Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 233 / Tuesday, December 5, 2006 / Proposed Rules 70479 part of the vehicle; these items are not amend the standards prior to the DATES: The finding in this document necessarily located in the rear cargo completion of this research would be was made on December 5, 2006. To be area. A ‘‘seat performance failure’’ premature. Additionally, other areas of considered in the 5-year review, includes seat hardware failure, seat concern identified by the petitioners comments and information should be deformed by intrusion or occupant would require substantial research to submitted to us (see ADDRESSES section) impact or other failure mechanism. We address. While the agency may in the on or before March 5, 2007. However, identified one case where an AIS 3+ future consider adding additional we will continue to accept new injury was reported from contact with dummies or unrestrained cargo to its information about any listed species at ‘‘interior loose objects’’ and there was a frontal crash test and/or other programs, any time. ‘‘seat performance failure.’’ We then it is not appropriate to consider ADDRESSES: Data, comments, manually reviewed the individual case rulemaking at this time. In accordance 5 information, or questions concerning file for accuracy in the reporting and with 49 CFR part 552, this completes this petition finding and 5-year review relevancy to the frontal crash test the agency’s review of the petition. should be submitted to the Field procedure proposed. After a careful Authority: 49 U.S.C. 322, 30111, 30115, Supervisor, New Mexico Ecological review of the relevant case file, it was 30117 and 30162; delegation of authority at Services Field Office, 2105 Osuna Road concluded that this was not an incident 49 CFR 1.50. NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87113. where loose cargo from the luggage area You may send your comments by of the vehicle compromised the seat Issued on: November 29, 2006. electronic mail (e-mail) directly to the performance, intruded into the Stephen R. Kratzke, Service at [email protected]. passenger compartment, and caused a Associate Administrator for Rulemaking. The petition, supporting data, and direct injury to the occupants in a [FR Doc. E6–20487 Filed 12–4–06; 8:45 am] comments will be made available for frontal crash. This is not to say that BILLING CODE 4910–59–P there are not anecdotal cases that occur public inspection, by appointment, in the real world. However, our query of during normal business hours at the five years of NASS data yielded no cases above address. matching the above criteria. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Field Supervisor, New Mexico C. Analysis of Petition Fish and Wildlife Service Ecological Services Field Office (see Analysis of the available real world ADDRESSES above) (telephone 505–346– data does not indicate that the 50 CFR Part 17 2525, facsimile 505–346–2542). incidences and severity of motor vehicle SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: occupants injured from unrestrained Endangered and Threatened Wildlife cargo as a direct result of a seat and Plants; 90-Day Finding on a Background performance failure in motor vehicle Petition To Delist the Sacramento crashes is a safety problem that would Mountains Thistle (Cirsium vinaceum) Section 4(b)(3)(A) of the Act (16 warrant an amendment to the Federal and Initiation of 5-Year Status Review U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) requires that we standard at this time. While there may make a finding on whether a petition to AGENCY: be anecdotal cases of displaced cargo Fish and Wildlife Service, list, delist, or reclassify a species intruding into the passenger Interior. presents substantial scientific or compartment and injuring occupants, ACTION: Notice of 90-day petition commercial information indicating that the agency has not been able to quantify finding and initiation of 5-year status the petitioned action may be warranted. the safety problem beyond a review of review. We are to base this finding on the NASS data. More research would be information provided in the petition. To needed to substantiate a correlation SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and the maximum extent practicable, we are between cargo intrusion and occupant Wildlife Service (Service), announce a to make this finding within 90 days of safety resulting from seat deformation or 90-day finding on a petition to remove our receipt of the petition, and publish failure. The petitioners also did not the threatened Sacramento Mountains our notice of this finding promptly in provide any field data demonstrating thistle (Cirsium vinaceum) (thistle) from the Federal Register. such a problem. Furthermore, for the the Federal List of Threatened and Our 90-day finding under section agency to pursue a rulemaking adopting Endangered Plants, under the 4(b)(3)(A) of the Act and § 424.14(b) of the ECE 17 requirement, considerable Endangered Species Act of 1973, as our regulations is limited to a research and testing would be needed amended (Act). We