Allthe News of ~ the pointes Every 1hursd.y Morning rosse Pointe ews Complete News Coverage of All the. Pointes Home of the NeID! Entered as Second Class Matter at The Post Office at DetroIt, Mich. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, JULY 27, 1967 $S.OOPer Year lGePerCopy 16 Pages- Two Seetions-Seetion One .', ' f Planning little League State ---WJLINES Tournament Monday to Linger )Jl1endme?t 0/ tht On Rezomng fEEK ~:.- i CGmPiled b1J the I . .'Long in Memory Turned Down ~ pomte• Ne1DS .__ " Councilman Bodman's Vote Blocks Official Approv- ~y,luly20 I 10f Jittery Pointe al Following Public ~ARY OF THE NAVY ...l1augbtoDwas among Hearing ..... killed Wednes. Police and Fire Departments Well Organized for . The potentially danger- ~jetlin~r collided Action As Nervous Residents Await 1 aalier craftandspira~ed ous racial situation and the i Possible Outbreaks of Violence J ~d, raining bodIes 9o()'clock curfew were not I" summercamps and enough to ke4;!p more than ; :s ThejeUiner was The date W;'J July 24, the weather hot, the air filled 50 interested citizens from ~ II _s Flight 22, a with tension as. the Ci~y of. Detroit fa~ed the second day attending the public hear- I !I'I boUndfromAtlanta of its first major raclal dIsturbance In 24 years. Some ing held Monday night on I. ilion with74 passen. 7,OO~ National Guardsmel~ roamed the streets of Detroit the proposed amendment to : dI rrewof five. Three ' helpIn~ the pollee forc~. Federal Tro~ps were the Grosse Pointe Farms i loom! tile smallercraft, '. called In. FIres, smpers and lootmg were keepmg them Izoning ordinance. ' ; Il,!ine cessnaowned by all busy. 0 The change to the existing f" I Inc, of ~pr~g(ie!d, IllpallY deallDgm aVIa. Here in the Pointe all police IL B de ordinance was, according to L and fire departments were on J,t ,Councilman Benjamin S. War- • rmce, werekilled. one an i' the alert. Extra men were on IH ld U T ren, Jr" an a~tem~t to "keep ••• 'WO peace, be busmesslike' and do duty. A curfew was set, no one I O S what we have to do without t 1V!1AL RAINS, and , was to be on the streets from II D P ' slapping' anybody in the face," 1 :~:~;fo~~~~~iJ ", 9 p.m. until 5:30 a.m. until fur.! n rugstore. a~d ,it dealt with <:ottag~ Hos- ~ IIIlIIcob"ntiesWednes. ; ther notice. And in the distance I p.. al s ~o~nced lDtention to ! I ~ " ~ . .'. J -- seek a buildlDg permit. for ex- i' it: a bandof thunder- <.s the s~und of g~ fIre was beard Hunter PhC'rmacy at 19603 pansion of its 111.'Jed facility. < stnels and basements i '. and It echoed lD our deserted M k S Of R L Mayor Willi' G B tl IIIed and many power I )~li'," t . ac cene OD- am . u er M reported.Hard~st . stree s. bery; Makes Escape broud~ti~tout that ~e most ri~id imt RoyalOak,Royal Meanwhile a full complement I Ex • C con I on on SUCD expanslOD Rip,MadisonHeights, .,,' 'of police were patrolling the n pE!nSlve ar under the existing ordinance 1: ~i~t:d w~~r~~: ...~,...,..."';h~;O"~YEd:d£';\icdr:h. Jr. streets of Gro~se Pointe, in cars A' lone white male held ~a~a::rng n:~~~~tro ~e(ts::~~ IRoyal Oak,with hail The men in charge of the first Little League State ARTHUR H. GETZ, tournament director; RALPH and on foot .•. through the up the Hunter Pharmacy; set at one and a half parking lme of marbl,es. I finals ever held iniGrosse Pointe, scheduled for Augu::;t SANDT, president of the Grosse Pointe Park Little Kercheval and Mack business 19603 Mack avenue, and spaces for each bed, The ex- • • • 4 and 5, are shown discussing details of tht> important League; WILLIAM E. ANDERMAN, chairman ot the areas, through the tree.lined escaped driving west-bound isting ordinance further allows ",au.OLD DAWN .event. Left to right: THOMAS J." THOMPSON, Jr., Advertising Committee,' and AL ANDERMAN, chair. l"l!sidential streets. ' on the Edsel Ford Express- that. up to ,S!! percent of the ;I"""daughtero( Mr. and chairman of the Housing ~.and Banquet Committee; man of the Press Relati.ons Committee.',parking Tactical Units Ready way on Sunday; July 23. met hy userequirementof the publiccould'park-be I Hensonof Midwest I I ------- ~1>-------------I AU the Pointes clos~d service In the stor!! at the time was Iing lot behind the On.the.Hill ~'asdeadon arrival WO° ods Tells IF- f Le L C . t h f Phyllis Jan Hunter who de. \ area if proper access to the IUgencyroomof Chilo IDaIS 0 L-IttIe ague . ast oncert statio~s to preven purc ase 0 scribed the incident to Woods lot is obtained. QIllital,tbe apparent ga~olme. AI~ class C places police officers. She stated th~t Own Mair Road Homes ~gbDindrig"V1a!nlegrraal'(nrabny.,Stor'e Area State Tom-ney To Be Held Of Fest;val which soh~ liquor by the glass at about 3 p.m. a man, approxt. It is common knowledge that ..... ... and SOD and SDM stores which ma~ly 25 ye~rs of age, fi~e f~et *e bospital owns aU the resi. ~'policecar and heli. GJ . I A sold bottled liquor were closed. 