View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by CERN Document Server IC/95/5 hep-th/9501075 1 Lo calization and Diagonalization A Review of Functional Integral Techniques for Low-Dimensional Gauge Theories and Top ological Field Theories 2 3 4 Matthias Blau ' and George Thompson ICTP P.O. Box 586 I-34014 Trieste Italy Abstract We review lo calization techniques for functional integrals which have recently b een used to p erform calculations in and gain insightinto the structure of certain top ological eld theories and low-dimensional processed by the SLAC/DESY Libraries on 18 Jan 1995. 〉 gauge theories. These are the functional integral counterparts of the Mathai-Quillen formalism, the Duistermaat-Heckman theorem, and the Weyl integral formula resp ectively. In each case, we rst intro duce PostScript the necessary mathematical background (Euler classes of vector bun- dles, equivariant cohomology, top ology of Lie groups), and describ e the nite dimensional integration formulae. We then discuss some applica- tions to path integrals and giveanoverview of the relevant literature. The applications we deal with include sup ersymmetric quantum me- chanics, cohomological eld theories, phase space path integrals, and two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory. 1 To app ear in the Journal of Mathematical Physics Sp ecial Issue on Functional Inte- gration (May 1995) 2 e-mail: [email protected] t, [email protected] s-lyo n.fr 3 Present Address: Lab. Physique Theorique, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France 4 e-mail: [email protected] t HEP-TH-9501075 Contents 1 Intro duction 1 2 Lo calization via the Mathai-Quillen Formalism 3 2.1 The Mathai-Quillen Formalism :: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :: 5 The Euler class of a nite dimensional vector bundle :::: ::: :: 5 The Mathai-Quillen representative of the Euler class :::: ::: :: 6 The Mathai-Quillen formalism for in nite dimensional vector bundles 9 2.2 The Regularized Euler Numb er of Lo op Space, or: Sup ersymmetric Quantum Mechanics ::: ::: :::: ::: :: 11 Geometry of lo op space :: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :: 11 Sup ersymmetric quantum mechanics :: :::: ::: :::: ::: :: 12 2.3 Other Examples and Applications - an Overview :: :::: ::: :: 16 The basic strategy - illustrated by Donaldson theory :::: ::: :: 16 A top ological gauge theory of at connections : ::: :::: ::: :: 19 Top ological sigma mo dels : :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :: 21 BRST xed p oints and lo calization ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :: 23 3 Equivariant Lo calization and the Stationary Phase Approxima- tion, or: The Duistermaat-Heckman Theorem 24 3.1 Equivariant Cohomology and Lo calization ::: ::: :::: ::: :: 27 Equivariant cohomology :: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :: 27 The Berline-Vergne and Duistermaat-Heckman lo calization formulae 29 3.2 Lo calization Formulae for Phase Space Path Integrals ::: ::: :: 34 Equivariant cohomology for phase space path integrals ::: ::: :: 35 Lo calization formulae ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :: 36 3.3 Other Examples and Applications - an Overview :: :::: ::: :: 40 Sup ersymmetric quantum mechanics and index theorems :: ::: :: 40 A lo calization formula for the square of the moment map : ::: :: 43 Character Formulae and other applications :: ::: :::: ::: :: 44 4 Gauge Invariance and Diagonalization - the Weyl Integral Formula 45 4.1 The Weyl Integral Formula :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :: 47 1 Background from the theory of Lie groups ::: ::: :::: ::: :: 47 Top ological obstructions to diagonalization :: ::: :::: ::: :: 50 The Weyl integral formula for path integrals :: ::: :::: ::: :: 55 4.2 Solving 2d Yang-Mills Theory via Ab elianization :: :::: ::: :: 57 Some Lie algebra theory :: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :: 57 2d Yang-Mills theory : ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :: 58 References 63 1 Intro duction In recentyears, the functional integral has b ecome a very p opular to ol in a branchofphysics lying on the interface b etween string theory, conformal eld theory and top ological eld theory on the one hand and top ology and algebraic geometry on the other. Not only has it b ecome p opular but it has also, b ecause of the consistent reliability of the results the functional integral can pro duce when handled with due care, acquired a certain degree of resp ectability among mathematicians. Here, however, our fo cus will not b e primarily on the results or predictions obtained by these metho ds, b ecause an appreciation of these results would require a rather detailed understanding of the mathematics and physics involved. Rather, wewant to explain some of the general features and prop erties the functional integrals app earing in this context have in com- mon. Foremost among these is the fact that, due to a large number of (sup er-)symmetries, these functional integrals essentially represent nite- dimensional integrals. The transition b etween the functional and nite dimensional integrals can then naturally b e regarded as a (rather drastic) lo calization of the original in nite dimensional integral. The purp ose