find the petition determination of whether the on the effectiveness of a seat back does not present substantial information information in the petition meets the deflection measurement to reduce indicating that delisting of the thistle ‘‘substantial information’’ threshold. occupant injury and the design and cost may be warranted. Therefore, we will ‘‘Substantial information’’ is defined in of potential countermeasures beyond not initiate a further 12-month status 50 CFR 424.14(b) as ‘‘that amount of the current requirements specified in review in response to this petition information that would lead a FMVSS No. 207. The petitioners did not under section 4(b)(3)(B) of the Act. reasonable person to believe that the provide such information. However, we are initiating a 5-year measure proposed in the petition may review of this species under section be warranted.’’ Petitioners need not IV. Conclusion 4(c)(2)(A) of the Act to consider prove that the petitioned action is After carefully considering all aspects information that has become available warranted to support a ‘‘substantial’’ of the petitions, the agency has decided since we listed the species as threatened finding; instead, the key consideration to deny them. As stated above, the on June 16, 1987 (52 FR 22933). This in evaluating whether or not a petition agency has undertaken research in some will provide the public an opportunity presents ‘‘substantial’’ information areas of concern identified by the to submit new information on the status involves demonstration of the reliability petitioners. Making a determination to of the species. We invite all interested and adequacy of the information parties to submit comments or supporting the action advocated by the 5 NASS–CDS case reference: 2004–049–105. information regarding this species. petition. VerDate Aug<31>2005 14:17 Dec 04, 2006 Jkt 211001 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 E:\FR\FM\05DEP1.SGM 05DEP1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with PROPOSALS 70480 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 233 / Tuesday, December 5, 2006 / Proposed Rules We have to satisfy the Act’s flow. Waters at these sites are rich in determined that grazing and disturbance requirement that we use the best calcium carbonate that often no longer threaten the species, and that available scientific and commercial precipitates out to create large areas of logging has never impacted the thistle. information to make our decisions. travertine (calcium carbonate) deposits, The petition also cites a biological However, we do not conduct additional which occasionally become large bluffs assessment prepared by the Forest research at this point, nor do we subject or hills. Travertine deposits are the most Service (Forest Service 2003, pp. 41–68) the petition to rigorous critical review. common habitats of the thistle. that indicates the thistle’s abundance Rather, at the 90-day finding stage, we On June 16, 1987, we listed the thistle and range have increased since the accept the petitioner’s sources and as a threatened species based on threats species was listed. characterizations of the information, to from water development, grazing, the extent that they appear to be based recreation, logging, and the invasion of Finally, the petitioner disagrees with on accepted scientific principles (such exotic plants (52 FR 22933). A recovery the Recovery Plan’s strategy of as citing published and peer reviewed plan for the species was finalized on encouraging the State of New Mexico to articles, or studies done in accordance September 27, 1993 (Service 1993, pp. adopt water law standards that with valid methodologies), unless we 1–23). recognize the need for preservation of in-stream flow to benefit plants, fish, have specific information to the Review of the Petition contrary. Our finding considers whether and other wildlife (Service 1993, p. 9). the petition states a reasonable case for For this finding, the Service evaluated The petitioner suggests that proactive delisting on its face. Thus, our 90-day the statements and information in the watershed restoration would be a more finding expresses no view as to the petition by comparing these with effective strategy to insure the ultimate issue of whether the species information contained in our files. The availability of water at the springs and should no longer be classified as a Act identifies the five factors to be bogs which provide habitat for the threatened species. We make no considered, either singly or in species. The Petitioner also suggests that determinations as to the currency, combination, to determine whether a the availability of water, air, and accuracy, completeness, or veracity of species may be threatened or sunshine are aspects of the natural the petition. The contents of this finding endangered or whether a listed species world which do not need to be summarize that information that was should be reclassified or removed from guaranteed by the Service before a available to us at the time of the petition the list.
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