Board of School Directors UPNoDvembeAr 202T0 E Highlights New Website Focuses oN District's Growth aNd Quality For the past four years, the Rose Tree Media School District (RTMSD) has beeN The Rose Tree Media prepariNg for the future by developiNg a long-range plan to continue to deliver a Board of School Directors held high-quality educatioNal program while growing as a district community. A new its moNthly Legislative MeetiNg website lauNched this moNth - RoomtoLearNRoomtoGrow.org - is aNother tool oN November 19, 2020 that will provide iNformatioN about the New elementary school building project related to eNrollmeNt demaNds withiN the district. Next Committee MeetiNg: December 8, 2020 District Receives 'CleaN' INdepeNdeNt Audit Next Legislative MeetiNg: The RTMSD received a cleaN opiNioN in an audit of its 2019-2020 school year December 17, 2020 fiNaNces. DuriNg a fiNaNce committee meeting on November 10, 2020, Jeff Kowalczyk from BarbacaNe, ThorNtoN & Company, LLC presented the results of Board of EducatioN the aNNual audit for the period eNdiNg JuNe 30, 2020. At its Legislative Meeting Members oN November 19, the Board voted to accept the unmodified (“cleaN”) audit opiNioN, which coNtaiNed No observatioNs or findings. SusaN HeNdersoN-Utis PresideNt IN other fiNaNcial News, the Board also approved receipt of $193,786.52 iN Theresa NapsoN-Williams CARES Act fuNdiNg. This oNe-time federal fuNdiNg is intended to help districts Vice PresideNt aNd schools respoNd to the impacts of COVID-19. Hillary Fletcher Jackie Gusic WiNter Sports PlaN Approved Shelley HuNt ON a 6-3 vote, the RTMSD Board of School Directors approved the Robert Kelly implemeNtatioN of the PIAA ReturN to CompetitioN PlaN for Sports. The plaN SusaN LayNe iNcludes coNdeNsed seasoNs for basketball, wrestliNg, swimmiNg aNd cheer. Athletes participatiNg iN the wrestliNg program will voluNtarily atteNd school Jim MorrisoN uNder the fully virtual model uNtil 14 days after the last competitioN. The Board Kelly Schaffer also directed that spectator atteNdaNce at wiNter athletic competitioNs be delayed for further review at the December Legislative Board MeetiNg. CouNty StudeNt Board superiNteNdeNts, aloNg with the CeNtral Athletic League, will coNtiNue to discuss RepreseNtatives aNd make decisioNs regardiNg the iNitiatioN/coNtiNuatioN of wiNter sport Ava FiNNegaN schedules. AriaNNa Fowler The district had a successful fall sports seasoN aNd there was No COVID-19 MckeNzie GraNt traNsmissioN amoNg studeNt athletes. For more iNformatioN oN athletic plaNs, please visit the RTMSD ReopeNiNg webpage at SuperiNteNdeNt https://www.rtmsd.org/ReopeNiNg. Dr. EleaNor DiMariNo-LiNNeN CoNtiNued oN Next page Rose Tree Media School District | 308 N. Olive Street | Media, PA 19063 | 610-627-6000 | www.rtmsd.org Equity Update The Board heard a progress report about how the district is advancing its strategic focus on Equity aNd INclusioN. This moNth a small group of stakeholders (students, parents, teachers, administrators) is working with a consultant from the Equity Literacy INstitute to develop a mission and vision statement that supports the Equity work in the district. The Board also heard aN update from student representatives about progress implementing restorative practices at PeNNcrest High School. Approaches such as restorative circles have helped to foster positive relationships, build commuNity, develop empathy aNd provide opportunities to understand individual perspectives about challenging issues. More iNformatioN available at www.rtmsd.org/admiNistratioN/board.
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