10 Inches ~all and welgh~ dential-lots,on its side of Muir :D::m~~:~~, b;~ To' 'f;ean Up At Defer Field in PaI.k s ugust 2 "All local police' s~tions were :~~td ~~ w~~ If~f ~1~~~~itl; road and three lots ~cross the Iohn T.Hensonof 500 bombarded with caUs request- tho f d d k _ stre~t, on (he sa~e .slde as the ------- •• ." . , . a . ID ace. an ar c~m public lot. DemOlishing the ex- t TI:oy,Th~. child ap. Agent For New York Own- Top Four Teams Will Meet In Games On August 4 and Classical GUitarISts Will mg .Information on co~dltlons. m pl~xlon" wearme a gold ItalIan isting residence faT. the pur se o I IIIInto d t I I h I !l ' varIous parts of DetrOIt. Worned knit shIrt and dark blue trou. , . po • [liller~a~a~aUSdel._en ers Given 14 Tickets In 5: Social Events Sehedu ed Io,t W iHier Hote, r erform In Cabaret At- residents who had members of sers entered the store and ap. of ~uiltdltnbgparkin g sp~ces IS r I sandpile wherelJ<: Three' WeeKs;I, Treat"h Site ec ed As Hea dquar ters mosp here In. F'r,e£ th'elr fami'Ii es ~. the !IO. 1ent' proac~ed her asking.. if they wa.!agalnsbroughte presout enbyt zODUlg.James Mas /lying. ened Vv'ith Jailing -------. d R I Auditorium ~reas called Pomte police to sold cigarets. French, of 174 Ridge road, wh~ • • •. Arthur H. Geu, Tournament DIrector, an a ph fmd out the best roules to take He then asked for change for asked why the council did not Sandt, president of Grosse Pointe Park Little League, t~ go to them. They were ad. o~e dollar. Miss Hunter gave let this restriction decide the . 'ridaf,July 21 J. R. Chouinard, agent officially announced that the 1967 Little League cham- Three guitars, candlelight v~s~d to .stay hll11~ because con. hll~ the change and c1o,~edthe issue, a question raised more DE.~1' JOHNSON is for the Mack-7 Shopping pionship tournament will be held in Grosse Pointe Park. and a flowing pU!lchbowl dltions In the not.torn areas register. than once to specialrepresenla. Center, appeared b'3fore Th t t d t FrI' _1a Augu t 4 and Satu will set the scene for the were unpredictable. Pulls Out Gun . Saigon and six other e ournamen a es are u y, s r- Grosse Poinfe Music Festi. At this point the man began However, the council pro- I!nI capitalsto talk Judge Don J. Goodrow, on day, August 5. All games will be played at Defer Field, v11's final prugram of the Stores Set Records looki:::g at mens' cologne, Miss pos~d an .amendme~t to the ~ringtrooplevels in Saturday, J u I Y 22, for Kercheval and Nottingham. 1967 It' th F t' The gro~ery stores w e.r e Hunter went around the counter 70nIJl..i ordinance ~hlch would lAdthepossibilityof violating a Woods ordi- Commenting on the announee.<.!l------------ season. s. e es 1- crowded WIth buyers preparrng to assist him He then ulled restrict the expansion plans of I summitmeeting of nance regarding debris on ment Mr. ~tz s.tated, "This leagne competition. Wval'dScadbaretAevenItng2neXtt, for the possi~le e~ergency. All a gun from' undernea~ his th~ hospital to what they could Il!D allies.The White property. He has received marks the ftrst tIme that the "We wish to salute and are e nes ay, ugus '. a reported theIr blgges~ d~ys. shirt and told Miss Hunter to uildb on that ~roperty owned bDced,at President 14 tickets in three weeks. Little League State finals have indebted to the hundreds of 8:30 p.m. when claSSIcal People were not hoardrng Just bave John L Hunter who was by them that IS bounded by I requfl;~ that Clark Chouinard represents the ever been held in Grosse Pointe. men and women too, who have guitarists Gonzalo Torres, buying ~heir immediate nee~s. in the front ~f the store, come Kerchev~ Muu: and Rid~e _an o( the For. owners, Rosen and Bankhalt~r ~mination games are now be- uns~lIishly dedicated rount1ess Ronald Scallon and A)ex The maJor purchases were mtlk, to the rear.
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