South: Nala; East: Plot held by xablo Custa Melecar and Go9-. Government land; West: Nala. 21. -do - at Galwaddo of V. P. St. Jose de Areal, Salcete Goa. 3) North: NaJa; South: Government land; East: Govern-: ment land aSSigned to Shri Guzo Esso Mestrl; west: G0- 22. - do -' at Bettyward of V. P. Cave1ossim, Sa1cete vernment land assigned to Babi Vitoba Melecar Gaonkar.. Goa. 4) North: Plot held by Bhingo Madgo Melecar and Xan":' -do- at Mumulem of V. P. Cavelossim, SaIcete 23. taram S .. Melecar; South: Nala and plot held by Caetano­ Goa. J. C. Braganza; East: Plot held by Caetano J. C. Bra­ .24. ....:.- do - at PerserauHm, Salcete Taluka. ganza; West: Nala. 25. - do - at Ravivaddo of V. P. Betalbat1m, Salcete Taluka. Areas: 1) 11955,00 square metres. 2) 51715,00 square metres. 3) -4617,00 square metres. 4) 1557,00 -square metres.. 26. - do - at Pedda Grande~ V. P. Benaulil11, S'alcete -'I'aluka. Annual ground rents-I) Rs. 23-74. 2) Rs. 28-39. 3) . 27. - do - at AmbeaxirYlard Sernabat1m, V. P. cOlva, Rs. 12-47.4) Rs. 3-77. Salcete Taluka. Collectorate of Goa, Panaj-i dated 7th October, 1974.­ Estimateil Oost of the work is as follows: R. Narayanaswami, Oollector of Goa. (1) Rs. 13,081-00; (2) Rs. 8,512-50; (3) Rs. 8,512-50; (4) Rs. 8,512-50; (5) Rs. 8,512-50; (6) Rs. 8,512-50; ••• (7' Rs. 8.. 512-50; (8) Rs. 8.512-50; (9) Rs. 8.512-50; (10) Rs. 8,512-50; (11) Rs. 8,512-50; (12) Rs. 8,512-EO; Finance Department (Revenue) (13) Rs.

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