of this article is to giveanintro- duction to and an overview of some functional integral tricks and techniques whichhave turned out to b e useful in understanding these prop erties and whichthus provide insightinto the structure of top ological eld theories and some of their close relatives in general. More sp eci cally,we fo cus on three techniques which are extensions to func- tional integrals of nite dimensional integration and lo calization formulae which are quite interesting in their own right, namely 2 1. the Mathai-Quillen formalism [1], dealing with integral representations of Euler classes of vector bundles; 2. the Duistermaat-Heckman theorem [2] on the exactness of the station- ary phase approximation for certain phase space path integrals, and its generalizations [3,4]; 3. the classical Weyl integral formula, relating integrals over a compact Lie group or Lie algebra to integrals over a maximal torus or a Cartan subalgebra. We will deal with these three techniques in sections 2-4 of this article resp ec- tively. In each case, we will rst try to provide the necessary mathematical background (Euler classes of vector bundles, equivariant cohomology, top ol- ogy of Lie groups). We then explain the integration formulae in their nite dimensional setting b efore wemove on b oldly to apply these techniques to some sp eci c in nite dimensional examples like sup ersymmetric quantum mechanics or two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory. Of course, the functional integrals we deal with in this article are very sp e- cial, corresp onding to theories with no eld theoretic degrees of freedom. Moreover, our treatment of functional integrals is completely formal as re- gards its functional analytic asp ects. So lest we lose the reader interested primarily in honest quantum mechanics or eld theory functional integrals at this p oint, we should p erhaps explain whywe b elieve that it is, nevertheless, worthwile to lo ok at these examples and techniques. First of all, precisely b ecause the integrals we deal with are essentially nite dimensional integrals, and the path integral manipulations are frequently known to pro duce the correct (meaning e.g. top ologically correct) results, any de nition of, or approach to, the functional integral worth its salt should b e able to repro duce these results and to incorp orate these techniques in some way. This applies in particular to the in nite dimensional analogue of the Mathai-Quillen formalism and to the Weyl integral formula. Secondly, the kinds of theories we deal with here allow one to study kinemat- ical (i.e. geometrical and top ological) asp ects of the path integral in isolation from their dynamical asp ects. In this sense, these theories are complemen- tary to, say, simple interacting theories. While the latter are typically kine- matically linear but dynamically non-linear, the former are usually dynami- cally linear (free eld theories) but kinematically highly non-linear (and the 3 entire non-triviality of the theories resides in this kinematic non-linearity). This is a feature shared by all the three techniques we discuss. Thirdly, in principle the techniques we review here are also applicable to theories with eld theoretic degrees of freedom, at least in the sense that they provide alternative approximation techniques to the usual p erturbative expansion. Here wehave in mind primarily the Weyl integral formula and the generalized WKB approximation techniques based on the Duistermaat- Heckman formula. Finally,wewant to draw attention to the fact that many top ological eld theories can b e interpreted as `twisted' versions of ordinary sup ersymmetric eld theories, and that this relation has already led to a dramatic improve- ment of our understanding of b oth typ es of theories, see e.g. [5]-[9] for some recent developments. Hoping to have p ersuaded the reader to stay with us, we will nowsketch brie y the organization of this pap er. As mentioned ab ove, we will deal with the three di erent techniques in three separate sections, each one of them b eginning with an intro duction to the mathematical background. The article is written in suchaway that these three sections can b e read indep endently of each other. Wehave also tried to set things up in suchaway that the reader primarily interested in the path integral applications should b e able to skip the mathematical intro duction up on rst reading and to move directly to the relevant section, going back to the more formal considerations with a solid example at hand. Furthermore, ample references are given so that the interested reader should b e able to trackdown most of the applications of the techniques that we describ e. Originally,we had intended to include a fth section explaining the interre- lations among the three seemingly rather di erent techniques we discuss in this article. These relations exist. A nice example to keep in mind is two- dimensional Yang-Mills theory which can b e solved either via a version of the Duistermaat-Heckman formula or using the Weyl integral formula, but which is also equivalent to a certain two-dimensional cohomological eld theory which provides a eld theoretic realization of the Mathai-Quillen formalism.
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